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@Samithaఠ_ఠ can you access the files that are placed in the node_modules - folder?
it's working @8080
but not in openshift
i've got a slightly different setup here, hmm
but i can easily link to the stuff in node_modules
@BenjaminGruenbaum no love for my game ?
Gets too hard too quickly
@dievardump what ? My game ?
The 3rd level is not easy if you don't have examples of how to do things
A different kind of level : dystroy.org/spacebullet/index.html?m=6
That<s what I think. It needs demos. A demo for the first level, and a demo for the third one. And every time you have a new difficulty
@dystroy an optional reset would be nice
like sometime you move things where you want them, and then you die and it goes back to the initial settings
@phenomnomnominal yes, it's in my TODO list
The red line is a good idea
should be here from the beginning
the red line makes it too easy though :P
so it should be here the first levels
Because without my co worker I wouldn't have pass the 3rd level.
@dievardump I don't want it on all guns. But I might introduce it sooner. I'm just building the game bricks right now. The level 7 should give you an idea of where it's headed
But I know the levels 3,4 and 5 might be hard to pass
In fact the second mission (or even the first) had been said too hard too...
@BenjaminGruenbaum why were you searching ;;; btw?
@dystroy 1st and 2nd are ok
yes, far too hard for a game.
At least far too hard for a beginning.
@FlorianMargaine Saw lisp comments.
I, personnaly, don't see what to do with the 6th level.
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
@dystroy Studying for an exam, I played around with it and it looks very nice (there were some drag & drop problems though). I'll get around to it more seriously later.
I don't know if I have to move while it's moving or place it and wait
@dievardump put the ship on a line, press P, and move the little planets
@FlorianMargaine It's a long story :) Anyway, I got to get back to studying, I'll talk to you later.
The problem about drag&drop that I don't know how to handle is that certain moves are forbidden. So right now I just stop the planet and show it red. But it can be confusing and I don't know what to do.
Where is it explained that you can pause ?
WAT, you can pause?
@dystroy yeah that annoyed me a bit
It's explained level 4 ...
is it a speed thing? like you can't move them too quickly?
Cannot GET /socket.io/socket.io.js error in here chat-doers.rhcloud.com openshift + node.js ANY HELP?
oh ok, I couldn't know I stopped after finishing the 3rd.
@phenomnomnominal There are limits like the speed and you can't move planets over rails or other things
@phenomnomnominal I'm at a stump in the road bro
I think this is where my modeling career comes to an end
@Gacnt, you're so committed bro
I can't do subtle things :(
I definitely will rearrange the texts and missions to ensure you the learning curve is easier
but... that<s too hard.
we need to SEE the planet force
But pausing doesn't always help. In level 3 it might make it harder...
Q: java progarm for division of one number of any range by another

user2541730Write a program in java to divide one number by another. But these number can have any no of digits(means the numbers may be of 100,200 or more than these digits.)

@phenomnomnominal sudelectro.oxatis.com/Files/19913/ArtSOU-LOG-M500Big.jpg like bending the thumb in, and adding the scroll wheel and stuff
@dievardump You know were the planets are, you know your gravity (Mmg/d²) and all planets have the same density.
Q: Jump and run HTML5 Game Framework

user1818924We're developing a jump and run game with HTML5 and JavaScript and have to build an own game framework for this. Here we have some difficulties and would like to ask you for some advice: we have a "Stage" object, which represents the root of our game and is a global div-wrapper. The stage can co...

Sorry but without visual help, your game is too hard.
@Gacnt, well you're getting more into sculpting
We should see planet force, and maybe, in a hard mode, disable it
I don't even understand why it moves like that.
By the way do you find the level 7 hard or not ?
I haven't found level 7 at all
I tested three times. I don't see why some launcher gives a red line and some not
gave up in L3
And then I gave up.
@phenomnomnominal Halp me sculpt bruh
can you zoom out? It's unplayable on 1024x600
@Gacnt, bro
@phenomnomnominal So modeling is more for making multiple pieces or a rough design, or simple things e.g. wine glass, sculpting is for more intricate designs?
@JanDvorak no, zooming isn't possible now. I note it. BTW I just spent a few evenings on it right now, it's far from finished, I was asking for opinions over a mere draft...
@dystroy the planets are a bit too strong IMO
@Gacnt, sculpting is normally for more organic forms
@phenomnomnominal Like a computer mouse?
@JanDvorak With low gravitation you can't curve the paths enough so you need a bigger screens to have interesting missions
it's form is fairly organic
lots of curves, designed to fit in a hand
ergonomic and shit
@dystroy: not that hard, but I still believe we should be able to see forces, to know if planet gravity have, or not, impact on the ship.
Would some people here be interested by the source code of spacebullet as a github repository so that they look or maybe contribute ?
@phenomnomnominal Ergonomic an sheeeeeet
@dystroy definitely.
@dievardump planets always have an impact. There's no max distance to gravity.
Something we can't know in the current context
so with this information let's try the 3rd
@dievardump I'll precise it in some early mission but I don't know where to stop. Some people might be afraid by the gravity laws or simply when I explain that the mass is proportional to the radius power 3
@phenomnomnominal Do they use drawing tablets at WETA, or are they boss mouse doers
Bon ben non j'arrive a rien, c'trop difficile le 3
what the fuck did i just read?
.... french.
@dievardump levels 3, 4 and 5 will definitely be moved much later in the game. I wasn't sure until you people confirm it's too hard.
Sorry for the French.
@dievardump nessun problema, era chiaro
was that italian?
non é il chat gato in Italiano ?
ne. Italsky fakt neumim.
:( Ich verstehe nicht...
er... hello
again i'm here for a help
!!/welcome user2206616
@user2206616 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user2206616 OK... which seat should I take?
i want result for the inserted value ..
i mean ajax result of the inserted value
@Gacnt they use whatever they're most comfortable with
ERROR : error raised error listen eaddrinuse
in node.js ?
@phen I present to you my dog
Is it like ... surfing?
Also, why do you have such a big pool?
@Samithaఠ_ఠ the port is in use
It's my gfs pool
I hate your gf.
var iosocket = io.connect('http://localhost:8080'); my openshift cloud
And no it doesn't like to swim so it sits on that thing and bobs around
port 8080 is busy.
@JanDvorak that was not i was searching for
@phenomnomnominal it's working 100% in localhost
not in openshift
then keep speaking
@octa and its probably only 24' if you walked from one side to the other, and about 5' deep you can buy them at walmart, the wide angle lense makes it seem bigger
@AmaanCheval just a little something that I think you could enjoy -> youtube.com/… :)
@Gacnt That's what she said ...
@OctavianDamiean you and you girl-talk :P
@GNi33 that's a tune
Jun 7 at 3:34, by Gacnt
There's 20 letters in the alphabet right
This remains the best joke ever told in this chatroom
I'm not a too big fan of The Wonder Years, don't know why because I really enjoy pop-punk, but this song is just freaking awesome
@Gacnt, yes
@phenomnomnominal check this chat-doers.rhcloud.com please
@phenomnomnominal oh oh oh oh, Pianos Become The Teeth, haven't listened to them in some time, awesome!
@GNi33 yeah man, so fucking good. I'm on a mega Touche Amore/La Dispute fix at the moment. Those splits that they all do together are insane
@Samithaఠ_ఠ what am I meant to do with that.
never really got into Touche Amore, should probably have a closer look at their stuff, a friend of mine is a huge fan
I just like saying the name haha
Q: Saving div elements generated with jQuery

sriI have certain blocks of code like BlockA(a,b,c) and BlockB(b,d,e) and so on where these a,b,c, etc.. are all input fields. All these blocks are hidden initially with css and post editor has the choice to load as many blocks in the order they want. My idea was to fit all these into a single metab...

hah, this is awesome.
@someColor:         transparent;
@someDarkerColor:             darken(spin(@someColor, -10), 3%);
Does anyone spot the mistake?
That's LESS of course.
how do you spin or darken transparent?
He was trying to decrease the hue of transparent. :D
Awesome innit?
I lol'd quite a bit when I saw it.
you can see how he got there, but...
Yea, I mean I understand what he's trying to do but that's not the way.
Q: How to structure a Javascript module better?

KosThere's this Ajax-heavy, JQuery-based site which I'm about to work on. There hasn't been much structure in the JS code so far (lots of functions at global scope, hard-coded in the HTML onclick="something(args);". I want to improve upon that and introduce some structure. How? Here's what I've tri...

I feel like the "demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved" close reason is being more and more overused. I'm sure half SO users, even while knowing regexes basics, wouldn't find this so easy :
Q: I need a regex that can remove the seconds from the time string

gilamranI want to remove the seconds from time string, the format is HH:MM:SS with the possibility of space and "am/pm" at the end. For example: 11:34:41 pm to 11:34pm For example: 11:34:41pm to 11:34pm For example: 11:34:41 to 11:34 How can this be done. I've tried many regexs, none worked. Thanks G...

voted to reopen, but it's not a great question either
@QuinDa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Did any expert ever use Thrift?
Hello, I'm newbie at jquery, is this the right place for asking about it??
Q: Aren't we a little overusing the "demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved" closing reason?

dystroyI feel like I see more and more this reason used, even in problems that aren't trivial for people knowing the basics of the topic. Here's an example : Regex to remove the seconds from the time string I don't say it's a great question. But it seems perfectly legitimate and bad regexes wouldn't ...

@QuinDa what's jQuery?
real programmers need no frameworks
now ask :-)
!!/stat 88656 extended
@BenjaminGruenbaum Eric Lippert has 233125 reputation, earned 60 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 2417 answers.avg. rep/post: 96.45. Badges: 51g 514s 1290b
!!/stat extended
@BenjaminGruenbaum User Elusio proved elusive.
!!/stat BenjaminGruenbaum extended
@BenjaminGruenbaum Benjamin Gruenbaum has 14406 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 28 questions, gave 401 answers.avg. rep/post: 33.58. Badges: 1g 25s 57b
!!/stat 22656 extended
@BenjaminGruenbaum Jon Skeet has 579887 reputation, earned 275 rep today, asked 29 questions, gave 26221 answers.avg. rep/post: 22.09. Badges: 195g 3249s 4705b
@QuinDa are you going to ask?
Got better rep/post than Jon Skeet.
He's such a noob.
lol @ Eric Lippert
!!stat OctavianDamiean extended
@OctavianDamiean Octavian Damiean has 17090 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 5 questions, gave 407 answers.avg. rep/post: 41.48. Badges: 10g 52s 72b
Jon Skeet is basically spewing good answers to obscure questions
asking 0 questions makes him pretty dislikable
seems like the guy is either not very interested in conversation and learning or he is using more accounts to actually ask for things
!!stat capricaSix extended
@JanDvorak Caprica Six has 191 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 1 answers.avg. rep/post: 191. Badges: 0g 2s 4b
C++, C#, and Java all in the same day.. I feel like I've been mixing alcoholic drinks
As I said I'm very newbie at this but I have to finish a website soon so I have no chace.... Ok, I have a Index.html and there 3 div's that I show and hide depending on the button I click. The problem is when I go to page1.html... I want to make a href to a div that is hidden when I first load index.html... is it possible to define a variable wich knows that I come from page1.html and show's the div I want ??
@Neil More like antibiotics with alcohol.
!!/stat jAndy extended
@jAndy jAndy has 71962 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 53 questions, gave 1879 answers.avg. rep/post: 37.24. Badges: 10g 92s 160b
!!/stat FlorianMargaine extended
@FlorianMargaine Florian Margaine has 12396 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 22 questions, gave 518 answers.avg. rep/post: 22.95. Badges: 1g 12s 43b
@QuinDa the server can insert any variables it likes to javascript
@OctavianDamiean Whatever it is, it isn't good for my head
@NIA Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<script> var data = '.json_encode($data).' ;</'.'+script>
It seems that however hard our company tries to learn new programming languages and abandon the old, all we seem to manage to do is to require that I use both with increasing frequency
@Playerwtf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ok, maybe I should see JS more carefully
before doing this
thanxs anyway
@QuinDa, I suggest you ask a formal question, and talk more details.
I want to use an equivalent for php session
I have 2 differents html and I want to use a global variable
You could pass that from the server
or use localStorage/sessionStorage
ok, I'm going to investigate about it
!!tell quinda mdn sessionstorage
@CapricaSix Thank you
@QuinDa, you can use window.open to open a new page, then you communicate between the two pages.
@jasonjifly I use window.location.href
ew popups
If you want an alternative for storage, you could alter the URL to hold the neccessary information. This has the upside you can bookmark the state and reinstate later
But the prerequisite is they must be in same origin

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