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[].map.call(document.querySelectorAll('video'), function () { ... }); still aint bad
Array.prototype.from = function (obj) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(obj); };
I could not understand this syntax
var strings = """

# Middle of the output HTML
middle = """;
var song = """

# The end of the output HTML
suffix = """;
let me check in console
too many quotes
Looks like heredoc to me
code is taken from here
That's python
Ahh, thought that looked familiar
does Python have var? TIL
Oh, it's javascript pasted into a python script
please check the html page within
It would be neat if the generated JS generated HTML as well
I don't know why I ever used EJS. Jade is so much nicer.
!!urban jsx
@JanDvorak No definition found for jsx
most of this project is static web pages (well, after rendering)
nothing fancy
Rule 1 of javascript: if it's simple, make it complex
@Meredith And if it's complex, try using JQuery
Everything is simpler with jQuery. Even loading jQuery.
I actually don't have jQuery in this project
Quick, set up the front proxy to automatically append <script>window.$ = function() { console.log('nopenopenope') };</script> to every outgoing response serving HTML
so noone adds it
Lets say that I have a large array of objects (7000). Would it be faster to update them in small batches by keeping a k/v array of references to those objects and looking them up by key rather than iterate through the object array? My keys are guid strings if it make any difference.
One is constant time and the other is linear time
7000 is not a very large array, though
computers are very fast
I am expecting updates from the server to update perhaps 30 to 40 records from the 7K array every 30 seconds. While all of this is going to be behind the scenes and disconnected from the view, I would still like to keep it as quick as possible.
!!wiki very large array
The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a radio astronomy observatory located on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, some 50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro, New Mexico. Astronomers using the VLA have made key observations of black holes and protoplanetary disks around young stars, discovered magnetic filaments and traced complex gas motions at the Milky Way's center, probed the Universe's cosmological parameters, and provided new knowledge about the physical mechanisms that produce radio emission. The VLA stands at an elevation of 6970 ft (2124 m) above sea...
Ya that was my mistake,i over looked that, now i have change the code.Thanx.. — Smoke 4 mins ago
LOL I had the change to go there once. Really cool.
If you need to do quick updates, then iteration won't work
Yeah I was hoping to stay away from it.
It felt dirty
If you are going to iterate, then make sure that the array is sorted somehow
@Meredith was about to say exactly this
That'll at least get it down to logarithmic time
if you keep your array sorted, you only need to do O(30lg7000) insertions every 30 seconds
2^12 < lg7000 < 2 ^ 13
so that's basically less than 400 units of whatever time
basically instant
Hmmm. I can likely pare that down by quite a bit anyhow. I have 7K and change athletes among four sports. I can separate the athletes into four smaller arrays by sport and only mess with the sport that I need.
You'll have to spend time sorting it after every update/insert
@Meredith oh, yeah…this is O(n)
no wait
he said update the records
Inserts will be pretty rare
array access is O(1), so that napkin math holds, provided there's no insertions
New athletes don't come out very often
In this case, access is O(logn)
Not constant
@CodeWarrior so then just use a binary search method
@Meredith I know. I did the math for that above. If he had to insert, it would've been O(30lg7000) + O(n) -> 7000
@royhowie I do not understand (please keep in mind I am not a native Javascript speaker, too long in the .NET world).
Q: Plain English explanation of Big O

Arec BarrwinWhat is a plain English explanation of Big O? With as little formal definition as possible and simple mathematics.

When you insert, you'd have to search twice
Once to find the element, once to find its new spot
Still logn
@royhowie Concerning binary search, I mean.
@Meredith insertion dominates, since it's O(n)
Insert isn't linear though
It's logarithmic
@CodeWarrior stackoverflow.com/questions/249392/binary-search-in-array basically divide the piece of the array you're looking for by 2
I just explained why
@Meredith no, you need to shift all the elements over. It's O(n) regardless of whether you have to manually shift the elements over or you use a library function
I guess
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4] -> insert 1.5 -> shift 2, 3, 4 over to the right to make space
There are ways around it though
with other data structures, yes. simple arrays? no
Folks, I want to create some controllers with some actions. I want to name an action /Plank/Create and it's a GET which brings up the form. Would such naming be confusing? Wouldn't Create imply POST? Would this be a wtf waiting to happen?
you can also have a POST route for /plank/create
e.g., I currently use /login as both a GET and a POST
having POST /Plank/Create is redundant though, since POST already implies "create"
POST can also mean update
@ivarni isn't that actually PUT? I thought POST can also be used for updating
@royhowie From what I've read, HTML supports only GET and POST. Ajax can do more, though.
@NickAlexeev PUT is definitely covered by AJAX api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax
but I'm also pretty sure HTML covers put, post, and get
Does anyone use this frequently as an alternative to traditional for-loop set up?

for (var i = 0, item; item = a[i++];) {
  // Do something with item
@royhowie IMHO REST is wildly confusing when it comes to the difference between them, but I'm pretty sure PUT requires a full URL, e.g. /Post/Create/123?
@ivarni the difference is ultimately semantics; no one will blame you for using POST for everything
@ApathyBear what exactly are you trying to do?
@royhowie I think PUT is supposed to be idempotent while POST is not
just use Array.prototype.forEach
@royhowie Just curious if anyone actually uses that as an alternative. It is said to be 'faster'
@ApathyBear probably because it compares to 0 in the register (item = a[i++])
which is one less instruction than a i < a.length, which requires two instructions
Hm, cool.
@ApathyBear I rarely use for loops.
about the only time I pull them out is for crypto, in which case clarity >>>>> "speed"
@SomeKittens Yea the more I think about it, forEach() really can just replace all of syntax
but also look into map/filter/reduce/etc
my forEach use is slightly above my for loop use
yeah, I hardly ever write a plain for-loop
arr.reduce(function (p, c) {/* some logic */}, initialValue); is also very useful
I didn't learn about the ability to pass an initial value to Array.prototype.reduce until 5ever—would've been so much better off with that knowledge
hi everyone
Is there a way to pass classname with index to query selector....?

    var indexOfIpsItem = $(this).index();
    var myElement = document.querySelector($(".ipsItem").eq(indexOfIpsItem));
@user2736704 why are you using document.querySelector in addition to jQuery?
just use var myElement = $(".ipsItem /*etc ...
I need to find the the position of current hovered element in jquery and I'm using following function for that but there's more then one classes in the page that's why I need to tell the specific class position that's being hovered...
function getPosition(element) {
    var xPosition = 0;
    var yPosition = 0;

    while(element) {
        xPosition += (element.offsetLeft - element.scrollLeft + element.clientLeft);
        yPosition += (element.offsetTop - element.scrollTop + element.clientTop);
        element = element.offsetParent;
    return { x: xPosition, y: yPosition };
@ApathyBear Code Complete advises against that kind of clever code.
@NickAlexeev Good to know
@NickAlexeev why?
@ApathyBear imo, initialization of multiple variables is alright. But item = a[i++] will cause a brief WTF.
Lmao. This is very true.
I can only wonder how many WTFs my first node.js web project would bring in a code review (considering how often I say WTF to myself already)
@royhowie Gross, or per line of code?
@NickAlexeev well…
royhowie:tutoring2 royhowie$ wc -l ~/code/repo/tutoring/app/routes.js
    3871 /Users/royhowie/code/repo/tutoring/app/routes.js
the routes.js file has 3871 lines of continuous code and almost no function reuse
@royhowie Was that a gogogo commercial project? Will you have an opportunity to refactor?
@NickAlexeev I'm refactoring right now ='(
(I'm actually just starting from scratch, since the client wants a lot of things that are simply incompatible with the old structure)
@royhowie that tells me wrong x,y position on my page..... actually top is 700 but that's displaying 170 .....?
@user2736704 I think it might be with respect to the parent element
yep: The .position() method allows us to retrieve the current position of an element relative to the offset parent
you should instead use $.offset, which gives the offsets relative to the document
@Shmiddty Looks like a modified BSD license?
at first glance
@royhowie thanks
@Shmiddty "Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its" but they're not Google…?
@royhowie Polymer is though
No idea. I was just looking for a MutationObserver polyfill so I wouldn't have to write my own.
@ivarni oh, okay
!!afk beddybye
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh shit, I'm sorry. Is it okay now? I can try talking to them as well.
@Zirak BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: fu caprica
hheeey! No help from me!
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's still fresh off the shelf; can you honestly recommend it? I'd rather wait to see if it's worthwhile.
Good afternoon folks
Random question .
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@MadaraUchiha BenjaminGruenbaum is afk: fu caprica
Stop advertising WebStorm
anybody here who delves alot in web development ? and uses a pre processor ?
!!welcome AlexanderSolonik
@AlexanderSolonik Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Thanx madara !
@AlexanderSolonik Sure.. we all do?
haha great !
well my question is about LESS
does anybody in particular use this one ?
i wanted to know , is there any good starting resource to LESS apart from lynda.com ?
@AlexanderSolonik lesscss.org
@copy right
@ItachiUchiha and @MadaraUchiha are brothers?
@Neoares Same clan
But I'm about 100 years older.
@MadaraUchiha oh... I've never seen naruto
@Neoares He is meaner as well :D
Trying to rule the world, most probably by destroying everyone.
@ItachiUchiha show him your ass Shin Chan!
Stills wonder. How will he rule he everyone is DEAD
^^ @MadaraUchiha
he will rule the planet earth only
@ItachiUchiha Who ever told you I was dead?
@Neoares A ruler needs people to rule upon
He can rule over animals
@ItachiUchiha False. An empty set is still a set.
yeah, take away the biju and rule on them.
!!urban BM
@ItachiUchiha BM acronym for bad mannered, used by korean computer players.
I am not a RO, so I cannot view deleted images :/
!!afk All units: Clear for lunch.
1 hour later…
@Zirak add me to the sublime fan group
@AwalGarg Speaking of which, github.com/limetext/lime
@BenFortune yeah I am waiting for it to go in beta
The thing that makes it stand out is that it aims to be API compatible
Gonna buy webstorm sometime next week
Is builder better than notepad++?
it has a FTP plugin?
@Neoares which builder are you talking about?
the one you mentioned in your comment
I guess this one ckeditor.com/builder
No, lol
wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Builder <--this is the one I am talking of. And notepad++ is not comparable
@Neoares lol it is an rte, not a code editor
Any one has experience testing NodeJs apps? Would like know the approach, best practices in your experience.
@VivekGounder Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@VivekGounder Run in a debugger.
Testing as in debugging or test suites?
$ iojs debug script.js
Test suites, Unit Testing, Integration testing.. I am quite new to testing so would like to know other approaches before starting
It's a pretty broad subject, you're better off doing your own research.
I just don't write tests. Problem solved.
kicked Awal
I am doing my own research. I just wanted more opinions. Basically how its done in your work place
@AwalGarg Now you have an unknown amount of problems
@JanDvorak All of them combined don't amount to writing tests :P
> What have you tried?
> I have tried to ask in the JS Room.
@VivekGounder Unit tests are easy, I use buster but there are many solutions. Integration tests are of course harder.
@AwalGarg is builder available for windows?
I was going through Mocha, Chai all the standard framework people are using to write test. But I want how you guys are organizing tests
How much coverage are you expecting to start with?
How to integrate other developers in the team to the new flow etc
@Neoares no. you are welcome :)
@dystroy how is your experience with Buster so far?
I'm the only dev, I usually just write a test suite, integrate it with CI and deploy
@BenFortune Whats your test coverage? How big is the project?
Probably around 60% atm, the project is just a shop with a back-end admin system
@VivekGounder I don't do a lot, and what I use of it I could have coded in one hour or two. No problem for now but running unit tests is very easy anyway so I'm not sure there's reason to recommend it rather than another one.
It's reasonable and doesn't try to be magical.
Strictly speaking: I try to re-factor old code before writing tests. And I don't write tests just for the sake of writing tests.
@AwalGarg got windoiws 8.1 yet ?
To be fair, I only really write tests for things I know are going to be refactored in the future
@darkyen00 yes! Did I not tell you on gtalk :D
@BenFortune good approach.
@darkyen00 I thought maybe I will use windows more after installing 8.1... but, ermm, no.
I am trying to solve the problem of integration. When a lot of developer are working on the same project. We need to able to confidently add features without breaking anything
Use CI
@AwalGarg Look at Miaou tests. Only about 700 assertions for the whole Miaou, it probably covers less than 1% of the code. Because I only test 1) what is easily unit testable 2) and could regress or have unexpected loopholes
@dystroy nice
Every time I see tests along the lines of assert(2 + 2 === 4), I get the feeling of murdering every one.
@dystroy Do you use migrations on Miaou?
@dystroy That's close to what I do
I only test behavior I want to guarantee is as expected of the unit I'm testing
@BenFortune I will be using a CI but before that I need the testing infrastructure in place
@BenFortune I don't even know what you're referring to so I guess no
Should've been more specific :P Database migrations
@AwalGarg Rest assured I am not a big fan of stupid tests like that
So if the function is defined to work with input: 1, 5, or 10. I will only test for that input, for example.
Say you update Miaou and need to add a new table or column, how is that handled?
@BenFortune When you deploy a new version of miaou, it patches the DB when needed (there's a version in the db). If you're referring to migrations between different DBMS, I only support PG
@MadaraUchiha Then it should throw if you call it with something else
@BenFortune You write a patch doing it
@copy That would be defined behavior, and it would be tested.
Undefined behavior = I don't give a fuck what happens in that case.
For example, I will not test what happens when you input strings to add(a, b)
Nor will I explicitly throw.
@BenFortune If it wasn't clear: patches are automatically applied at the start of Miaou
Definition of add(a, b) => Returns the sum of two Numbers, a and b.
@dystroy I got it, thanks :) I'm using migrations with sequelize atm, it handles it similarly
you can add the ascii values
@BenFortune Note that plugins can register patches too if they need specific tables : they have their own namespace for the version
For example the !!survey command needs a table and is defined in an optional plugin
@dystroy What on earth is Promise.cast?
Oh nvm, just noticed you're still on 1.X
It's still available with this old name, Miaou is compatible with the last releases
It's not in the 2.X docs though.
Oh, it's Promise.resolve
Most of my dependencies are just ">=". I prefer to fix when libraries change for now
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hello (UGT)

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