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Wait, never mind. I misread
The source on data is pretty complicated... with all this camelcase business
why this code runs immediately?
$('#userPanelId').on('mouseleave', function () {
    setTimeout(function () { ... }, 5000);
A cursory test suggests that .data is case-sensitive
@RoyiNamir In fact it looks like it's case sensitive but makes a camel case conversion, which means if you do $('body').data('a-b',3) you'll get 3 for $('body').data('aB'). Seems logical
I do the same in my svg library
$('body').data('Blerg', 'foo'); $('body').data('blerg'); // undefined
@MRS1367 Fiddle ?
@dystroy Tnx. isn't camelCase is merly : aaaAAA ? ( starts lower , next words start upper)
(never heard of removing "-" : {charcters})
@MRS1367 is that the exact code, or are you doing setTimeout(foo(), 5000); ?
@RoyiNamir The problem with attributes, css, properties mixed is that font-size is merely "equivalent" to fontSize
Ok Thank you very much for your time
@Busata this:
setTimeout(foo(), 5000);
@MRS1367 then that will execute instantly yes, you should do function() { foo() } instead
@towc dat credit goes to me.
@Busata tnx. but why it runs immediately in my example?
@dystroy There's an amusing irony in the fact that the method you're using to uncamify strings is, natively, in camelCase
@monners you lost me there
@SecondRikudo here?
I'm not sure I'll have time for lunch today, but I'm going out with Sharon (Mosho) and another friend to a beer at around 7:30 - wanna come?
@BenjaminGruenbaum He stepped out for a moment. Something about destroying the world and all that
@MRS1367 because you can/should only pass either a reference of your function (eh, foo, not foo() , a variable , var foo = function() {} , or an anonymous function
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure
@MRS1367 if you pass foo(), you're already executing your function & basically passing setTimeout the return value of foo()
if you pass function() { foo() }, you're passing settimeout a function that it can execute at your specified time
Does anybody else too thinks that the inbox icon on SE looks like a car with a flat base?
@AwalGarg Can never be unseen.
@SecondRikudo what?
@Busata tnx
Q: Backbone Model.save returns undefined instead of jqxhr

GunnerFanThe backbone docs say that Backbone.Model.save function returns a jqXHR objects if validation is successful, otherwise it returns false. So if a validation method is not defined, the model.save method should return a jqXHR but it actually returns 'undefined'. model.fetch works fine and returns a ...

@SecondRikudo hehe nice.
I am going to sleep for a long while now :D
then finish the rest of the app
Happy Birthday SecondRikudo!!!
So @SecondRikudo since you are a god, your birthday must be celebrated in the entire universe, right?
mm, in angularJS if you have a directive with two divs in it (each div can be a directive as well), if you click DIV A, how could you properly communicate to div B that it should update its position to specified parameters? <div parent-directive> <div A child-directive-1/> <div B child-directive-2/> </div>? Ideally, parent-directive should be able to call child-directive-1's controller, but that's not possible through require, any suggestions or other approach?
@AwalGarg I'm not God. Just a god. Planetary-wide celebrations are enough.
S frameworks (eg angular, jquery) know that there is an error with AJAX? is it simply the status code >= 400?
@SecondRikudo If you see, I have written 'god' only lol... and happy birthday, have a good planet destruction party :D
@DrogoNevets jQuery is not a fw
Also - yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok semantics, having a disagreement with some here at work - he wants our error codes (has decided he wants to not use the pre-defined ones) to start from status 260 which I am trying to tell him is stupid
@DrogoNevets XHR follows redirects, tell your buddy to open the spec.
may have to offer him using the 6xx range to keep him happy :'(
@dystroy it doesn't look case sensitive here : jsbin.com/wepoku/3/edit
@RoyiNamir It is. But html attributes are converted to lowercase
@dystroy Oh... so you were talking (previously) about JS set ?
( and not via html attributes ?)
(your jsbin is the same as prev {in case you wanted to send a new jsbin ver. I see here the old code})
Damn... how do I fork ?
and wait for new url number
Nice. thank you.
That's not jQuery's fault, attribute naming rules and conversions in html/js/css are an ugly mess
@dystroy STAHP with the alerts!
what-if.xkcd.com/111 \o/ new what if :D
@dystroy Are you saying that if I want to read data attribute via jQuery , I must know how that attribute was set ? ( html/ jq) ??
$("body").data('ttextra') //undefined
(but if I had <body data-ttExtra='...'>) this code ^ would have worked
we now have a meeting with 8 people after lunch to discuss blinking HTTP status codes?! how is something so simple going so wrong all because of 1 person?!
@RoyiNamir You say it. I would probably just keep a convention.
Im talking about a situation whewre im not the only devloper
and a situation which I see data attribute on an element
am I right , that I must know how it was set ?
Then yes, you probably have to know what others did
sorry for trolling :-)
thank you
no worry
Everybody here knows that JS/CSS/HTML etc. are a nightmare without conventions and coherency
@dystroy what does 'etc.' include?
Hum... nothing much really (apart minor things like svg). Of course you could say the same for most languages but not to the same extent. And many ones are still a nightmare anyway.
well then...
The problem with most web development languages, is that they are extremely permissive.
!!s/JS\/CSS\/HTML etc. are/programming is/
@AwalGarg Everybody here knows that programming is a nightmare without conventions and coherency (source)
You can write just about any HTML drunk you conjured and the browser will understand it.
CSS is the same
@dystroy I have an answer for your question earlier
JavaScript is also very easily screwed up.
snapick uses knowledge trees which classifies objects
basically it knows ford and mitsubishi are both cars
The language won't enforce discipline on you, you must have it yourself.
[thats done using wordnet]
@SecondRikudo except that if you slam the ';' key and you code becomes validCode;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; it will still execute :P
so it might be able to figure out the difference b/w them using wordnet
because stop words are ignored and the special grammar words are processed accordingly as per language
@SecondRikudo This is the way .. of the Samurai!
Mornin' o/
@AwalGarg That's really not what I meant. There's really a specificity of web preograms which make them rely on conventions/consistency to not fall apart
i don't support french yet but will soon :-)
@dystroy lol I was kidding...
was i even close ?
or do i sound like an indian tech support guy xD ?
@AbhishekHingnikar yes. But then everything depends on user entered descriptions ?
nope computer entered
wordnet is not user entered, our knowledge network is mantained by us [hence english only[
yes, but who describes my images ?
most of the times us (:
but yeah there is a possiblity for the user :-/ can't put everything in the world now can i ?
so far its great at recognizing faces and expressions
clothes, colors of clothes
OK, in a few days I'll submit about 10000 images (most of them of my own food). Do you mean a poor Indian guy will try to recognize French cheeses ?
And please don't confuse Bleu and Roquefort !
@dystroy check mate
so far the software recognizes it .. but training has to be done by humans
i actually want funding to make it generic
then i can sniff using google images and other sources. and completely automate the process
but processing the whole internet is costly :-/
lol sandbox is looking superb right now :P
you mean your small startup depends on a technology everybody dreams about but not yet invented ? I thought only US armament programs were like that...
Hey when you load insomniaclan.com/default.cfg in your browser, do you get a domain parking page? Browser works for me but wget on my server gets the domain parking page for some reason :/
the first version thus ships only with faces, locations, expression, clothes and postures and events.
@dystroy it has been invented :P not just scaled :-(
oh btw, today I upgraded from Apache to nginx... I am extremely impressed by the performance gain.
@AwalGarg I can agree on that, it's quite significant. But it may vary depending on size of the application or apache settings.
@dystroy :-( now i am dipressed
@Magikaas size of the app? I use it for learning to code, I am just learning... Apache settings? Whatever comes by default + SSL...
when they start talking about history, I am out...
@AwalGarg I c :P
ps there are atleast 10 startups / firms i know which do this recognition thingy
@dystroy why do you think it is not yet invented?
i guess he means if i can distinguish 2 types of cheeze
from the finished product ?
good enugh lets try on indian food today :D
wow Firefox dev tools have some superb and impressive features which chrome dev tools lack.
Its also pretty weird, my windows installation is atleast an year old and it has still not crashed... dunno what's wrong. It always used to crash like every 3 months or so.
@AbhishekHingnikar you never tried it before >?
@CustomizedName i m not a good cook
i was happy with
@AbhishekHingnikar you don't have to be one to eat it :P
it recognizing food in general\
@AbhishekHingnikar do you deliberately make all those typos so next time your dad searches for you on google and the page gets translated, it doesn't translate properly and he remains oblivious?
hell you are pretty clever man.
pretty stupid actually
google image search me, you will find my girlfriend straight there
yeah both.
and it was sync'd before our families knew about us
I don't think now-a-days parents in India get furious on their get children for having a partner. Also, you are already pretty old...
I am looking for an effective way to switch between windows in Windows 7. Any ideas?
I have like atleast 20 windows open at anytime.
Most of them are chrome, FF, windows file explorer, one out of PS/AI/AE, and WMP.
@dystroy jsfiddle.net/73w4oqg0/1 (Not much better)
@Neil It changes 1 to 0
@AwalGarg alt + tab , alt + shift + tab
(x>0)*(x<=1)*x + (x > 1)
@FlorianMargaine oh wow florian
@AbhishekHingnikar oh really? Have you tried win + tab , win + shift + tab?
@FlorianMargaine nice...
@AwalGarg oh yes windows 7
on windows 8 thats messy
Q: WinJS Promises join

b3wiiHello i'm currently working on a Win8 Metro app and i'm having a difficult time working with promises. The problem is that the chain of command somehow gets messed up or maybe i'm just doing it wrong. Here is my code: function collectItems(fooUrl, fooState) { return WinJS.xhr({ url: fooUrl ...

I sometimes want to install windows 8 but then get lazy and wait for my system to automatically crash... this installation is taking too long. its been an year and over it is still intact.
windows behaves weirdly for me.
@AwalGarg lol
Q: Change the templateUrl of directive based on screen resolution Angular

vs7I need to change the templateURL according to screen resolution, For e.g. if my screen width is less than 768px that it must load "templates/browse-content-mobile.html" if its greater than 768px it must load "templates/browse-content.html" ... Current used code ... app.directive('browseContent'...

> Florian Schwarz (source)
other people have the same first name as I, indeed.
@AwalGarg I upgraded to Windows 8 from Windows 7 just because I bought a wireless usb stick that didn't work and it claimed to be compatible with Windows 8. Turns out it just sucks.
but... 1/ no, I'm not german. Thanks god. 2/ I don't write windows software. Thank god.
lol, I thought it was you and you didn't share your real name here.
@dystroy ^ i have to compete them :-/
all i can say is f**k
@Neil haha. The same thing turned out for me when I upgraded from XP.... to vista. I was relieved with 7 though.
@AbhishekHingnikar It's not the programmers you have to beat. It's the lawyers.. and with a large enough stick.
@AbhishekHingnikar You can do it!
@Neil why the laywers ? they can't sue me for coming out with a similar product... can they ?
@Neil You 'upgraded' to w8 because of a usb stick?
@AbhishekHingnikar competing is done by marketing your product, and not by bettering it.
@AwalGarg How can a wireless stick claim to be compatible with windows 8 and then not work with windows 8?
@AwalGarg yeah thats why i said f**k
@AbhishekHingnikar I hope that was a joke.
google marketting >>>>>>>>>>>>> my marketting
@Magikaas Yeah, it pissed me off that I bought a usb key that didn't work, and that it might have been because I only had windows 7
@Neil because Windows.
@Neil they can sue me for coming out with a similar product then why hasn't instagram sued pixter ?
I figured it was an eventual upgrade to make anyway
They didn't even sell wireless usb keys that weren't compatible with windows 8
Neil, answer mate :-/
I'm sticking with W7 until I have a touchscreen. I don't really see the benefit of upgrading, especially with a multi-screen setup. Or have they found a use for additional screens?
am scared :-x
I thought W8 was a tablet-oriented OS
@AbhishekHingnikar Maybe they have. I don't pretend to understand how lawyers think
@Neil i worked at pixter.
so far not sued, i gues google will sue me if i become a big enough threat ... to google :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar marketing is not done by banners and advertising across websites. You can market your product with a handful of users only... KWIM?
@AwalGarg marketting against google will be hard considering their is inbuilt in android 4.4+
@AbhishekHingnikar No, in that case, they will acquire 100% of your stocks. In other words... they buy you.
oh that'd be awesome :P
lets work harder xD
Google buy everyone.
@AbhishekHingnikar meh... you better concentrate on making you app, since you already have an influential person on your side for marketing.
thats true :P
lets get back to work
also i have the whole privacy first banner that google lacks.
@AwalGarg the app is done ... i am trying to make a great tool to deploy / install it
A man stomps into a bar, obviously angry. He growls at the bartender, "Gimme a beer", takes a slug, and shouts out, "All lawyers are assholes!" A guy at the other end of the bar retorts, "You take that back!" The angry man snarls, "Why? Are you a lawyer?" The guy replies, "No, I'm an asshole!"
@Neil :-) you are so funny
Also, users are fickle. If they want to use their app, they will use it no matter how much it sucks. And if they don't wanna use it, they won't use it even if Google introduced it.
@AbhishekHingnikar True story
@Neil I like that one :D
The logic isn't sound though :(
Fuck being a programmer
Why's that?
All lawyer's are assholes doesn't preclude that all assholes are lawyers.
So the man has no need to be offended.
A man stomps into a bar, obviously angry. He growls at the bartender, "Gimme a beer", takes a slug, and shouts out, "All the programmers are assholes!" A guy at the other end of the bar retorts, "Well said!" The angry man snarls, "Why? Did you too lost your job to the nerds?" The guy replies, "No, I'm one!"
Yes, but if it were backwards, and he had said, "All assholes are lawyers", if you were a lawyer, while you may not necessarily be an asshole, it's still an insult, isn't it?
That works quite well actually
Because that still doesn't preclude that all lawyers are assholes
Just that all assholes are lawyers.
A: What is your best programmer joke?

Gulzar NazimA man flying in a hot air balloon suddenly realizes he’s lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon further and shouts to get directions, "Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?" The man below says: "Yes. You're in a hot air balloon, hovering 30 feet above this f...

No, but if someone said that many programmers were assholes, I'd still take offense
If 100 people were lawyers and 50 people were assholes, half the lawyers would be assholes.
Well, ok not really, but you know what I mean
This is why I said fuck being a programmer.
I can't just allow that joke to go through my mind lol
Or maybe that's just me.
You guys think too much like programmers :P
Why did the programmer return from the store with a dozen loafs of bread? Because the wife told him, "Grab some bread. If you see some eggs, get a dozen."
I am fairly new to programming, its been only 6 months or something. For all I know, programmers are different.
@AwalGarg We all have a mild case of asperger's symdrome?
@Neil lol maybe.
That's been associated with highly logical and scientific minds
some of the best scientists of our century had asperger's in some form
Maybe it takes a little bit of that to be a good programmer
Hello peeps
@Neil i agree! the stereotype that the world depicts us in, isnt completely unfounded
what do you think should be shown on frontpage? hot news or latest news?
though, i am a geek, not a nerd!
@DrogoNevets whats the difference?
if you dont mind me asking..
@indieblue geek = nerd who has a life!
@DrogoNevets Well it would make a lot of sense afterall. That would also explain why there aren't many female programmers
@indieblue geeks are nerds, but the reverse is not necessarily true.
Females statistically aren't likely to suffer from asperger's syndrome
@Neil females arent human! no man, developer or not, will ever understand them!
theres a whole series of those images
@Neil There are some amazing woman around here on SE (not on SO, but other SE sites) whom I can call geek-ish, not sure how they could be in real life.
> Q: Why did the database administrator leave his wife?

A: She had one-to-many relationships
@DrogoNevets i am a nerdthen -_-
Nowadays you can be normal and be a programmer.
Neither nerd nor geek.
@AwalGarg Undoubtedly
user image
This is old, but..
@Sippy You just keep telling yourself that.
@Neil but.. true.
@SecondRikudo I'm 6ft and 12 stone in muscle, I ride downhill mtb and dress nice.
I am a programmer
I am not a geek and I am not a nerd ^_^
@Sippy I'm a 123 years old god that can split mountains in half and summon meteorites.
am just normal.
Well then you are not a geek or a nerd either
@Sippy im 6' 4", 10st, ride motorcycle off road internationally, and i promise you im still a geek!
@DrogoNevets I read that as intentionally lol
I walk.
@Sippy i do that too!
what's 12 stone?
I'm not saying that geeks and nerds don't exist, I'm just saying that being a programmer these days doesn't force you into one of those categories.
In what?
It's like 76kg
from where's that?
well I live in the UK :P
@Sippy ditto! where abouts?
@DrogoNevets Wiltshire :)
@Sippy i respectfully disagree, either youre in denial, or you're lying to us :P
@Neil i am supposed to be going shopping with my fiance
now u scares me
@Sippy Hampshire! not a million miles away!
@DrogoNevets Lol, neva!
Gaming these days doesn't make you a geek or a nerd either, as all the little chavs do it.
The number of times a 12 year old has fucked my mother is getting out of hand now.
@Sippy chavs can be geeks
geek is a sub culture
if they play WoW continuously, they become a WoW geek (before beocming a WoW nerd)
Levels of progression eh?
@Sippy absolutley!
Q: limit drag to circular SVG boundary

indie blueHere is a sample of the D3.js visualization that I am working on right now. Here, the grey circle is the SVG container. I would like to limit the drag of the green bubbles to the grey circle boundary. I found this example and I used it in my code, but I got two errors: Uncaught TypeError: Cann...

@AbhishekHingnikar First the lawyers, now this. :)
WHere you working then? I used to work in Wiltshire!
To all windows users : my wife is on W7 and she needs a correct free and Trojan-free Alarm-clock software. What would you recommend ?
I work in Swindon unfortunately
Lived here for the last 16 years.
@dystroy spybot search and rescue or avast
@dystroy free as well?
Consider working in Basingstoke? (we should be recruiting soon)
@AbhishekHingnikar an alarm as in "a clock which goes beep"
@DrogoNevets I can't move atm, also unfortunately.
@Sippy thats a drag!
anyone got any fun/interesting grunt tasks I can explore?
make me a coffee
with extra foam
Hahaha :P
@DrogoNevets make something which can come up with fun/interesting grunt tasks you can explore.
staging.snapick.me @AwalGarg @dystroy if you are using chrome
can u scroll to the very bottom
and see if the last section has some weird rendering issues only with chrome ?
in the background random white stripes appear
The team already changed ?
no lol
had to ask kul :P
if i can write him publically or not.
nothing weird.
@AbhishekHingnikar not for me. But I'm really not a fan of that sluggish scroll
@dystroy define sluggish scroll ?
and you should fix the favicon
that background-attachment: fixed; ? parallax ?
> Abhishek: Mr. Kul, can I write about you publicly?
Kul: Sure, anyways, only the JS room is gonna see that. So go ahead.
@DrogoNevets Yup :(
@AbhishekHingnikar tell me seriously, what is that favicon?
@AwalGarg yeoman
!!google yeoman
@AwalGarg the stating goes off as soon as i figure out something good for windows build :-/
@AbhishekHingnikar The display changes too lately after the wheel move. This makes the site feel slow
mac and linux are great, windows cannot have a dep resolution so need to figure out how to properly re-distribute embedded python and opencv binaries
@dystroy thats weird.
@SecondRikudo are you associated with it?

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