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; <<>> DiG 9.8.3-P1 <<>> staging.snapick.me
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 53341
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 3, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0

;staging.snapick.me.		IN	A

staging.snapick.me.	3600	IN	CNAME	drpatil78.github.io.
drpatil78.github.io.	3600	IN	CNAME	github.map.fastly.net.
github.map.fastly.net.	19	IN	A

;; Query time: 283 msec
@SomeKittensUx2666 does the website work ?
cause that looks fine to me.
works for me
screenshot ?
nvm the iphone got it
thanks kittens :-)
. o O (Modern relative to what?)
Does anyone have any serious opinions on what is too much complexity in a test?
@phenomnomnominal Yes, our tests are a great example
// Tests    - Balance | Expected result
            var tests = [[0,        10],
                         [1,        10],
                         [-0.01,    5],
                         [-5,       5],
                         [-5.01,    5.01],
                         [-9.99,    9.99],
                         [-10,      10],
                         [-20,      10]];

            tests.forEach(function (test) {
                var balance = test[0];
                var expectedResult = test[1];
too much?
@phenomnomnominal O(n^2)
You tell me, I've been writing e2e tests for the past few days
Should I be writing them all out?
In that case? Not really.
@phenomnomnominal Nah, code reuse ftw
it's the whole WET/DRY thing right?
All bullshit to me
@phenomnomnominal The DRYer you make it, the more you're gambling that the tests won't change.
You've gone too far when your tests need tests.
Right. So paramaterised tests make sense because they should all be testing the same thng(ish) and if one breaks probably others will too?
Yeah, the first time I tried to learn testing, I ended up writing a whole dealy to generate my tests
and it tested like every combination of everything that could ever happen, lol.
@mintsauce Broken tests are more common than most people know
@m59 how do you know that it did? Did you have a test for that? :)
@phenomnomnominal Yes, your example is a great example of DRYness
@KendallFrey I bet!
Not tried it, but this looks like fun:
Need help installing angular-google-maps

After installing I get a 2 main errors
1. Cannot read property 'OverlayView' of undefined
2. Module ngTable is not available

is this a known/common issue?
1 hour later…
Hi all
whats up
http://lorempizza.com/ is back up ( now running on node )
lol lorem pizza
@grasshopper did you actually include the dependency in your module?
Yay, my stupid image replacing scripts work again
or, if you're minifying your code before running it, are you using the more verbose array syntax so that you're injecting your dependencies as a string?
and did you also make sure to include all of the script dependencies?
!!pizza 0 a
@rlemon Input not matching /(\d+)\s(\d+)/. Help: User-taught command: gives you pizza! <>http://lorempizza.com/$1/$2#.png
sorry just read this I just used bower to install

bower install angular-google-maps --save
So, you didn't do the rest? @grasshopper
so there is more? it just says to install using bower
install just means it downloaded the files.
It didn't do anything with them
It tells you exactly what you need to do.
@grasshopper follow steps 2 and 3 as well.
validate 1.2.1 against git://github.com/nlaplante/angular-google-maps.git#*
is that what you mean by steps?
hmm I did those things but let me try it again
haha I think I know what I did wrong, I left the path as /path
adding options
hrm, seems that screws it
or it just takes forever :/
must've timed out the first time
url arguments are as follows:
@rlemon no pepperoni option?
comma-delimited list of ingredients option, pls.
Is there anything wrong with not resolving a promise?
I assume it's an indicator of an underlying issue, but is there anything actually wrong with it?
I don't think so.
@phenomnomnominal are you leaving like tons of promises unresolved?
Though, that's definitely got to be a problem haha.
Nah, I just came across a potentially unresolved one while doing a code review
I can't imagine a situation where that could ever happen...
It will NEVER resolve??
> potentially
right, but whatever factors that would make it not resolve should just make it reject instead, right?
I agree
But in that case there has definitely been an error, so should I throw the error so it can get caught by tracking, or reject the promise and move on with life?
I'd guess that rejecting the promise and letting it throw something would be the right way
@m59 yeah I saw that already
Actually, I think the only way it can happen is if the user is fucking around with forms, so I'll just let the JS error happen, the automagic error capture thingie can report the error, and this stuff can go away.
hmm so when giving the src link I still get the error and when looking at the js files from the web console It shows html code not js?
other files I reference dont do this?
server problem
you running node?
some sort of rewrite?
if 404 then index.html?
maybe i should push my changes
If it's node, he's simply not serving the js files with static server.
or they don't exist.
yeah we're using node
i looked in my actual directory and the file is there
most node routing setups have it so that anything not otherwise found routes to index.html
so looking for non-existant-file.js is just going to return index.html.
ok so my file path is wrong, which i can believe...
well, either your path is wrong (or file missing), or you don't have the static server setup like you want.
The node server has to be setup to serve static file (usually using static middleware)
and the file needs to be in whatever directory that's setup with.
when I do the bower install I feel like it puts the file where it needs to go.
probably not.
plus I am able to access the file using the chrome web console
But is the file actually js?
You said it was html.
That means it served the file as something else.
but when I acutally put the path it shows "/js/bower_components" it shows up as html code
You're not understanding the problem :)
Stop thinking like you're using Apache.
so the problem must be my path because if the file didn't exist i wouldn't be able to access it at all right?
my bet is that the server isn't setup to serve files from that folder.
@grasshopper that isn't at all how node works.
It has no real concept of files relating to requests like apache does.
You have to tell it.
so how do i tell it?
I explained that already
either that, or move the files to wherever the server is already serving them from.
@grasshopper are you using express?
You have to understand - until you write some code for the server, a request to a node server is nothing more than some incoming information (basically headers). It's doesn't care what it is - whether a file or any other url.
If you're not using express or some other middleware, it's more complicated (you'd have to write your own middleware to do the same thing).
I gotta get to bed. Night all.
ok so its not like a normal hardrive/ server that I am accessing its kind of like an api sort of?
It's just a server :)
You have to tell it out how to take the information coming in and make it mean something.
Again, if you use some middleware for serving files (express.static), or write something, it can identify urls looking for files and then find the file and respond with it.
So, if you get this, you'll understand why you get html instead of what you want:
if nothing else matches, it's probably saying, "ok, I can't do anything else with this request, so send them index.html and hope that's what they were looking for"
but that's all up to how they set it up.
Seriously, going to sleep now :)
Whats up guys. Finally decided to change my avatar :D
bloody opera mini, does it support anything?
We keep cursing IE alone, opera mini is equally a demon.
why would you bother supporting it?
@AwalGarg Why do you care? Who the fuck uses Operah Mini (and expects shit to work)?
@phenomnomnominal Snap!
@phenomnomnominal 3.23% usage...
@monners people don't?
@AwalGarg there is absolutely no way they have 3.23% usage.
3.36% actually
Safari 7, 1.74%
So it's DOUBLE iOS then?
lol, who knew?
I don't trust those numbers at all.
Nope, those stats are bullshit
It's not even a blip on our numbers.
!!google opera mini global usage
@phenomnomnominal @monners 169 million users, it says... still?
still not worth worrying about unless you're facebook.
@AwalGarg In what universe does that number come close to 3.36%?
@phenomnomnominal I don't want any user to show me that "look what you made is so ugly looking on this browser..."
@AwalGarg then you're a moron.
@monners its still quite big, IMO.
Fuck em. Build for your audience, not every audience
If you wanna support it then go ahead, but in doing so you forfeit all rights to bitch about what is entirely self-inflicted pain.
we support >5% visually and >1% functionally, based off collected statistics on pretty much every person in NZ
@monners I can't support it since no polyfill works with it for the concerned purpose. :(
So don't support it. No one else is.
Why not support it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum 'it'?
IE9 is pretty fine. but IE8 has a lot of css rendering issues.
Yes, you can and should degrade gracefully.
You should give a working version, it doesn't have to do everything but it has to kind of work.
Of course designers often have differing opinions on what working version means
@BenjaminGruenbaum How would you call a data structure that's like an array but it reduces the values to a certain interval, like this:
var xs = Something(4);

xs.set(-1, "test1");
xs.set( 3, "test2");

xs.get(-5) == undefined
xs.get(-4) == "test1"
xs.get(-1) == "test1"
xs.get(0) == "test2"
xs.get(3) == "test2"
xs.get(4) == undefined
@copy I don't understand how your example works. What do you mean by reducing to an interval?
Why would it return undefined for -5 but test1 for -4?
It doesn't even return the 'closest' thing too. Can you elaborate?
s/interval/range/ ?
Because the interval size is 4, -4..-1 all have the same value
And it starts at 0?
And 0..3, 4..7
So doing xs.set(-1, "test1") sets xs[-4] xs[-3] xs[-2] xs[-1] right?
That's internal, but yeah, like that
Like a tree with maximum depth 1
Reminds me of a radix trie or something, but a radix trie is more complex
Although in your case it's just an array and the calculation involved is just dividing whatever you get by the "Something" constructor parameter.
Yes, but in fact I'm doing it with 2 dimensions
That is - if the ranges have to be constant. Although I'm not sure what you're using it for?
If you're using it in 2d it's a plane with rectangles.
my codes work fine in:
@copy if you want a fancy data structure name - do you mean a bin?
Typically has a backing d tree
In computational geometry, the bin data structure allows efficient region queries, i.e., if there are some axis-aligned rectangles on a 2D plane, answer the question Given a query rectangle, return all rectangles intersecting it. kd-tree is another data structure that can answer this question efficiently. In the example in the figure, A, B, C, D, E, and F are existing rectangles, the query with the rectangle Q should return C, D, E and F, if we define all rectangles as closed intervals. The data structure partitions a region of the 2D plane into uniform-sized bins. The bounding box of the bins...
In computer science, a k-d tree (short for k-dimensional tree) is a space-partitioning data structure for organizing points in a k-dimensional space. k-d trees are a useful data structure for several applications, such as searches involving a multidimensional search key (e.g. range searches and nearest neighbor searches). k-d trees are a special case of binary space partitioning trees. == Informal description == The k-d tree is a binary tree in which every node is a k-dimensional point. Every non-leaf node can be thought of as implicitly generating a splitting hyperplane that divides the space...
but it doesn't work in where I use it
Although in the case everything is exactly one block in an (X,Y) axis - and all the blocks are the same size I'd just use an array.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes!
Glad I could help
@BenjaminGruenbaum I guess you don't mind the general topic, so ...
@copy what do you mean?
Wait :P
@FlorianMargaine heh
In JavaScript, I want an array-like structure with O(1) delete, should I 1) use Set, 2) build my own doubly linked list, or 3) something else?
@BenjaminGruenbaum agreed... and yes, I try to implement cross browser support as much as I can.
@copy well that depends - how are you going to use it?
I actually just need insert, delete and iterate
How many items are we talking and what's the typical usage? Are you going to iterate it once and insert a lot? Are you going to insert/delete all the time? What are you deleting based on?
For example - a nice anecdote is that if your use case is find and then delete - although deleting is O(1) with linked lists arrays are still much much faster because of the CPU cache.
Lots of inserts and deletes. Delete is by value (i.e. I have the value from somewhere else)
Well, that's what a set does. I'd probably go with a set for that. If performance is not good enough I might switch to an array.
I find it weird that Set is ordered
@copy A set is definitely not ordered as a data structure.
> Set objects are collections of values, you can iterate its elements in insertion order.
@copy oh you mean in JS?
lol, that's funky. It sounds like exposing implementation detail. I guess they have to implement it using a tree since there is no notion of hashing in JS.
You don't have to convince me JS collections, even in ES6 are very bad :D
No, it's by pointer address
There's Kris's montage library but I suspect it won't be that fast and there's Petka's collections but I think they're WiP that never got worked on
Well, I don't know
You can also do something smarter if you know something about your usage profile - for example if you have a guarantee that an object won't be deleted twice.
I'd just use ES6 sets though for now and see how they work out. Or I'd use Python.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I want to share the game logic between Client and Server, that's the only reason to use Node for me
@copy sure, but JS is very bad for anything that involves a lot of computations and a lot of data structures since the primitives just aren't there yet (ES7 value types).
All of this makes me very unhappy
Well, if Set works then do that - it's not really that bad that it has a silly guarantee.
I'm sure sets in Haskell also could guarantee that (or any other language for that matter that doesn't require specifying a hash function) but don't.
Sets use a balanced tree, that's just how they're implemented most of the time
Python doesn't and then has an extra type that does
@BenjaminGruenbaum lunch today?
I miss normal food
(Was at 2 days miluim)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I thought they were based on Hashmaps
@copy yup - the Haskell docs say "The implementation of Set is based on size balanced binary trees (or trees of bounded balance) as described by:" Python uses hashes IIRC. Either way it's not a huge deal.
Unless you have tens of billions of items it'll be fast enough.
@SecondRikudo not sure yet
@BenjaminGruenbaum Alright, I'll figure this out
Nodejs doesn't have Set by the way, just WeakSet
@copy even with --harmony?
It's called Set but it doesn't have any iteration method
> x = Set()
> x.
x.add                   x.delete                x.has
Would it really surprise you if that was the spec?
Well, according to MDN Set should have iteration methods and WeakSet shouldn't
Does WeakSet have them :D?
WeakSet doesn't exist
I can see .forEach on sets in v8
In Chrome Canary actually, didn't have to go very far.
Make sure you're running Node 0.11+
Yay compiling things
For what it's worth - v8 sets don't iterate in insertion order :D
Woohoo, arrows in Chrome Canary
when you do a git rebase do you lose your stashed* files?
best way to submit form when page is loaded?
@user751851 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Good
Q: How do I arrange all bubbles in circular manner in bubble chart with force layout?

indie blueI want to combine the best features of pack layout and force layout into my chart. I am looking forward to get the packing/wrapping of bubbles into a circular group using pack layout and getting the drag/drop/collision/gravity features from the force layout. The packing/wrapping circle's radius s...

document.body.onload = function(){myForm.submit()}
Well, far from the "best" way, but yea...
Hum... why submit a form when the page is loaded ?
@dystroy Sounds dubious.
^ this is what i have been working on since like past 8 months
want to submit to different site
s/upto/up to
@AbhishekHingnikar: It took me a moment to figure out I could scroll down...
Me too
Don't do that -.-
What in the world
@AbhishekHingnikar Why not make a clearer announcement post ? this would make the pin more interesting and attractive. Right now I still don't get how it's supposed to be smarter
@AbhishekHingnikar But please don't feature my Facebook photos in your release version
@copy okay ^^ its for staging.. i asked eva.
No problem for now
@AbhishekHingnikar just saying, the video could use a higher resolution XD
@towc lower*
chrome is messing it up :-/
@dystroy it learns to detect objects and automagically catalogs images as per that
in addition you can search by "defining the image" , as in photo of me with my son in paris :-)
@AbhishekHingnikar one thing you could do is style up a bit the scrollbar
@towc browser or the app ?
Will it make a distinction between a Sauce au Roquefort and a Sauce au Foie Gras ?
you could make it look like the app
@AbhishekHingnikar Where is the sign up button ?
@dystroy once i support french yes.
right now its english only. [now if thats a location it uses google maps to find the location coordinates and can also find a "famous" location by matching photos]
@Mosho Hi dude!
Can you tell me how do I circle pack a bubble chart that has force layout?
@dystroy you don't need one you will be sent the beta automatically in the next 7 days.
i should add a apply for beta button though xD
Somebody here doesn't want to keep on topic
Morning :)
@dystroy me :3 ?
@AbhishekHingnikar no, but only people fluent in French can see what I meant
explain please :x
Anyone with the time/motivation, please please please build a chrome plugin that allows you to adjust on the fly the maximum widths of content containers on major blogging platforms. The number of times I've opened the inspector to change width: 700px to something more sensible...
Sauce au Roquefort is probably sperm or something
I'm looking at you Medium
Hey, no way I let google index that : what if I want to be an American President in the future ?
@dystroy Step 1: give up.
@copy entrecote with sauce roquefort is da bomb
Does anyone know of a library that can generate a heatmap over a d3 geo map?
@dystroy Do you have any idea what they do to carbonara in the States? They add flour! #disgusting
@FlorianMargaine Oh, that actually sounds pretty good
@monners You know, even in France the Carbonara is nothing like what it traditionally is in Italy. But at least there's no flour !
Microsoft getting payback ?
Yeah, I don't get it. It's not like it's a hard dish to make
@copy It is very good
@AbhishekHingnikar Cortana, remind me to rely on technology for things I should probably already be aware of as a functioning human being of reasonable intelligence.
lol, Cortana: where did I bury hooker #7?
@monners Just looked at what wikipedia knows about the carbonara (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonara). So I must tell it's done like that in France today. It just wasn't done like that traditionally in Italy (it.wikipedia.org/wiki/…)
(I hope everybody here can read in Italian, English and French. Right ?)
@dystroy Shit, I knew I shouldn't have wasted all that time learning Klingon and Vulcan
@monners I don't know. How's Klingon's cuisine ?
@dystroy Aggressive.
I'm an American now, therefore I only know a single language, American
tnx for making me hungry
Can't argue with that
Oh wait, yes I can!
This guy doesn't look American, though
btw, why the fuck didn't anyone tell me that the room's formatting rules were the same as markdown? Dicks....
@monners They were thinking about miaou perhaps ?
Yeah yeah. You made a chat room. We're all very impressed. #wishicoulddothat
Ok, no more hash tags. I promise
I'm looking at Jquery's source : http://james.padolsey.com/jquery/#v=1.10.2&fn=_internalData
Trying to see if `aAa` in `$(..).data('aAa)` is case sensitive. I can't find it there. where is it in found ?
Tangent: I wish all of my coworkers would read this
(I know i can try , i'm looking it in the source)
I'm almost 1M% positive that the argument you pass to .data is case-sensitive, but the question I can't for the life of me answer is why you think the string 'aAa' might exist in jQuery's source?

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