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that's a simple macro to write
That's so sexy, I might need new pants.
I can't wait for a ST plugin
What's the big deal?
I'll punch Ronda Rousey for a ST plugin.
ST ? Do people still use it ?
@JohnChar Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JohnChar no, no one
vscode is in town, < integrated git, terminal 3
Irony much.
hey guys
@JohnChar Obviously no one uses it, because we're talking about it.
@Loktar \o/
I'm sorry for the innapropriate messages I posted it was very bad of me
@rlemon i mean without return to the client html page containing `<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
var socket = io('XXX'); ...`
I'm glad SO removed those horribly profane messages
thank you I've learned my lesson
@Loktar You've been a naughty boy Jason. We're going to have to teach you a lesson.
He's a new man.
for everyone who validated my flag, thank you
it was a learning experience.
Rehabilitation accomplished
flagged for sarcasm.
@Neyoh how would the client make the connection otherwise?
what is the end goal?
@JohnChar where is the irony?
Damn wilx left
I was going to kick him
Well, obviously you are using ST and you're like, "No, no one uses it"
because the question itself didn't need an answer
@JohnChar That's called sarcasm, not irony.
No. My sentence was a sarcasm
I know our sarcasm is a bit advanced, to the point it seems like we're being serious, but I assure you, it was sarcasm.
Yours was Irony.
no it wasn't
Sarcasm 2.5 upgrade
the irony is that you don't understand what irony is apparently. :D
sars chasm exists in China ^
I obviously knew people still use ST while writing that sentence.
That's called sarcasm.
@Loktar Such wit, SSgt material, promote ahead of peers.
@JohnChar yes, it is.
Answering false, is 1.0.1 Irony.
Not even upgraded.
@JohnChar no it isn't
Just a bug fix.
This dude is denser than a neutrino star.
@wilx what are you talking about?!
those bugs only exist in vscode not ST3
upgrade your editor
@rlemon A friend tells me that is possible but i'm not able to see how. It's impossible
Name 2
@Neyoh again, what is your end goal.
this is turning out to be an XY problem
@JohnChar 2 what, editors?
notepad 1 and notepad 1.1
Dreamweaver as well
forever weaved into my dreams
say what you want about DW. but that shit worked for me for a long time
it's a horrible mess, sure, but it was my horrible mess
I was talking about Bugs, not editors.
@rlemon make a client who communicate with a nodejs server
@JohnChar cockroach, flying ant.
@Neyoh define "client"
you can't use a browser client? so what are you allowed to use?
(pro tip: node can talk to node)
so reading through the pings i got while i was at lunch. as i understand it somehow i flagged my own post and the chat exploded about it?
not quite.
somehow your post was flagged, then someone proceeded to flag every occurrence of the word "fuck" they could find.
then why was i asked why my post was flagworthy, as if i was the one who flagged it
@HatterisMad we don't quite understand why wilx was here yet
is that a moderator?
@rlemon yes a browser client (html page) with forms that send data to a nodejs server and nodejs server could notify the client of an event
no, he's just a 10K user that saw the flag
@HatterisMad He wasn't talking to you, he was pointing to the message
@Neyoh so why can't you use the recommended ways? like you already posted above (connecting via js on the client side)
@KendallFrey suppose he doesn't have the ability to permalink with 10k rep? needs to get to 20k first i guess huh
LOL wtf?
LOL it's so weird I'm dying
he's so genuine with his praise then .. lol
thats an unlisted video, where did you even get it
not on youtube
@rlemon Oh my god, dude, that's great. I'm trying not to burst out laughing at work.
have you been typing random strings into the video param again?
unlisted means not on the youtube search... doesn't mean you cant find it on reddit
holy shit this is great
i went for thai food and its volcano hot
@rlemon yeah i was kidding
> From the man who brought you risky clicker: Video Voyeur!
... holy shit.. can I... can I do that?
Go ahead, if you start making profits I ask for 2% of monthly profits is all.
you didn't specify 2% of what
So I made my masian stir fry last night, my coworker tried to walk off with all the leftovers last night.
I made more jerky
this is my life now
Share some
it would cost more to ship than it would cost you to make
so, no.
Except @SterlingArcher and I are supposed to be coming up if he has the stones.
and I'll make you some then
takes 24 hours to make. 1lb costs like $5
actually, I am assuming 1lb. it was a 1.2kg roast
I just gotta get Sterling to actually agree on a date, and he's been playing ghost lately.
he's too good for us with his job and his watches and his goldfish
he only comes around when his life is in shambles
was just tasked with creating a drupal website :(
ahh yeah i didnt figure the first message was enough
but its ok because they are also requiring the base to be done off of the bootstrap theme
I hate Drupal with a passion.
because for some reason they don't think i can make a responsive website without bootstrap
I like bootstrap..
@rlemon I like you
I like trains
a little too much
It's tearing us apart
Anish Kapoor has the exclusive rights to Vantablack (blackest black), so he's forbidden from buying pinkest pink.… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/818902011160784897
@rlemon NO FUCK YOU
bit.ly/2jzYtmy fake, confirmed.
I'm not the one who needs a kick in the balls
@KendallFrey that's debatable
rlemon is officially an awful person
@KendallFrey had to fix an old 32-bit laptop, bought the wrong tools 😒 i.reddituploads.com/…
@KendallFrey or he's practicing to be a dad
I imagine kendall is at home twitching because of the amount of evens he can't right now
@ssube He doesn't need practice, his jokes are already straight from Satan's anus.
@rlemon I so am >:(
Guys, anyone knows what game engine ( except if custom ), vertix.io is using ?
@JohnChar what scripts does the page pull in?
that's going to be your best bet (filenames), followed by browsing the code to see what constructors they define
Unfortunately, no obvious filename :/
I will try CTRL + F some popular, names/terms
looks all custom
Yea, that's what I thought too. Thank you though
once I get to the point where they're defining their own particle constructor, it's probably all custom
aside from the few vendor tools you can see imported elsewhere
Aiight, thanks
the fact they define how key mappings work in that script leads me to agree with lemon
that's the first thing a stock engine will get you
@SterlingArcher @Loktar blabbermouth.net/news/… you lucky ducks. no one comes to Canada
Nice to know.
If you are listening to componentWillReceiveProps..does the default prop value need to be defined in getInitiakState in order to be accessible in componentWillReceiveProps?

I did try listening in componentWillReceiveProps for nextProps.myPropName by logging it..but every time the event is hit the myPropName is undefined..Any ideas why although the prop name exists in this.props.myPropName?
@rlemon huh. That's definitely a new one.
it's a shame they aren't running an actual server in bash, but that might be totally impossible
@rlemon Well, if you gave them real maple syrup, they would.
And also if you set props via a reducer in a parent component..does that guarantee a child component listening for that props will get the latest props value? Just some thoughts
Sorry mate, I don't do React :/
@BrianJ you know state and props are not the same, yeah?
6" of snow, and now it's raining out
and it's going to -3 tonight
wfh tomorrow?
it was 21 outside two days ago this time of day, now it's 65
it warmed up enough to snow here, finally, but that's not going to last
@ssube my understanding is that the parent sets state..then passes that to a reducer where props is then set..and finally child components can then listen for changes to that props. Whilethe parent is the only thing that updates the state
Or I could be horribly wrong?
@BrianJ that seems a little more complicated than what I've seen.
The parent passes props, which don't change, and can set state, which does.
yeah we had a low of 1 two days ago and today a low of 45. such a beautiful day today
@ssube probably not. we've got visitors coming in tomorrow
@ssube yeah that's mgmt thinking
or just the React docs
@KendallFrey, @rlemon, did you guys hear about the Boom Star?
no, but did you hear about SPACE GUN?
@SomeGuy For npm packages you really should be using semver, it kinda relies on it. Having a method deprecated and then completely removed without bumping the major revision is not great. At least delay the removal till after your next major bump. Luckily this wasn't in production, (we shrinkwrap for that) We were just spinning up a new deployment for demoing. Great product though, just wanted to be sure you were aware of the hiccup
omg what did I miss
the point, obviously
@rlemon I see your shwarts is as big as mine.
@BenFortune was that directed at my message?
@david nope
ah good
I am worried that might come across too strong, it wasn't a massive deal... We were just a little confused for a while.
@ssube lol meant to type."that's my thinking" but typed mgmt..didn't mean to call you a manager
is manager a dirty word? :)
lol I was worried for a bit
Stephen hawking has died and been re-incarnated as an office chair. i.imgur.com/aWkpX3W.png
Yeah manager..eww
@rlemon Nah, at least those legs work
neither move tho
Good night everyone
https://jsfiddle.net/gdg38owq/1/ Can anyone be kind to look at the link and shed some light on my issue? the explanation is right in the end of the html. Much appreciated.
oh damn it didn't save it so I will explain here
when I click on the first article the script works just fine, it changes the modal.style.display to block in order to display the modal box.
But when I click on the second article it doesnt do that and I can't figure why
I used the element inspector to check what was happening and I found out that it changes that attribute the first time I click on the first article but id doesn't change it when I click on the second. When I manually changed the attribute it worked just fine
@rlemon Pssst
svg feels like global variables. There, said it
I hope to have achieved something
thank you all
btw, anyone heard of nodeMCU? Thoughts?
@rlemon Haha
@towc lol
why do you say a markup language seems like a programming concept?
Both two words
@towc your mom is a global variable.
it just feels like it

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