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@Zirak yep. Ideally, add the possible signatures from the docs
@Shmiddty my element is already fixed. but when it's a dropdown menu so I don't want it to stay in the middle of the screen- know what i mean?
@JanDvorak but it's definitely shorter.
@benjamin thanks for this one thing I dont understand though, what does the [] use for ?
@KevinMurphy I have no clue what you mean.
why don't you make a fiddle?
@VincentChua square brackets are used for property access
(which includes array access)
@VincentChua [] also called bracket notation is used to select elements. In this case, it's used as an indexer. The method returns a list of elements. [0] is the first element, and [n-1] returns the n'th element (we say such indexes are zero based )
@Zirak Caprica is smart...
We really need to make up a good question
Guys, any opinions on good Haswell-based laptops released yet?
Has... well...
Maybe something about scope resolution. I wonder if that's clear from the engine sources.
@benjamin @shmiddty thank you so much for the explaination, so what does it do when you run it multiple times using the for loops ?
elements[0].style.visibility = "visible";
elements[1].style.visibility = "visible";
elements[2].style.visibility = "visible";
and so on
@SimonSarris Looked for some for @Zirak since he's buying a new laptop but I haven't been able to, haven't found anything conclusive.
how do I give @Zirak exactly one point?
Also, @BenjaminGruenbaum, importing is still annoying. I'll have to ask some relatives in NY to accept the delivery, and then have FedEx or something pick it up from them.
@ir-g Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shmiddty It's been torturing me.
@VincentChua It iterates through the selected elements (selected by class name) and changes them to visible like you described. .style.camelCasePropertyName is what you need.
@Zirak @Shmiddty Muhaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum me neither, we might have to wait another month @Zirak
@BenjaminGruenbaum is evil
he took me away from 6543
and he said he would unupvote me
but he didn't
@SimonSarris I'm not really looking for the cutting edge, I'm interesting in a Gazelle
Actually...I might ask to abuse one of you here. Later though.
@benjamin so by doing this I can somehow create a gradual visibility add up, just like an animate() in jquery?
@Shmiddty fiddle inc
@VincentChua You can use CSS transitions that are much faster than what jQuery does (and look smoother too imo) , but they only work in newer browsers.
I am trying to figure out what the proper syntax would be to get the class name attribute from the element clicked..... i.e. if ($(this).class('.classname') { do this }
@Zirak, I could open a bounty on a question for 1 reputation
what would be the proper syntax?
@Shmiddty Bounties start at 50
@Zirak You have to answer something that's over 2 days old with Caprica, we can't award bounties to new questions.
@BenjaminGruenbaum CSS transitions might be able to be handled by rubbish browsers with a JS lib.
@Shmiddty jsfiddle.net/berryboy/SHRWQ - if you scroll, since the div is fixed, will remain in it's fixed location
making it absolute won't work because there's a parent with a set width and relative position
@benjamin ya I'm still reluctant to use css3 though mainly because of the browser support, anyway thank you so much for clearing my doubts :)
@ir-g Wait, who are you again :P? Also, what do you mean?
@KevinMurphy why do you have the popup fixed?
@VincentChua animations in older browsers is one of the biggest seliing points of jquery. I think your limiting factor right now is actual JavaScript though, you should consider reading a good JS book :)
also, don't use !important ever
@Shmiddty Except if it's really important.
!important === "F*U javascript"
@Shmiddty so it can use the set width of another class that i have applied, without the constraint of this li's width.
what is proper jquery syntax to check check an elements class name?
the only thing I changed was position:fixed to position:absolute
@Shmiddty if I change it to absolute, then left:0; will align it to its parent, correct?
@benjamin yes, thanks for the advice I should really reading. =)
@KevinMurphy no.
unless it has an ancestor with position:relative
You're welcome.
Steal from php room:
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by rdlowrey
Part of growing up is realising that life's too short to cater for people who disable JavaScript.
@Shmiddty it does and that can't be changed.
@KevinMurphy why's that?
@Shmiddty that's what i was told but i'll check it out now - it probably doesn't need it.
@KevinMurphy you should scrap all of the CSS you have right now and start from scratch
@BenjaminGruenbaum Haha, nice. Have you see the coding love? thecodinglove.com
Mar 8 at 15:56, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum alright then, How'd you get all the way back to march 8th so quickly?
I used 'search'
Hey all, anyone on here fairly familiar with the google maps API?
if v8 was written in java , we'd have first 400 lines written with imports :D
@Darkyen Look at Rhino, that's basically how it looks... pretty horrible code base :/
// dont wanna see it
a snake game taught me how hard it is to use java
It's not hard to use Java, it's just clumsy
@Loktar i'll test it out tonight.
I kinda threw something together before to change the gradients of the cached images by looping the pixels. it was much faster than creating the gradient all over again.
so that is I suppose evidence on how much faster it is.
but it was still too slow to be usable if you are changing 300+ gradients of 10-128px rad in a animation loop
@user1325179 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
This question appears to be off-topic because the asker didn't even attempt to debug — Jan Dvorak 45 secs ago
Not my day. First, my bus was on fire, and now my workplace is out of milk. Bah.
@SomeKittens I had one of those on thursday
cept no buss fire
it would be more interesting the other way around
There's also a general strike for light rail, so all the busses are packed.
My bus was out of milk, and my workplace was on fire?
GoDaddy: Can't you see that I've never needed SSL, so why do you keep trying to sell me SSL certs?
static html website.. get your shit together
ahh, anyone else notice the picks really declining on codepen recently? codepen.io/mhfen/pen/lomeK
it's a freaking image + an audio file with a shitty rotate.
had it been a css pig... ok. cool.
whined about another chrome bug publicly, got its status changed from "Unconfirmed" to "Started"
keep dropping the hammer
it feels dumb that public whining works, and I don't really like doing it
"If you don't fix this i'll shame you in my next book!"
see top comment for my whine
^ could work
suddenly they've taken up the bug
oh well
anybody knows how can i trigger .change to ajax return elements
@Teffi Create a fiddle illustrating your issue
I was working on a smart ass answer
but stupid xml ruined everything.
@rlemon That's really really lame.
@Loktar or @RyanKinal - you both live in 'Murica, right? Could I abuse you for a delivery? I need to do a re-shipping, and for that I need a recipient. That entails that you receive a package from UPS or the likes, and then hand it over to FedEx or the likes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum again a question regarding Javaaaaa
If you could, that's be pretty sweet
the canvas origin is top of the window... the damn window !
is there any way to change it ?
to the actual viewport ?
waits for police to show up at his work now for mentioning anthrax
@Zirak but will this learn them thy name?
I'd do it for that
@Darkyen In Java? I have no idea, I didn't do a lot of GUI in Java, seemed kind of silly
מ ?
@SimonSarris I'm not sure, you may learn my address though
So you'll know where to send the assassins to if I ever betray you to the KGB
nay how u got that symbol ?
@Darkyen Talking to some dude from the PHP room in Hebrew, keep switching layouts :P
awesome :D
@Zirak But all I want is your name. I couldn't even acknowledge you in the book because of your myserious, inscrutable, ineffable name
What's wrong with "Zirak"?
Names are important to me
all of htem
I like that name. Has a nice ring to it, and it looks unique, until you learn it's a Kurdish name...
Zirak is not enough
well GoJS is a nice name until you realize its a way of saying "non-jewish person" in a lot of languages
Well, when I have to provide a last name, I use "A" (because that's what follows Z). So you can call me "Zirak A"
In hindsight I should have written
something like
"and Walt Whittaker (Zirak)" in the book
then you would forever deny that was your name
Thanks for the compliment though
but I would insist on its truth
SpaceBullet is now open source
There were massive changes to the game this evening too
I think the source is clear and clean (it's just new, I didn't have the time to make it dirty).
@SimonSarris Would you mind though, dealing with a package?
@Zirak nah go ahead, as long as the instructions are clear
oh trust me, I'm clueless.
email me your email (my name at gmail) and I will email back my address
what is it, by the way?
oh right
Their international shipping isn't very international
customs may throw a fit, depending on where you are
but I will do as you instruct
I've been told the pay will be reasonable. But I'm still scared.
It's up to you, send me an email
Safe to talk XPath here or should I go elsewhere? :)
@Zirak You're getting it?
@Jhawinsss Those are my intentions, yep.
@SimonSarris You haz mail
Very nice.
I don't really like the newest model they have. Plus the price jumped $300 on the Bonobo in the last few months haha.
Even with shipping, it costs less than a 2nd-hand Asus UX31A here...
@SimonSarris ಠ_ಠ
@Zirak :/ I'm not sure of that :P
You saw the evidence
idk if this works since this is more like an explanation lol. http://jsfiddle.net/xDcyq/
anybody got an idea ?
^^ Why do you want to do that with ajax??
@Teffi What's the problem?
It doesn't work on his app. But it works in the fiddle.
trust me i dont. i have this wordpress plugin i have to make some display changes.
and its annoying
it was just passed on to me
@Jhawinsss well because i cant actually recreate the exact ajax scripts on fiddle
I don't know anything about WP, I hate it. So I don't have any advice.
You hate WP without knowing anything about it ?
Exactly :)
Haha, I hate the whole idea behind it. I know what it's supposed to do and I find it stupid.
Too many kids use it and call themselves developers, too.
!!mustache Teffi
Hi does anyone know to create and/or write a file in JS
I am not sure if ajax, node.js, or angular.js can do something like that?
Those 3 are completely separate things
AJAX is a general descriptor for client-server data transfer, node.js is a serverside js platform and angular.js is a framework
@OctavianDamiean what?

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