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PHP6 > everything
@NathanJones troll
How the heck do I narrow this question down further?!?!?!
@NathanJones Not PHP7
any help with why I'm getting blank spaces in codepen.io/Feners4/pen/EjONEe?
second pat on the back for the day? codepen.io/towc/pen/aOPxwd
@feners ?
@towc my list is displaying blank spaces at the beggining idk why..
@feners failed connections?
@towc ahhh! yes thats it..
now how can i fix this tho..
haha talking to myself there lol
im gonna loop in my javascript
@towc thank you for pointing that out..
no prob... but I'm pretty sure you could have very easily figured that out on your own
@Abhishrek do you know of a way to write the aforementioned copyFriendRequestToProcessData method in such a way that it not only returns a promise, but is executed before the processUserData method?
erm your code should do what you said
@BenjaminGruenbaum ^
@CodeWarrior can you just paste the link again
I hit a breakpoint in the processUserData method before I hit another in the copy method.
still have this problem with all the copyXXXToProcessedData's returning a promise?
that's not right. you sure q.all() takes multiple args and not an array?
Man I only slept for 3 hours
@CodeWarrior this shows it taking an array: documentup.com/kriskowal/q/#combination
and getFriendRequestsAsync() seems to make a q.deferred, then not use it.
ohh, i see.
Changed it to an array and it all came together.
I must have glazed over that part.
How do you all wake up.. I cant even open my eyes
it feels weird to know there's another web dev group called towc :/ towc.com
stick with t1wc?
@Purag that just sounds dumb
and after I learnt it's a thomas the train reference I tried to cover up as much as I could
it wouldn't sound dumb if you took it and rolled with it.
like, totally embrace the fact that it is. haha
@towc towc.io is available,,
how about not? I'd rather have the first thing that comes to the mind of the user to be "haha, to W.C." instead of "did this dude really choose a quote by a 3yo kid movie?"
@cswl I have towc.eu and it's pretty good. towc.io costed way too much
wb @Luggage
@towc really? I have an .io domain for like $30/yr
@ʞɔᴉN towc.eu was 9€ (less than $10) permanently :P
you could pronounce it like tow-chi-oh
the hosting is 15€/yr
toe cheese?
@ʞɔᴉN I actually have no idea what the correct pronounciation for my name would be right now
@towc static web hosting?
@ʞɔᴉN ? not sure what that means
like you upload your html/css/js files and you're done
@ʞɔᴉN oh no, this one also has PHP
which I do use :P
dude get a VPS
also has an active almost no down-time ftp thing
google cloud. couple clicks and you'll have a linux server up for cheaper
or aws.
I'm ok with what I have right now :P
No. You must use what I use.
@Luggage ok, you're right
how about I use both so I spend triple the money? :D Sounds like a good idea
do it
btw, why is trice not a thing?
once, twice... trice sounds so good!
purag you're in san diego right?
well, will be in sep. for school
tetrice, pentice, hexice, ectice, hoctice, enice, decice (pronounced dekice)...
i'm in santa barbara right now
we're so close
like only 4 hrs but still
wait where are you now?
oh cool, I'm actually from LA
in LA right now
ah nice
i live in the SF bay area myself
oh very nice. i have a lot of buddies up there. many doing internships in SV
california is too big, too much driving
oh nice
yeah lots of job opportunities up here
i interviewed at a couple spots. CBS interactive, they're actually in SF
went to a final round interview with them but they ended up passing :P
sf = san francisco, right?
sv = silicon valley
actually gifyoutube from sf tried to hire me some time ago :D
you should have taken it!
you're in high school @towc?
they only wanted full-timers, and asked me if I would be willing to drop out of HS, but I was too unsure...
@Purag yeah, that's kind of a problem
@towc yeah, silicon valley is just the area directly under SF. mountain view, palo alto, etc
I don't even have a bacalaureate!
are you on facebook @towc?
@Purag yeah, barely do anything there
there's a "hackathon hackers" group there
@towc should've done it, who cares about high school
several members of that group dropped out of high school and moved in together in a hacker house in silicon valley
@ʞɔᴉN considering I just got into oxford and I could, as I said before, eventually get a chance to work for google, me?
pretty interesting, but not my kind of thing. I'm into academia
I think you made a good choice pursuing your education
@towc mm good point
though, I might redirect my sights from google...there are plenty of brilliant companies other than google you can work for :D
i think you'll find places like google place a pretty high emphasis on accomplishment, rather than just education though
^^^^^^ can't emphasize enough
there are companies that will highly value a thorough education, and google can in some ways
@ʞɔᴉN I've heard that 14% of google's team are college dropouts...
*don't have a college degree
that said, you have to be very accomplished to get hired without a degree
attending college is definitely not a requirement at all
still, HS should be a nice thing to finish, right?
In any case: imagine if I accepted the job
my 15yo self moves to SF to get this job that could possibly get me a lot of money
15 years old and you got into oxford?
that doesn't change that I'm a 15yo and wouldn't really get along with anyone, since they'd all patronize me
@Purag oxford HS, not uni yet
pretty cool man. i just turned 18
nice ;)
and trust me...nobody cares how old you are
if you have talent, people trust you
@Purag I know I'd be pretty annoyed with a 12yo working with me
not that i'm talented. lol
I've gotten a couple odd looks when I've done some on-site work at Cisco
a 12 year old that works well on teams and makes good programming decisions? hell yeah, I wouldn't mind. some would, I guess
but that's about it. just don't act like a little kid and people won't treat you like one
well, most won't :)
@Purag I totally would. I might just have a lot of prejudices, but still
or I might just get jealous...
I used to get jealous. big time
I started answering questions on SO when I was like...13
so, let's say I get along with people: how would I mate? Pick up girls from highschool?
4 years ago
SO's a great place to build a reputation, literally. hahaha
people don't care for your age. you have good answers, they'll accept them and you'll build up that score
lol dude. mating is so far into your future it doesn't even matter
@Purag still having fun with people your age is important
sure. you go to hackathons :D
@Purag that's not the kind of fun I was referring to, but whatever... :P
nah dude...you go to hackathons to meet people ;)
never been to one, but I assume the male/female ratio is unfavorable
I doubt I'll find any attractive girls at hackatons
and the girls there want to stop getting hit on constantly
@Luggage good point
yeah, that is the case. but about the attractiveness, that's up to you man. it's not always about that.
you'll find fairly brilliant people at hackathons. I think that's pretty important.
but in any case
@Purag again, at my age I'd rather have fun rather than think long-term
at least relationship-wise
you choose to continue your education and I commend you for it. I'm doing the same. I'm learning soooooo much in college for CS. It would've taken me years to get this knowledge
@towc eh, I don't care for that much.
fun is for the weak
I dont need no girl, I'm fappy happy,
@ʞɔᴉN yup, you were really week the last few nights
stupid as it sounds, fun to me is working on something I don't understand or am not good at...hahaha
@Purag that's part of it, but doesn't completely cut it for me
that's why I'm knee-deep in a C compiler in Javascript. never written a compiler, and JS is the last language one might try that in. haha
@cswl uhh......
to compile C haha
try with something a little easier? Like brainfuck?
then python maybe?
C is way more complex than JS
nah. i'm quite far ahead already.
it's basically suicide
if he wanted something easy he wouldn't be doing that project in the first place :P
^ exactly
@ʞɔᴉN at least follow a difficulty gradient? Just jumping straight into something difficult without learning about best practices is not really a good thing in my experience
well, it's not like three levels of difficulty above me
it's just a bit more conceptually tasking. nothing you wouldn't be made to do in a rigorous college class.
plus, compilers are hard for anyone, all the time. haha
towc is too used to easy
been writing JS for almost a decade. I know assembly. might as well do this project.
@ʞɔᴉN I'm used to making stuff easy, it's different :P
What does the C code compile to? AST or LLVM?
@towc well I'm good at making stuff hard ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
@ʞɔᴉN nah, your coffee cakes are tho
in the end, assembly
i'm using ASTs as a translation interface of sorts...generate ASTs for C, then recurse like hell on them to generate assembly code
run it through an assembler (i'll have to write one) and a linkage editor (that too) and you get a binary executable
it's pretty interesting though. I'm learning a lot about many things. parsing itself was a real learning experience.
I was able to write a tokenizer pretty easily. but I didn't know how to get from tokens to parse trees, so I asked on SO what the best way to do that was. someone recommended Earley parsing, so I [spent 5 days] writing a JS implementation of that parse algorithm
that was me
Anyone know what "Unexpected Field" means in Express?
are you dealing with forms
The <NAME> you use in multer's upload.single(<NAME>) function must be the same as the one you use in <input type="file" name="<NAME>" ...>.
Saw the SO question's answer, but that doesn't help.
@ʞɔᴉN Same old problem, may have made progress, but still.
uploading files
Node JS sucks, this is pathetic. How the heck do you apply a language to server side programming and make it so freaking difficult to upload a simple file. Much easier to do it in PHP.
Better go use PHP then
PHP is getting obsolete.
@DemCodeLines something's wrong in your approach
sorry I can't be more help but there's plenty of people who've managed to do this with no issues
surprising that you're having so much trouble with a simple upload operation :/
@ʞɔᴉN I'm sure it is, too bad the docs are useless. I have yet to find a simple sample that uses MongoDB, Express, AngJS and Node to build a authentication-based file upload app.
i might recommend trying to isolate the issue by simplifying things
you only need express/node for the upload operation right?
wait, are you doing the authentication part along with it?
if so, why don't you try and upload a file without authentication first?
@Purag this
auth is.. not necessarily difficult? but I prefer to have a model or structure laid out before I dive into that
otherwise it's just too confusing
also...I think you may want to make this more modular if you can. authenticate first, then proceed with upload
Already tried it, get weird "Invalid JSON" errors.
might want to fix that problem instead of trying a different approach that introduces another one :)
seems like you might be dealing with several problems at once haha
that was me
2 nicks 1 dick
@Nick did you change the sat of @ʞɔᴉN?
I changed his hue
Nick ʞɔᴉN 69 :|
coffee cake
4am, I should sleep... but then I'll only wake up at 12, which means everyone in the house will know I was awake at this hour 0.o
what to doooo???
Don't sleep
but then I'll feel tired for the rest of the day
sleep for 4 hours, medicate
and it's not like I have something interesting to do until 8am...
sleep for 4 hours, meditate
sleep is for the weak my friend. pull an all nighter. but do something productive.
not going to start making a C parser
I only slept 3 hours tonight.,head hurts
Sleep for 4 hours, run a mile
@Purag That's what it is. But if I make the API call from a mobile device, there needs to be a way to check if the caller is authentication. So this authentication sends tokens.
I mean, I could just stare at the ceiling while listening to nightcore, but @Nick would kill me
Slept 7. Head still hurts.
or listen to a stromae album and descend into slumber.
@towc wrong one
you are actually the same person, right?
He's the murderous one, not me
oh jesus
@ʞɔᴉN is smarter than me
does everyone in here actually believe we're the same person?
wait, I don't
well, var wouldKillMe = false; [ @Nick, @ʞɔᴉN ].map( user => if(user.wouldKillMe) wouldKillMe = true ); wouldKillMe // true
i mean, I don't have enough evidence for that.
so in any case..
you might actually not be one and the same???
Great search engine
Night fellas.
Hey, 5 out of 6 letters aint bad
Decided to throw it all out and start from scratch, can't find a single tutorial
not sure if a really elaborate troll system or actually true
@Nick you're a parent?
Nope, just very opinionated
v good
I just wonder who @ʞɔᴉN was
I might actually have a good way to find out what's going on
You do realize that neither of us claimed to be eachother/the same person.
@Purag I'm the guy who has been talking to you ever since you showed up
no I know. hahaha
I can trace the IP through the socket logs, if they match we know they at least are in very close proximity
so hurt
so hurt
but...did @Nick come first? or @ʞɔᴉN?
by 4 months
in this room
if you check the profiles
nah probably not
I was an active member in the room first, so therefore I was first, because I said so
so many references one of you might have missed because I've only told the other one 0.o
my original name was "nick"
his was "Nick Dugger"
i bet I'm earlier on the transcripts
okay, so you're both named Nick.
prove it
[thankfully,] there's no easy way to go and see all of a user's messages...is there?
@Purag yup there is
transcript > any message by user
@Nick too hard
i see no way of getting to "any message by user" lmao
@Purag well, just check for any message "nick" by anyone, someone must have tagged them
...that just searches for any time "nick" was in a message
well right. but not formally. and you can't view a user's chat history (among all rooms) :D
@Purag you could
except for recent stuff
still need to search for content
don't force it. this is a good feature. lol
alright, going to bed
kk = -j
I'm looking into Threejs and I have ran into a similar pattern a few times. For example, THREE.Clock has this:
THREE.Clock.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.Clock,
start: function () {...

Does this way of prototype modification have an specific name that I can google?
In equality comparison, when we are doing a == b, is b converted to typeof a or the other way around?
b is converted to a but don't do that
it doesn't matter, it's commutative
A: Is JavaScript's double equals (==) symmetric?

Jason LeBrunIt's supposed to be symmetric. However, there is an asymmetric case in some versions of IE: window == document; // true document == window; // false

but of course.
I see.
1 hour later…
i compile my ts into es5 using tsc.
why does removing traceur or systemjs from imports stop my app from working?
my scripts are in es5... angular 2 uses es6?
systemjs loads modules
which are still there in es5
and if it's trying to load what it thinks is TS it'll try to compile
Rgex in notepad++
Can anyone help?
can anybody help me with this question
Q: google map way points not removing using direction services

LearningNew Plunker demo:http://plnkr.co/edit/6tmesHnvN0onjJWBwZJX //Source and destination auto complete textbox binding google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', function () { var places = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(document.getElementById('source')); google.map...

A: Java recursion with two variables

PuragThe stack for this recursive function will grow once until the recursive calls for a bottom out -- that is, it will keep calling q1(x/2) until x/2 < 1, in which case you have reached the base case of the recursion and you simply return 1. Then, when you return from the final recursive call for a...

@Purag you probably shouldn't say "I've been building websites…focusing on cross-browser…user interfaces" on your website, if the scrolling (sidebar and in general) is broken (in safari)
although I guess most people ignore Safari and Opera
yeah, i'm aware the website's semi broken.
there's other things wrong with it too. overhauling it soon. don't like the design anymore either.
and that whole paragraph is just superfluous. lol
Hello World.
Help vampire helper
@copy "I wanna be thy copy" isn't working a shit
Please, enlighten me about turning datetime ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ. into minutes/hours/days ago
I can remember there was some new Date stuff and there was a function to format it
I just use moment.js tbh
I don't want to add a whole plugin just for a single page in my app ^^ Thanks @Maurize
@Frondor does it work?
i have a div , i made is scrollable by using overflow-y:auto;, so when ever my opponent send me the message, i'm appending the msg into that div, but it is not focusing the bottom items, i mean, i got the message, but i need to scroll bottom of the div so user get to know that he got msg,
i need to scroll very end of that div, when ever my opponent send the msg, pls tell me how to scoll down of that div
@Simply What have you tried?
$("#ImgDoc #docDiv").animate({ scrollBottom: $(document).height() - $(window).height() }, 'slow');\
@ivarni I've never seen the need to abstract the Date object. What does it give you that Date can't easily do?
but its not working
$("#ImgDoc #docDiv").animate({ scrollTop: $(document).height() - $(window).height() }, 'slow');\
Q: jQuery Scroll to bottom of page/iframe

AdamHow do I use jquery to scroll right down to the bottom of an iframe or page?

First result in google for "jquery scroll to bottom"

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