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Ah, another recruiter email. Wonderful.
@vedantchandra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'm getting to grips with JS, and I ran gist.github.com/anonymous/7311575 in node and the Firefox scratchpad, but I couldn't for the life of me get it to work; it always returned 'undefined'. What am I doing wrong?
@rlemon Don't know where that is.
Hey guys. Anyone have an idea how to do pagination when Instagram API reports back with a next_url endpoint to hit? I getJSON it but the result starts in this format jQuery1101005109414295293391_1383609807840({"pagination":... data here
Q: Clicking JavaScript in Ruby/Watir

N1ghtshade3Is there ANY way at all to click a JavaScript link using the Watir webdriver in Ruby? I've just started learning the language yesterday and everything was going fine until I needed to get to a page that can seemingly ONLY be accessed through this text. Is there some sort of workaround? I don't mi...

So it thinks its a fail. But its not.
I swear there are bots on SO that just go around trying to close questions.
Probably just stupid people though.
@twiz You're thinking of the PHP room.
Haha. Well, that might explain why someone thought a JS question wasn't about programming.
Q: 3D CSS transform: translateZ causes elements to disappear

twizWhen translateZ values get too low (far away), elements will disappear. This only seems to happen if there are a large number of elements. It seems like this might have something to do with the z-index of elements. Here is an example of the problem: http://jsbin.com/iZAYaRI/18/edit If you hold...

I mean I wont defend it as a thoroughly explained question, but...
But I've seen a ton of questions closed that to me seem like good questions.
There is too much closing and too little editing on SO
thats crazy skill
I figured it out. If you set dataType to JSONP the response is processed automatically by Jquery
So am recursively just scrapping the API now.
Though no idea if results are unique.
Mmm. I love mac n cheese.
@RUJordan Where's the milk?
The urge to reply to her afk messages is always overwhelming.
!!afk dinosaur surfing
@BenjaminGruenbaum Stay safe.
just animating the growing.. I am planning on making them sway (and not grow)
atm on my pc (without the growing) it takes like 5 - 20ms to generate a tree.
Hi Guys..
the 5 is wonderful. the 20 is not
to forest :treenum :size
setpc [100  100 200]
setpensize [100 100]
rt 90
repeat 6 [
	fd 1000
	lt 90
	fd 100
	rt 90
lt 90
bk 600
setpc [139 125 107]
rt 90
repeat 5 [
	fd 1000
	rt 90
	fd 100
	lt 90
lt 90
bk 500
Make "offset :treenum * 3
repeat :treenum [
	tree :size :offset
	Make "offset :offset - 3
	rt 180
	Make "dif random(35)+10
	Make "size :size +:dif
	fd :dif
	lt 90
	fd 100 + random 200
	lt 90


to sumlist :list
Make "lsum 0
local "addlist
Make "addlist []
repeat count :list [
@BenjaminGruenbaum Were you bitten!? Strip! Prove you weren't bitten.
@rlemon that's your tree script in LOGO from when I got really bored a few years ago.
hehe nice
well this is a whole new tree snippet
I am building a project which requires navigation of a webpage only through keyboard keys... like a TV UI. Has anyone worked on similar projects?
once I polish it, I think the outcome is much better
and it actually remembers the segments
^ (lame) output :P
^ new output
(add color)
yea not quite there yet :P
@rlemon see the difference between that and your tree? How expensive would it be to add leaves?
3d like that.. idk..
(As in, not just tinier sticks)
hrm. the problem is filling is rather expensive.. (stupid I know)
and to draw leaves would require two lines and a fill.
let me see if I can make shitty block leaves
animating them is heavy.
ok so from that I now have this and this
with that said, can anyone think of an obvious way to speed up codepen.io/rlemon/details/giCfe
Actually, it might look cooler if it jittered less...
I don't know if that would really speed it up anyway though
Yeah, I don't know about speeding it up, but it seems to me that the larger branches move more than the smaller ones when the "wind blows". It should be reversed.
A bit, yeah
codepen has horrible caching
Honestly, I really dislike trying to code in any of the browser editors like that...
@Gyandeep Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JoshC. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
can someone help me with a popup login form validation?
@Kolban Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shijima Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guys, just starting to learn JavaScript. If I want to target a specific element and change it's content with a java script, do I need to declare the script after the element in the actual XHTML doc?
Interesting... I have a xhtml document and it only works if I declare the script after the element itself
Have you wrapped your code in a document ready call?
nope, how do I do that?
Are you using jQuery?
nope, just googled, seems I will need that
I think I need to learn more basics before worrying about it... Of to the books for me!
@Shijima Just curious, why XTHML?
Hey guys, just wanted to discuss about async/sync ajax calls. I am working on an application where I have to make an ajax call and the process is running in background which makes the ajax call (By background I mean it does not affect the UI) So I am thinking to make a sync XHR request rather than async one because that makes coding workflow a bit clear..
Am i right in thinking this ?
@blunderboy it will slow the performance of your app considerably
@nderscore You have a point..
Hello all please help with this
there are very few instances where it makes sense to make an ajax call synchronously
Q: Jquery drag resize select

PrinceI am using Jqueryui drag resize select all together drag and resize is working fine but select is not working fine . JSFiddle My code is:- CSS- .dr { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #63F; color: #7B7B7B; height: 50px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF; width: 50px; ...

@nderscore I would be interested in knowing those cases
most common use case is when you want to send an ajax request before the user leaves the page
if you use an asnychnronous call there, you'll be on another page before the response is able to come back from the server
the only other time I've had to use synchronous ajax was when I needed to query some data from the server and guarantee I had it before the document body was loaded.
I'll call you now
I've been waiting
Did I get your number wrong? :(
err edit: before the document body had begun to render
nope. nothin'
@nderscore Thanks :)
Give me your number :(
can someone help me figure where i went wrong in validating my login form in a popup window?
Jim, please. :(
oh, you've been spying on my SO profile. very sneaky :P
I'll call you at work tomorrow.
oh wait, I won't be in the office. I'm working from home.
Why can't you be nice?
I can be nice. My AIM screen name is 'Be Nice'
I give up. :(
Ok but I added you on facebook.
nice job!
now that's some next level creeper status
Yeah, specially because your profile isn't indexed in searches.
Now accept.
facebook removed that feature or is about to
trying to figure out where you found the identity leaked
I'll tell you if you accept.
my guess is gist.github - different username but same avatar
Nice, yeah.
oh fine
enjoy the wealth of personal information about my life
Best. day. ever.
You really look like a code golfer.
pretty much
And your cat is lovely. I'll add him too.
the younger cat pooped on himself twice this evening
had to give him a bath
The white one?
Q: How to convert a DOM element to Raphael Element?

NezamI set a custom object shape_object to a particular svg element using shape.node.shape_object =shape; Its actually an <image> object. Later on what i want to do is when i click this element i get the svg object in the event handler and access the shape_object.But i could not find the shape_ob...

Q: Jquery Mobile Login Popup Form Submit Validation

Josh C.i have a login form that popups and asks for you to input the correct information. I'm trying to validate it so that it does not close the popup window when i submit the form if the login information is wrong. here is my code. Javascript <script type="text/javascript"> function validLog...

I learn fast about your life.
so creepy
Yeah but I'm going to sleep.
@ZackaryLundquist Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: PLEASE HELP ME javascript problems with swith, case for img & sound

UjjwalHi! I am a 11 yrs kid having some problems with my software I am adding a help sound button. This is like when i click it it like WHEN THE AUDIO ENDS IT CHANGES TO BUT IF I WANT TO REPLAY IT I HAVE TO CLICK THE BUTTON TWICE Why it is so and how to correct it so that i can replay it just wit...

Actually I don't know if even answering the question would be helpful.
@avitex it looks legit after the edit
@JanDvorak Well what he wants I would think would require a second button or a double detection or it will always be playing.
What is this crap??
Q: toggle menu with javascript

knightriderOne of the theme I am using on wordpress use toggle menu if the parent menu have child menu under. This is the current js code var navItemDropdown = $('#nav li .dropdown'); navItemDropdown.each(function(){ thisDropdown = $(this); $(this).parent().prepend('<span class="sub-nav-toggle"><

If I had that on a site and I wanted to shut it up, I would click the mute button and it would replay the whole thing again xD
@Shea :O How many classes do you need in one li element
@Shea closevoted as unclear
I am going to answer, because I think I understand what he wants after a few minutes of thinking about it
A: toggle menu with javascript

MohsenI think you need to change this: $(this).parent().prepend('<span class="sub-nav-toggle"></span>'); to this: $(this).prev().addClass('sub-nav-toggle');

How is that even right?
@Ujjwal respect your self and dont ask for help like that ... instead try to solve at your own :)
Coming back to the chat after a week away from SO is always surprising. Now you guys invented the révolution that installs a king ? Looks more like a coup d'état...
It's always satisfying to autoban a misbehaving kid.
22 messages moved to Trash can
I wish there were sites like SO to troll when I was a young lad
@nderscore srsly? autoban in a few minutes
@JanDvorak LOL
> I just copy scripts from net i dont know exactly what JS is
sounds like a troll
Doesn't matter in fact : troll or not, that's the Autobahn
Hi guys
just to learn regex, I am trying to get x1, x2 and x3 from the below URL
I tried this:
^ this is also getting the = symbol
Anyway to get only x1, x2 and x3 just with regex?
I'd try /x=([^&]+)/g
that is giving me ["x=x1", "x=x2", "x=x3"]
But what I need is ["x1", "x2", "x3"]
use exec in a loop, then
!!tell mr_green mdn regexp exec
ok I know this but I was wondering whether can I get direct array of values using just regex..
I mean without using for loops
I was trying this just to learn
!!> 'http://www.mysite.com/index.html?x=x1&x=x2&x=x3'.match(/[^&=]+(?=&|$)/g)
@nderscore ["x1","x2","x3"]
/x[^=&]+/g, then?
but that lookahead will fail if the url has no parameters
!!> 'http://www.mysite.com/index.html'.match(/[^&=]+(?=&|$)/g)
@nderscore ["http://www.mysite.com/index.html"]
@Mr_Green match only gives you the full matches (if the global flag is set) and javascript regexes lack lookbehind
you can match within the matches, however.
The problem is also that js, like most languages, doesn't provide a function giving you the submatches directly in case of grouped search
(I'm the author of a related request for change for the Go language)
oooh btw I forgot to ask Go dev about the new
@FlorianMargaine Are you in touch with them ?
not really
but I can easily go on #[email protected]
in fact, my BNC sits over there.
Ruby gets this right, by the way
a.scan(/(..)(..)/)   #=> [["cr", "ue"], ["l ", "wo"]]
@FlorianMargaine Never tried the irc. The mailing list has become too noisy
@JanDvorak Interesting
PHP even lets you choose between match-major or group-major ordering
lol caprica is on twitter?
@JanDvorak and Lisp...
@FlorianMargaine which library do you mean?
I don't like that CLisp needs libraries for eeeverything
well with quicklisp it's just (ql:quickload 'cl-ppcre)
@dystroy nice :)
!!/urban BNC
@dystroy [BNC](http://bnc.urbanup.com/683702) What is BNC? BNC is a great IRC (Internet Relay Chat) proxying server under the GPL (General Public License). It allows users to connect to chat servers by bouncing off the computer which is running BNC. Basically, it forwards the information from the user to the server and vise versa.

Why do people use it? There are several reasons for people to use BNC. Some people use BNC because their computers do not have direct access to the Internet. Thus, inorder for them to chat from their workstations, they must have a proxy server to forward data. Ot
@dystroy the answer on your question about new sucks :|
@FlorianMargaine Totally.
I didn't accept it of course
@FlorianMargaine which question?
@dystroy BNC = irc client on which I connect. Thus, I'm "always connected", and just connect on my BNC which keeps me some history
Q: Why is there a "new" keyword in Go?

dystroyI'm still puzzled as why we have new in Go. &Thing{} is as clear and concise as new(Thing) to Go coders and it uses only constructs you often use elsewhere. It's also more extensible as you might change it to &Thing{3} or &Thing{Feets:7}. In my opinion, having a supplementary keyword is costly...

@FlorianMargaine thanks. Unfortunately, I don't speak go
@FlorianMargaine I just edited it to make it clearer.
@dystroy ah... already posted on the ML
@FlorianMargaine Do you have a link ?
Just posted or already old ?
just posted, and it has to be approved first
Oh ? There was no approval back in the times... Old Go coders were probably fed up, just like me, with useless questions
> <War2> fwiw, new is a built-in function, not a keyword (though this has nothing to do with answering that question).
@nderscore thanks
What is it that Go is supposed to do better than other languages anyway?
@FlorianMargaine unless you shadow it, which would be stupid, this makes little difference to me. I'd still call it a keyword even if it's not implemented at the grammar level
@JanDvorak how to match within the matches?
@Neil concurrency comes to mind
Ok, google pushes it, but that's not necessarily better
using for loop?
@Neil but mostly, it's really simple.
@Mr_Green you need a loop
k thanks
@FlorianMargaine there is built-in concurrency checking?
@Neil there are built-in "goroutines", i.e. coroutines
they're very easy to write
and the runtime makes them spread over multiple cores when possible
asynchronous javascript is also easy to write
another nice thing I like: the compiled binary has static linked libraries only
probably not the same thing though
@Neil JS generators are closer to goroutines
but they only support one thread :)
@FlorianMargaine True, but if callbacks or promises are used, it could just as well be multi-threaded I suppose
@Neil no, that's not the same
In node.js, that's how multi-threading is handled anyway
in a single processor, there's always only one thing running, even with callbacks or promises
@FlorianMargaine Should I die ? play.golang.org/p/WYj4_JesWs
@Otix Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@dystroy LOL
@FlorianMargaine Yes, but you can't ever possibly think of using multi-threads unless you split the code in some fashion
@Neil look at some Go samples using goroutines + channels :)
And callbacks and promises are the most natural ways of accomplishing this in javascript
let me find you a good example...
That's strange. my Chromium doesn't want to access golang.org any more while it's fine on Chrome ??
strange indeed
hm in obj. c you can have a multithreaded app and use delegates
@FlorianMargaine I'll take a look when I have some moments free
There are many fan blogs on how great Go is
though from a glance, channels look interesting
@Neil If you struggled with a thread-model based language, goroutines and channels are very refreshing
Hi any selenium javascript developers,Pls look on this stackoverflow.com/questions/19784724/…
Hello everyone! I have a problem with a custom directive and validation in Angular JS, could you please help me out? stackoverflow.com/questions/19773167/…
I'm playing with emscripten and imagemagick :3
@dystroy you know what I love about Lisp? It can implement anything. Object-oriented? Library. Regex? Library. Channels? Library. Green threads? Library. And everything is compiled.
@Ale How's it going?
Q: Remove CSS & JS files from Wordpress Main Page For Increase Pagespeed?

muhammad usmanWith the reference of http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12463304/wordpress-load-plugin-css-js-in-functions-php-w-conditional-tags answered by @maiorano84 i am using cforms, FancyBox, WP Page Numbers plugins for Wordpress. From Page Speed point of view i want to remove CSS and JS of these plugi...

emmake make didn't do it :D
what's the name of the russian guy living in paris already?
@FlorianMargaine I have one in my team. But you might be thinking about Oleg
aaah yeah thanks!
perfect, found what I was looking for.
a colleague needs this right now
Jan 25 at 11:19, by Oleg
The throttle() already acts as makeThrottler() here - it creates a closure over the handler function.
searched there :-)
our cloud server continues to crash and burn a hair under the time it takes to transfer a database through our public ftp server
and my boss cannot seem to understand that it isn't a problem with a connection.. the server actually crashes...
Hey any body there
There's one in my trunk
Hey i am stuck with a problm dude. can you check it out
its problem with rotated rectangle
So ok, I give up 'cause it's already built by sb manuels.github.io/unix-toolbox.js
And well, it works
Now I'm trying to write a little tool that converts images to kindle screensavers
Basically it's convert $input -dither FloydSteinberg -remap $BASEDIR/kindle_colors.gif PNG8:$output
kindlify = function(image, done) {
    convert.addData(image, "/test.png");
    convert.allDone().then(function() {
      convert.run('-dither', 'FloydSteinberg', '-remap', '/kindle_colors.gif', '/test.png', '/result.png').then(function() {
        convert.getFile('result.png').then(function(real_contents) {
@Ale sorry does this relate to my problem?
@DeepuSA Nope
I would have, but I'm suspended form asking questions there :( — MustSeeMelons 5 mins ago
oh god
ok thanks
@FlorianMargaine Downvoted
yeah same
(and upvoted the useful comment)

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