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you don't need the brackets
as I said xD
well you do
@towc heh yeah he picked up a good pen
but in another place
can also be
see where I'm going with this?
Hey o/
@Loktar yeah, that's an awesome one. I think that's the one that made me say: "alright, let's google this canvas thing and get started" :P
I made it rain boobs. that got me into Canvas #trueStory
Weird question... I know you can get a parent and do something with it, but can you get a child and pass it data?
Is there no way to just escape the brackets?
@Quartermain read what I wrote above.
I made a camera system yesterday, so you can define a target for the camera, and it will follow a 'player' around on the 'map'
"bracket notation vs dot notation" if you wanna google it
The problem is there is nothing I can put within the brackets. "elementemail[]" is an element name.
@Loktar no webgl? 0.0 my mind can't even comprehend...
haha yea
I have barely messed with webgl
webgl is still a beast I have yet to even try to tame. I'll stick with my 2d canvas for now
@Quartermain dude, READ
go on google and search "bracket vs dot notation javascript"
But, but, but, reading is hard.
I know what your issue is, I've already told you what you need to solve it.
But I want CPDD (Copy/Paste Driven Development)!
when I go webgl I'll probably be lame and use three
Or Pixi
Using Three is definitely worth it
@RoelvanUden I prefer FDD, Faith Driven Development. Pray to god and just hope shit doesn't break.
@rlemon, Thanks!
@rlemon Haha I'll remember that one :D
so, aside from not being able to pick up bad creds.. I'm almost done this thing
I'm currently doing DDD: Driving Drunk Developement: I keep bumping onto problems
@rlemon Wow, that's awesome! Now put it on Github
Whoops. Jithub*
@SomeGuy "almost done"
I spend far too much time on agar.io
It doesn't have to be finished to be on GH
I spend one hour 1st this morning, with the pseudonyme : Socialism FTW
@NickDugger I've played with your name and reached 3rd place :)
15153 points
You played with my name? Weirdo
or some variation of it
can't remember
Who are the people who did that?
I change the name every round, it's the funniest part xD
do you know how to use a custom skin?
I usually use "+"
@Neoares They have skins matched to certain names. You just have to type one of them
and no, I don't have a list of them
Playing in team is too easy.
I haven't played in team
You just have to feed your friend when he plays the foe
I played that game once, got eaten by "baby killer" then chased for a bit my "mormons" and gave up
seeing others crazy ass names was more fun than the game
It's too addictiv
And there is so much people playins
I saw the name "gay list: "
and he was top1
I'd play it all day if I could, but I have work to do :(
same :d
Almost all names are tolerated
There is skin for so many bullshit names. It have to be a reddit user who made this
I don't have context but please tell me that wasn't a homophobic joke.
Oh, talking about agar.io
yes.. xD
Been hunting Nazis all day :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum In the game, that was.
Gay jokes are not all homophobics
"Gay list:" is pretty fun though
@dievardump for example, you're not homophobic
@dievardump sure, just like holocaust jokes aren't all anti semite, but some people can still find them offensive.
@FlorianMargaine oooooh
Easy one.
I tell holocaust jokes all the time to my friends, I'm going to hell. It's just that I don't want people in this room to feel excluded because of something like race gender or sexual orientation that's all :D
@dievardump ohhohh I got a "gay" joke
We only discriminate against jQuery users here, and retards, not sure why I had to point out that second one.
Q: What do you call a gay cowboy?
A: A Jolly Rancher!
get it?! get it?!
explain it
@BenjaminGruenbaum aren't both the same?
I suck :(
rly? xD
@rlemon Not sure it works well with European people.
Q: Why is Katie Holmes divorcing Tom Cruise?
A: Apprently he's been in A Few Good Men.
^ I also don't see this as homophobic
now I'm just looking for non-homophobic gay jokes.
they are funnier.
@rlemon I don't
imgur is hiring a Sr Front End Engineer -- San Francisco
@FlorianMargaine gay colloquially means "happy" or "fun"
.. or "jolly"
Ah, didn't know "jolly"...
inb4 I start reading "jolly" as "gay"
Jolly Rodger
I was thinking of Santa Claus. He has a wife, though
Does anyone have @KendallFrey's room meeting checklist gist? I can't seem to find it.
You should still upvote it
it just got a downvote...
Who is doing the meeting this month is it Zirak?
Yeah. About to announce it.
A bit short notice, but room meeting this Saturday (16/5), 2000 UTC. Raise topics here. If anyone has any problem with the date/time, ping me.
Zirak has added an event to this room's schedule.
I'm at an Irish music festival this Saturday but I don't have any pressing issues to discuss so don't move it if it's just me
Guys, need some help here. I was downvoted without giving any reasons. Can you please check if there is anything wrong?
Darby Ogill
The High Kings
I really like Irish music
console.log("Hello World")
@AlanSutherland Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak (cc @everyone) I won't be at the meeting this weekend.
Heh, apparently, I can't criticize a bad suggestion on meta without offering an alternative
The fact that more than one and more than two people are suggesting the same thing (with different approaches) should make the community think that there is something going wrong. Downvoting and deleting the questions/suggestions will not change that fact — Alvaro Montoro 5 mins ago
@rlemon, @BenjaminGruenbaum Will the week after (23/5) be okay?
No, I'm at a wedding in the North at a Zimmer (not sure how to translate). Don't reschedule because of me
It's like a hotel sort of.
What makes it different?
I'll have to check tomorrow if I'm free on the 30th. If rlemon says he's ok with the 23th (and no one objects) I'll reschedule for that.
@Zirak I'm not sure I'll be available on a weekend this month. you can just have it without and I'll read the transcripts.
@rlemon House related stuff?
@NickDugger it's like a cabin with nature view and a jacuzzi and treats and big breakfast, sort of.
@Zirak grandfather passed away last week. the family has been caring for my grandmother and themselves.
@Zirak Twenty threeth is my favorite date
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ah, kind of like a Bed & Breakfast
@rlemon Oh, I'm sorry to hear that
@Loktar Internet here is borked, but yeah. I assume it is
Good bye Flux, welcome Bacon/Rx?
thats the title, talks about rxjs and frp
cool, Ill check it out then
@rlemon damn man sorry to hear that as well
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hi ! I saw that the problem was bluebird
yea I'm doing okay so long as I don't talk about it or think about it - they had an 87 acre farm, and my grandmother was not the farmer out of the two. so there is no time to mourn, stuff needs to get done.
My condolences @rlemon
which is a good thing and a bad thing at the same time
hard to explain.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can you please take a look here: stackoverflow.com/q/30134251
@rlemon Take care!
Blurbird does not executes in order the functions
@rlemon :( that's sad to hear
@robe007 yes it does, you just don't understand promises.
@robe007 You need to learn how promises work
@all thank you for your condolences, but I'm really trying hard not to think about it at work. I just wanted to answer Zirak :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BenFortune Can you help with that please?
@Zirak Can I nominate luggage? Or can only ros nominate?
You're also not returning from your map...
dammit, that pinged @allquixotic (sorry)
A friend linked me to something on /r/nosleep today
@rlemon related xD
I asked her when the narwahl bacons
She didn't know :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BenFortune Can you post an answer to my question, please?
@BenFortune @NickDugger yea I've always known, but my name being an odd ball I never got effected by it. now that you raised the issue I'm concious of it.
@robe007 Be patient, or feel free to ask somewhere else
I need it
@rlemon I'm just getting tired of asking people to change their name, lol
@robe007 and they should care why?
@robe007 Oh, you need it? Well, let me just drop everything for you
@AwalGarg Added. @Luggage Do you want to potentially be a room owner?
not to be rude, but that kinda sounds like you expect them to provide answers
@robe007 link to question?
@Zirak thanks :)
This is stackoverflow.com/q/30134251
@Zirak I know I will not be in the meeting, but I nominate @towc for room owner.
he's really come far.
Don't we already have plenty of RO's?
thanks @rlemon, but I'm pretty sure I should decline
@towc Why is that?
@NickDugger there are a few, yeah
@NickDugger Nope myu friend, I don't need everything, i just need a little help with promises, thats where I'am stuck
RO's are janitors. :D
I do think we have plenty of ROs, though
@Zirak Not opposed, but I hate responsibility.
@towc But...I just edited the gist. Couldn't you have declined sooner?
@robe007 Ask people nicely, but don't get mad if nobody wants to help you right now
@NickDugger Yes, you are right
@Luggage Is that a reluctant yes or a shy no?
@SomeGuy You do remember that I'm 15 and that all teens are prone to doing irrational stuff that might affect most others if they have the power to do so, right?
@robe007 You have already got the best answer possible in comments: use lua.
@towc That isn't true :p
@towc bullshit
@towc -1
maybe in a few years, :P
This guy totally nailed it
@Zirak can I step down as RO?
Reluctant yes, I think?
seriously, that is a bad attitude to have. you are more mature than a lot of 25 year olds I know.
@FlorianMargaine no, you're forced to serve
@rlemon It's hilarious. You and I have defended teenagers for quite a few years now, haven't we?
@FlorianMargaine didn't you try that once before and then realized you needed to see deleted messages
well, if you say so... nominate me and we'll see what the others say, I'll try to be responsible
@FlorianMargaine uhm, you can always demote yourself. Or do you want the room to vote on it? Either way, explanations please.
@SomeGuy yessir
@SomeGuy you are a teenager
@Zirak the room
You don't like us anymore?
@FlorianMargaine Oh, shit. You're right!
Teens should not be called teens. That's ageism.
@NickDugger nah. More that I haven't done the janitor in months, so I feel like it's wasted on me
We are just... humans.
@AwalGarg that's specieism.
@FlorianMargaine you pinged me three times in a row for a silly joke :'(
I don't care about being called a teen. I dislike when people think stereotypes hold true
> denominated by Florian Margaine
lol @zirak
@AwalGarg I'd do it again if I had to
is that the actual way to say that? I may be laughing for nothing
!!define denominate
A denomination in Christianity is a generic term for a distinct religious body identified by traits such as a common name, structure, leadership and doctrine. Individual bodies, however, may use alternative terms to describe themselves, such as church or fellowship. Divisions between one group and another are defined by doctrine and church authority; issues such as the nature of Jesus, the authority of apostolic succession, eschatology, and papal primacy often separate one denomination from another. Groups of denominations often sharing broadly similar beliefs, practices, and historical ties are...
@Zirak denominate To name; to designate.
maybe it should say nominated to be demoted by ...
oooh, ok
Well I'm stupid none the less
cool, thanks ;)
Make me RO, and I'll fill the vending machines with milk
you talk like soldiers or something :P
@AwalGarg Yes, Lua could be, but I need to do it with node
I nominate @nickDugger (as long as he fullfills his premises)
@FlorianMargaine But if you are not RO then how can we invite you to Hangouts without the plebs seeing?
@robe007 no. Redis comes with inbuilt lua support. Just write the code and send it to redis.
@rlemon uhhhhh good question
@towc I can half guess the answer already, but is that seriously or as a joke?
@rlemon I've struggled with that before; I just don't go anymore
@NickDugger just ping for the link
@GNi33 "Designer applies for JS job, fails at FizzBuzz, then proceeds to writes 5-page long rant about job descriptions"
someone will give it too you
we just don't like to let it linger for fly-by joiners
I did hangouts once, I think. Everyone was just drawing dicks
@FlorianMargaine that's a pretty good gist, yeah
@NickDugger and poop
Sounds accurate
There was also jquery involved
and pasting "I LOVE JQUERY" all over Ziraks face
@Zirak I just said it
@GNi33 /r/programming
@FlorianMargaine heh this sounds like the people we interview
@Zirak a joke. But actually he's shown respect to everyone, and helped everyone if he could, not to mention that he's online almost at any time. I'll actually nominate him
@FlorianMargaine I jqueried an hour ago
> Oh I need to know javascript?
well... yeah its a frontend UI position...
oh right, it's the top post there. Shame on me for not checking reddit
@GNi33 Lmao, he linked an SO answer in his interview question
@Loktar seriously, you don't need to know JS to solve FizzBuzz
Whoooo!!!! Phone interview today after work for a really awesome electronics manufacturing startup
@AwalGarg That guy needs to shave
@Zirak s/shave/trim/
@Zirak Uhh... sure
@GNi33 I guess... but if I ask you to write fizzbuzz in js for a frontened position you are applying for... id hope you could

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