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@C5H8NNaO4 I see, so you're jelly you don't have a beard?
I can understand you, I was just like you a couple of months ago.
I just gets beards out of laziness.
There's a random 1" spot on the right side of my face that just doesn't grow. Ever. So even though this is just out of laziness I look like I shaved a small area out of it. It's symmetrical.
@Octavian Nah i'm wearing a beard right now, because i'm one of a lazy bitch
@saideshkilaru Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jhawins That spot is under my chin
Ha. Even better.
!!awsm Hey how's it going
@Jhawins Hy hw's i gng
HEY @OctavianDamiean
My chin grows, and my double chin grows, but not the space in between
knew it
!!pizza 800 800
Damn that looks good.
!!pizza 42 69
@Zirak is predictably unpredictable, and unpredictably predictable.
How would one go about change the direction of a jquery fold effect?
They dont seem to give an option for it?
From left to right?
I love wiggling these 7400rpm external drives around. Even just holding the top with two fingers they just won't flop over.
You mean the gyroscope effect?
That's what she said?
@KendallFrey Yup. I was building my own stabilizer for the motorcycle (purely as an experiment) before my valves guides decided to give up.
^what an applerony
@AbhishekHingnikar :_(
I don't know who the second guy is. But I wouldn't even know Steve Jobs by face if he didn't parade around on stage a few times a year in a black turtle neck.
@Jhawins :_(
Wait. Is it also Steve Jobs. Because I know he used to look fat. //kidding, not that stupid
@rlemon good god
@Jhawins Dennis Ritchie, best known as co-inventor of C and Unix
@rlemon looks legit
Wouldn't think that was him if he wasn't in the turtle neck with an iPod.
He's the R in K&R
@Zirak C and unix suck. All hail Algol and whatever came before unix because no one has any idea.
!!stone rlemon
@Jhawins That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: clone
"check this shit out, an mp3 player that has a spinny wheel!! Everyone buy this!"
Ok sure that works.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Didn't Windows always exist?
!!clone rlemon
git clone [email protected]:Zirak/SOChatBot.git
Not what I expected.
amazing beard
OMG Zirak grow one of these:
@KendallFrey No fake beards!
@mabi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Weird Al haha. Where has he been the last few years. I think it's just the fact that now days, music makes fun of itself.
something is not right here ...
@AbhishekHingnikar The other 3 steps of compilation
exactly ! I was like this is surely missing something
preprocess! compile! assemble! link!
@AbhishekHingnikar Is it the .exe part?
c, i, s, o, exe!
I think that's right...
I'm only working right now because no one else could be here today and they called me in to answer phones. So far, no phones, but lots of Facebook, The Flaming Lips and chocolate.
Note how the compiler is a black box. The user, especially at such a basic level, doesn't need to know the steps of compilation. Just that source goes in one side, and an executable comes out the other.
@RyanKinal i dont think in that executable-binary the file format matters does it ?
Also, the executable isn't really binary
@AbhishekHingnikar No idea
@Zirak enlighten us
uh, it's just not. It's in assembly.
It's been a long time since I've actually payed attention to compilers
It's not binary instructions
Whatever it is...I'm pretty sure it's not binary
@RyanKinal according to the docs you can do that
@Zirak it is
@Zirak it should be
an executable file is in binary anyway
@Zirak It's binary if you write it as binary. hex if hex
@AbhishekHingnikar ... do... what... ?
@RyanKinal get a .exe out
It's just a string of bytes at the lowest level
Well yeah, it depends on what executes it
@AbhishekHingnikar Well, yeah, if you're on Windows.
My response was a joke ;-)
@RyanKinal no... you are on windows right
try compling without specifying the .exe
and then run it through cmd-prmpt ... pls :D
Apparently a poorly-received joke
when linux meets the ELF header, it knows it's an executable file, and sends the file to the processor. The binary data is readable by the processor as asm
@AbhishekHingnikar I'm fairly certain you can also name it butt.sex, just like you can name it with an exe on unix
!urban lagit
I've literally never run a C(++) compiler on Windows.
@Zirak same
@RyanKinal just install gcc
making websites is boring
Not the point.
I want to work on my parser ~~
Work on your parser. Figure out how it is relevant to your website afterwards
It's not that I don't know how to compile on windows. It's that I never have. And I'd rather not.
Appease your mind
@AbhishekHingnikar You get a.out, right?
Mornin y'all and happy friday!
!!urban legit
@Ale [legit](http://legit.urbanup.com/214109) Real.
Meaning: Not fake or Real(Cool).
Seems legit
@minitech should I work on the website that the client paid for, or the parser that is for my fun?
@FlorianMargaine What’re you parsing?
knowing that I'm currently being paid by my employer paid by the client.
I should include an example in there...
Tell me it’s a templating engine. I love those.
you can nest templates as much as you like
So like blocks and includes.
@FlorianMargaine … a function?
@minitech to declare many variables in the scope of the current function?
well show me please :|
@FlorianMargaine No, e.g. var match = function(re) { var x = data.match(re); return x && x.index; };
I don't see how that helps in the code shown above to return a boolean
I need the matches and the indexes later
Ahh. Well :|
anyway the parser is pretty ugly right now
I'm just trying to make it work before refactoring.
Mmm. Anyways, don’t other template engines already have those two features?
@KendallFrey just transistors working like booleans, which is read as binary, which can then be read as anything else you want. From the core it has to be interpreted as binary, so no. Not hex if you write it as hex. :P
Unless they’re going for something super-minimalist, it’s kind of necessary
other template engines make partials a pita
@Jhawins But the chips are interpreting it in 256-ary.
I’ll just go ahead and vy for this one again github.com/charmander/razorleaf
Which, although indentation-based, is pretty average…?
there are other reasons: client/server model to allow fast (re-)compilations, compatibility with a java soft we're using at work
The first humanly (efficient) interpretable output is binary. The very concept of storing data functions entirely around binary storage. Whether the chips interpret it as something else doesn't really change anything.
@minitech partials look like a pita there, once again
@FlorianMargaine I’m not sure I understand what a partial is, then.
including a template in another template
I believe it is done in Razor Leaf as include template
by passing variables as arguments
@Jhawins You could also argue that the source code is already binary
Oh. Define a function.
@KendallFrey Of course it is.
it's templates.
there's no function
Quick question: what do you guys think about reifying thunks in JavaScript?
It's just being represented with characters/symbols that we interpret from binary.
So your templates take parameters?
@Jhawins I like to argue that we are no more programmers than our users are.
@AaditMShah What is a thunk
We have some pretty fucking stupid users.
@FlorianMargaine So they’re entirely static templates, then?
Last week someone called and was saying they couldn't get a form to submit. I said "Does it give you an error?" and the person said "Yes, it says I didn't give it a phone number but I don't want to. Why won't it work without it" insisting that normally a form works when you don't fill out required information. Saying my form must be broken by stopping her from submitting without all of the needed information.
A: More succinct delayed evaluation than function(){return x}?

Aadit M ShahI my humble opinion I think you're looking at this problem from a wrong perspective. If you're creating thunks manually then you need to consider refactoring your code. In most cases thunks should be: Either returned from lazy functions. Or created by composing functions. Returning Thunks fro...

A thunk is a construct for implementing lazy evaluation.
@Jhawins Here's a challenge for you. Define what a programmer is.
@KendallFrey Someone who programs. Program is a verb. Programmer is a noun. Defining program next..
!!wiki programmer
A programmer, computer programmer, developer, coder, or software engineer is a person who writes computer software. The term computer programmer can refer to a specialist in one area of computer programming or to a generalist who writes code for many kinds of software. One who practices or professes a formal approach to programming may also be known as a programmer analyst. A programmer's primary computer language (C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python etc.) is often prefixed to the above titles, and those who work in a web environment often prefix their titles with Web. The term programmer ca...
BTW how are you @minitech? How is Canada at this time of the year?
!!define programming
@minitech yes
@AaditMShah Novembery
@Jhawins program A set of structured activities.
@Jhawins programming Present participle of program.
@minitech You're Canadian?
@Zirak I also want the matches
@CapricaSix lol
@FlorianMargaine How do they take parameters? Sorry, I am just not getting this.
@KendallFrey Yep!
@FlorianMargaine Then return both
Damn this isn't working. Too many definitions for each word. Silly English.
@minitech Where do you live?
@KendallFrey Vancouver Island, BC!
@Zirak how?
@KendallFrey (canadian-p @minitech)
@minitech Cool. I live in S. ON
@minitech the "beginput" are the variables you pass
I can’t help reading that as “beg input”
@minitech on the other side (in the included template), you use "beginparam" github.com/Smile-SA/fast-archetype/blob/master/…
I live just far enough away from rlemon
@FlorianMargaine oh c'mon, you know how
@FlorianMargaine I usually accomplish that with blocks
@Zirak without declaring my wall of variables? I don't
@minitech what?
I actually don’t know whether they work in RL, though :P Never had to try it.
and anyway, it's closer to static site generators than a template engine
Wait, sorry, that was a terrible example. I made the title static in that project.
But it still replaces blocks, anyways.
I don't understand your example, all I see is whitespaces
Are you joking about me using tabs, or is that serious?
/me will be back
ah I see
yeah that could be an idea
that's not really great though :|
@Zirak except if I use an object to hold all those variables, and then use some dynamic string in bracket notation, that wouldn't work
@Dips Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am offensively hungry and it's not even 11..
@CapricaSix hi
Can any one know about core java ?
@Dips Yes, any one can know about core Java.
@AaditMShah u have know how make jasper report using swing in java
@Dips you're asking about Java in a JavaScript room? You have no fear my man.
@Dips You are in the wrong room. Walk away before you're bullied.
@Dips Try asking in the Lounge<C++> room they all know.
@AaditMShah i have to ask cos their is no one in java room so i have to come here..
@Dips But why here and not the Lounge<C++>
@Dips Just a disclaimer: almost everybody, if not everybody, out here hates Java.
I'm guessing because JavaScript has Java in it, thus he made a connection not know the differences? Iunno. Just a guess.
@Dips why here?
because javascript has "java" in its name?
@FlorianMargaine you bastard
I just got your g+ comment
you know... Java is to JavaScript what ham is to a hamster
@rlemon 2.9
@FlorianMargaine that should be the room title.
I had the most curious experience a few years back when my mom blurted out in an interview that I love programming in Java.
or car to a carpet...
@AaditMShah what?
@AaditMShah And why was your mom in the interview?
lol what?
.. mother of god
> Mom I have an interview, need some support
Maybe she was one of his references.
a few years back === when you were 11?
@KendallFrey It was a parent-child joint interview.
I'm guessing tele/video interview
> Ill be there honey
mom was in the background trolling her son
@AaditMShah Never heard of it
like all good parents should
warning: Aadit is 15, right now
eff that @rlemon I want my kids to get a job lol
I can't even.. no..
@Loktar but wouldn't you also take the first opportunity to troll them ???
@FlorianMargaine 21
@AaditMShah at school?
> Wow Dad Im so sick of you taking my jobs
@FlorianMargaine A few years back === -2 years.
> well son, stop being a bloody noob then
oh he's 21. My bad.
@FlorianMargaine I am 21 right now.
@AaditMShah what kind of interview is that anyway?!
I guess my dad was there for my interview as well, though I never was formerly interviewed.
It was a career counseling interview.
my mother doesn't even know where I work :?
My mother doesnt even know how I work it
@rlemon my mother doesn't even know what I do.
My mother doesn't even know you.
my mother doesn't even know me
but I dont' talk to my family much
The counselor suggested that I get into software engineering. I want to study theoretical computer science. The counselor didn't know the difference.
so that isn't surprising
@Loktar likes to work it work it
I always tell my wife in the heat of the moment how proud my mom would be of me if she could see me now.
I should stop fucking about with computers she says, get a real job.
@AaditMShah Theoretical CS is awesome, until it comes to that theoretical paycheck.
my family thinks i'm wasting my life on computers... until theirs break.
I am wasting my life on computers
> Give us some of that internet monay. Yeah! What about that internet monay?!
can I exchange bitcoins versus dollars if I have bitcoins?
@KendallFrey Theoretically speaking I won't be working for a paycheck.
You can sell them to a market
Not an answer at all. Maybe a comment? A rant? Who knows... — Neal 19 secs ago
My mom asks me technical questions about my job like she knows what she's talking about, and then she asks me how to google how to do something
My mom just avoids me

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