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Does anyone know what SterlingArcher did at his job?
He was a developer
i knew that much.
Wasn't he a secret spy for the secret organization called ISIS?
He worked on a legacy coldfusion back-end, but I'm pretty sure he was a front end developer, so javascript
Aaaaand now I'm on a list.
We're all on a list :P
For a JavaScript programmer, how much time does it take to learn angular js?
So, on another note, am I correct in assuming that ajaxStart(), ajaxComplete(), ajaxError() and the like only fire when the ajax control is called through JS/JQ?
yeah he was a front end dev
Jhawins talked about bringing him on here, it would be damned amazing
@Callum It's okay, I spent five years working with the list makers, they're some strange, strange folk.
@overexchange It took me about a day
@overexchange You never know angular. You just pretend you know it.
but we don't have another frontend spot at this moment :(
A day? Cool.
We had one here, but it was filled by an existing employee that's gonne move to MN
@Trasiva They don't go on lists, do they?
@Callum Nah, they whitelist themselves, immunity!
Same with using ajax/jquery?
Can you use ternaries in setting object properties?
I'm having issues with ajax and jquery working together right now.
For some reason, using ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com I can't get jquery to pick up ajaxComplete and the like.
new react dev tools beta. Yay.
I'm not seeing anything in the source code indicating globals are false, but I can't even get ajaxCopmlete or ajaxStart to pop off.
colah.github.io/posts/2014-07-NLP-RNNs-Representations well-written article if anyone is interested in nlp and such
I have no idea what that ajaxcontroltoolkit is... jQuery has ajax methods already, what are you trying to do?
@Nick I'm trying to register a click event listener for checkbox controls generated by the pre-existing ajax.
@Trasiva So, you have an ajax call, render some of the data as DOM elements, and are trying to register a click even on one of them?
I'm not quite seeing the problem
@Nick Well, I've never tried to marry ajax and jquery before, so I started by writing a quick ajaxStart and ajaxComplete function to write console logs, and they're not firing.
@Trasiva jQuery has a built-in ajax method. Can you post some of your javascript for us to see?
Give me two mikes.
Hey hey is can anyone help me with regex
I'll give you three johns
@iamtery Just ask the question. :)
@Nick 4 bobs?
@Nick Juliets*
and a partridge and a pear tree
@Trasiva yeah, no idea what those methods are. You should be using the built-in ajax method
a Partridge in a Pear Tree whoops
I see you and raise you a function @Nick
@Trasiva I see you and tell you that your money is no good here, and you should use what I linked, because whatever that is, I've never seen nor used it
@cswl Why so cryptic? :D
@Nick My money is always good...somewhere!
let foundIn = collection => element => collection.indexOf(element) > 0;
@cswl this is foundIn ^
let not = func => (...args) => !func(...args);
And here's not.
@Trasiva $.ajax('some.url/here', {
    data: JSON.stringify({}),
    contentType: 'application/json',
    success: function(data) { ... },
    error: function(xhr, message) { ... }
00;TEST;Delete;Delete;Delete;keep|| So im trying to find the number and delete the atuff tat has delete using regex this is so far i got ^\d+\;
foundIn accepts a collection, and returns a function.
not accepts a function, and returns a function.
@Nick Yea, I'm looking at that right now.
I hate just copy/pasta'ing, comprehension > dump and go.
@Trasiva It should make a lot more sense that what you were trying to use before
@MadaraUchiha At least I tried :(
@Nick Yea, so far it does! Remind me if I'm ever in your neck of the woods to buy you a coffee or five.
@Trasiva One cool thing about Hastebin is, try changing the file type to ".js" - forced syntax highlighting.
@cswl In functional programming, you should think about what you accept and what you return
@Callum First time using it, thanks for the tip!
You know that .filter and .some both accept a function
So foundIn and not must both return functions
@Trasiva It works for pretty much every filetype out there, too
Since I passed the result of foundIn to not, not must accept a function :)
@iamtery is keep|| part of the string?
also is there always 7 fields?
sorry, 6
Not its not @Crazy
Hey, I just met you
any react devs here I highly recommend checking out the new dev tools
@Nick hey how you been
they are pretty damned amazing
state/prop viewing in realtime
@Callum Even ID10T?
new dev tools? :o
@Trasiva I'm not even checking that :p
I can speak l33t fluently, brah.
@iamtery why don't you just split on the
; and then verify each field individually
I think regex is the wrong tool for that problem, personally.
What will be good tool
What's the string and the desired match? I'd agree, that maybe regex isn't the right tool, but we might be able to make it work anyways
you'll need to use negative look aheads if you want to use regex
because hes trying to ignore fields
Im using notepad++
To replace the existing code with new
@iamtery Just because code is "existing" (or old) doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. :P
I'd write a script to do it, in whatever scripting language you know that has good string manipulation, because doing that manipulation in regex is going to take twice as much time to write, imo
I could run gnome-terminal but got errors when trying to run chromium :(
@FlorianMargaine Have you tried Firefox? I'm not preaching here, just wondering if it would work.
:O caprica is back!! :D
@Neoares Hello !! I am Caprica. Caprica Six. How are you?
I feel like some developers are overly in love with reuse to the point of creating extraneous scaffolding that never is needed
I think "Six. Caprica Six" is way better
@MadaraUchiha I ran your code but got missing fields : body
@Callum iceweasel didn't work either, no
@cswl Link?
@user5186183 Hello !! I am Caprica. Caprica Six. How are you?
  |   |

@Zirak speaking from chromium in emacs.
how do I input stuff again?
!!help hang
@towc hang: No info is available
!!why am I mindjailed?
@Nick You iz in mindjail
!!hang e
  |   |
  |   O
!!hang o
  |   |
  |   O
e, o
@FlorianMargaine why does Windows look so ugly on your machine?
!!hang f
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, f, o
@FlorianMargaine Why no alt + printscreen?
!!hang b
@Loktar man it's so freaking awesome
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
b, e, f, o
!!hang a
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
a, b, e, f, o
@FlorianMargaine Nevermind, I'm an idiot.
@Nick 30L of it
gonna be ready in 3.5 weeks
!!hang c
  |   |
  |   O/
  |   |
a, b, c, e, f, o
!!hang r
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
a, b, c, e, f, o, r
!!hang g
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, b, c, e, f, g, o, r
@rlemon How complicated was the process? I've never brewed anything
rest in rip hang man
@Nick crazy easy
!!hang t
  |   |
  |  \O/
  |   |
  |  /
a, b, c, e, f, g, o, r, t
I might wanna get into it... Dunno how much I'll be able to do at an apartment, though
@rlemon are there spaces in hangman?
you guessed g before s?
!!hang s
@Crazy You people suck. The word is tintinnabulation
wow, harsh
@towc There are, yea.
because we obviously we know what tintinnabulation is :P
report @BenCraig, false info
good game
gg go re?
@Crazy I'll call the fire department to help out with that burn.
  |   |

!!hang b
!!hang s
  |   |
  |   O
b, s
@cswl Right, I'm stupid
dang :P
indexOf should be > -1 not > 0
who guesses b to start
!!hang t
  |   |
  |   O
b, s, t
you need to re-examine your hangman strategy algorithm
@rlemon How do you stop a game midway?
!!tell all sandbox
@all You know, there was this funny idea once upon a time that people were supposed to test out commands and "play" in the sandbox
but moooom! We're having fun!
1) get fruit
2) juice fruit (may involve straining, this is the hardest part)
3) pasteurize (put it in a pot and get it to just before boil for 30min)
4) let cool
5) put in carboy
6) add yeast ($0.50-$1 a packet, 2-3 packets per carboy)
7) add vapour lock
8) put in a dark cool place for 2 weeks
9) siphon off the cider leaving what settles to the bottom alone
10) clean out the crap in the bottom
11) if you want carbonated, bottle now adding more sugar.. otherwise back in the carboy
12) back in cool dark place for another 2 weeks.
@towc Go have fun in the sandbox :P
is hang a new feature?
@MadaraUchiha fun thief
@Nick ^^^
@MadaraUchiha you never loved me >:(
@towc Oh shush. I patted you on the head once.
@MadaraUchiha oh right :D
that makes up for a life on cheating on my dad and slapping :D
@Neoares No, hang was the first feature of the bot
@rlemon are you gonna carbonate it?
@Neoares hang is the reason the bot exists in the first place
Zirak was lonely one Christmas Eve, so he wrote a chatbot to play hangman with.
@Nick the more sugar in the juice (you can and should add more for hard cider) the more alcohol that gets converted. so I added 1.5 cups of sugar per 1 gallon of cider.
@Nick yes I'm carbonating it
True story btw
all the time with hang command, and never played?!?!?!
@MadaraUchiha btw, that pen got 4000 views after only 1 day: codepen.io/towc/details/WvLaKw
how can you do that to me D:
I totally didn't expect this
@towc Because it's an insanely cool effect
a pat on the head was enough
I also wrote a tutorial if you're interested: http://codepen.io/towc/blog/a-guide-to-wavy-waved-radial-waves/
In reality it's crazily simple, I even manage to overcomplicate it. I expected people to like it, but it's insane
Has anyone tried to escape the bot and run code on it
it doesn't work so well
figured lol
A pat on the head sounds like not very much fun.
@Crazy the bot was written by Zirak. Zirak is perfect and doesn't make mistakes, so nobody was succesfull
people have been successful with certain exploits.
but all it does it break the bot
someones gonna write a fuzzer for the bot
and then I have to revert memory
@KendallFrey yeah, no thanks XD @MadaraUchiha I hope you didn't mean that
@rlemon what if someone breaks the bot so much that they get in your work's network
@rlemon well, we know the bugs... are they unfixable?
@FlorianMargaine then we have big problems with FireFox
I'm gonna make a bot named Burnt Cheese
@towc iirc there is still regexp exploits.
I can't imagine those are easy to solve.
@Nick Thou. Shalt. Not. Burn. Cheese. I hope I was clear
Burning cheese is my jam
@towc there are cheeses that you're supposed to grill until they get toasty around the edges and are delicious
I don't think you could even burn cheese, can you?
@towc camembert on barbecue, though...
BBQ'd cheese is delicious
@ssube yeah, but you don't burn them, you just melt/grill them
it's quite different
grilling things burns them a little bit
I prefer my cheese charred
that's just how it works
that's what makes the grill delicious
@ssube more like roasts them? I have no idea what the correct term is
Roasting would be in more of an oven environment
@towc Burns them to high hell?
@ʞɔᴉN Hello !! I am Caprica. Caprica Six. How are you?
It gives the cheese a lot of heat variation, but doesn't lit them on fire
burning is a totally legitimate form of cooking, we just call it "blackened"
lighting on fire !== burning
@Nick yeah, idk wtf I'm talking about
@ssube you know what I mean...
usually you cake them with seasoning and let the fat burn with the spices, which is great on fish

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