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I'll have to be less obnoxious as an RO
yeah, of course
@Zirak no. You need to grow your mustache :P
it just shows that you can actually think about a problem a little bit
@FlorianMargaine You can't have a mustache on a sad face.
and if you apply for a frontend positions, you should know what if and for are I guess
@GNi33 A lot of jquery 'developers' don't
haha yea definitely
@NickDugger thats silly.
My main issue with jQuery is that it masks any real programming
@Loktar My experience says so
@Zirak put my name down for vim in your list thing
and here's me being constantly anxious about my developer skills
my very, very brief experience
@GNi33 no. You only need to know css hacks.
if Nick becomes an RO @Jhawins needs to be
@rlemon the joke would be better if the zombies won't eat him because he uses jQuery
just sayin.
Oh no suddenly people ask me for stuff
@Loktar that's just because you had sex dinner with him
like "no brain, nothing to do here"
I get imposter syndrome from time to time.
@Loktar IIRC Jhawins wasn't interested, right @Jhawins? (it feels weird saying his name twice. looks in the mirror, whispers "Jhawins"
@FlorianMargaine haha no, its because they both have exhibited the same type of behavior on the chat :P
@Zirak you didn't update the gist from my comment :(
@Zirak actually yeah you might be right
also can non RO's nominate RO's? That seems... weird
@Loktar what are you up to lately?
@GNi33 react stuff
@Loktar Why not?
cool, how do you like it?
@Zirak plz update da gist kind sir
I love it!
@Loktar regulars can also participate in the meeting
@FlorianMargaine SSBqdXN0IHJlYWxpemVkIHdlIGNhbiBoaWRlIEhhbmdvdXRzIGxpbmtzIGluIGJ0b2EgYmVjYXVzZSBu‌​b29icyBhbmQgcGxlYnMgcHJvYmFibHkgd2lsbCBub3QgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBkZWNvZGUgaXQ=
any "get started" - ressources you can recommend?
@Zirak update your gist, man!
@rlemon I don't need your session id, but thanks
@GNi33 yeah one sec
@ssube yeah @Zirak I keep hitting f5 with no change
@FlorianMargaine you suck.
@FlorianMargaine same here @Zirak when will you update? (cc @ssube)
Everybody refresh until @Zirak updates it or we accidentally ddos github.
noob can't even identify a base64 encoded ascii string. what a noob.
Hyped! Phone interview today with macrofab.net
damnit, readme copy fail.
VM2373:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window': The string to be decoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range.(anonymous function)
VM2374:2 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains cha
@rlemon I did, but got this ^
@rlemon invalid
Y'all stupid
damn chat adds a character
btoa('I just realized we can hide Hangouts links in btoa because noobs and plebs probably will not be able to decode it')
"I just realized we can hide Hangouts links in btoa because noobs and plebs probably will not be able to decode it"
I try both atob and btoa because I never know which one is right
@GNi33 there are some resources
ones I put in our readme when we first started the project here
@eyrzba gung fnvq, ebg13.pbz vf nyfb abg onq.
@rlemon ^
@FlorianMargaine btoa -> binary to ascii base 64
Q: How can i display a word file in html

AyyoubDEVi used <iframe> tag but doesn't work, I have to display a word file in an html page, is their any solution or any api.

@ssube (@AwalGarg, @FlorianMargaine) Two (or rather 4) can be annoying
I come prepared
@Zirak lol I have muted pings on edits with a userscript noob trolololol
@AwalGarg Oh
@AwalGarg How uncomfortable
@AwalGarg but then how do you know when people care about you?
@ssube they don't :(
(in related news, are you people familiar with this nice bot plugin?)
@Loktar Where's the context for this?
I love it because I always forget it, and then @jAndy comes and I'm delighted
@Zirak Hey, if someone wants to give me RO again I'm all for it. I just wasn't interested in playing games to please internet people into giving me a make-believe title.
Math.random() < 0.005 // not enough probability @Zirak
Is that a "yes, I'd like to be considered a candidate" or "no, I don't want your candy"?
@Zirak hahahaha
I'm totally down for make-believe internet titles.
I am not above that.
I haven't seen the SAW movies in a long time
Guys, I just asked a question:
Q: Using a pipe in sed in a makefile

dystroyFrom a variable $(JS_SOURCES) containing something like thing.js myapp.mod1.js otherthing.js myapp.mod1.submod.js myapp.othermodule.js, make writes a file containing mod1,othermodule. It works with this code: ./build/modules.txt: $(JS_SOURCES) @mkdir -p $(@D) @echo "$(JS_SOURCES)" | sed...

Might be trivial but I'm a linux noob @FlorianMargaine ^
15 mins ago, by towc
@Zirak a joke. But actually he's shown respect to everyone, and helped everyone if he could, not to mention that he's online almost at any time. I'll actually nominate him
It used to be one of those things I saw with all of my friends
@dystroy Holy shit, you mean you don't know everything?
Seeing how much blood would spill
out of context, these statements are odd
@ShotgunNinja I asked about 65 more questions than you
Also I don't see any reason @NickDugger couldn't be RO. But I'll save thoughts for the meeting
@dystroy does -e 's/(\S*\.\S*|^\s+|\s+$$)//g' work?
To be fair, I won't be there to defend my honour, so be nice
@dystroy I find that people who ask more questions generally know more than people who don't.
@ShotgunNinja true story
@FlorianMargaine It does work...
I knew it was simple
My alma mater taught me how to research code problems fairly effectively, so I don't have to wait as much on SO's community to solve them. Plus I don't run into weird corner situations as much because I work with ancient frameworks and widely-used toolkits.
but I still don't get it
Why is the group needed when in make and not in the console ?
can't tell you :D
I've always used | in groups though
It's not that I don't ask questions, I just usually try to find an answer to them before I write them out, and SO is extremely helpful for that.
OK... Do you answer as usual ? It might look suspect, though... ^^
@ShotgunNinja All you need to not rely on SO, is the ability to critically analyze the problem. I don;t have internet at home, and am programming a JS/Canvas game framework, and I have to simply come up with the solutions as I go
programming the camera was the trickiest part so far
@NickDugger Fair point.
@NickDugger you don't have internet at home?
omg, how do you get porn?
Most of my problems, though, stem from actually figuring out the correct way to use the frameworks I'm using correctly.
@Luggage He thinks it up himself
@FlorianMargaine Just moved into a new apartment a couple weeks ago. I've been procrastinating on some things
then captures some innocents and forces them to act it out
@NickDugger yeah but internet!
@FlorianMargaine I can live without, when I need to.
the internet lets you procrastinate on all other things
I've gone without internet for a month due to procrastination, but I had a smartphone.
do you go to press stores and buy porn magazines like @Loktar used to?
@FlorianMargaine No
@FlorianMargaine To be fair, @Loktar only did that because the internet hadn't been invented back when he looked at porn.
One difference is that Makefiles are run with /bin/sh and your normal shell is bash or so
Can someone who uses chat on mobile weigh in here?
This isn't an argument against (I see how annoying this can be if you have a common name), but FYI: I've found no way to auto-complete or tab-complete on a phone. When using chat on my phone I rely on being able to type a unique substring. — Monica Cellio 2 mins ago
"back when"? You mean he stopped?
I can't even log into chat on mobile, so I have no way of knowing
@NickDugger false,
mobile has completers now
My chat works fairly well, but it gets really dicey when it comes to auto-completing names
@rlemon Can you reply?
I havent used it in a while though.
@copy good catch. @dystroy if you run in /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash, does it work without the group?
@dystroy you know, most of the reps I got in the last year was because of answers for your questions
@FlorianMargaine Yeah, and I'm worried it might look suspect
@FlorianMargaine eww
I don't buy porn
@Loktar anymore
haha never actually
I was able to watch nipples render line by line on dialup bro
always got it for free :p
@dystroy meh. We'll ping whoever is in charge in case of problem.
@thefourtheye that was very nice to read :)
I opened it in another tab and forgot about it, read it just now. +1
@copy @FlorianMargaine It also works without group when called from /bin/sh
@Loktar lolol
@Loktar thanks a lot
let's not.
ff 38 got the copy in console \o/!!!
@FlorianMargaine hahaha
I was just telling my wife about those days the other night
like.. it was literally line by line, probably bitmaps
so did she show you her nipples line by line?
so that you got nostalgic?
she made the modem noises with her mouth too
nostalgia overload.
hm... that could be doable with a special dress...
@FlorianMargaine wtf man, your comment on the room gist
@dystroy no idea then
you better check that imposter syndrome at the door! :P
@Arkanosis It seems there was another problem. I'm deleting for now and I'll restore if needed when I cleared that — dystroy 12 secs ago
@Loktar also:
42 mins ago, by Some Guy
I do think we have plenty of ROs, though
@NickDugger commented
@MonicaCellio really? because I find selecting usernames on the phone to be quite easy. — rlemon 32 secs ago
Monica deleted her comment
the system works!
Hi All
I have quick question really
we have quick answers: no, yes, and maybe
I want to make a new front-end and I have it all exposed via APIs from Tomcat
@FlorianMargaine In fact yours didn't work, the grouping didn't change anything, I had badly tested
What would be good javascript framework for developing one-page front-end app for one-person developer with some 5 years experience with javascript ecma3?
@dystroy ah!
It's me or jscompress.com is not working atm?
What does happen with the pipe is exactly as if everything after the first pipe was ignored
I have good tooling for this like Eclipse and some experience with HTML5 and CSS3
@Neoares Works for me.
@BenFortune did you compressed something?
ps. It's a mall frontend, e.g. 5 menu items, and behind this 5 forms with inputs and checkboxes
logon panel etc
@Andrew if your last experience is with ES3, you need to spend some time first re-familiarizing yourself with modern day Javascript.
@Neoares Yeah.
@rlemon It was a good comment, she just wasn't aware of the update; deleting it is odd
@rlemon yes I am working on that now, I am mostly interested in in-browser js
@BenFortune ok nvm, I copied a whole txt file, and it had the <script> HTML tag
I am familiar with JS ECMA5 now pretty much, but I dont know what framework to use
@Andrew that doesn't change my recommendation
5 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
42 mins ago, by Some Guy
I do think we have plenty of ROs, though
frameworks are like shoes. others can suggest some but it is really upto you to evaluate and decide on your own.
@Andrew the answer is "it depends on what you're making", you need to try things out and make an informed solution for yourself.
I worked with Browser, Nodejs and Nashorn, but Nashorn is broken and has a lot of bugs in it BTW
isn't this something that should be discussed?
@FlorianMargaine so what? We tried reducing the number of ROs and that didn't work.
Oh, you can bring "the number of ROs" as a topic, but I don't think it's an issue, and it was discussed before - it's part of why we even have these meetings.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have workflow and monitoring engine running on tomcat and I want to add the UI to it
The truth of the matter is we've done a pretty decent job over the last couple of months and there is a lot less to clean and janitor.
@Andrew that's nice, go to todomvc check anything there with over 10k stars, evaluate it and make an informed decision.
so basically I need logon panel, menu, and on each menu a form were I can submit stuff
Hi guys, I was wondering if this is something that is possible to do: pastebin.com/7CA5ezU6 what I'd like to know is how to access the blabla() function
lets just open the topic up for discussion in the broad sense.
@sathia not outside of its parent function
it is function scoped inside of it
Yes, but we tried that (limiting the number of ROs) and it failed. Why would we even want to touch it? Since I joined this room we've never had a single "rogue RO".
@BenjaminGruenbaum all points you can make during the meeting
understood, is it like a "private" function then?
Which I won't attend :D @rlemon
@BenjaminGruenbaum to me it looks like AngularJS is OK, I already managed to make logon panel and one form in it, but to get past this point was a bit of work
!!afk lunch
@BenjaminGruenbaum I was wondering if there's anything easy which has e.g. login box built-in, and it's basically simpler and more limited for making simple forms with menu
@Andrew you won't get a fanboy out of me, several people in this room, me included worked with AngularJS before, several people in this room, me included, worked on angular before. It's nice, it does some useful stuff - it's not a silver bullet.
@Andrew simpler and limited to forms and menus sounds a lot like Knockout, but it really depends
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would even do it myself (something simpler), but this way I am not sure how to start or what good book would be ther
@Andrew you don't need a book, you need to write code :D
@Andrew try starting it in Angular, Ember, React, Backbone, Aurelia and maybe another one or two and see which you like best and makes the most sense to you.
Only the last framework can be the silver bullet
you forgot jquery
@copy also, apparently we're killing warewolves.
@NickDugger nope.
> @Ralt Yeah, we're not going to vote you out or suggest you, stop being dramatic.
@NickDugger woof woof.
I'm not even on public internet I just couldn't resist haha
I was actually waiting for it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think I'd stick with AngularJS because it works, but setting it up in my environment is a bit of pain, I need to build the full environment in AWS because I am behind proxy firewall, and then installing extra modules is a big problem, also doing updates, staging it from AWS using USB stick is a real challenge
@Andrew ok then.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I spent 1 month setting up Java environment to do it, so I copy image from AWS with Centos7, KDE4 (stable one working with VNC), Gnome2 (stable working with Eclipse), und Java 8
@BenjaminGruenbaum did you mean werewolves (rough latin for to be a wolf) or wearwolves (wolves you wear)? Cause warewolves aren't a thing.
silver bullet (werewolves, yeah, sorry)
Why not both?
!!afk baby
And then I need to download all artefacts in advance to the cache, and with nodejs it seems to be similar problem, when I tried to use cntlm proxy there's always something which doesnt go thru NetScreen firewall because of limits on the number of files in archive
and when using SSL there are some sites which are not working and that's a major barrier for enterprise users...
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think you meant wearwolves.
Anyone using angular will end up wearing a wolf.
Don't use Angular, pay your debts. Only Starks use Angular.
guys terminal help pls. curl foo | grep something // in here, curl doesn't dump the contents fetched but rather a progress meter, and grepping it is useless. how can I make curl print only the contents like it does by curl foo?
The progess bar is written to stderr, so it should work anyway
@copy yes it works, but I don't want to see it :(
I am using this with watch
Then use the appropriate command line switch to turn it off
run curl without the progress bar?
@copy which is?
man doesn't help
by default, curl shouldn't show it
quick style question: considering that we have a constructor that doesn't need to be fed any parameters, is it better to do new Thing; or still new Thing();?
@ssube yeah but when piping the output to grep, it does. Dunno why
is there any convention about it?
both work
@towc new Thing(). You're calling a function.
The client doesn't know whether the constructor does anything, nor should it know.
That's an implementation detail. You just want a Thing.
@AwalGarg Look closer
if I'm not passing anything, i generally do it without the parens
quick poll:
new Thing;
new Thing();
@towc I prefer this one
star the one you prefer
stars cleared? Is there some rule against it?
inb4 star wars
@towc iirc jshint will scream at you if you don't use ()
use quickpoll or something
@towc I thought it wasn't star-worthy :/
anyway, it was 3:1 on the first, I won't use the parentheses
Calls without parentheses are more readable
@copy is his desktop supposed to be funny?
I'm so used to seeing constructors as new <class>() that it looks weird to me otherwise.
of course, I come from C++ and Java.
@copy it is way down the manual. Had to regex search through less :/
@GNi33 I think so
of course, I think I can count the times I've used new in Javascript on one hand.
@ShotgunNinja then you're doing it wrong
Foo.new FTW ;-)
or you've written a handful of JS
@ShotgunNinja wow really??
Some days I think @JanDvorak exists purely to use reserved keywords as names.
@ssube I mean in Ruby
@ShotgunNinja Same, but I can see so many use-cases, especially in my own code.
ES6 syntax helps with figuring out when you should instantiate an object
everything is an object
@ssube why? what's wrong with Object.create?
@GNi33 not as readable and you usually don't need the semantics
what I don;t like about Object.create is that I have to set the enumerability, writibility, etc
Honestly, I don't consider myself adept at Javascript, or even a Javascript developer.
var obj = { foo: 1, bar: 1 };
var newObj = Object.create(obj);
There's so much about it I don't know; I just scour SO enough to get by with it at work.
@NickDugger ?
@NickDugger no you don't ^^^
I don't have to set anything like that
They're all set to false by default, which is the opposite of what it should be
ah theres so much wasted knoweledge in learning the internals of things like angular an ember. Im gonnat try do it all in vanilla
whats a nice way to to templating on its own without doing el.innerHTML = fooString
@SuperUberDuper github.com/ndugger/HTMLBuilder.js /shamelessplug
@NickDugger never had a problem with that to be honest
What would be a scenario where Node module caching harms ?
why when i create a gist on github it doesn't show in the contributions graph?
my "class" or "interface" as one may call it is defined over the prototype anyways, other initial values are set directly after creating the object
@StevensHaen version differences
i like it as it keeps the prototype-chain easier to maintain in my opinion
@ssube *used
@ssube It's not going to check if the module version is modified?
@NickDugger thx will check later, cant connect to gh
@StevensHaen it's done by name
most caching module loaders have that problem
@ssube But, every time the app is ran, it will reload them, no? Caching is only for duped require, no?
posted on May 12, 2015 by Alex R. Young

Doing something as simple as passing values between iframes and tabs is surprisingly awkward, and you'll end up trying anything to get it to work. Krasimir Tsonev has created a library called lsbridge (GitHub: krasimir/lsbridge, License: MIT, npm: lsbridge), or Local Storage Bridge. It allows you to send messages

@StevensHaen if your library uses bluebird 1.0 and I use 1.1 and we both require('bluebird') with nothing to isolate dependencies, we'll both get the version that loaded first (in a naive module loader)
> doesn't require ugly hacks
> Internally, lsbridge uses a setTimeout polling loop to set and remove items.
@ssube I don't get it frankly. If you used 1.1 and I have 1.0 in store then there might be conflicts
why would I load both versions and accidently get 1.0 before 1.1?
I have just one version in my local (remote respectively as well). What do you mean by isolating dependencies?
@AwalGarg I think they mean "doesn't require ugly hacks in your code".
@Retsam haha yeah, that makes more sense
@StevensHaen say, you have foo and bluebird:1.1 in your dependencies. Now, what if foo has bluebird:1.0 in its dependencies?
@Feeds i was doing that ages ago
as @ssube said, caching works by name. So both modules use require('bluebird') in their code.
there is a better way using shared worker
where you don't have to seriealize de-serealize
@darkyen00 or using the broadcast api
@FlorianMargaine Oh, I think I get it.
.pushMessage ? @AwalGarg ?
31 mins ago, by Awal Garg
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Broadcast_Channel_API neat!
@darkyen00 it is postMessage
@darkyen00 also, the browser compatibility is... nil
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thank you very much, i've resolved my issue.
@AwalGarg best bet is shared worker
@darkyen00 yea right, atleast for now
forever actually
do you the cool things your shared worker can do ?
@MadaraUchiha so for error handling in promise.coroutine i do
Hello everybady
try {
  var foo = yield fetch('/dat/stuff');
  foo = null;
  foo.id(); // tehe throws error
  var bar = yield fetch('some/other/stuff');
} catch ( err ){

@rlemon Ill only run around.
And I picture that as us frolicking together.
I like that word
I prefer brolicking though, dunno why
not to be confused with fro-licking
I read it as something else first.
I was less excited when it didn't turn out to be 'fucking'
which causes you to need floss.
has anyone but Benji looked at rxjs?
its so damn cool.
I need to think of a reason to use it
lisp is so cool
I don't even know if my code works, but it's so beautiful
Whatever language I'm currently using is so cool
@darkyen00 yes, just the same as async/await syntax
@copy lies, english sucks ass
everyone knows that
@copy I don't think the same when I'm writing js or php or python
Unbreak my heart; say you love me again
Whatever programming language or framework I learned most recently is so cool
react by facebook is so hip and jive
@NickDugger its actually sane
@FlorianMargaine Found it, at least
A: Using a pipe (or) in sed

dystroyThe problem, as demonstrated by @Arkanosis, wasn't in the use of make. As hinted by @MadScientist, the regex was faulty. The problem is that while the string is trimmed through s/\S*\.\S*|^\s+|\s+$$//g, spaces that weren't initially at ends of the strings (i.e. spaces between words) aren't remo...

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