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I'll get back to you on this. This is getting more complicated than I hoped.
Well, you can either A) create a combination crontab, server side scripting routine to delete these files, or B) craft a small bit of JS to delete the files based on some naming convention. I'd say the latter is quick and dirty.
@recurse The latter is slow and inefficient.
Deleting on-demand is prone to errors, especially if somebody makes an unusual demand.
but the latter is probably within the scope of his skill set .. server admin stuff maybe not
Your disk usage will also be less predictable.
@recurse Getting the date isn't difficult. I don't need a convention for that...I already have the upload time saved and can pull it if needbe
@recurse cron does not fall in "server admin stuff." Every machine in the world runs some form of cron.
ssube, you assume he has access to the crontab user that will delete the image
probably his web server
@recurse He has access to a user that can delete the images, so he definitely does.
There's no "crontab" user, you pick per-job.
does he?
and his user wont be running the script, the web server will
@SterlingArcher badger cat is from cookieclicker man
@recurse The web server runs as some user, with access to delete those images. The cron job could run as.... the same user.
@KarelG it's not especially attractive...?
here's the drug
@ssube mind blown
meat should be tasteful ... not attractive
@KarelG isn't it?
@KarelG That kinda looks a little gross
@FlorianMargaine right? I've been writing cron jobs to back up our tools and realized that I may as well just reuse the users. Especially for gitlab, which is picky about its backup (fucking rails).
although by writing cron jobs I mean cron { weekday => '0', path => '...' }
@ssube that's obvious stuff
@FlorianMargaine Is it? Some of the backup tasks do weird stuff, it didn't seem right to reuse the server user.
we also assume he knows how to write and run cronjobs. the guy wants to delete an image based on last upload time ... yet you guys want to throw in multiple steps, and languages to accomplish that ... he's got the upload times recorded in his db. he is running Node ... its really simple.
@ssube you just avoid many issues related to permissions unless you're super careful
I usually just use the server user
@recurse Why would you have the web server do work unrelated to serving the web?
The cron job could be written in node, sure, but it should be a job outside of the server.
@ssube or you can have a "backup" user and use chpst
limitations of skill is my first thought.
lets not assume everyone knows how to create a cronjob, as trivial as they may be to some
that's why documentation exists
lets not also assume his user has access to crontab
the crontab that will delete the files*
My SO meta post survived the night with positive reputation; I'm shocked
users typically have their own crontab
anyway, if you want to keep things under one roof in an easier to manage environment, without jumping through hoops including crontab and potentially bash, then I would just do things one-dimensional, grab the upload date, run a simple script to compare to now time and then delete the stinkin file.
as they say, there are 100 ways to skin a cat
the unix way, and the good software way, is to have the cat and have the skinner. Don't combine them or you'll end up with a broken cat-skinning monstrosity.
@ssube, but if his user doesnt share the same privs as something like apache, then how is his user going to run the cron to delete the files owned by apache?
@recurse you can specify the user for a cron job
you should look into the basics of cron, it has some interesting features that make this a non-issue
The software utility Cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. People who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. It typically automates system maintenance or administration—though its general-purpose nature makes it useful for things like connecting to the Internet and downloading email at regular intervals. The origin of the name cron is unclear; it has been suggested that it comes from the Greek word for time, χρόνος chronos, or that it is an acronym...
haha good luck ... in practice it never works
anyone wants to refactor my php code? uugh, I'd like to punch myself right now
not unless you have sh8tty security
@recurse Agreed. A scheduler is quite simple, though, calculate the time at which the next event should happen, and set a timeout for that moment. Should anything happen meanwhile, cancel the previous timeout, and recalculate. Consider that the process crashes, though, so you need a way to persist the jobs. It's relatively easy to put them in a data store and on load, load them back in. I've made schedulers this way often, and they work great.
@recurse cron runs as the system, so it does work. I'm using it for 4 different users on various servers right now.
@RoelvanUden now that's overkill.
I don't like to be tied into whatever OS I run on. I use Windows. Sue me.
@RoelvanUden Windows has a job scheduler too.
Yeah, and it sucks. It's still no more than ~10~20 LoC
Not a big deal.
Hello Sue
@RoelvanUden I know recurse is trolling, but are you actually suggesting you introduce a DB and write a custom scheduler just to delete images from a directory?
@recurse cron is about the beating heart of any IT system
Literally any company worth its salt is using cron in some form of another
Even if abstracted by other tools
Instead of a cron job (one line in the crontab) that runs a node script at midnight to do just that
@ssube If he doesn't want to rely on an OS-specific facility, then, yes.
@RoelvanUden that's fucked, man
@KarelG oh dear
don't get clever, don't reinvent the wheel
this is why we have an internet full of shit software
dont get me wrong, cronjobs are great... at is also great .. i use them frequently, but in his case, thats overkill, especially if he's limited to access and would need to get his admin to grant new or extended perms to his user etc etc
@KarelG I sharted in my old car once
there's a good way to do it already, use it
We can argue left and right about this, but it's about preference.
@recurse I don't think you understand how users work. The cronjob can run as the same user as the web server.
If you want your own scheduler, why the fuck not ;-)
There are always reasons to do so, and to avoid doing so.
@RoelvanUden Because it's more software to write and maintain, it won't scale or persist well, it horribly demolishes any separation of concerns, it can easily ruin the performance of your web server, etc?
cronjobs for users are not shared. I can not access the crontab of a user if I dont have access to that user.
@Nick i was reading that with your avatar pic in mind .... just no
that would be a pretty big security issue wouldnt you think?
33 secs ago, by Roel van Uden
There are always reasons to do so, and to avoid doing so.
@RoelvanUden There are no reasons to do so, this time.
hello JS fans. I have a question. Can't find it on search.... how can I compare current time and if it's a greater then a pregiven time to execute the function?
> JS fans
@macroscripts Date.now and some math
any examples on stack?
if(date1 > date2) {
//do something
ugh, shouldn't class blah { }; blah.prototype.myFunc = function () {} work?
hey where is @DemCodeLines ?
I think we went off on a tangeant trying to help him and spun him around
I want to remember the user on certain computers, what's the best way of handling that?
@corvid That looks wrong, since you'd want the constructor's prototype (traditionally), but the class isn't the prototype.
The computers that are shared, I don't want to store cookies/session. Should I try to run some logic via their IP or something else?
@AmericanSlime cookies?
@AmericanSlime nope, don't use the IP. It's probably shared.
How do I differentiate between a single user computer and a multiple user computer to where if it's multiple users, don't use cookies/session. And I don't have a login system which would have fixed this.
Mac address?
and use a nasty active x control that wont work cross browser to grab it?
@AmericanSlime You provide a checkbox where they pick between single user and don't-save-me.
No session, nor cookie? Then use a token that you pass around in the url and href's
Plenty of sites do that already, defaulting to multi-user and no cookies for security.
It's pretty stupid but hey, it does work
aye, I agree with Roel on that ... good idea.
@recurse hooray for 1993 :P
lol ssube
@ssube Ah I see, makes sense.
@SterlingArcher when are we meeting then ?
@Abhishrek dunno lol when are you getting here?
@ssube I didn't think about letting them set the option initially, but that could definitely work. @RoelvanUden I might explore this route as well. Thanks guys
@SterlingArcher 10th
11th happens to be a friday !
yep of Dec
How long do you need to settle before we go out?
I know jetlag is a bitch
@SterlingArcher I already bought my stuff and I won't have much of a lag
Nick I will assault you
I'm coming too, guys
I will be landing on 9th
where are you going?
curious question can 20.8 year olds goto the bar but not drink ?
@AmericanSlime Combining the two, you provide a checkbox. If it's checked, use cookies. If not, use a token from the query string. Prefer one, but you might show an error if both exist.
We're all going to Jordan's house
20.8 year olds?
@SterlingArcher and can we buy them a drink ?
@Abhishrek depends on the bar
@Abhishrek 20.8 means 8 months or 0.8/12 months
Mmm not quite
She can come in, but she can't drink. ABC laws are strict here
any good bar won't let you in if you're under 21
darn ! suddenly I love India !
that's how you know everybody is safe to take home
@ssube I always knew I could turn to you guys for help. Thanks!
come to spain where you can drink over 18
When does she turn 21?
@Neoares Come to India where you can drink whenever you want --- legal age only matters if you want it to.
@SterlingArcher Feb
so I guess its a guys party :P
@Abhishrek but I can't fap there
not a good deal
@Neoares true dat
Haha I'm down, she can drive us XD
I'll buy her food if she DDs us around the city
@SterlingArcher You don't even want me to drive when I am sober, so yeah thats our best bet
I'm a very good driver :D
same :P
I'm a good driver in India
but do you drive automatic cars?
I don't like them
in spain all cars are manual
@Neoares I can drive manual and automatic alike now
but lets keep the track
@SterlingArcher how much does a friday cost you :P
My new car is technically auto(if paddle shifting is considered automatic), but since I was 15 I've only ever driven manual
@Abhishrek depends on how angry I am at life
Anywhere from $30-$200 lol
@SterlingArcher how can you drive when you are 15?
I hate cars, and jams and shit, bike ftw
Okay I targetted around $100 for myself
it's legal?
Learners permit
where are you from?
@Neoares @SomeGuy when did you start driving ?
@Abhishrek 18
15.5 you get your permit, and drive with a legal adult for 9 months, then you get your license soon after 16
before it's ilegal in spain :D
@Neoares I'm from Virginia
@SterlingArcher ok now it makes sense... xD
@Abhishrek 15-16
@Abhishrek @Neoares I'm from Virgin (source)
^ aka I'm Jesus
All hail jesus six !
@crl @Abhishrek @Neoares I'm Virgin (source) (source)
@crl keep your cyber fetish in control dude.
cap's virgin!
@SterlingArcher paddle is an auto. It's only questionable if it's dual-clutch as well.
It is a dual-clutch :D
actually nothing gives you more control than a manual car
really? audi makes a dct?
that sounds like a recipe for disaster
Oh yeah man, the quattro system is very advanced
@Abhishrek actually nothing gives you more accidents than a manual car (source)
driving an automatic car is like using jquery to select an element
@SterlingArcher quattro just means awd
@Neoares ow
you must be driving a terrible automatic !
nope, only manual :D
@Neoares I find them more like document.querySelectorAll
in spain there is no automatic cars AFAIK
I would drive a manual, but I'm not about to give up 2-3 gears for it
since I actually use a few of them
Look how fast it shifts from the paddles
@SterlingArcher we will have to shift it to january
or 18th :-|
Whenever is fine lol
Okay then
Cya got work to be done !
enjoy lol
@SterlingArcher yep, looks like a flappy paddle
@SterlingArcher But can it run Crysis?
@SterlingArcher I have a userscript that plays everything at 2x
I was so mindblown until I realized XD
@KendallFrey go home nerd
@SomeGuy lmao
~100ms is usually where they sit, although slower ones (i.e., not dct) can get up toward 150
which is funny, since a human shift is 200ms+
@SterlingArcher I am home, geek
@SterlingArcher but paddle shifters is considered manual
@Neoares no, it's not
but you are shifting manually
there's no clutch pedal, it's auto. Semi-auto, but still auto.
Manual to me means clutch
paddle shift is semi
I agree with clutch
manual to me means that you have the control to shift when you want
my last couple cars have been paddle shift and trust me, it's nothing like manual
Hell my foot still looks for the clutch even in my audi
@SomeGuy wait what
it's a great thing on its own, but if you want to look like an idiot and stall your car, you can't
yes i've used paddle when I drove a lambhorgini
especially since the Evo and 335 can both launch from like 3rd :P
My CVT has a semi-auto mode lol
and it's pretty nice
@rlemon lmfao "OHHH"
@KendallFrey go. away. with your filthy belts.
it's useless for pretty much anything
is there a way to route messages from Linkedin to the main inbox and not the Social folder?
I recognize that I'm less of a driver for not having a clutch pedal, but I'm almost half ok with that now. Not even having gears...
Paddles in supercars are fun, but the most fun I've ever had driving was in my uncles old Dodge Viper SRT-10
That's like starting a concentration camp specifically for kittens.
So LinkedIn notifications from Social tab to Inbox
@rlemon perfect
No systems computer, no traction control... 500+HP straight to the clutch. So scary, so fun
@SterlingArcher which car do you have ?
those wheels will be such a pain to wash
Yeah, I already found that out
one of my old housemates had the split bimmer wheels and they got super gross inside
@SterlingArcher you rich!
I'm going to dip them, but I need a chemistry scrub brush first
lol I'm not rich
@SterlingArcher in what?
black powder coat?
look like a cadillac?
Matte black dip with a double coat of polish
Same thing my brother did to his G37s
Turned out really good
nah bro, get the 24" black powder rims
add a lift kit
lmao no way
I was behind a car a few weeks ago, some shitty old caddy, where the exhaust was level with my face
The only rims I would buy are the special 19's, but I actually like how these ones look either way
nearly ran into their wheels just on principle
@ssube were they shooting all the jobs?
my car is better
@SterlingArcher almost certainly. Definitely listening to the rap musics.
let's see
@SterlingArcher after my wrx im thinking an s3 or GLA 45amg next
my honda fit gets all the girls
!!s/better/more triangular/
s3 is so sexy
@ssube my car is more triangular (source)
@SterlingArcher now if only it came in stick :(
it's more triangular
nailed it
Can't go wrong with an AMG though, my brother has a C63 AMG and it's beautiful
@SterlingArcher get these for wheels
@Nick ^
@rlemon p.much, yep
@jgr208 trust me, I was all about manual until I drove the S series audi. You won't miss it. Paddles are fun
one little pothole and those rims are shot
I actually really do love my honda fit; It's got some badass cargo space
Plus I really enjoy blowing those shit little hondas out of the water
@SterlingArcher Auto with anything less than a ZF/Getrag tranny underneath is a joke
They see audi and make their fart noises, and I dust them off the stoplight because hello... launch control and AWD..
@SterlingArcher yes they are
@SterlingArcher i know also i will have the audi into my 30s and by that time i will be like im tired of this clutch business i just wanna drive without the cklutch thus perfect
@rlemon : does it even drive ? That would be a badass
I don't even want a "fast car"... I like things with more practicality
@MadaraUchiha psh that is close
a mini ?
you can't impress women with practical
be a glass half full guy
@KarelG a vegan bimmer?
@Nick if you get bitches with that car, then it's gg
10 out of how many who initially applied?
no need to be faster
I think you could get it this time
I don't need my car to impress women; I like my car, so suck a dick
also a triangle is sexy
My reasoning for audi: AWD for snow, 4 doors, baller leather seats (seriously, go prestige model, leather and push button keyless start so worth it), and you can actually have sex in it WITH A TRUNK FULL OF GROCERIES
@Nick youd get more scuckage with a sweet vehicle.
@Nick How often has "I like my car, so suck a dick" worked for you?
lol, I really don't care; I like my car, and that's that
@Neoares @Nick How often has "I like my car, so suck a Nick" worked for you? (source)
i'm waiting till Tesla makes their models more ... cheaper
@SterlingArcher My back seats fold down and I'm pretty sure I could throw an orgy in the trunk.
lol I was j/j anyway
if you need a sweet car to get girls.. you probably ugly.
TIL I'm ugly :(
get gud nub
@SterlingArcher you aren't ugly
don't worry Jordan, your mom still loves you
lol jk im sexy
What if you can get girls normally, but add a sweet car and suit on to that?
@SterlingArcher haha but yes AWD why i am not looking to get a differrent AMG since most are RWD and i need AWD so either 4matic or quatro but mercedes seems to include less standard stuff like audi has on the s-line like heated seats so audi seems better in terms of package deal
@jgr208 just... don't get a merc
@ssube that definitely would improve things
@jgr208 s-line isn't bad. All the S interior stuff just no supercharger right?
unless you're 60 or selling cheap coke, you don't need a mercedes
mercedes is for old ppl
tailored suit
@ssube ok i wont haha @SterlingArcher yup the s3 has a turbo so gets like 25 mpg in the city
I will admit though -- having a nice car seriously does bring out the whores
@Loktar Of course. Best $40 I ever spent.
I bought a suit from walmart
@SterlingArcher indeed
@ssube lol my brother is 26 with a merc
@SterlingArcher Ask him if he sells cheap blow.
@SterlingArcher i dont think he saw i put AMG
oh wait you mean $40 just for the tailor job nm
@jgr208 it's a merc either way
@Loktar lol yeah
!!urban merc
heh there were some "tailored" suits online for $40 at one point iirc
@Cereal merc To fuck a person up real bad or kill them in a ruthless manner
@ssube lol no he's a recruiter and he's damn nasty at it
@Cereal it's Mercedes
One of the best in the area. The dude is a shark. I learned all my people skills from him
> he's damn nasty at it
what the fuck does that even mean?
@SterlingArcher also how is the readability?
@Nick cutthroat
this is going out of control
This is the guy that on a random day, called the Empire State Building, having nobody in mind to call, and managed to finagle the concierge into linking him to some company, and proceeded to steal their VP from them
I've never heard anyone describe anyone as "damn nasty" unless they were gross
its what the kids say now
You kids and your lmaos and damn nastys
@jgr208 readability?
> Shit that bro is nasstteeeee
damn kids
i mean relability @SterlingArcher
my speeling sucks
@jgr208 so far no issues at all. It was pouring rain last night and it handled like it was perfectly dry
@jgr208 I find it ironic that you, first, misspelled reliability as readability, followed by not a real word.
Such a promising start
Very tight steering, warms up quickly, and isn't a gas sucker
@SterlingArcher Then you're driving it wrong. :P
@Nick Very tight steering, warms up quickly, and isn't a dick sucker (source)
my kind of gal
You probably have a rocker switch somewhere that says "sport" and "bitch mode" on the two ends. Push sport a few dozen times, then hold it down for a minute.
@SterlingArcher nice @ssube haha my spelling sucks hence why i was basically was either engineer or drop out of college
That enables "real car" mode, which is where you can burn out.
also @SterlingArcher did you get the regular seats or sport seats?
Sport seats
I'll upload a pic
@SterlingArcher nice only sucky part is like with my WRX i have to get all season tires for the snow since i am not changing tires just for winter and spring
i like the two tone leather
@SterlingArcher man, I can't get behind audi's styling
it just feels so flashy

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