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@OctavianDamiean then u must be capable of teeling me the answer that how does they apply colors
@BenjaminGruenbaum Finally I can masturbate to IE
@Zirak nothing stopped me before
@DeepuSA I'm capable enough to tell you to get off this chat spamming us with that question and checkout the source code already.
Oh yea, and don't waster your time on the image map, it's nothing to do with what you're asking.
There I was helpful.
there should be a V for Vendetta 2
they need to make more carebear movies
@OctavianDamiean ok
they should also bring back gummi bears
@GeoPhoenix you can edit chat messages within 120 seconds of posting them by either clicking on edit or hitting the up arrow key. ← no shit Sherlock!
or just hit up arrow
@rlemon do you have any suggestions?
@DeepuSA listen to Octavian
who flagged that??!
Oh my oh my.
Who flagged that?
@rlemon yes but didn't got the anwer
the answer is to do it on your own, no one here is going to reverse engineer a script for you
@rlemon ok tahnks
@BenjaminGruenbaum Someone with rectal pains me assumes.
now back to the important matters. who is the damn dirty flagger o_O... i'm looking for you....
flag abuse is a real problem. we should make rubber bracelets about it
And a silent protest!
And some brownies!
I like brownies. :D
@Lugia101101 Wanna come visit me? I have a pile of brownies in my basement. said in a Herbert-like voice
Want a popsicle? mm-mm
@OctavianDamiean thanks for down voting it
Uhm, I didn't but you're welcome.
Who would have thought, a bad question can attract down-votes. This is a mind blowing discovery.
You need to blog about this, quick, to Tumblr!
If somebody knows Ruby and wants easy (not stupid) points
Q: Rails, HTML to JSON?

jameswGiven a static HTML page, is there an automated way to generate json? For a large website that contains a lot of static HTML I am wanting to generate json for RSS feeds and search functionality and am looking for a way to convert HTML to json. I could obviously write json templates for every pa...

@OctavianDamiean if some body is unable to anwer a question, judging it as a bad question simple solves the answer. well u can blog it too
does anyone know, if you can access .NET classes from JScript.NET ? found some related questions, but no luck
What's JScript.NET?
@DeepuSA I'm out of failure potions, I'll craft some later on.
@DeepuSA in fact once I read the question I downvoted it
AND close voted it
because it doesn't fit the QandA format of the site
there is no isolation
there is no effort
also i have one more suggestion . You should also keep a banner that beginners to programming people are not allowed in this site
@OctavianDamiean Can you do something for me? You need to get on TS.
@DeepuSA You can't just put a wall of Code in a question, and hope some random user puts his precious time on the line, crawling through that mess, doing the work you should have done before asking the question.
can anyone confirm for me that when you sign up for the site you are guided with "what types of questions may I ask" and example questions?
is that still a thing?
@KendallFrey I'm on a tight schedule for the next three or so hours.
It'll only take 1 minute
Is it important?
because a lot of people seem to think we are mean because they didn't follow instructions and we are doing what we should do for those cases
Not very
@rlemon at least it was when i signed up 1.5 years ago.
@rlemon i accept that it is a thing. But we(beginners) expect a lot more. Keep in mind that every came through the beginner stage
yup! and in that beginner stage when I made mistakes I took the time to figure out where I went wrong instead of passing the blame to the people who called out my mistakes
@rlemon ok thanks.
@DeepuSA keep in mind that not everyone behaved like you in his beginner stage.
Oh yea, and I was arrogant even as a beginner.
The up/down vote system is not just about rep, it is the quality control mechanism for Stack Overflow
@OctavianDamiean You did better than most of these: youtube.com/watch?v=ejuK8_12Fmg
nothing more or less
1 upvote clears 5 downvotes (10?)
@KendallFrey what the hell?
Jellyfish!? How are they so stupid?
I ... I just can't watch it.
@OctavianDamiean so wait.. can you say it?
Not sure how well my attempt was, ask Kendall.
I'll just wait in TS alone for 6 hours
it is probably better
posted on November 08, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Emails yelling at me will commence in 3... 2... 1...

Oh now I understand why that guy thought that it means jellyfish!
Actually, no.
@rlemon He's pretty good, but still funny.
@Feeds rofl @ the red button
@OctavianDamiean if you are on later (@KendallFrey as well) I will give you my best try at saying "Eichhörnchen"
@OctavianDamiean What was you initial thought why he could've thought squirrel means jellyfish ?
someones got to record @rlemon saying Eichhörnchen
@rlemon This I wanna hear.
I have no idea how to pronounce German.
@C5H8NNaO4 maybe because of the qua part in Qualle but it doesn't really sound alike either so I have no idea.
but I will try!
> ze quicken browniche foxenburg jumpenzeil overheiur da lahzien doggespeil
Fun fact, a lot of German speaking people have difficulties pronouncing "Eichhörnchen". :)
I guess Eichhörnchen could be quite difficult, for not native german, to pronounce
@FlorianMargaine Hahahaha
> Now hold on tight: according to the experts' summary, the firmware responsible for handling this task and implemented as a superstructure over a real-time operating system contained... eleven thousand global variables.
Get rlemon to say the Danube steamship captains hat word
@C5H8NNaO4 I've heard enough native speakers pronounce it as Einhörnchen. Made me laugh at lot.
:D i just thought about Einhörnchen a few minutes ago too :D Pretty Hilarious
@KendallFrey Donaudampferkapitänsmütze?
I'm pretty sure I can pronounce "shit" in German.
Oh yea, just to clarify why Einhörnchen is so funny. It translates to little unicorn.
shouldn't it be Schifffahrt ?
Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitän (seit der Rechtschreibreform 1996, und damit erst nach Auflösung des Unternehmens: Donau­dampfschifffahrts­gesellschafts­kapitän) war eine inoffizielle Bezeichnung für einen Kapitän der von 1829 bis 1991 existierenden Donau­dampfschiffahrts­gesellschaft (DDSG). Das Wort ist ein populäres Beispiel für die Bildung von Mehrfachkomposita in der deutschen Sprache, neben künstlichen (aber grammatisch korrekten) Bildungen wie Donau­dampfschiffahrts­elektrizitäten­hauptbetriebswerk­bauunterbeamten­gesellschaft. Gesc...
how do you say "matchbox" in german?
> Streichholzschachtel
Good morning ppl
I just typed that damn word!
!!> "Donau­dampfschiffahrts­elektrizitäten­hauptbetriebswerk­bauunterbeamten­gesells‌​chaft".length
@OctavianDamiean 84
Not bad
Its 42 * 2
That's gonna be my next internet handle.
Because it's short, concise and easy to remember, not to mention read.
This morning, I had to do a hg backout tip. I felt a little dirty.
What is "sells‌​chaft"? Is it a male prostitute?
@KendallFrey Gesells‌​chaft - company
Way to spoil the joke
@KendallFrey No, that would be Beamter.
@FlorianMargaine I just got the weirdest boner.
<-- is German now
ohh yea who else is doing movember
@OctavianDamiean ...I don't want to know.
mines coming a long nicely.
@rlemon no shave november?
no fap november?
almost noticeable
@ThiefMaster The ultimate challenge
@rlemon I'm doing movember the entire year.
no summer november is usually harder.
@OctavianDamiean prove it
I do movember minus the neckbeard.
prove it!
@Loktar video plx
isnt up yet :(
From two weeks ago.
from ten seconds ago
@rlemon nice pic
not much
@rlemon that's not a beard...
i'm native american
It's a rlemon beard. Don't make fun
that is 8 days strong
even Kendall has more than you
@rlemon You look weird
oh, I can be on TS for a bit
Oh hai
@OctavianDamiean not loading
i'm trying to raise an eye brow
@FlorianMargaine reload the page. Ubuntu One can be a bitch at times.
yeah, just did. Pretty little beard.
that is @OctavianDamiean fat face pic
Q: Testing HTML5 canvas games on low resource computers

SamI've made a game in HTML5 & JS and want to test it on varying types of user setups as I've heard it doesn't perform too well on older MacBooks. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to accomplish this? I'm thinking of something like browserstack.com but for GPU, CPU and Memory testin...

@OctavianDamiean there, you can make fun of this pic
jesus get a haircut
it looks like an ocean plant is draped over your forehead
@SimonSarris scroll up like 15 messages
oh phew
you look great
Time for a cut here too
@Jhawins Dude, you're freaking me out
dude, lay off the acid
You're tripping balls man
I wish Nah
Holy shit there's a hoola-hoop in here and I never noticed until I looked at that picture!
@Jhawins go play with it and tape it.
Time to use my onebox minimizer
@rlemon Dang. Don't go to work on shrooms.

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