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@ssube It's "exactly" the same principle melon used but this time instead of just getting the element clicked I also go through the elements inside it and filter the elements I want
I'm not 100% sure what your goal is, but that sounds like the direction.
my goal is something like this: When the user clicks on the article element (the video class) I need to get the source of the video element
<article :hover class="thumb" onclick="Video(this)">
  <div id="myModal" class="modal">
    <div class="modal-content" id="ModalVideo">
      <span class="close">&times;</span>
  <img src="images/thumbs/eminem.jpg" class="image" alt="">
  <div class="video">
    <video src="images/movie.mp4.mp4" autoplay muted class="videoPreview"></video>
<article :hover class="thumb" onclick="Video(this)">
what language is this?
that's the article. and when the user clicks on the div with the class video I want to get the video source.
I will show on fiddle
that isn't valid HTML, as far as I know
all except the :hover
which might have been coppied from the inspector?
the hover is invalid? I've read about it in stackoverflow tho :\
completely invalid
:hover is css, not html
so I don't need that in there I see
I took it out :)
I think I overcomplicated this. in the end I just need an handler for the <div class="video"> go to the video element and grab the source
anyone here know drupal that could point me in the right direction of learning how to create a site with it, their documentation is shit
ok, i've gotten pinged about this twice in arbitrary places, so...
Sep 15 '16 at 20:22, by Shog9
just kick first next time, please
Sep 15 '16 at 20:22, by Shog9
warning about kicking is only slightly more effective than warning about warning
i believe that has already been linked
not enough for it to take, clearly
tips for getting a high salary and seeing if they're proposing to pay less than they should?
y'all knew what to do to avoid problems, and you didn't do it. Next time, nip it & the bud & you won't have to wonder why stuff escalated.
i cant really speak for the RO's but i believe it was more circumstantial than do we have the permission to remove him
@Shog9 I think we just had another moderator tell us not to kick first a few days ago
@towc it's always policy to just kick known trolls
He was kicked early on, but the conversation was allowed to continue.
const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.video');
for( const btn of btns ) {
  btn.addEventListener('click', handler, false);
function handler() {
 modal.style.display = "block";
 var source = $('video').attr('src');
I know I'm kinda close
@towc well, try both & see which one works better.
yeah, the problem this time was that only one person was kicked, after other folks started encouraging
@towc the issue at hand i believe was whether or not to kick the person for having a differing opinion.
I don't know, I'm not a genius, contrary to some of my voices' belief
It's not for having a different opinion, it's for disrupting the peace
because in the end that was my takeaway, don't adamantly retain a differing opinion on SO or you will be kicked
If he firmly believed what he was saying, and other people were just egging him on, doesn't that make him the only one NOT trolling? Just being misguided?
@Mr.Toxy you'll want to replace that source = $('video') with something to search within the handler's element
@david that is what i was thinking yeah
@ssube hmmm I know what you mean, let's see
@david if (and it's a big if) he wasn't trolling, then he was violating the other ToS.
@ssube which ToS was that?
I missed the actual event
Was this the manners book discussion? I ducked out after saying it was weird, had a meeting, came back saw he was kicked.
@loktar a sideshoot of it yes
ah yeah I missed all that
@ssube I can pass "btn" to the handler right? and from there search within that element.
@Mr.Toxy yep
function handler(event) { $(event.target).find('video')...
or something much like that, my jQ is thankfully getting rusty
holy crap, he was actually banned for 6 months?
yeesh, that's a bit harsh
mine is a toddler hehe
Chat banned. Not main
ahh ok
Just to be clear
@HatterisMad ur mom has average body weight
@Loktar as Madara said, his previous bans sum to more than that already
well not as harsh then, still kind of crappy, but not as crappy
@towc if that is average then im emaciated
I mean in the end it seemed like he didn't jive well with most people here anyway, but he loved coming back and stirring things up it seemed like so meh.
@HatterisMad don't you talk at length about how emaciated your overseas travels have made you? :P
If everyone at a bar hates me, even new patrons and people who just walk in the door, I probably would stop going to that place, just sayin.
No, he didn't jive well, but it was that personal distaste that caused him to be banned when others were saying worse.
He never quit. Which is why I think people entertain him. Sympathy?
@ssube nahh i gained it back when i got back to the states
@Luggage to be fair I only saw one other. But I joined the convo half way
@Luggage well it makes sense imo, he had a history of inflammatory opinions/remarks
@rlemon well, IMO the legitimate questions made it blurry. He'd been on a pretty good streak lately.
of asking real JS questions
and then decided to screw it and go back off the rails, so
Maybe. Js mixed with flat earth and sexism
@ssube did you miss the hour long conversation i had with him the other night?
But talking about some out-dated handshaking practice was jsut over the line
@HatterisMad probably, haven't been around much
lol I just thought it was weird personally
@ssube it was much worse than today
const btns = document.querySelectorAll('.video');
for( const btn of btns ) {
  btn.addEventListener('click', handler(btn), false);
function handler(element) {
 modal.style.display = "block";
 var source = $(element).find('video').attr('src');
but I'm never about banning or even kicking, only if someone is causing an actual disturbance, such as flooding the chat
seems valid
or changing their icon to swatsikas, ect.
otherwise if it's a discussion, meh whatever
@Mr.Toxy invalid
damn it
have all his messages been purged from history too? Is that part of banning?
closer though :P
@rlemon btn.addEventListener('click', handler(btn), false); its this isnt it?
they are probably there.
You want to pass the function. Not call it
@Luggage ah yep, I was searching for the wrong user
Jan 5 at 19:58, by Waxi
@Loktar Yeah I forgot to check last night, was busy, but I'll for sure check when I get home and let ya know!
:( I'll never know what his PC is now.
Thanks a lot guys.
@rlemon Oh i understand, so I just get the element inside the function "later"
lol I was actually curious he said his friend told him it was a 2k machine
but I found that unbelievable personally
@Mr.Toxy yes. Either from the event or other means
a 2k machine?
2,000 dollar machine
oh, I was worried you meant windows 2k
I mean I guess it could have been, but you'd think you'd know if it was dropping money like that
which, in context, would have been believable
lmao, well 2k was stable at least!
for a long time
never really used it, went from 98 to XP
I used it in the gov for a while, was our main OS until going to XP
at home I did the same jump though 98-xp
var Elemento;
for( const btn of btns ) {
	Elemento = btn;
  btn.addEventListener('click', handler(), false);
function handler() {
 modal.style.display = "block";
 var source = $(Elemento).find('video').attr('src');
@Luggage thanks, I found the handshake bit
@Loktar it's been 98, XP, 7, 10 (more or less, I used 8 very briefly on my tablet before it upgraded)
that every-other rule
@Mr.Toxy Still calling it.
Foo <- is the function. Foo() <- calls the function
@Mr.Toxy you fixed the wrong part, put it back
ouch.. just read the convo that ban does seem harsh.
I missed way more than I thought
btn.addEventListener('click', handler, false); -> passing the function not btn.addEventListener('click', handler(), false); -> calling the function right?
Really I take it as "You have a different opinion than the hive mind out"
that's not cool.
@Mr.Toxy yes!
Wait, so waxi was right? It does actually seem to be referenced in a few places that men weren't meant to extend first. I mean sure it's ridiculous and outdated, but it's not "wrong" information...
his ban was sparked by the comment (if I recall correctly) "women shouldn't be in the army"
Was the issue more that he felt it was still relevant today, and wouldn't drop it?
Evidently saying that is unforgivable sexism
he didn't get banned (or even kicked, iirc) until the army stuff
And immediate kick-worthy.
Nope, you kicked him on the very first message. Or at least binned the message
the handshake business just pissed people off, and then he left for 5 minutes, and came back and got worse
And he had the messages moved to trash :S
@ssube which once it is deleted you can't see it in the transcript, you have to 'load older' until you see the deleted message or have its id
@Luggage binned a few, kicked much later
transcript no longer shows deletes
hence Shog coming to say we should have just kicked
Who got pissed off?
hmmm It gets the source for the first element, but on the second element it has the source from the first.
You were still wrong to immediately call a statement about handshaking sexist.
@Mr.Toxy get rid of your elemento stuff, if you haven't
@david looks like Theifmaster did
@Mr.Toxy because assinging btn to a global is wrong
even if it were not an async event..
man I just feel like a 6 month chat ban is pretty dang harsh.
@rlemon but I can't just access "btn" from the handler function. I need to get the element from the handler right?
but whatevs I won't lose sleep over it.
@Loktar few of us have said that, the mods pointed out (rightfully) this is like the 2 dozenth time and all of his previous bans for it sum longer than this current ban
so it's like.. well okay. if two weeks isn't enough is a month enough? would 6 months be enough? I get it
yeah I guess I don't even agree with a ban period on this.
I don't really see what he said as ban worthy unless you're the thought police.
and like others pointed out, other members made similar remarks.
well, some of the worse stuff is deleted now
It wasn't until 45 minute later when he said "women should'nt be in the military". He wasn't the first or last to say it.
@Loktar totally agree with that.
@Luggage that's not really ban worthy imo
just an opinion
we kinda dropped the ball on the 'fairness' there
Yea, I've been stating that opinion. I find waxi to be annoying, but he was basically just shot my police for speeding
> little pootis: women are more likely to get pregnant
the hero we all deserve
I mean that should get you banned in /r/women4army
but not the javascript chat lol
and his previous criminal record makes everyone say "welp, who cares, people get shot"
yeah what recourse is there, I mean Waxi wasn't a champion for any of us
I mean I do think it was heavy handed, but is there really anything we could or should do?
in this instance I think it was a bit harsh... but then we have to remember he is a troll..
so like you said, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
There, I am torn. I could use a break from Waxi, but don't like unfariness.
@Luggage yeah exactly my thoughts
He is a troll but wasn't trolling this time
I'll try to be more diligent in kicking I guess, just for peoples own good even
kick first, ask questions later.
if you read starting at my links above, you'll see he wasn't even arguing anything sexist
@ssube did that. but now I need to figure how to access "btn" from the handler function, I already know that assigning it to a global is a bad idea and I also can't pass with as a parameter when I set the handler
@Mr.Toxy jQuery will automatically pass it for you, just declare the parameter
he was only being called sexist for a handshaking 'rule' form a manner s book. somethign akin to opening a door for women
well I got banned for 30 mins for saying a bad word so whatever.
I joined at the point where he couldn't grasp the concept that you shouldn't punch anyone.. everyone deserves the right to not be punched
I have a personal distaste for the type of SJW bullshit here even mentioning gender can get you called a sexist without recourse.
@Luggage amen. I hesitate to really talk about that sort of thing for those reasons.
At that point people were already tearing aprt his every word
function handler(element) {
modal.style.display = "block";
var source = $(element).find('video').attr('src');
it's that correct?
@Luggage The funniest part is when he deduced that not being OK with hitting women means you're sexist.
well it's also the mob mentality too
@Mr.Toxy look up the jQ docs, that's not what it passes
@KendallFrey link?
it's fun to pick on the one guy no one likes sometimes.
wait! @Mr.Toxy is using jQuery...
@ssube oki doki, will do that :)
here we are entertaining the sexists and helping people who use jQ
what has the world come to?
@Mr.Toxy please PLEASE spend some more time with javascript as a whole .. but we're leading you on a self defeating path
6 hours ago, by Waxi
Men should be allowed to punch women then since he doesn't want to be sexist?
@rlemon well I feel like I'm learning some interesting things :) But I know I need to get the basics first
A follow up to his previous sentence:
6 hours ago, by Waxi
Being sexist has a negative connotation and if treating women differently than men is being sexist then we are all sexist. That doesn't work.
He's straw-manning.
The reason it's funny is that he's obviously working on the axiom that it's OK to hit a man
I mean, I like to sleep with women, but not with men... does that make me sexist?
thought probably doesn't know what straw manning means.. :)
@KendallFrey i mean that is how i was taught as a kid
Okay I just read through the transcript, and don't agree with the ban at all.
@ndugger That depends. If a man had a vagina and boobs, would you like to sleep with him?
@ssube I think I found what you said
@david It's not so much just what happened in that thread, it's that he constantly brings up very sexist ideas even well after we ask him to stop. He also believes that the earth is flat...
It seemed to spark some genuinely interesting conversation that got a lot of people involved, it was fairly civil
@HatterisMad Don't make me go through the wrong stuff I was taught as a kid
@KendallFrey If born with those parts, that's not a man
@david that's what I was thinking
it generated interesting discussion for people
well, it didnt feel civil with the pace, but yes.. it was nothing.
@Mr.Toxy I don't know your html. so this is the last help I can/will give. look up each of these functions on google / the jQuery api
var btns = $('.video');
btns.on('click', function() {
  var thing = $(this).find('video') // or whatever.
If the chat actually wanted him to stop they would have stopped responding to him
@ndugger What if he's got XY chromosomes?
@KendallFrey i don't necessarily disagree with violence used as a solution to a problem, if i did then i would be protesting wars. I just think it has its time and place.
@KendallFrey can it bear children? If so, woman.
so, if I grew boobs, you'd find me sexier than bob?
but not to start a flame war...
:35037855 will send some fat guys your way
@HatterisMad boobs not moobs
don't be sexist
@KendallFrey boogie2988 says 'wuddup
Yeah @KendallFrey, treat all foobs equally
ken is being breastist
stoopid work, making me do stuff before I can leave
i made an eminem
stoopid canada.. raining after a heavy snow.. roads are 4" deep water and it's freezing tonight. sewer system is non functional after the snow.
ugh, i know this shit will get me banned if it gets flagged out of context
No, we like you.
@rlemon I found this, stackoverflow.com/questions/979337/… it's that what you guys were talking about?
but the C++ room probably doesn't
C++ room can go chug a dick
@Luggage yeah that's pretty fucked up :(
@Mr.Toxy you're under the false impression you need to pass the argument.
@ndugger not only can, does
you're traversing the dom, which is exactly what jQuery does
Jquery already does that for me?
go read the documentation please
Fun fact: I first started hanging out in the lounge when I joined chat, because the C# room was so dead
and I knew a bit of C++
my first chat rooms were not even on SO. I was in the AskUbuntu chat first.
I started with people
I used to chat with complete strangers on Google Buzz
i started here... don't remember why
thank fuck for SO chat
I used to participate in random yahoo chats
I regret everything I've ever said in here
that was the shit
I used a few chat rooms in the 90's .. I was young. I am glad those don't have logs
I've never done IRC, sadly
@rlemon So are the old men that were talking to you.
I was pretty big into the forums
loved me some phpbb
@rlemon same
phpbb was the future
until it wasn't
anyone use ICQ?
NICE! I just got free cheese
i used to be on the se7ensins forums for a bit for some good ole halo modding
they fucked up at the register and charged full price for sale cheese. Holly went and bitched, they discounted it further and gave us one for free. fuck yea! free cheese!
ICQ is when the line in Tim's doesn't fit in the building on a winter day
@rlemon Moral: Always bitch
well it was $3.99 on sale so she bought like 5 blocks. (we like cheese) they rang her in for $8 a block.
so yea.. that isn't something you don't go bitch about
yep fair enough
> we like cheese
I mean, who doesn't
cheese is one of the three perfect foods
for some reason i couldn't associate the letter q with the word queue even though the i and c because i see easily enough.
took me way too long to get that
@rlemon I have finished reading on that and what I understood whas this:

when the handler is fired it creates an anonymous function that will call another function where I can pass my parameters, or, in my case do all the needed operations every time the handler is fired. But I think Im missing the crucial part of what you mention as "you're under the false impression that you need to pass the parameter"
what are the other perfect foods?
@HatterisMad it's not i see, it's icy
@HatterisMad bacon and chocolate
@KendallFrey :(
@HatterisMad now try to work out what it actually stands for
maybe thats why it wasn't very funny
@david internet relay chat?
oh wait shit thats irc
icq was a different chat program
curious... is if(!happy) return; a bad practice syntactically?
"I seek you"?
the syntax is fine, but that code doesn't do anything
@Luggage yep
i'd use if (false)
pikachu, ICQ?
@KendallFrey oh true haha..
you read it more easily
but then again i'd also probably just block comment
than !true
@Mr.Toxy $(element).on('click', function(event) { $(this/* which is also the original element in question */).find('video').prop('src'); // so this should get the src property of any <video> element which is a child of the element which triggered the event. that when you say it aloud sounds wrong.. you probably need to traverse from the buttons parent.. jQuery.fn.parents() is your next google.
rlemon having a stroke
Look Who's Back (German: Er ist wieder da, pronounced [ʔeːɐ̯ ʔɪst ˈviːdɐ daː]; translation: "He's back") is a 2015 German comedy film directed by David Wnendt, based on the bestselling satirical novel of the same name about Adolf Hitler by Timur Vermes. The film features unscripted vignettes of Oliver Masucci as Hitler interacting with ordinary Germans while in character, interspersed with scripted storyline sequences. It was listed as one of eight films that could be the German submission for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards, but it was not selected. == Plot == A...
^ watching that. Odd.
I'm watching the office on netflix
^amazing series
it's okay
I'm waiting on the new narcos
I wish parks and rec was on netflix
never heard of parks before. let me check
Parks and Recreation?
I will have to see one or two ep's. Will check it out later
@KendallFrey Moral: the squeaky mouse gets the cheese
but the fatter slower mouse gets eaten by the cat...
man this place is dead, we need someone like waxi to come in and spark some interesting discussion
Go ahead.
I don't think I can :(
Not with that attitude.
I'd have to play devil's advocate, which makes it a waste of time
you need someone who truly believes the crazy shit they're saying
but they've all been banned
I like peanut butter on tacos.
damn son
hard or soft shelled though?
... I just made that up.
I think cotton is a hoax. There is really only hemp cloth, but manufacturers must pretend it's cotton due to the war on drugs.
I just made that up, too. See how easy it is? Now, you.
just observing....
speaking of hoaxes
lyme disease isn't real
finland doesn't exist?
it's a conspiracy to support illegal fishing
well that's a conspiracy right there xD
the finland conspiracy is that finland doesn't exist.. not only as a county. it doesn't physically exist
where the landmass is supposed to be is water
the number of lyme disease cases is disproportionate to human exposure to ticks
so what is lyme disease then?
toilet seats.
@Meredith really? I knew someone who supposedly has it
It's a scam
scam or overdiagnosis?
lyme disease is a proponent of round earth. can't be trusted.
@Luggage that can't be it
When doctors are stumped or can't be bothered to deal with you
It's lyme disease
You must've gotten bitten by a tick at some point
Then they make you spend a ton of money on lyme disease treatment to get rid of a rash that will go away on its own
spend money on treatment? what is that?
I believe the parts about incompetent or even shifty doctors
but like a full medical industry scam is hard to believe
especially in countries where private medicare isn't a thing
Ticks are completely harmless
Lyme disease was made up as a scapegoat a long time ago

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