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Looks like people liked my answer on @FlorianMargaine 's question ^_^
@FlorianMargaine Honestly, if you find yourself in the scenario where you have to explain that sort of code, look for another workplace
Cool, two decent internal changes in a day.
@dystroy Hurray for public domain. clker.com/clipart-home.html
@OctavianDamiean You around?
Need some advice on which graphics cards I should be looking at. I know you recommended nvidia if I wanted to ever use Ubuntu
Anything else?
Have to get some sleep, night
Who's up for some obscure 90's video game trivia?
@rlemon Would you recommend a library if I were to make something sprite based in html5 canvas?
Because it seems that you can't directly use objects in canvas?
@SomeKittens dune 2.
I'm thinking of a game
@SomeKittens dune 2.
First hint: The cutscenes were claymation
@SomeKittens not dune 2.
@Amaan nVidia's great
Though ATI is improving.
Huh adobe edge
@Amaan get a titan
@phenom Thanks, that's real helpful :p
get two
I'm meeting copy in 18 days.
Feel happy for me.
!!happy for badger or don't really care
@Nile don't really care
You suck. :(
Caprica is such a jerk
@BadgerGirl FUN
@phenomnomnominal You're my only friend in the world.
Haha doubt it
@MarcusMcLean Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
No really, I'll send you a postcard from Miami.
OMG and it's already the 3rd in New Zealand.
Happy birthday @phenomnomnominal :D
Oh crap, it's @BadgerGirl :hides:
haha thanks, you stalker
@RyanKinal There is no place to hide!
I almost forgot why I came in here...
@phenomnomnominal Now star it.
no i'm trying to ignore it
I'm old
<--- turning 30 in 2.5 months.
24 today but feel about 90
My dad keeps giving me a hard time about it.
just say "you're old enough to have a kid who's 30"
Yeah, I think that's his problem. He doesn't want to have a kid that's 30.
30 is super young.
Psh. 30 is the new 20.
@Loktar If/when I meet you in person, I'm totally going to fanboy out and go "OMG OMG OMG IT'S WIL WHEATON! OMG!"
Just so you're aware.
You have to meet me first.
...okay seriously, does anyone other than room owners ever talk here?
Talk enough, and you become a room owner.
No, not him.
Well... if we like you, anyway.
got it
I like you though :-)
So like 1.5 years ago was I room owner qualified?
And our frustrating but enlightening religious discussion :-)
(yes, when I was active here regularly was that long ago)
I think so, yeah
@RyanKinal I'd like to have a slightly revised one sometime... I have a feeling I gave you a wrong impression that absolute proof wouldn't convince me of something :)
Yeah... that was definitely the impression I got.
absolute proof would convince anyone of anything
otherwise it's not absolute
@RyanKinal poor naive me had never really had that kind of conversation before. As just a quick reparation of that: Absolute proof would convince me, certainly - I'm just absolutely certain no such proof exists. :)
or they're just as stupid as people who believe blindly
@phenomnomnominal quite right
@ThomasShields Aaaah, I see
That makes more sense
by the way, anyone jobless (or job-hating) here should totally come work where I'm working this summer. Totally freaking awesome.
Where's that?
if anyone saw the Google Glass "Winky" app - that guy works in our NY office.
Seems cool
@jAndy Fusion ?
Fusion? Mmmm... Fusion...
Fuuuuuuuu- -sion---- ha!
Q: What's so useful about closures (in JS)?

Mark BubelIn my quest to understand closures in the context of JS, I find myself asking why do you even need to use closures? What's so great about having an inner function be able to access the parent function's variables even after the parent function returns? I'm not even sure I asked that question corr...

@BadgerGirl Awesome, congrats!
@phenom Happy birthday, grandpa
@Amaan good mornin
@phenomnomnominal age++; console.log("Happy birthday");
Now pin it.
@BadgerGirl \o
whats your nail pulish colar ?
boink ... you stopped coloring ?
But now help me think what I should wear when I meet copy. Including nail polish.
@BadgerGirl wear casuals, with red nail polish
and just be yourself...
No, too casual. I have to be perfect, I haven't seen him in 7 months.
-_- trying to be too perfect = Tension
Tension = Pimples
Pimples = More TensioN
More TensioN = More Pimples
.. u c ?
Also when you will just be yourself you can spend more time enjoy with him
and making those moments awesome
And bags under my eyes. And nose redness... And uglyness :(
rather then thinking about being perfect
Thanks a lot @Darkyen. Now I'll be ugly and he will break up with me.
so just be yourself
you wont be
@BadgerGirl bleh if boys start breaking up with you for pimples
my relationship should have lasted 1 minute
so dont you feel worried
No, now be serious and help me decide.
be yourself and casual just a lil bit overexcited arrange surprises if u can
@Darkyen you were dating a boy?
@phenomnomnominal my girfriend has a few pimples
I'll send you a picture of everything I have in my closet.
@BadgerGirl okay
you can have more help on facebook from ;-) u know who :D
I don't know who.
Ryan Kinal?
Sneha -_-
No, now that I only have one friend. I'll ask him.
@phenomnomnominal what should I wear?
@BadgerGirl what kind of clothes copy likes to wear ?
A shirt with Zirak's picture on it.
@Darkyen that's awful advice
is it summer or winter there at the moment?
Where is the Microsoft style guide when you need it :(
hey y'all
I know y'all missed me
It's actually supposedly raining in Miami these days
Q: how to store html content in local storage and show in xml format

shankar.parsanamoniI am new to local storage and html5.I have html page with username,password and Comment text boxes.When ever i click on the button those values should be store in local storage.And next task is to show local storage content in xml format.Can any one help me please.I searched in google but,I have ...

@ShyamK you there?
Thanks Microsoft, for giving me style ideas: i.sstatic.net/OWrVx.jpg
stackoverflow.com/questions/17438851/… Any help is appreciated :)
Please? :)
@BadgerGirl no more bash, huh D:
@elsanchez OMG stop stalking me. =(
@BadgerGirl this is open for everybody. I'm not stalking you, i just wondering what's going on here :)
Ok I'll show you around.
This is @phenomnomnominal. You have to wish him a happy birthday.
@CCInc sorta... how are you?
Alright, how're you?
I'm good... playing with Php and Python... of course JS is something which a web developer can't live without, so that is there too :D
in C#, yesterday, by rightfold
@ShotgunNinja when all it has is a hammer, PHP is still doing it wrong.
hahaha... well my way of looking at things is, there was a requirement for something so someone built something for it....
or messed it up in this case
it works for what it does
it's alot simpler to deploy than some server-side solutions
dang i'm tired
not even thinking about programming right
@CCInc which is why there are so many PHP sites, Lamp stacks and all... but that gives rise to bad code, security holes and what not
~la la la i'm going crazyyyyyyy la la la~
I go bye-bye
see ya peeps
@Thirumalaimurugan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sgun Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@ShyamK \o hey lo brother
@Darkyen say hi to my boss. :(
@Hugo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Darkyen heya...
Hey hey, anyone here have quite a bit of knowledge of backbone?
@SnakeEater we all do
but we arent pro
Goto a doctor :D mate
:P All of my old JSON data was in string format, now i wrote new API that uses Ints too - so that its similiar to my DB. Now when i set the data i get this error: Cannot call method 'slice' of undefined
@jAndy BAM oida, kroch ma eine oida.
@Amaan Nah, just get some Nvidia. Should be fine.
@OctavianDamiean i wouldnt be that sure
but nvidia's tend to work.. sometimes
Thankfully I am.
@OctavianDamiean Why dont u help me install ubuntu :D
i can call u :D
@Vishnu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Darkyen Welp, you never asked.
well will you please... i failed to install it
I did asked if you remember
well will you please... i failed to install it
well i got it installed once but it raped my windows so had to rmeove it
I have no sympathy for your Windows install.
Can you please help me on Yahoo Search API
@copy You should suggest your friend this area52 proposal ;)
Q: How secure is a static CAPTCHA?

user29329I have seen some webmasters using a captcha that doesn't change at all. And many of them use JavaScript to validate these value For example if(captchaCode != "4ERJZ") Since most of the web browsers have a Inspect Element or such feature how secure is using this type of CAPTCHAs?

Q: sku code as description in Google Analytics

dreaganIn the Google Analytics ecommerce tracing script you must provide for every item and SKU code. I have this code for every product I'm selling and up until now I have always provided it in the _addItem method. But when reviewing that data in the ecommerce module of Google Analytics, I have no rea...

I wonder if everybody only works on front end development, does any of you still engage in server end development
@jasonjifly if it is a CouchDB based project I do.
@jasonjifly I do more server side than client side, why would you think we all do client side development?
Not at all. It does not provide any security, regardless of the browser. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 12 secs ago
Meh ... I was about to write that.
I can delete it and you'll write it if you want :P
@OctavianDamiean, @BenjaminGruenbaum, thanks for your answer
@jasonjifly I still do a part of it in JavaScript in case you were wondering :) (The sever side)
My current job is only engaging in front end development, but I think it not a long term solution.
A lot of people do only front end, the reason I do both (but mainly backend) is because I work at a start up company, I pretty much do what needs done.
Well currently I'm in the same situation but I have a feeling that this project will be over sooner than later.
If what needs done is creating a nodejs RESTful API - that's what I'll do. If what needs done is taking a photoshop file and turning it into HTML I can also do that (not very likely though)
Totally unrelated note. I should get an octa-core processor.
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I can understand, most of start up company needs you do all jobs.
@OctavianDamiean What for? :o
@dievardump Mainly because of the name.
Do I have a decimal point out somewhere here?
Or is compound interest that amazing?
@Octavian But I have a CrossFireX motherboard -.-
Is AMD really that bad?
Wait, I DO have a decimal point out...
Or not
What's your opinion? can it be better? if so how?
@Connor yeah, your masks on the blue rose are... not good
@monners im not the best in PS so how can it be better?
Depth. But don't go overboard with the dropshadow
@monners kk
Oh hey @PaulIrish.
Stumbled in here again?
Hi there
I got a javascript question to ask
anyone here knows which is the french translation of "processing" ? @FlorianMargaine can you help me please? :D
@sbaaaang traitement?
I have a jquery click() and submit() methods
@Connor is not "traitement" subject?
@VincentChua why don't you write your question in one message?
processing is an action still going on ... dunno maybe you're right
sorry I will retype again just ignore my previous lines
@sbaaaang subject is sujet, i think
if you look at my example

I have a jquery click() and submit() methods
how do I pass variable valueRegistered value into the submit() method?
@Connor ehehe ok so "traitement" is an action still happening yet right?
@monners hows that?
@winner_joiner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sbaaaang in that case développement may be what you need
@sbaaaang développement => development, developing, growth, expansion, improvement, processing
@Connor oh ok thanks!! what about "analyse" ?
Is there any way to get Google+ business page details by passing its URL
@Connor oh in my case "processing" assumed as "analyzing" better
@sbaaaang do i look like a french dictionary ?
I want to pass the business page url and want to get information about that business like name, address, city, zip, category
@VincentChua you don't, where is your variable?
@Connor lol nope but "vous avez sacrifié" for me
@sbaaaang that's not even a sentence
lol ok :D
@VincentChua you don't need to you can access it already
@Connor the variable is inside the jquery .click() methods
@VincentChua oh yeah
@BenjaminGruenbaum why do you think I'm pseudo-looking for a job since ~6 months?
I couldn't get any API for that any one help me to find a way?
Q: When "W" is held, the character moves forward, but when "W" and "A" is held, movement completely stops

Vlad1kI am making a 2D game, and when I hold the key "w", the player goes forward, but when I hold both "w" and "a", the movement stops completely, when I want it to go forward, while shifting to the left. Here is my script: var speed = 4; function Update() { // Make the character walk forward if...

@connor it doesnt, I try to alert the variable inside the .submit() method but it doesnt work
@Connor you french?
@VincentChua yes i know give me 2 seconds
@sbaaaang no lol
@FlorianMargaine Didn't even know that
@Connor lol so you trying kidding me with your french basics? :D
joking ;)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm saying "pseudo-looking" because I'm not actively looking for one.
@FlorianMargaine "analyzing"=> "traitment" ?
Wait, when did the room become gallery-free again?
@VincentChua you need to define your variable in the like "outer scope " first like this jsfiddle.net/ConnorM/wbg4e
@connor thank you so much for the help
@VincentChua ^
Meh, I guess it's alright, his mute was for 16 hours.
@jAndy I mean it
anyone familiar with git?
Probably not.

// would you call this the outer function scope to the functions below?

var one = function() {...};

var two = function () {...};

anyone? ^
@VincentChua solved then?
I'm not sure if there is a specific term for that but it is a common scope for both of the contained functions.
However, both those functions have their own scope as well.
@OctavianDamiean yeah, so it's ok to call it that?
"outer function scope" is redundant
"outer scope" is enough
@connor thank you so much for the answer I didnt knoe that the value will pass back to the scope where it gets defined.
@VincentChua yes unless it is a asynchronous like $.ajax(); then it won't
@connor thanks I learn something new today ;)
@Johnツ the answer is bad
In fact, this is only a bad question because it's off topic (looking for library) and bad quality but it's very well doable.
@dystroy You are right.
Life is beautiful, isn't it?
@FlorianMargaine well... yes, probably...
@FlorianMargaine do you have a story to convince us this morning that life is beautiful ?
You're alive. I'm alive. We're alive.
That proves that life exists, not that it's beautiful.
but the fact that it exists is beautiful
@FlorianMargaine Maybe you should consider that.
(Actively looking, I mean your code sample there was pretty basic)
Did you explain the concept to them and they said it was 'being clever'?
well, when you're working with "jquery dev"...

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