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Well, if you want to have some mechanism that allows you to dynamically add subresources, then you should… maybe… ^^
My class autoloader does automatically search for new controllers if it tried to instantiate one and can't find it.
Yes! It worked! Thank you @BartekBanachewicz and @Miszy
Which makes bad requests so slow lol
The goal is that you should be able to add a resource to the api by dropping a controller file into the controller folder
oh, right, so resources don't have to hard-code a route @poke
but in your article controller you do for the category..
for themselves, they don't.
I'm dizzy.
Yeah, but still when used by others…
Hmm...I think I see it now
Would be nice if I could just say $extend = [ CategoryController ], or $extend = [ 'category' ] and it would pick the necessary information from its controller.
But how would that know to use the value from category_id?
why does it have to be called category_id in the first place?
well, I could change it to category in the database, but that's less clear.
It's not a category, it's an id =D
To be truly expandable, you should have it separately handled in the database anyway.
Can't sleep, headache :S
An additional table ArticleExtensions with columns article_id, extension_type, extension_id.
Is caprica dead?
!!are you alive?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Certainly
That way you could drop-in new extensions without having to change your data model, and you would also support many-to-many relationships (e.g. an article could have multiple categories)
@poke interesting
@m59 You should have a data structure that allows flexible relations, kind of like a pile of memory, or a "heap" of memory if you will. Then you can create things that point to other things in any way you want. Such flexible, very wow :D
guys, is [] valid JSON?
My guess is yes
!!> JSON.parse('[]');
@phenomnomnominal []
I’d say yes.
Any combination of arrays, objects and simple types should be.
@BartekBanachewicz json.org it's like 5 train charts.
!!> JSON.parse('"foo"')
@poke "foo"
@phenomnomnominal nice.
!!zalgo JavaScript
@SomeKittensUx2666 J̶̹̲̌̊ͧ̐̄́͠ą̥̙̱̲̘̮̃͛͡͡v̶̭͕̯̉̔͊͟͞ą͈͕̰̖̤̜̣̜̓̂͒̌ͩ̍̕S̼̥̣̀̈́̀̈́͂͌̈́͟͠c̵̻͎̻͉͚ͤ͗̒ͫ̄ͨ̆̎rͫ‌​̗̖̞͎͎̎̅͗̈́i̢̯͔͔̱̩͕ͪ̾ͦ̂́p̨̺͎̘̬̺̓̉̂ͮͅt͉̥̤̞̰ͧ͋͗ͧ̈́́̅̀
!!doge fail,lol
                       very fail
so lol
@CapricaSix you have more rep than over 2 million SO users .... that are people.
@poke any perspective on where the expanded data should go? I don't think there's an official standard..
Not sure what you mean?
This is what I do right now:
// api/articles/1
responseData = {
  main: // article1
  expanded: {
    categories: {
      2: //category 2
var category = responseData.expanded.categories[article.category_id];
Why can’t you merge it into a single object?
If you requested 50 articles and half of them had the same category, that seems like a massive waste.
and if I handle it one way on single items but differently on collections, it can be awkward for the consumer (I've been on the bad end of that)
I'd rather it be a little more verbose but consistent, unless there's a better way.
hmm, well just decide and stick to something then.
Not too bad, then?
By the way, nice to meet you and nice rep =D
Holy cow.
one guy in this class has 17 years of C/C++ experience and helped develop the X window system.
@m59 @poke get a room. :)
@SomeKittensUx2666 how old is he?
@SomeKittensUx2666 hotdamn.
@phenomnomnominal Whyy? :o
@poke oh, just the way @m59 was flirting.
Don't worry about it, I'm from NZ, we find strange things funny.
Not my fault! :o
haste-boot is fucking scary
@BartekBanachewicz Pretty old. He asks a ton of questions. I don't mind, since they're all good ones.
And it's never the same problem twice with him.
also he's the only one covering edge cases
so the Haste example I launched is cool
import Haste
import Haste.Graphics.Canvas
this really looks amazing
Show us the generated code
@copy do you want a sample or full dump?
Full dump
@copy here
@copy I really wonder what you will be able to read from that TBH
Just curious how you would generate things from Haskell, especially considering the lazyness
@copy it uses pony magic with -O2
I don't think Firefox runs pony magic
well it packs it into something we, mere mortals, can run
In O(n) or in O(2^(n!!)) ?
in fast.
Do you know the #omg quicksort in haskell?
I know that quicksort implementations in Haskell are beautiful
@copy iirc you know Haskell or have at least used it at a point, right?
Hey Guys :C
I guess you guys are good at javascript? :3
No, we just write scripts with Java.
(that’s a joke :P)
not sure if joke
I am a c#'er, and I need some help understanding some JS
!!welcome Trontor
@@Trontor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Trontor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
:O okay, I shall, thanks.
heheh @Benjamin ce `onEvent` OnClick $ \_button (x, y) -> do
(ce stands for "canvas element")
Q: How do I get a service to access a variable on the $scope

BatmanI have a controller and variables declared on the $scope. I have two arrays holding objects, one contains available groups, other contains groups the user already belongs go. The function addUserToGroups() makes a call to the server to take the selected groups and add the user to those groups. B...

How do I go about posting code on here?
@Trontor paste, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-K
(no need for CTRL+A btw)
That's what I was thinking, what if it's long code 0.o?
@Trontor I prefer Gist. (for various reasons)
I'll just post the code that I dont really understand,
$("#win_go").html('<form method="post" target="_blank" id="f1" action="' + ("/gridview.php?x=" + ($(this).index() + 1) + "&y=" + ($(this).parent().index() + 1)) + '"><input type="hidden" name="a" value="' + (e.pageX - parentOffset.left) + '"><input type="hidden" name="b" value="' + (e.pageY - parentOffset.top) + '"><input type="submit"/></form>');
Holy moly
@Trontor that's some terrible code
That script runs whenever someone click a cell in a table on a certain site
Not my code :P
$ is jQuery. The #win_go is a CSS selector. Together, $("#win_go") will select the HTML element with the win_go id. Then it will set its HTML content to what’s in that long string. Apparently a whole form.
oh, yes, I understand, basically, what happens is that whenever I click a cell on the site, it opens a new tab, on the tab the parameters are site.com/x=number&y=number
but, it wont work if you just do it manually without actually clicking a cell in the table.
@Trontor I suggest breaking it up into pieces
and only then analyzing
I’m out, good night!
trontor, i'll reorganize that code for you in a sec
Thank's josh
Is it against the rules to mention that my project is just a bot in C# :3
@Trontor we write really stupid stuff here
Like what :P?
@Trontor lorem pizza?
@Bartek is this a PM?
@Trontor yep, but it's out-of-context. Use the arrow at the very far right of the message.
@BartekBanachewicz So I was looking like an idiot talking to himself?
@Trontor nah, not really
people are lazy too :P
structured replies help keep track of the conversations when there are many people around
@BartekBanachewicz So could YOU help me?
@JoshuaLonganecker Were you being sarcastic :(
Thanks a lot, will check it out
someone check to make sure i did the breaks correctly.. it's been a long time since i've done inline HTML templating in JS (with good reason!)
@Trontor TLDR $(this)
@BartekBanachewicz ?
@Trontor this changes its value depending on from where the code is called
@BartekBanachewicz I don't know JS/jQuery remember :P
if it's an element event handler, this will contain the element
@BartekBanachewicz changes what/who's value?
fwiw does anyone have any ideas for a small, non-trivial web app? i have a team meeting this weekend and i wanted to demo a cool project that's not going to work out
@JoshuaLonganecker I've been working on a price comparator lately
So Josh, if I understand correctly, the code opens a new window, sending post values?
i was making an app that would scrape youtube for videos with 0 views, built out the backend and everything, and finally heard back from them that the query i wanted to run isn't one they'd allow me to run
@Trontor it fills the html with the form
which is a particularly terrible way of doing that
it's a curious snippet of code
what happens is it inserts a form inside the element with that id
there are a few hidden input fields that keep track of the X and Y coordinates of the form on the page
It's from a PTC site I want to bot because it's just stolen code that most PTC sites advertise as their own
if you click on the input button that is visible (type submit), it causes the form to be processed
@Trontor you can just send POST data to /gridview.php and achieve the same effect, really
but is there a visible input?
excuse me, again?
unless it is styled to be hidden
i'd have to see the code in action to make complete sense of it
@BartekBanachewicz so IT CAN be done with post, thanks :P
yea, it's hidden
the difference between get and post is that GET adds parameters to the URL
@BartekBanachewicz hillarious: s3.amazonaws.com/land1/gladbux.mp3
Yes, I've done some php, thanks :D
ok, ok
i wish i knew php as well as i knew js
but i'm learning node.js, so it all shakes out in the end
@JoshuaLonganecker trust me, you don't
i didn't say i want to learn it ;)
Is it hard being as good as you guys
but if i woke up tomorrow and knew it, that would be alright by me
it just takes time
codecademy is a great resource to learn
I only started remotely programming last year, when I was 13, now I'm 14 and I want to expand past C#, but I haven't actually learnt advanced C#
Do I need to escape an _ in a regex?
i've been doing JS dev almost exclusively for 2 years now, and have had many learning headaches and allnighters to get here now
the worst is knowing how much more there is out there to learn
exactly, it scares me sometimes, makes me nervois
I want to dive into C++, but it looks much harder than c#
@Trontor why would you want to learn c++?
@BartekBanachewicz Seems like people frown on C#, my I.T teacher prefers C++, he says it gets more jobs
i feel like there are better languages to learn, if you're looking for jobs
especially satisfying ones
@BartekBanachewicz and it seems like you can make better things in it, for example, game hooks/hacks
Should I learn C++ or learn some web languages?
have you looked at average salaries for web dev vs. regular comp sci?
Nope, I'm 14, even if I did, I'd have no clue or standards
well i would say web is easier to get into
lemme find an article quick
@Trontor dunno if that's "better"
Java seems tempting, I like C# type syntax
Although, it'd be nice for someone to explain the difference between jQuery, Java, and JavaScript
@Trontor Java doesn't have anything C# doesn't have
@Trontor Java is a managed language used on a JVM platform and Android. Javascript is an interpreted language used mostly in browsers. jQuery is a javascript library.
if you're learning this kind of stuff now at 14, you're going to go far no matter what you end up studying. to be honest, i don't think anyone learns just one language. we're curious and pick up new languages just by our given nature
Thanks, I started some PHP and I was surprised how easy it was to grasp it's syntax and keywords because I knew C#
but with web, there just seem to be more opportunities to get further on fewer resources. Anyone can visit a website, not everyone will download and install a program for example
@BartekBanachewicz darkcomet is written in java :D
@Trontor I'm not sure if this is true anymore.
@phenomnomnominal What isn't?
See the little arrow on the left? It will highlight the message I replied to
@Trontor eh childish toys
I don't think learning C++ will get you more jobs.
Really? If so, that's great, I'd rather stick with C# and expand my knowledge on it
if you want a job in C++ you need to be really good at it
like, better to get a decent job in C#
Do programmers get lots of $$, I like $$
define lots
It is a well paid industry
Better than most, not as good as some.
Enough that I'd have a good working experience without a lot of money troubles, I like programming because it's challenging
Good Angular book suggestions?
@Trontor There are very few programmers who make $$$ and were in it for the $$$
The vast majority of us do it because it's fun.
ng-book is kind of the goto
^ @SomeKittensUx2666, pretty sweet angular book.
i'm thinking it's a little hefty and poised to go out of date
So I've heard, wanted to double check.
egghead.io is a better resource
Yes, fun fun fun, I don't really mind the $$$, but I just want to know that Programming is a good profession that I can sustain off
@phenomnomnominal You like?
oh. ng-pun
ng-megalol. over.
i am in utah right now, just went to NgConf last weekend. met the author, nice wise bald guy
I'll have to look into it
in my copious two-fulltime-jobs for the next two weeks time.
if you want to learn something really cool, look at angular fire when you get a chance
Neat, but I've never really been into backend-as-a-service
i just like the responsiveness
is the postdata that is sent when I click a cell, confused a bit :3
up to 50 concurrent users is free, and you get a database with all the bells and whistles with 5 lines of code
Yeah, it's a really cool idea
and automaticly sync data between one client, the server, and all other active clients
I just prefer backend programming
So it's kinda taking the joy out of coding.
I'd LOVE to work for Firebase
i'm only starting to learn backend, so it's a godsend for me
they're hiring, ya know ;)
except I've got two fantastic jobs right now, and I think the wife would complain if I got a third.
@Trontor, that's cray
@JoshuaLonganecker got a skype or something? If you're willing to help me out a bit
i have some projects to figure out myself, unfortunately
and I'm off!
that's fine, I'll try it myself :P
I have to parse the search strings from our main site to make them work on our mobile site. There are SIX different ways that they handle properties on items. Just fucking fuck.
@phenomnomnominal lol, people must be mean in NZ =D
I was just being kind!
Most people are nice?
Actually no, people suck.
hehe, I was just saying, if you took my minor complement as flirting...
@m59 haha oh yeah, if you say hi to someone here, it's basically an invitation for sex.
This makes no sense at all :C
var offsetLeft = (e.pageX - parentOffset.left);
var offsetTop = (e.pageY - parentOffset.top);
<input type="hidden" name="a" value="' + offsetLeft + '">' +
<input type="hidden" name="b" value="' + offsetTop + '">'
Sends post data of aa:602c4db87ea863d6974a730ccf608b348be1cd68fbb1d9d40d60edc56f2adbee
@phenomnomnominal hahaha
1 hour later…
@phenomnomnominal hi ;)
@rlemon, DTF?
Where do I sign the release form?
Nice. Purple link.
hi guys :)
@phenomnomnominal WHY IS MY ANGULAR BREAKING
odd, no vibration
but no alert either
you'll have the API, but you might be on silent?
I'm on my PC
It went out into Chrome in 32
But I now know what I'm doing for Valentines day
Nothing on Nexus 7, Incredible can't API
Works on Nexus 5
Anyone knows how to use Worker in AS3? Do you need to be using Flex SDK for it?
Could someone chime in a comment here?
A: What a way preferred to serve AngularJS partials?

m59Accessing them directly would be typical. If this is dangerous, there is a problem with your files. There should never be anything that requires authorization in a template file. If someone accesses them directly, they should simply see useless html and not any sensitive content!! If you do have...

This guy is convinced that an attacker accessing html files with no sensitive data in them in dangerous.
it makes me wonder why he asked the question....
Or you could just lie and post an answer affirming how totally dangerous it is and get the accept =D
@phenom I think it's 'navigator.notifications.vibrate()' for iOS
and wow to this
A: CSS style as color attribute on font tags

JayDeep Nimavatu can also try this <html> <body> <font color="#FF0000">Red</font> <BR> <font color=green>Green</font> <BR> <font color="#FFD700">Gold</font> </body> </html> for more color's code u can view this color's code

Q: Moving objects between two arrays

BatmanI have two lists formed from an array containing objects. I'm trying to move objects from one list to the other and vice versa. Controller: spApp.controller('userCtrl', function userCtrl($scope,userService,groupService){ //Generate list of all users on the SiteCollection ...

welp, there goes my sleep tonight
@Jhawins are you sure thats not phonegap or something?
@m59 do much with angular?
i was just at the angular.js conference last weekend
i've dabbled in it, trying to build my first real non-trivial angular app
tying it to firebase too
I don't know firebase at all, but that shouldn't matter if you want me to check out your code.
the idea just dawned on me, working through the code in my head before i start typing any down. it's frustrating coming from backbone, sometimes
Actually, I recommend writing immediately.
Write your view first.
It's TDD.
make it work, then refactor it into something reasonable later?
Writing the view first tends to help avoid doing more in the controller than really needs to be there
Probably not - it's a cool thing with how well angular works. You probably can just write the view straight through and not touch it again
haha, that sounds like a challenge
Nah, don't overthink it :)
my first first angular app was pretty rubbish
I'm just trying to make a point, I guess.
The view shows all of the intent
mind if i just talk my way through the app i'm trying to build? usually explaining the process is what helps it make sense when it comes time to create the code
So, if you just write it out, it tells you exactly what you need to wire up in the controller. Then if you wire up the controller, you'll know exactly what services you need (all that logic/ajax should be abstracted)
@JoshuaLonganecker go for it.
it's an idea for a time-killer for when people are at events and waiting for the band to get set up, or the game to start. most people have a smart phone, most arenas, class-rooms, etc. have a projector of some sort. why not a game that everyone can play together?
i have included the jquery plugins like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/html/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://malsup.github.io/jquery.corner.js">
<script src="$javascript_folder/jquery_roundcorner.js"></script>

this is my jquery_roundcorner.js

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#navigation li').corner("round 6px");
$('#navigation a').corner("round 6px");

iam geting following error on browser console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'corner' jquery_roundcorner.js:6
check your network tab and make sure the libraries are loaded
the game is simple - 4 castles on the screen, one of them is yours. click on an enemy castle to launch a cannon ball at them, click on your castle to recover health. lose all your health, and the game is over. you can't shoot any more cannon balls, and your screen turns red so your friends around you know you lost. winner's team phones' screens turn their castle's color
can you bin that spam post also?
!!tell sudheerkumar format
@sudheerkumar Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
so there are two views - the game view, which is being projected onto the screen, handles animations, shows health, etc. since a desktop browser can handle all the animations going on
i have included the jquery plugins like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/html/js/jquery/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://malsup.github.io/jquery.corner.js">
<script src="$javascript_folder/jquery_roundcorner.js"></script>

this is my jquery_roundcorner.js

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#navigation li').corner("round 6px");
$('#navigation a').corner("round 6px");

iam geting following error on browser console:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'corner' jquery_roundcorner.js:6
and the client view, on their phone. they get the same interface they see on the screen, just no animations so it runs better - firebase is the glue that holds it all together. it binds the crowd's actions to the projector's display
heh, in this case, the view thing is probably out :(
i know.. it is a bit more complicated, but that's the point
<div castle="user" ng-click="fire"></div>
i want to build something non-trivial
I doubt that would be it
First screen rendered _^^....
<div castle='castle1' ng-click='fire'></div>
..i do think i have enough to get started
i'll build out the client first, it'll be easier to bootstrap in 'game states' to test functionality is working
going to avoid view for now, behavior is complicated enough that they shouldn't exist on the same page in this instance
welp, off to not get any sleep
and much thanks
what are you talking about
Nobody says "much thanks" except for Doge
I say that.
@JoshuaLonganecker night! I want to check it out when you get further along!
What editor do you guys prefer to code Javascript?
IntelliJ IDEA
Which is WebStorm with other stuff
What's Capricas "this or that" command?
anything with "or" in it
!!a or b
@phenomnomnominal a
I was watching this video and it reminded me of current situation in this chat
Youtube is blocked at my office :/
Q: how to resolve Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'corner' in jquery?

sudheer kumariam using jquery round corner plugin in lifray theme in order to add round corner functionality in all kind of browsers, including IE6 to IE8. i have included the jquery round corner plugin in portla_normal.vm like this <head> <title>$the_title - $company_name</title> <script type="text...

@m59 programming naked
!!programming naked or clothed?
@CapricaSix you like to party.
!!@Wes-side or Eas-side?
@m59 @Wes-side
Except that probably didn't ping Wes and I don't know if that makes sense outside of America..
I think someone just revenge-DV'd my answer stackoverflow.com/questions/21250478/…
Hey anyone here know about jqplot
I need a help badly..
Q: jqplot Line chart not working properly in IE

DilanGI have Line chart plotted using jqplot. In chrome it is working properly as expected. But in IE it is not working properly. Here is my code for drawing the chart. var plot1 = $.jqplot(dev, data, { animate: true, animateReplot: true, axes:{ ...

@DilanG We saw your message the first time. If someone's interested, they'll have a look. Spamming the room isn't going to help
@monners sorry for the repeating, I just wanted to tell this is about jqplot in the second time because there might be people who is interested on jqplot otherthan clicking unknown link.. :D
@m59 I'm naked!
and programming?
well no
Pushing a commit?

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