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@extropic-engine Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ugh, I'm pulling out my hair over this
fucking stupid
@rlemon You look like an apache...
I barely know how to restart Apache. Each time I have to configure a virtual host or something like that I take the resolution to learn to use nginx...
!!> (new Date('11/08/2013') - new Date('11/02/2013'))/1000/3600/24
@Shmiddty 6.041666666666667
hooray daylight savings!
@Shmiddty you really buy into that scam?
It's dumb
same with leap years
Fucking leap seconds are bullshit
why the hell would time.gov need java?
Probably to take photos with the webcam
> hrmmm, I need to display a clock to the user with server generated start times.... I should use Java
At least they use nice tables.
which leads to an interesting question: are they using java for a socket?
so there is less latency returning the date value from the server to the client?
@rlemon to be fair, javascript is pretty unreliable when it comes to time.
wouldn't websockets / flash work just as well
Shmiddty "I need to display a clock"
nothing to do with timing
just updating the display
@rlemon updating the display to display time, though
takes < 2ms
to update a text entry
point is moot
I would say it having "nothing to do with timing" would be a tad inaccurate
and I say you are being pedantic on that point
it is moot, so it has nothing to do with it
I am ^.^
thai food >>>
It was probably "best practise" when they made it
<meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive 4">...
whois puts it at 2003-09-17 .
!!afk lunch
@Shmiddty Hurry back, ok?
@rlemon how did you learn canvas stuff? All these tutorials I'm finding don't explain in depth, they're all just.. copypasta shit
If that's not the fastest way to die I don't know what is.
What's a good example of the Singleton pattern on the frontend?
@RUJordan umm just by looking at other peoples shit and lots of messing around
Well shit
@SomeKittens There is none. Singleton is an anti pattern.
@SomeKittens that said - document is a singleton in a sense, you can create other document fragments but you only have one document.
Though document does so much more, it's also a factory, a repository, a registry and an abstract factory. It pretty much does everything DOM related :P
Singleton is an anti pattern though. Document isn't very well thought out.
Hi all
How do I get rif of the whitespace around the buttons?
@BenjaminGruenbaum 'sup?
i want a solid 2x3 grid
@Neal pretty annoyed at JS actually, kind of agreed with @Esailija on something which kind of annoyed me at js try/catch.
anyone interested? ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum ? I miss the context... twill read back in time.
@Neal lol I can't even master fractions let alone a degree.
@Neal Why would anyone be interested? I'm the only one here (as far as I know) with a Math degree (and I'm not really done with that either).
@BenjaminGruenbaum well document is instance of Document, there is plenty of documents .. one for each iframe on the page
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well we have open positions by my company.
@RUJordan lol
looks like I'll be ordering food today
@Shmiddty I thought you'd never come back!
The cafeteria sucks!
@Esailija Yes, that's true I guess. It's not really a singleton but you do only have one of it and can't create others (although fragments kind of nullify that since they're the same "type" in a sense)
well you actually can for example document.implementation.createHTMLDocument
you can even replace the main document with that document afaik
@Neal Cool, that's legit then :) Good luck, it sounds interesting. If you're into stocks/trading definitely check out the startup where I work.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well this is for a position @ gtsx/striketechnologoes
@Esailija Wow, didn't know that :)
@Neal tipranks.com - definitely check us out :)
I made niether site.
@Esailija Doesn't seem to be replaceable though.
crop = function(source, x, y, w, h, nw, nh, callback) {
  function dataURItoBlob(d) {
    return atob(d.split(',')[1]);

  function blobToDataURI(t) {
    return "data:image/png;base64," + window.btoa(t);

  var img = new Image();
  img.onload = function() {
    var cropMarginWidth = 5,
      canvas = $('<canvas width="'+ nw + '" height="'+ nh + '"/>')
      ctx = canvas.get(0).getContext('2d');

    ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, nw, nh);
Stuff there actually seems useful (in document.implementation)
@SomeKittens why the sudden interest in singletons/
It's what I was teaching today
Teaching or studying?
@SomeKittens Cool, note that it's an anti pattern.
@SomeKittens ^
Singletons are only OK when they carry no state. Otherwise it's just a way to do implicit global state across your application.
@dystroy consider addressing the read/write asymmetry and passed by reference in that answer :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've read your answer. But here there is no read/write asymmetry consideration as the config property isn't set.
I am super proud of this: jsbin.com/aTUHULu/1
was finally able to complete it
@dystroy Right, there isn't - because it's pass by reference because it's nested. OP expected there to be.
@Ale Teaching.
@PrakashChennupati Nice, very smooth.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not really in a position to say 'Hey, we should change a big chunk of our curriculum'
@BenjaminGruenbaum In fact, I'm trying to read the mind of OP, pondering the need to mention this asymetry...
@SomeKittens No, and I think it's important to learn about it. I just think it should be done with extra caution. Is it JavaScript you teach?
I can give you real complicated examples of the singleton pattern (the dependency injector an app has an Angular) but I get a feeling that won't help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll mention it, in fact
@dystroy I think it's the right call, well - you already have my +1 :)
My iPhone charger broke, one of the 4 pins was disconnected from the wiring. Now my co-workers think I'm some kind of mad genius for soldering it back together at my desk. These people are ridiculously easy to impress... The first comment I heard was "are you welding?" Yes, bitch, I am welding on a glass desk, in the office, 4 inches from my computer to fix my iPhone's cable. smh
@Jhawins Most people are surprised by any tech skills that are not post to facebook - funstuff.
I haven't soldered any cables since they became so cheap to buy, if my iPhone charger breaks I'll probably throw it away since I bought 10 for 90 cents each :)
WHAT?! You didn't just throw it out and get a new one?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, but the examples were to help the students as they moved onto Python/Django
Eh. I would've gotten a new one but it just broke and my phone is at 4%. I keep the majority of my tools in my truck, because of yesterday that included solder.
@SomeKittens You want Python examples?
No, class is over now
Ah, ok sorry.
I think Singleton is worth teaching but you need to add a word of caution to that, it's a dangerous anti pattern in most cases.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sometimes I honestly feel bad for the majority of the world. I'm amazed at just how much more people like us seem to know than the average joe. They don't care to figure out how anything works, all they want is the end result. If everyone was like the regulars in this room just imagine what we would come up with.
I remember when I owned ipods, and the cable broke. I just emailed apple and they sent me a free cable. no charge, didn't even want the old one back.
did it twice in my few years of owning ipods
only time their customer support has been a win for me
(or any customer support for that matter)
@Jhawins It's not about knowing more. If you want an interesting (though very opinionated) read on the subject read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" , it discussed this issue specifically at great depth.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks, I'll check it out. Something's got me stuck in philosophical mode recently.
Can you get the height of an object via the js console (the height hasn't been prespecified)
@deep define object.
@rlemon don't feed the troll
@phenomnomnominal a div
@Jhawins you'll also like it because it's about motorcycles :)

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