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I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone. — Bjarne Stroustrup
anybody whos running his/her own mail-server using postfix and you got bored by spam => freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/focus_spam_postfix
very nice article
I imagined couch surfing to somehow be related to this
@Zirak Can we couchsurf at your home?
I was sad
Dieses Video ist in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, weil es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.
everyone loves the GEMA (in germany)
!!/urban skouching
@rlemon Skouching When a girl sits on a couch, with two men on both sides of her, and goes skiing. Simultaneous handjobs.
that is not what youtube thinks
@Zirak I am in Canada since one year. Was in France before that.
@Zirak Do you want to couchsurf in Germany?
seriously, youtube "skouching" it's awesome
I totes am trying that next winter
@copy how? we have no snow.
@Jan-StefanJanetzky yes we do
A: How to know if an object is a Date or not with Javascript?

KooiIncFor all types I cooked up an Object prototype function. It may be of use to you Object.prototype.typof = function(chkType){ var inp = String(this.constructor), customObj = (inp.split(/\({1}/))[0].replace(/^\n/,'').substr(9), regularObj = Object.prototype.toStrin...

@rlemon I love both ways.
I have to imagine skouch wipeouts wouldn't be too fun
Is this the best way to check the type of objects?
instanceof Date
@copy maybe in villages but mostly not in cities
and if we have, its like.. 5 centimeters max.
i remember my grandparents telling me they were driving on ice by car.. this is impossible nowdays in germany.
@rlemon That's awesome
The French taking out Germans? Never thought I'd see the day.
@copy My couch is made of nice
who moved my beautiful line ???!!
@SomeKittens oh yuck
... or maybe
Why do you want to know whether something's a Date?
Answer that question, detect features based on the answer
@Zirak Made of nice? Did you want to write niece or another word?
@Zirak Writing a DB validator. Want to check if a given entry is a date
(if you want to convert it to UTC for instance, if (obj.toUTCString))
@Zirak the proper question would be the legendary: Why would you want to do that?
@copy erm, ice
Does anyone know of any good tooltip plugins that have title and body sections?
@SomeKittens "db validator"?
So not just Date, that's only an example. Currently using typeOf but that's not specific enough.
@Zirak As in "Check the entries in Mongo and see if they all conform to a given schema"
You can use the good ol' ({}).toString.call but I'd go with duck-typing
@Zirak I'm in.
Hello.. is anyone here well versed on the nuances of innerText?
umm, innerText is not to be used.
that is one nuance
what is your problem
e.textContent || e.innerText || ''
Well I am trying to make sense of this
innerText is old IE garbage.
@dystroy other way pls :P
Why does the contents of a textarea appear sometimes and not others
@dystroy check for textContent first, then you won't have to worry about trying for IE first.
Assume IE last.
well.. check this out: (new Date()).constructor
textarea is an input
!!> typeof new Date()
use .value
@SomeKittens "object"
@dystroy What if the text's blank?
@Zirak duck typing only gets me object
@Zirak Then what's the problem ?
innerText returns the content for a disconnected node
but not in the dom
use .value
like I just said
textarea is an input not a regular node.
@dystroy It's a problem for setting the value
e.textContent || e.innerText || ''
(new Date()).constructor == Date
For setting the value ? That sounds evil...
@SomeKittens That's not duck-typing. Duck typing will be if (val.toUTCString) (if it quacks like a duck...)
just use function getText(el) { return 'textContent' in el ? el.textContent : el.innerText; }
I never would set the value using innerText, why not simply use innerHTML ?
@FlorianMargaine it's a textarea, he should be using .value
yeah ofc
@dystroy why not using .nodeValue on a Text Element?
!!/urban ofc
@dystroy ofc Used in instant messaging to represent 'Of course'
@Zirak Ah, that sort. Oh joy.
@Jan-StefanJanetzky textContent is on elements, not textnodes
This is mostly academic, i'm just trying to understand how it's supposed to work. There seems to be some value in ignoring the textarea contents, so why does it return them in some situations
@dystroy ...I'll ignore that statement, under the assumption that you're not an idiot
@JamieTreworgy .value
@dystroy maybe in case you don't want HTML?
like, why maybe have html outputted when text is enough?
var bla = document.createTextNode("foo");
@SomeKittens When you're in duck-type land, act like a duck
!!/learn quack "Sorry, I require batteries"
@SomeKittens Command quack learned
Function.prototype.call.bind(Object.prototype.toString)(new Date);
...otherwise known as Object.prototype.toString.call(new Date)
Yes, sorry. But I wanted to make something more difficult to read than theirs
@JamieTreworgy you're using the properties wrong, for HTML inputs you should get the .value for the contents of the input. the fact that you are not means it will do unexpected things.
and to end this argument: this is clearly the only way to replace text in an element.
function replaceText(node, str) {
    while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
    var df = document.createDocumentFragment();
    for (var i = 0, arr = str.split(''), l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {
Again this is academic, assume I'm just trying to get all the text out of a document with document.body.innerText or document.body.textContent
so document.body.innerText doesn't include the contents of a textarea
and coalesces whitespace
textContent includes everything (scripts, whitespace, textareas)
whitespace is coalesced into a single space outside of inputs and pre tags anyways
innerText is an old IE mistake
it's not to be used
@copy are you Couch Surfer?
also innerText is not from the w3c standard, textContent is, do not trust stupid old IE garbage.
Hi @JamieTreworgy what's up?
:ui ui:
what this means is: with no standard no two browsers will implement innerText the same.
Opera for instance makes their innerText function as textContent
IE does not
I agree, but I'm trying to copy chrome (this is for csquery) and for the purposes of web scraping it's actually pretty handy to have a text extraction method that doesn't include scripts and inputs. I guess the answer here is probably, well, chrome did whatever they wanted..
That is to say I want it to work like chrome when there's no standard
yup, no standard == cannot be trusted for implementations
I can't figure out why chrome would include textarea sometimes and not others
maybe just a bug that nobody cares about..
innerText is not a standard property anyway :)
hi Ben.. coding while on conference call :)
it's indeterministic nature would make me think that was never meant to be used. @BenjaminGruenbaum i've been kicking that horse for a page now :P
haha probably.
@dievardump innerDOM sounds like childNodes
Ha yeah I'm very familiar with that..
jquery text() includes scripts
just ditch innerText. indeterministic and non-standard implementations === ignore it even exists. (imo)
Well, you already have your own .Text ,
too late.. its part of my api. mistakes were made
you can't change your API?
Isn't it part of validator.nu ?
keeping mistakes in your API because they were already there seems like a load of bull if you ask me
well sure but if I remove it today I break a bunch of code. I can make it obsolete and remove it in a year ;)
@JamieTreworgy I say keep it, why should you care if it's standard? It doesn't come in place of other functionality
You're not making a web browser, all these 'non-standards' don't really have a negative effect on CsQuery
You can add a non-standard attribute to it if you want to make it clear (that it's not standard)
I am trying to make a DOM model that works as much like Chrome as possible tho.
It should probably support as much functionality as possible given it doesn't complicate your code base
I wouldn't make stuff like InnerText obsolete, I'd make it non-standard
but what implementation do you follow?
Opera just pushes out the textContent
how do you know what to do?
there is no standard. he may as well just write it to do whatever he thinks it should do
and not worry about how others handle it
Well to the extent that someone else has already thought about all this and come up with something reasonable... i'd rather just copy them
I think that it should be available, but it should warn the developers who use it
keep all of these non standard properties and methods and js will start to resemble php4 - a grab bag of half baked crap
@rlemon Hm. There is a standard.
@FlorianMargaine not for innerText there isn't
there is a MS standard
but it's not a recognized standard
@rlemon It's nothing like that, PHP has thousands of weird methods, I'm just advocating adding one or two properties that are not standard and are supported by chrome
@BenjaminGruenbaum but where does it stop?
Honestly, I'd just use .Text() since CsQuery passes the jQuery test suite so I know what to expect
"one or two" here, and "three of four" there.
@rlemon It stops pretty fast :) There aren't that many things you need
Most of the people use CsQuery for scraping, it's awesome for that
hrmm, what is it?
otherwise, @JamieTreworgy I guess you already know james.padolsey.com/jquery/#v=1.7.2&fn=jQuery.text ?
When you code a crawler, CsQuery is super nifty you don't want to start worrying
!!/choose stop halt nothing
@rlemon halt
@FlorianMargaine like 4th time posted now :P
y u ppl no read up?!
sorry i seem to have to pay attention to my call :/
For me, if it's consistent with chrome that's awesome
when the code that I have not tested on dev works perfectly in production:
brb pc is uber lagging for some reason
@jAndy That's from that big list of pictures that was posted here a while back :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum giief giief
it's all from a big list of picture. called "google images"
@BenjaminGruenbaum: lol someone just sent me that :p
LOL this is a GOOD one too
But that's wrong. This guy seems too old to send to production a code not tested on dev.
still i think nobody knows this pic (except thoose who saw me posting it yesterday)
original website (in french) lesjoiesducode.tumblr.com
When sysadmin finally gives us the root access
thecodinglove is the english fork :P
welcome to goodburger home of the goodburger
ohh god why did I watch that movie.... 7 times...
lololol.. tears if laughing in the office = aweseome
I love this one
When a bug goes unnoticed during a presentation
yeah, this one
funniest shit I've seen in a looooooooooong while
I love this one

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