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6:00 PM
Does Caprica Six support es6?
It'll likely convert into something even more over engineered in time, but for now yes.
@AwalGarg That probably would only work if it was one level deep though
She even supports ES7's .include
using bootstrap-validator atm.
@corvid then replace ... with flatten(...)
6:00 PM
Maybe someone could clarify, but I don't think changing the disabled attribute will actually submit the form. It just changes whether or not it's submittable.
!!>[3, [1,2], ['cat', ['dog']]].reduce((a,b) => [...a, ...b], []);
@corvid "TypeError: b[Symbol.iterator] is not a function"
@AmericanSlime That's the behaviour I want
@AwalGarg Flattening can be done with an O(n) algorithm; yours looks O(n^2)ish, since you'll keep unpacking and repacking the same elements into an array over and over
6:01 PM
There is only 2 validated inputs on the whole form too XD
Is .submit the form?
But knowing my users they'll be dumb and just hit submit or enter, randomly
@Retsam hrmm, you can optimize it out a bit with some Array.isArray checks and using .push(...args) instead
    <form method="post" role="form" id="datafixForm" name="datafixForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" data-toggle="validator">
Array.prototype.concat() can flatten arrays of arrays.
6:02 PM
!!> class A {shit(){console.log(1)}}; (new A()).shit()
submit is a button.
@crl "SyntaxError: class is a reserved identifier"
let newFlatArray = [].concat(...otherValuesOrArrays);
I'm pretty sure formIsValid = formIsValid && !$(this).hasClass('has-error'); is doing nothing for you.
good point Lug
6:03 PM
right :/
!!>[].concat(...[3, [1,2], ['cat', ['dog']]])
@Retsam [3,1,2,"cat",["dog"]]
hm,, i guess it only goes one deep. that makes sense.
@AmericanSlime tbfair I didn't understand it in the first place, but it 'looked' right :D
!!>[].concat(...[].concat(...[3, [1,2], ['cat', ['dog']]]))
6:04 PM
@crl [3,1,2,"cat",["dog"]]
Send me a link to the jfiddle and I'll try to fix it for you.
@crl [3,1,2,"cat","dog"]
I gotta give back to the community somehow, for all they've given me lol
is there a default jsfiddle with bootstrap already loaded ? :D
I think it is time we write an enterprise version of Array.prototype.flatten
6:05 PM
an 'enterprise version'?
Bootstrap is not the issue though, just bad code not doing anything. I'll show you the concept and then you can figure it out from there.
you mean bloated and slow?
@Luggage exactly
function flatten(arr) {
   return arr.reduce((newArray, item) => {
       if(Array.isArray(item)) {
       } else {
       return newArray;
   }, [])
6:07 PM
let flatten = (...items) => {
    let out = items;
    while (out.some(Array.isArray)) {
        out = out.concat(...out);
    return out;
I should be using this shouldn't i? XD
> jqueryvalidation.org
@AwalGarg Good call.
6:08 PM
@SterlingArcher I need to play this again...
@Luggage won't that get weird?
@AwalGarg please share knowledge with me
@Luggage got a simpler nginx question for you
@ssube no idea. just whipped it up. didn't test.
how on earth do I proxy TCP streams?
6:09 PM
and now i'm bored of the flattening topic :)
@SomeKittens never did that, except websockets.
I'd definitely go with something like mine, and not try to be too clever with ... and concat.
@djsmiley2k tell me your postal address so I can send you some
@Luggage Yeah, websockets worked fine
@SomeKittens if you need to do weird proxying, HAProxy tends to work better than Nginx.
@SomeKittens pretty sure there is an inbuilt module to do that
6:10 PM
It's pretty protocol-agnostic. We've got it proxying HTTP, SSH, and a few others.
@AwalGarg I was too
Websockets start over HTTP, you just need to forward/add the upgrade headers.
!!> var flatten=function(a) {if (a.some(e=>Array.isArray(e)))return flatten([].concat(...a));return a;}; flatten([3, [1,2], ['cat', ['dog']]])
@crl [3,1,2,"cat","dog"]
6:11 PM
damn Lug was faster
@djsmiley2k This shows the general idea of what I think you're looking for, jsfiddle.net/mp5mh6wj
@AmericanSlime that looks exactly what I want to do!
After a couple of days mulling over options, I choose a templating engine, and it doesn;t even work... fucking hell.
I'm so close to just making my own again
I thought you were a Reactian.
6:14 PM
nginx.org/en/docs/stream/ngx_stream_core_module.html#stream can hack around this too, but 1.9.0+ which is not what any recent distros ship.
just a turd
@AwalGarg build from source. fuck distro's out-of-date packages.
@Luggage totally. I am using 1.9.6 btw :P
6:15 PM
@Luggage s/out-of-date/stable/ :P
I'm using react in the browser, yeah, but I'm looking for a proper templating engine for a personal project
react then
@ssube the mainline versions of nginx is better than the stable ones
centos is an ultra-stable snapshot of 1998
@ssube make you own choices of stable for each package. May you want to stick with a stable postgres, but use node 5.
6:16 PM
lolno, our devs are stuck on node 0.10
But node 4.0 is such huge improvement
I stick with the distro's postgres, for example, but I found building node form source easier than even adding a third party package source
and yes, i'm only on node 4.x
@ssube ahahahhahahaha
that's recent enough
6:16 PM
We're on the verge of Node 5.0.0
oh, we have a puppet module that pulls in the node source
@Nick it already happened baby
until they start shipping 4, we aren't using it
@Luggage building node from source? easier? trolling or what? :P
6:17 PM
6.0 will be released next week I'm positive
I don;t think so... let me check.. i think i did node from source and it was a simple ./configure make make install affair
@ssube nodesource is pretty good for that and officially supported by joyent
@AwalGarg we might be using them
@Luggage it builds V8 as well which takes years to build
the place we're pulling from only has debs of 0.12 and rpms of 0.10
6:18 PM
Fuck it, I'm using dust...
Right, I saw that it pulled in some prebuilt stuff
the human intervention is easy, sure. but... building V8... cmon
@Nick use rust
all I know is, i went from the tarball form nodejs.org to a working up-to-date node+npm with a few commands and not too much waiting.
6:19 PM
@ssube but nodesource has 5.0 node for everyone!
@Nick nick pls
sorry, I'm just mad
scratch that, I cloned the repo, didn't use the tarball
Why do Node templating engines all suck ass?
6:21 PM
@Nick they don't. which do you hate?
and for what purpose?
jade is love, jade is life
EJS, Jade, Nunjucks, Vash
Jade is the worst; go die
@Nick react? You can use it like a template engine, sorta-kinda
your face is worst :D
Nah, react isn't quite what I'm looking for
6:23 PM
Has anyone had the issue of the console css not matching with the browser css? See: http://i.stack.imgur.com/CYsyK.png
The browser css is correct upon resizing the window
handlerbrs, with some helpers can be decent for a universal templating tool
It's supposed to have an opacity of .3 but is still on an opacity of 1
handlebars' syntax isn't quite as obvious as I'd like. It might just be what I go with, though
@ssube you got framebuffer over ssh knowledge?
@AwalGarg jade is shit, ejs is a poison knife
6:26 PM
@Nick beware that you'll find yourself writing helpers since it doesn't really accept lots ot syntax other languages do. it's easy to extend one you get the structure, tthough
@Abhishrek shut up and put vis demo online
@Nick I don't want to be that guy, but why not react? If you are jsut making html it should be able to do anything and gives you the option of turning it into live-updating later, if you want.
ohh, ok.
@DavidMa inline css
6:32 PM
Now i got this jsfiddle.net/mp5mh6wj/1
@AwalGarg nope. I know roughly nothing about protocols or networking.
np (no problem because I just found the answer, else I'd have sent a few people to hell (j/k))
@KarelG But if that's the issue why would resizing the window fix it?
oh i'm an idiot
@KarelG Furthermore, it's applied to multiple tr arrays and works on most of them. I feel like it's a rendering issue but not entirely sure.
6:35 PM
        $('.submit').on('click', function( e ) {
            var formIsValid = true;
            var formData = new FormData(this);
            $('.form-group').each(function() {
                if ($(this).hasClass('has-error')) {
                    formIsValid = false;

            if (formIsValid) {
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: 'process.php',
                    data: formData,
I..... think it's right :D
two small things
just one small thing: that's a lot of badly structured bad code
1) what awal said
2) you don't have to loop through the form group. just look for any has-error in the form field
well the form resets.... but I see no request to process.php
6:40 PM
you're using HTML5 validation right ?
one doesn't simply process php
erm, I.... don't know?
<script src="./jquery/validator.min.js"></script>
So I don't think that's html5 validation, no
^-- eh ?
@corvid question for ya ^
6:43 PM
You have to research cannibalize first
> (unless you're a fungus or a ghoul)
sounds like an inside job like thingy
You can be a fungus in Nethack?
@Retsam you can do anything at Zombocom.
6:44 PM
@djsmiley2k don't you have to trigger the validation checkers ? (because if no data gets processed to your php, i suspect formIsValid is false.
Nethack is one of those games I've wanted to try to figure out for awhile. Also Dwarf Fortress.
@KarelG ah right, that's called prior..
I didn't paste all the scripts
Ooo i see your point
@Retsam rimworldgame.com instead of dwarf fortress
6:45 PM
I should have an elsestatement showing alert("Form is invalid") or something?
an if without else is possible.
Well then I'll know if it actually tried to process it
Right now it does nothing :D
Jesus ._____________________________.
Guys... I have my first real date in like 3 years... fucking psyched!
    } else {
        alert("Form is invalid");
6:46 PM
copy that ajax snippet and paste it right after the event.preventDefault
> copy <code> and paste
@Nick nice dude!
it was working earlier, I'll do it to double check aynway :)
Make her some lightly fried fish filets
6:47 PM
it did take me 1h, but I managed it :D codepen.io/towc/pen/ojQWZb
@SterlingArcher We're going out for drinks
@Retsam D:
Make her some lightly. Fried. Fish. Filets.
Something simple, with alcohol involved to get rid of the awkwardness
these pokemon comics... that was ... unexpected
6:48 PM
@towc Are you using codepen as a dating site?
I've played Star For way too much, so I enjoyed that when I saw it the first time.
@Luggage jeez no XD
Tiffany is a 40yo very respected person, and she just got 20k hearts on CP :P
omg omg omg fail video time
6:48 PM
errrrrr ok that's not working now either D:
(Seriously, someday we've got to get a decent sequel to StarFox64)
codepen is a dating site
@towc You... are using your pens as dating helpers? :P
@SterlingArcher that's awesome.
I will say, though, she does have 2 kids... It doesn't bother me, but it might bother some people I know...
people can be weird
6:49 PM
welcome to my life
what do you mean?
he is into you. now you have 2 people to date
People judging and trying to control your life lol
how did you meet her? @Nick
i've broke my ajax at some point
now I'm sad
6:51 PM
@crl You can say all this shit you want, and I'll agree that I'm those things, but I met her on match.com
oh is it because i was getting the formdata from 'this'
I know, I know...
but we are no longer working on the form - we are working on the submit?
I felt it :), but nothing wrong with it, would do the same
@ssube Who was I pinging?
I'll check out HAProxy
6:52 PM
@Nick OMG so excited for you :)
@crl I hate the whole online dating thing, so I asked her for a date as soon as I could; I don't want to shit around on the computer and message random people
Please send picks Nick
@BadgerCat jordan pls
Oh wait
wrong eprson
thanks badger
6:52 PM
$('.submit').on('click', function( e ) {
    var formData = new FormData('#datafixForm');
        type: 'POST',
        url: 'process.php',
        data: formData,
        contentType: false,
        cache: false,
        processData: false,
        mimeType: "multipart/form-data",
        success: function (data) {
            console.log('Form submitted!');
            console.log('Recieved' + data);
            alert('Form submitted!');
        error: function (data) {
wrong spelling too
I have problems
Hey don't feel bad I have online dating profiles too
But I don't pay
aka more hookerbots, less people
I hate it... but I got results, so we'll see
damn fruits get bad with winter..
6:53 PM
Yeah, I found your okcupid profile once
you found Jordan's?
what a climax
You what
6:54 PM
I keep getting dating related spam emails and gmail doesn't filter them :(
!!urban climax 1
@crl climax The point at which a man or woman reaches orgasm.
He likes girls with tattoos
not that climax ...
@BadgerCat nuuuu
6:54 PM
online dating is a really great way to get better at dating by going out with a bunch of shitty, boring people so you can actually catch someone you meet in real life that is worth having
ooh sorry
@CapricaSix keking
!!s/the male/kendal's mom/
climax: a crescendo
6:55 PM
dammit cereal
there are so many spelling mistakes in that urban definition
as usual
now i got nothing that works :D
this is why I hate this stuff, it always seems to go backwards for me
@BadgerCat To be fiar, most guys do
@djsmiley2k I think you're confused
6:56 PM
@Cereal ?
@crl wiki
@Cereal that was quite an intelligent guess
I'm more than just confused. I'm floundering
i have an es5-style class with prototype functions that I can only seem to call normally, but I want to call it with apply. However, in Node (v.0.12.7 for compat with node-oracledb), I get the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'execute' of undefined. What am I doing wrong?
@djsmiley2k What doesn't work?
6:57 PM
@KarelG oh thanks, never met that figure of speech
@Cereal well i can no longer even process the form upon submitting it
it's like a 'crescendo'
@NathanJones show us some code with .apply().
var orawrap = require('orawrap');

var args = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
  args.filter(elem => !!elem);
  var cb = function(err, results) {
    if (err) {

@djsmiley2k What does process the form mean?
6:59 PM
it's meant to post it to another page
@NathanJones first argument to apply is the 'class' instance.
orawrap.execute.apply(orawrap, args);
@BadgerCat how much research have you done on this room
        $('#datafixForm').on('status.field.bv', function(e, data) {
            var formIsValid = true;
            $('.form-group',$(this)).each( function() {
                formIsValid = formIsValid && !$(this).hasClass('has-error');

            if(formIsValid) {
                $('.submit', $(this)).prop('disabled', false);
            } else {
                $('.submit', $(this)).prop('disabled', true);

        $('.submit').on('click', function( e ) {

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