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@Maurize question: what part of germany?
@Maurize user-select:none in the css
or something similar
@BadgerCat why?
@AwalGarg Fake!! I did the same and it opened the app store
@Maurize pointer-events: none
@Maurize pointer-events:none, that's it
@AwalGarg grrr :P
slow :D
@towc thanks mate! o/
@AwalGarg o/
@towc Do you learn that much math in school or you learn it on your own?
@AwalGarg slow :P
@catgocat I wish we would have at least started calculus at school, instead we're stuck with basic quadratic equations -_-
So true
pretty much everything I've learnt was on my own
@Cerbrus nobody wants you :P
\o just kidding
@argentum47 @uselesschien marshalls! report in M.I.A.O.U secret service headquarters this instant!
is this a good way to play with the heap profiler in chrome:
    for (var i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
        function foo() {
            var ii = [2];
            var ii2 = [2];
            var ii2w = {e:[2]};
what would be some good code to see examples of heap allocation issues?
uhm for pythorians here, is .bin file extension readable in python ?
(just wondering before i get my hands on that)
lots of dom manipulations
Is it just me or are javascript node behaviors somewhat inconsistent?
@KarelG yeah
@BadgerCat thanks. i am trying to find out its content... (a big loose .bin file on a server, I, and nobody knows what that is)
yay I have a date today
@corvid Example?
@BadgerCat Does copy know?
Yeah, he's getting ready
@Luggage On some you can do things like var link = document.createElement('a'); a.href = "chat.stackoverflow.com" but on others that same method will not work
It only took me 5 hours to wake him up
other what? elements? not all have an href property.
Like for example an SVG, you have to use setAttribute
does anyone here know how to configure a cisco 1941 router?
well, part of that is that in one case you are setting a property and the other an attribute
What do I connect to each port? I'm clueless, I have a wireless switch and the router and the router connects to ethernet. It has several ports with confusing names.
What's different about the two in javascript?
for example, the <a> has both an href attribute AND property.
it's not a js difference, it's a differentce in the dom. An attribute represents properties in html, e.g. <a href="..." /> and the property is not represented in the html at all. Check out the 'checked' property vs attribute for a good example of that
Some of the inconsistency is just history..
That's definitely a DOM quirk. It should just be properties, but that's just me
I'm not sure that was the best explanation, but there are subtle differences.
damn, i expected this to not have the href in the output since i set the property, not the attribute, but I was wrong..jsfiddle.net/3x23sgaj
This shows that behavior with checkbox: jsfiddle.net/3x23sgaj/1
does chrome have a Generational Collector ?
v8 does
I opened task manager last night and Edge was using 2.5GB of ram. No idea what happened, I literally just had the start page open
Restarted it and it was fine
if v8 does, chrome does.
no idea. what's that, spidermonkey?
As a web dev, you only need to worry about not hanging onto references, not the type of GC
GC is magic.
@SuperUberDuper do you know what v8 is?
input.onpaste = function(e){
if (typeof e.clipboardData != "undefined"){
    var copiedData = e.clipboardData.items[0];
	if (copiedData.type.indexOf("image") == 0){
		var imageFile = copiedData.getAsFile();
		var reader = new FileReader();
		reader.onload = function(evt){
			var result = evt.target.result;
anybody knows the error here?
TypeError: e.clipboardData.items is undefined
The music in this coffee shop is obnoxious today.
is it j beebs?
I hve no idea.
@Maurize I know! I means it's undefined. Do I win a cookie?
Nevermind got it to work :D
I want a cookie
uno momento
here u go
You can't eat that.
@FlorianMargaine setcookie('chocolate', 'big')
@KendallFrey Well, they baited me with the title..
It's interesting..
I've spent a good chunk of time one weekend altering history of SVN for just such a reason
for a trans employee of mine.
Once someone is out of the closet and running with their new identity any references to the old name are just a shameful reminder
stupid windows 10 doesn't like my second monitor
@Luggage sounds too much like tumblr
do I blame nvidia or ms?
No transitioned person wants to answer questions like "Who's bob?"
better blame both.
I doubt MS gave hardware manufarctureres enough time to develop proper drivers
@Nick they did have give out 2 months of tests to who requested them...
It was probably, "Oh, don't worry, everything that works on win8 will work just fine..."
which is usually correct..
I make this assumption all the time
Anyway, I don't think that shows any patriarchal nature, just an unfortunate situation because of the design of git.
@Nick it was in test phase for 10 months
which is not an issue for most
@KarelG Stop telling me facts; let me live in my fantasy land
@Nick @ʞɔᴉN I still can't get over the fact that you're not the same guy... :(
Can't even remember with which of you I joked about going to bed...
I was gonna change my name this morning, but there's a 30 day name change limit
what will you change it to?
Burnt Cheese
you better not burn my cheese >:(
and since I feel like cheese isn't a property because of how pure it is, you better not burn any cheese >:(
is a constanty increase heaping a bad thing?
What do you mean by "freeze"? Could you be more specific? Could you provide a JsFiddle or something with CSS or at least screenshots to understand what you are talking about? — RedBreast 5 hours ago
Q: Freeze the panes dynamically in html without modifying the code

THORI have a html page which contains a table in it and I have add that page into my asp.net project. Now I want freeze the panes(fix 1st five rows as header and 1st column) without modifying the html page.. In that html page the table did not contain 'thead', 'tbody' and 'th' tags. It just like th...

hi towc
@MadaraUchiha It's half done..
pls see that link
Wanted to closevote but it's already closed
What does "freeze the panes" even mean? Your question is really unclear
@THOR I really don't understand what are you requesting
what even is the question?
freeze the pane means : I want to fix the top 5 rows as header and 1st column also
@JanDvorak also, mikedidthis is still alive :D
it's been a while, haven't seen him in this room for ages
you want to fix them? Are they broken? You're not making any sense
@THOR are they not frozen by default?
fix as in position:fixed?
@towc no
so what do you mean by "frozen" in general? As them not moving?
@JanDvorak I want to fix dynamically
"without modifying the code"
so.. magic?
calls Harry Potter
not moving in the page or in the view? As in, when you scroll it remains in the same place?
@catgocat please stay on hold while I contact Mr Potter. Mr Potter is busy, you may request an appointment
@towc I'd suggest giving @catgocat a promise instead of forcing him to wait synchronously
Mr Potter is old and his budget is low. He still runs HTML4
is he a wizard?
because I have plenty of pages like that, its very tough to modify every page..
He says so
@THOR so how are we supposed to help?
html5 is for mugals
wizards use flash
make the top 5 rows <td> tag as <th> tag by using javascript
javascript is much more powerful as the most are thinking.
thor, can you instead modify the html to but the top 5 rows in the thead section?
I realized this as I wrote a script which allows users in a specific group to write comments with pictures and links everywhere
kinda barfed out too many commas there..
@Luggage I, do, that, all, the, time
All programming languages are powerful, it's just easier to utilize it in some
Is javascript really a programming language is the question... :P
get out.
get out.
@MadaraUchiha I don't know what I am doing anymore, but it worked. :|
gets out
I know you were joking, but yes, JS is as real as they come
A sordid history, but it's evolved into a fairly modern productive language if you know what parts to avoid.
What about HTML and CSS?
But luggage, it's only a scripting language, and java is better, and c++ is best #1 javascript
HTML and CSS are not programming languages
nobody ever said they were
unless they're brain dead
I often hear people saying...
You need to hang around different people, then
html and css are great, too. If you ignore browser compatibility and just look at the modern features like flex-box it's actually quite easy to make complex dynamic layouts
And I answer that they're stupid as shit :D
@THOR google "document.createElement" and "element.appendChild"
Github API for events sends a Link header like this: "<https://api.github.com/repositories/XXXXX/events?page=2&per_page=15>; rel="next", <https://api.github.com/repositories/XXXX/events?page=4&per_page=15>; rel="last""but I don't know how to deal with it... If it isn't a json object, how can I access its properties? Can I convert it to a JSON object somehow? HALP! :D
and things are getting better faster these days. More and more people are on modern browsers and it's easier to make cross-browser websites than ever
@Luggage But luggage, it's all just superfluous, and it's too much work, and too complicated, and we should all just leave javascript as es5, because there's too much legacy code
Let's not, please. :)
But luggage
I tend not to read the things that come out of Crockfords mouth
He has mostly negative things to say these days

make that code like this


Most of the people writing in JavaScript are not programmers. They lack the training and discipline to write good programs. JavaScript has so much expressive power that they are able to do useful things in it, anyway. This has given JavaScript a reputation of being strictly for the amateurs, that it is not suitable for professional programming. This is simply not the case.*
stop posting unformatted crap in the chat
You make my pixels hurt.
@rlemon We need Caprica. Badly.
Only copied and pasted :/
@JanDvorak PRs welcome :)
@THOR guess what hastebin, pastebin, and pastie are for?
However crockford is a bad name so his blog is irrelevant
Can someone change the room description to "If you post unformatted code, we'll cut you!"?
I have no memory, rlemon is sick.
so Cap won't be back online proper until tomorrow
but for now all regular plugins should work
then who are you
just no user taught commands.
@rlemon I awoke on Tue, 04 Aug 2015 14:21:49 GMT (that's about 57 seconds ago), learned 296 commands
lemon is just weekend at bernie'sing cap.
@cswl That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Callum what???
I do have commands
probably months old.
@Mosho says the only guy whose avatar I've blocked here
the faceless multiface
@THOR Have a look at them, and guess what they are for, and how they can relate to us in chat.
says the guy with a bird for a face
spam attack? Calm down guys!
I have a bird and a face
when his avatar is small it looks like a cookie
I like cookies
@Luggage Unfortunately I have better eyesight than you
not the one on the right.
@Nick where is @ʞɔᴉN ?
Testing something, can someone please type here something?
(sorry for my bad english)
here something
vanar.io is calling:D
This is what Stackoverflow sends when someone sends a message:
`{"r17":{"e":[{"event_type":1,"time_stamp":1438698401,"content":"here something","id":50970646,"user_id":499214,"user_name":"Jan Dvorak","room_id":17,"room_name":"JavaScript","message_id":24876851}],"t":50970647,"d":2}}`

For some reason they don't entirely minify the message...
hi guys if a websocket throws an error will it close? or will it continue to send and receive? (I assume the latter)
@user3545438 What do you mean by throws an error?
Noo.. why does that command have to work?
@CapricaSix sudo kick @FlorianMargaine.
This is the worst thing that's happened to anyone ever in history! :(
I expected the unicode thing.
"!!forget magic"?
!!ban florian
@Luggage The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
!!sudo ban florian
@gdoron That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
what? i didn't think i had any access to do such a thing.
@gdoron Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!ban Luggage
@Nick Luggage added to mindjail.
!!unban Luggage
@rlemon Luggage freed from mindjail!
!!ban Nick
@rlemon Nick added to mindjail.
@gdoron I will shut up after 1 more invocations.
!!ban gdoron
@JanDvorak gdoron added to mindjail.
we dun goofed
@gdoron sorry i mean the onerror event is triggered
@rlemon That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: refresh
no killing her; she's too young to die
Cap is back?
@JanDvorak Hey man! That really hurts!
Ban ALL the people!
@CapricaSix You know he did.
@Maurize I'm convinced we could make a server for this and host our own championship.
@gdoron You iz in mindjail
I'm sorry gdoron, I don't think I can let you escape the mindjail.
@CapricaSix @JanDvorak I've made it from The rock, a little mindjail doesn't scares me at all.
I should look into making them optionally timed
like !!ban Jan 30min
Why me?
Like you didn't die on an organized tour?
your name is shorter
What's the timeout for privileged command voting?
and it rhymes
@Cerbrus People are weird
@gdoron does it close the connection if an onerror is received please? (sorry about bugging you :) )
@JanDvorak people have voting rings. Let me give it a help
Have a question about asking a question.
@Mattc0m Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Basically, is it appropiate to open a topic about suggestions or reviews of Angular / javascript learning resources?
Not on SO
I have no idea where to get started between the dozens that exist
@JanDvorak there appears to be none
Where's a good place to ask that?
@user3545438 Why won't you simply test it?!
Start with the one the angular site links to
!!refresh (owner command) should reset it (all in memory)
@Mattc0m try the chat
@JanDvorak in here? Am I breaking any rules? :)
Discuss whatever you want* in here.
How can you target a rectangle in an svg and write text in the center?
Q: How to place and center text in an SVG rectangle

Lady AleenaI have the following rectangle... <rect x="0px" y="0px" width="60px" height="20px"/> I would like to center the word "Fiction" inside of it. For other rectangles, does svg word wrap to stay within them? I can't seem to find anything specifically about inserting text within shapes that are cent...

@corvid only for inline SVGs; then good old DOM should do
Going to save the world, take care.
oh it's just very complicated for my use case... meh.
Alright, so, wanting to wrap my head around Angular a bit more, currently am a web designer with very limited Javascript experience. I'm torn between the many resources (egghead.io, codecademy, thinkster, codeschool, etc.) Any recommends for quick + efficient lessons? Anyone learn Angular recently, what was your process to get up to speed?
Honestly? Don't rush learning is my advice.
Angular 1.0? Just their quick start guide. If it's angular 2, their quick start guide is kinda bad right now
@Mattc0m have you seen todomvc?
examples hay be helpful.
I haven't, what is that @Luggage?
are you familuar with any competing fframeworks?
Q: Access header's properties within a $http call in AngularJS

FrondorFollowing github API's documentation for pagination, I'm trying to request event items and retrieve the Link header (just like they suggest) to build the pagination. The problem is that I don't know how to handle the headers('Link') object. Function: getEvents: function(page) { ...

todoMVC is a collection of simple TODO apps written in popular frameworks (angular, etc)
it can, supposedly, be a way to see how each framework accomplishes similar tasks
Ohhhh, interesting
more useful if you already know some of the frameworks since it's a way to compare and contrast them
@Callum It would be cool if we would do it!
but if the articles aren't helpful, maybe live exmaples will
yeah i'm still a bit more fundamental level
but it is useful to look at
otherwise, just gotta do and learn as you go.
@Callum grab your node.js and lets gooo :D:D
Ehhh... kinda weird to calculate the size of a string rendered on the page, I feel like this is very incorrect and prone to breaking
svg is like that, though. it's not meant for dynamic layout
I mean, not responsive layout.
as long as the fonts are available it should be reliable (talking out my ass now)
@Maurize Okay, here's the client.js file
@Callum okay anything else we need? o/
@Maurize roam around to see if we can find anything else, I assume. client.js prettified
What are you guys stealing?
Making a Vanar.io server ;p
What a bunch of code ._______.
steal code somewhere else, please.
we're joking man, calm your ass :D
Hack.chat, maurize?
my ass is calm.
@Callum of course.
@cswl Show me what you have :)
@Mattc0m react + flux + webpack + es2015
best resources for Angular :p
/me jokes. Egghead and ngbook were the most useful for me
Has anyone heard from @SterlingArcher ?
Hey all.
not sure how relevant ngbook even is anymore.
@Nick not since Friday
but Jhawins was talking to him yesterday
He lost his job and disappeared :(

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