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grrr, three.js is being annoyingly flickering
Is there anyway to know what method has been used to encrypt this string?
@djtechie lol
@djtechie try base64
ok wtf?!
@djtechie That could be so many things
@djtechie most likely it's just a database key
g2g, bye
they list 'country' as the last dropdown on the contact form, and they explicitly ask for a 'state' and list US states AND canadian provinces there
!!> atob('tfdIB3AlviYKVYguaT1S8g')
@Zirak "µ÷H\u0007p%¾&\nUˆ.i=Rò"
ZOMG finally putting projects on my site
@JanDvorak Might not be base64
Yes its not base64
I tried that
It could be a hash of some sort. What makes you think it was encoded (that is, there's meant to be a way to decode), and why do you even want to know?
Its been used in yelp.com URL to writereview page
my photoshop turned into grayscale only. any ideas ?
I want to redirect user to directly business's writereview page
nvm fixd
it's likely a random hash then
...then it could very easily be some auto-incrementing thing, or a UUID
Hmm..how to figure out :P
  ▲ ▲
!!> (+[Date.now(),Date.now()].join("")).toString(26)
^ totes secure
@rlemon "c2kha869goo7lehip6"
Why do you want to figure it out?
it's what the big boys do
And you can always ask yelp, email them with your usecase
I want to redirect user to direct writereview page
and that kind of string url is including
yes we know your use case
does yelp?
@Neil reminds me on the triforce of Zelda !
@jAndy What a coincidence! I was just trying to make an exact replica of the triforce :P
weird, I have no clue why there is an equality sign at the end of btoa('Lq\u0006\u0000Á');
sorry can someone test the mute command on me please?
need to check one thing
!!mute sbaaaang 356d
@JanDvorak User sbaaaa not found
@JanDvorak Muted user 895174 for 356d
uhm ... @JanDvorak
why doesn't works?
!!How long until this is done?
@eazimmerman No way
You still there, @sbaaaang?
Write something if you see this
@Neil yep
can you hear me?
Unmute him @JanDvorak
@sbaaaang should we enter gallery just to let you test?
@Neil so can you
I might rename to "Jan Dy"
@JanDvorak no just dunno why if you try mute me i do not get muted :P
!!unmute sbaaaang
@JanDvorak Unmuted user 895174
i seeee
@sbaaaang we're not in gallery mode
god, 4 pages of shit to report about (QA'ing our new site) and I haven't even looked at the code
@JanDvorak I was hoping you'd play along :P
oh @JanDvorak no problem ok
Woo Hoo! almost no plugins!
@JanDvorak how the mute command works? it uses sockets?
which kind of algorithm is that µ÷Hp%¾& Uˆ.i=Rò?
@djtechie it looks like a base64-decoded version of some key
Yes I tried with decoding by base64 and got this
and tried also atob() in js
Have you listened to what we said after saying that base64 is likely not it?
how it's possible that disabling js the chat blocks itselfs ?
i can post messages but cannot read and interact ... strange
hey all :)
Q: Clicking a button if function

AleksI need a script that helps me to click a button when a special number of an element pops up. There is this picture http://prntscr.com/1d4v5b. I want to have a script which clicks on "max" everytime there is a 0.03 RSD of the left price. Is this possible? It would be cool if the page could refres...

is it possible to have an element with an absolute position as to not disturb the rest of my layout but be relative to its parent?
i have a dropdown menu and i want to make it relative to it's parent hover link above
can someone please write to me somenthing?
@JanDvorak can you please try to mute me now and check if that works? :P
@KevinMurphy yes. an absolute element will be relative to the closest parent that has position: relative set against it.
hmm.. then i'm not sure why this isn't working. one sec
ie> 'download' in document.createElement('a')
AH. i see what it's doing.
Did the IE11 option die? :\
@mikedidthis i.imgur.com/EfaCWEa.jpg - i know understand that it's setting the ul dropdown relative to it's parent but.. say i wanted to center the dropdown with it's parent instead of align them to the right?
@KevinMurphy left: 0; right: 0; text-align: center on the absolute element.
I've changed how the bot remembers stuff internally. So if strange things happen in that regard, ping me.
that will make the child element align to the left / right of the parent.
too many pinned messages :(
@mikedidthis for some reason, it only works when I unset the width of the child :/
which i clearly don't want to do heh
@KevinMurphy correct, which is what you want to do. You want it to inherit the width from the parent?
no i want it to center based on the parent, but have a set width
@KevinMurphy ohhh.
@Nagarajananbazhagan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Nagarajananbazhagan Names. You know how to pick'em.
why is ie10 console so shit?
@CapricaSix thanks
!!Foreigner or Manfred Man
@eazimmerman Manfred Man
@Connor !!/console //
@mikedidthis did this just get super complicated?
the amount of money Microsoft got and they cant even get someone to something good
@Neil what
@Connor That's precisely the reason why
@Connor Regular expression for "remove 'console'"
@Neil I don't follow
@Connor You know what regular expressions are, right?
@KevinMurphy depends are the parent elements dynamic or static widths?
Well that just means, find "console " and replace it with ""
holy crap...
!!s/ie10 console/ie10/
@Zirak why is ie10 so shit? (source)
@Connor THAT ^
@mikedidthis parents are dynamic. child is static heh
@digvijay91 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i must admit, the only good thing is checking compatibility with older browsers. like HTML / CSS
@Zirak lol yeah....
@Connor IE is older browsers
@Neil i didn't say it wasn't
@mikedidthis so it will only work with set widths?
I mean that's why it's compatible :P
Hey i just met u
and this is crazy
but hes my code
so fix it baby
@KevinMurphy nope, I just had to set a width :)
- Credits "Robert Lemon" MIT LICENSED
awesome - let me try and implement this haha
Hey! I cannot seem to use onclick() with div (id="navbar")tag. Can anyone help me?
http://pastebin.com/qMgWEwy7 The idea is on clicking the purple patch on the top left, you should get a black patch underneath it..
But that function itself is not getting executed.
@mikedidthis ok so i think the issue i'm having is the parents are also floating left.
@FlorianMargaine , @loktar i found out my solution
@Darkyen fix it maybe
in one of the oldest techniques of image representation ... scaling :P , basicallly now i have a cap of 0.1 * <screen pixel count> points on a map , the client sends a request to server for sucha bad boy, the server aggresively reduces points by computing average of 4 points and replacing them with one until unless after a pass <= required points are left.
This new point array is cached for future use, much like dynamic programming in db
@KevinMurphy the parents need a width for the margin auto technique
so by floating them, the width is removed?
@KevinMurphy the element has to be a block or floated. However floating murks the margin auto:
when a new feed comes this is supposed to be changed .. now working on that :-<
@mikedidthis is there an alternative to float:left for making my nav bar links show up side by side xD
@KevinMurphy display: inline-block
Is anyone on what I wrote?
@digvijay91 provide a jsfiddle.net please
@mikedidthis essentially, this represents what i have set up now: jsfiddle.net/berryboy/sCRQ6
you posted css+js it's a hell use jsfiddle.net
"jsfiddle.net"<< I am sorry, but what is it?
o it's a site I guess
@KevinMurphy ok. The parents will always be smaller / bigger than the child?
wait letme see
@mikedidthis i can't say for sure it will be one or the other - depending on the text they use for the links :/
@KevinMurphy kk
@KevinMurphy fucking balls hard if all the content is dynamic :(
@digvijay91 ok now what are you trying to do?
@mikedidthis yeah :/ the only thing that's dynamic is the parent. everything else is static width of 225px
what's the problem
@sbaaaang when I click that orange square, I want the black rectangle (which is currently hidden, id="navbar") to come to the right
basically I set the marginleft property to -200 so it is off the screen
@mikedidthis i tried messing with percentages of negative margins but like you said.. silly when the parent is dynamic
@digvijay91 where is your onclick method?
event i mean
the function?
you didn't wrote anything aout the click
right at the top
the first div tag
@sbaaaang write
@KevinMurphy yeah, I think you may need to relook at the html.
have a parent element with the same width as the menu, and then have the anchor and menu as child elements.
@digvijay91 oh yeah i see
@mikedidthis well that fiddle is 100% of what i have now - do you think it's doable
@KevinMurphy give me one last try :/
@digvijay91 i see a marginLeft instead of margin-left could that be?
@Neil tells me ..
I actually changed from margin-left to marginLeft, cause I think that's the way it is done. but the thing is the function itself is not getting called I believe
@sbaaaang even the alert() is not getting called
@digvijay91 did you putted the js before the html?
if you call method(); method(); must exists i guess before you call it
posted on July 02, 2013 by Nicholas C. Zakas

This past week, Microsoft officially unveiled the first preview of Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 8.1[1]. Doing so put to rest a whirlwind of rumors based on leaked versions of the much-maligned web browser. We now know some very important details about Internet Explorer 11, including its support for WebGL, prefetch, prerender, flexbox, mutation observers, [...]

@sbaaang in the head tag, before the body tag
@digvijay91 you getting many errors
since you use x < 10px for example
Q: <!DOCTYPE html> SyntaxError: syntax error

Ajay ShuklaI am getting javascript error while consoling in firefox SyntaxError: syntax error [Break On This Error] Do anyone have solution to solve this? Thanks in advance

instead of x < '10px' which is wrong anyway :D
Are they putting WebRTC in IE11 ?
correct is x < 10
@sbaaaang I cannoit see have 10px
@sbaaaang u referring to 0px?
you can't do x < 50px for example
or = 50px
i mean use integers
and if you need 50px use quotes since it's a string "50px"
use your browser console you'll see all these errors
once you fixed that all will work perfectly
@sbaaaang ok got it thanks!
you're welcome dude
@dgcupps Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
LOl IE11
^ lol
@Zirak did you answer anything with the bot?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Been too busy. I'll probably work on the Bubble-tree one
But I'm afraid my implementation will be too anaemic
function HttpGetFile(fichier)
  if(window.XMLHttpRequest) // FIREFOX
    xhr_object = new XMLHttpRequest();
  else if(window.ActiveXObject) // IE
    xhr_object = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
  xhr_object.open("GET", fichier, false);
  if(xhr_object.readyState == 4) return(xhr_object.responseText);
  else return(false);
I will reserve judgment until I see that the browser has a changed attitude, but I doubt it
Hello. Is it possible to animate css3 props like :
$("#containerWrapper").show().animate({ scale: '+=0.33' },....
it doesnt work for me
(should it work ?)
@RoyiNamir scale() not scale:
yeah should work, with a plugin :o
so i guess not
use a new class @RoyiNamir .scale{ scale(0.6)} .noscale{scale(1)} just a boring example :P
jAndy , why cant it work without a plugin ? (just curious) ? its a regular css
@FlorianMargaine \o i has a doubt sire
as @sbaaaang mentioned, scale is a matrix in pure css code and it gets represented via a "Function" like scale(1,2)
where did u got that code off ???
@RoyiNamir also if you need animations check out this daneden.me/animate
so its not just replacing numbers due to the difference between representation and real data
@Darkyen some of my company's intranet
Hurr DUrrr Durr :-(
i assume somebody is getting fired ?
@RoyiNamir scale is not regular css sire
transform:scale(1.0) is :P
oh... didn't know that.
PS dont do blindly += 0.33;
@KevinMurphy jsfiddle.net/mikedidthis/73fu2 that is as close as I can get it. Works well if you can deal with the child elements being between 200 - 300px wide.
its regular css
since :$ ... in case of a bug u will get the map of rome becoming map of Russia
@jAndy scale ?
oh it could work !?
(first i want it wto work , then i'd deal with thie 0.333 thing :-))
iirc zoom was
but its represented via scale() in the transition property
which translates into
matrix(2,​ 0,​ 0,​ 2,​ 0,​ 0)
. dude....!
never tryed what about animate({transform:'scale(3)'}); !? @RoyiNamir
@sbaaaang 5 sec , im checking...
oh np ok
Is there canvas like stuff in java wavava ?
ok ehee
@Darkyen lmgify
the fuc* , ricostacruz.com/jquery.transit/#top is working great
thank you all.
@sbaaaang i actually want to write a snake game in java :->
my current implementation is in amazing sexy javascript :D
@RoyiNamir good ;)
@Darkyen :D
stick with javascript
@SimonSarris i am in a java training bro :-)
i wanna get a feel of java so that i can hate it more :D
ciao guys!
@rlemon eh I thought it might be at first, but Im not sure
Hey guys, can somebody explain this piece of code to me?
$(xml).find('circle').each(function () {
$("#output").append($(this).attr("code") + "<br />")
@Darkyen You can take for granted that there is a lot to hate. Source : started java in 1995 and still maintaining big java applications
@ShannonStrutz kindly use ctrl + k
 $(xml).find('circle').each(function () {
                        $("#output").append($(this).attr("code") + "<br />")
Oh whoa, I didn't know about that
@dystroy i kind of hate it because of the super insane verbosity nothing else
oh and also because i cant use some of my lovely C++ style
@Darkyen You'll hate it for the stupid and insanely painful to follow libraries too
rest java is cool.. especially for understanding how vm's work
our teacher is excellent :-) , shes actually making me like it a lil !
posted on July 02, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey geeks! Only a few days left to get a copy of the new book! If yo

 $(xml).find('circle').each(function () {
     $("#output").append($(this).attr("code") + "<br />")
There we go, can somebody help me with that bit? I don't quite get it
@ShannonStrutz this code just tries to append the attribute "code" of all "circle" elements in some xml into a dom element with id "output"
but it's bad
you shouldn't append incomplete html fragments
Is there a better way? I want to append the information that is contained in the circle elements
so when it finds the element, it takes the information between the opening and closing tag
a solution is to build a html string in the loop and setting it as the html of the element after the loop.
I'm not following, example?
@ShannonStrutz can i see the xml ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum ugh, I now remember why I stopped using things like d3. I hate graphical things.
Yea just a sec
So ambiguous...so not tangible...
@Zirak Sounds like you don't know how to do it, that's ok, just pick something else :)
If I threw things at it for another hour I'd get it, but it just sucks so much. How do people make graphical things? @SimonSarris how can you decide on anything?
This is solvable with a simple truth-map
@Zirak I make the libraries, I don't use them! :D
@Zirak gogogo
@SimonSarris Even worse! How can you make any concrete decision?
@Zirak making decisions is easy
its living with the regret months later that is the hard part
right now I'm trying to un-screw up the background grid validation
I just abstract things to death, and end up seeing that I'm on the road to making something so abstract it'll be useless.
@Simon having a baby?
What are you having trouble with?
@eazimmerman any ideas?
@Zirak let's troll him :) gist.github.com/benjamingr/5909909
Post that as an answer, I'll upvote :P
Oh, needs to use classNames instead of the actual objects :P
@Zirak :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum Commented on the gist with what I'm actually going to post :{P
Good enough?
Go for it.
It looked like a "gimme dah codez" question so I didn't include dah codez
(Also, sets :P)
A: Suggest elements of an object array which is not there in another object array

Caprica SixHere's the general idea of the algorithm: Iterate over Array1. Add the current item's className to a truth map Iterate over Array2 If the current item's className is not in the truth map, add it to the result. That simple, O(n+m) (worst case O(2n)). By a truth map, my intention is a plain...

Don't give it a bounty though ~_~
The question isn't worth it
+1 For suggesting an approach vs. giving code. This is definitely the way to go about this, at least until ES6 sets are available. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 7 secs ago
@Zirak If you don't want a bounty then answer something else :P
If I upvote it...is it sockpuppeting my sockpuppet?
@ShannonStrutz regex, jkl-parsexml, ctrl+f
i'll look into it later when I'm not at work
@Zirak It might be wiser for you not to upvote it. Let us do that as I just did (after having duly verified it is a good answer)
Whoopsies. Undone

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