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@Sippy Hahaha what with?
Goddamn, why are people voting to approve this edit?
My spine :D
I've only seen 1 person hit a tree head on with a dirt bike... But I've seen him do it 3 times xD
@Sippy d'oh, one advantage of living with ya girl, plenty more, but plenty of downsides too!
But what were you riding haha
@Jhawins it wasnt a real bike
Ohhh downhill mountain bike
I hit a jump at the wrong angle and went way too far
Oh. Still I used to do that you can end up in a bad spot pretty quick haha
not quite as quickly as with an engine though! :P
Well I ditched the bike to avoid one tree
Eh, to an extent the power to the back wheel is your advantage. So much control form that in tough spots
And misjudged how fast I was going
And slammed my back into the other tree.
But I ride a 320lb torque monster lol
Downhill mtb isn't exactly slow paced haha
@KendallFrey Clever ;-)
@Cerbrus that's a terrible edit... makes it worse in some spots, lol
Well maybe not monster. But that's all she's good for haha
I hit a tree snowboarding once -- tried to 50/50 a fence, went off balance, hit a low tree branch. it hurt, but I'm pretty sure one of my friends peed himself... so overall. worth it.
Over the weekend I did have the chance to actually get under the truck in the garage and nail together plans. Stupid torsion bar setups...
posted on September 02, 2014

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@Sippy didnt say it was, but truthfully, they are 2 completely different sports
@NickDugger: my point exactly.
But now I have to decide to buy a laptop or auto parts first
@DrogoNevets Very much so.
I've got that question open in a tab, just to revert the edit in case it gets through...
auto parts
@Jhawins Yeah I think I might stick to cars for now .. :P
i have dawn til dusk this weekend, its going to breakl me im sure of it, done next to no training this year
@DrogoNevets ?
@Jhawins 12 or 24 hour mx enduro
each lap is 17.8miles long
you're doing well (as in leadership contender) if you get 12 laps in
my PB is 9
@AbhishekHingnikar you there?
the video on the second block on the staging site has horrible text rendering
almost unreadable
any why is your fav icon a face that looks like a hamburger?
@DrogoNevets lol nice. Next year I'll have a bike!
Cash is the thing I'm uncertain on haha.
@AbhishekHingnikar also the carousel for enhance and filter sucks
I mean, the lack of buttons (those stupid dots are not intuitive)
I'll have to seek out some local-ish events.
overall great looking site
@Jhawins Don't drive it like an asshole!
There's a thing in the UK called 'Think Bike, think Biker'
And most of the time when you see someone driving like an asshole it's a dickhead on a bike.
@Sippy Pfft I already have a bike. Just not of the caliber @DrogoNevets is talking
Ah :D
43 secs ago, by Sippy
And most of the time when you see someone driving like an asshole it's a dickhead on a bike.
We are probably not going to get along. Just so you know.
I'd quite like to get a nice superbike.
Good morning bros
A ducati one
And then you talk about getting a superbike xD bro what are you.
A Ducati.
@Jhawins Hahaha, it just annoys me that people who identify as bikers think they automatically have some right to drive like a prick and blame everyone else when they get hurt ...
@Sippy they are the minority of bikers, alas they are the ones people remember seeing
@SomeGuy in my defense it wasn't server credentials, it was credentials to a test database :P
Maybe you're just strange enough. Do you want to do something like, tow a trailer behind said Ducati?
@Sippy again a VERY rash general isation
Drogo honestly from experience, I see lots of idiots on bikes.
@DrogoNevets They don't realize just how many of us there are haha. The biggest problem I have as a rider is not being seen
@Sippy from experience, i see more idiots in cages! and have been rear ended by enough to know (whils ton a bike, and....stationary!)
@Jhawins +1
I have been rear-ended, pulled out in front of and backed into more times on the bike than I have had close calls in the truck.
mm, but that's not driving like a prick, that's just being a shit driver.
You can rear end a car if you're not paying attention, that doesn't mean you're driving like an idiot. I'm making two distinctions here.
thats the thing, people dont see the well behaved ones, not defending the pricks, but seriously, they reckon in this country (the UK) the average car driver sees 33% of cars, which drops to 12% of motorcycles(this is also a genralisation but illustrates the facts)
Q: How does this checkbox recaptcha work and how can I use it?

pnmcostaI've recently signed up to the oneplusone website https://account.oneplus.net/sign-up, and noticied this checkbox recaptcha How does it work, and how can I use it on my sites? Much better than those criptic words/digits :) The recaptcha site does not mention any new recaptcha method... https...

I see bikes cos I like ogling them. :D
!!s/shit driver/shit rider/
Anyone up for an easy 100 rep?
@Sippy ok ask any biker what a SMIDSY is
they pretty
@Jhawins mm, but that's not driving like a prick, that's just being a shit rider. (source)
Don't like ones without windshields though :(
@SecondRikudo why not
Same thing bro. Apply your logic don't just say it
@Jhawins that now sounds dodgy!
@Jhawins I meant people who can rear end a bike can rear end a car.
drive airplanes, fly motorcycles
@Sippy i have a R1200GSA, dont get a bigger windscreen than that!
@NickDugger i had a flying lesson a few weeks ago
Didn't work out right... I just meant the idiot asshat bikers you see are also just shit. Same as the bad 4 wheeled vehicle operators
the plane weighed less than my bike, and the engine was smaller too!
@Jhawins Aye.
I hate looking through windscreens.
@DrogoNevets Ahahaha
@Jhawins they lurvely on international tours!
I don't mind well thought out deflectors
and dont really matter off road
@Jhawins I hate Americans using British words.
why can't I resize my chrome less than 640px?
It's a style thing to me :P
@KendallFrey i hate americans telling me, and englishman, that i cant speak english because i say aluminium properly!
@KendallFrey Oops. I probably hear the guys on Top Gear say windscreen more often than I actually say windshield though.
Look at this picture and the bravery of the guy extinguishing forest fire with bottle of water
@DrogoNevets It's spelled "aluminum"
@DrogoNevets I always wanted to do the thing that Dick Hammond did, tour bikes through Africa
@ziGi Looks like the swamp last week. My dad doesn't understand fire I guess
Would be cooooool
@ziGi That's not called brave, that's called stupid.
hahaha :D
@Jhawins Just yesterday I found out what a "spanner" is. I thought it probably had something to do with spanning. Nope.
@KendallFrey As in... Spanner wrench?
As in wrench
It's like trying to singlehandedly moderate a community with thousands of crap users and content
That's the word I use for that.
@Sippy ive done north africa
@DrogoNevets Any good?
@KendallFrey Umm, they call all wrenches that? There is a type of wrench called a spanner wrench bro.
@Sippy lets just say, i get slapped by the mrs repeatedly when i suggest selling the house so that I can do an over land circumnavigation with my best mate
@Jhawins We have wrenches and spanners. They're pretty different ...........
Yeah, just a normal wrench is a "spanner"
@Sippy agreed
Yeah, to me ^ that is a spanner. A normal wrench is a wrench.
Yeah, a British wrench is a specific style of wrench
I didn't know that then haha.
@KendallFrey a normal wrench is something that allows you to turn in one direction but not the other
like a pipe wrench
@DrogoNevets That's a ratchet
Pipe wrench maybe?
What do they call a wrench?
@Sippy wrench
Pipe wrench is a pipe wrench
Hahahahaha they call a ratchet a wrench?
@KendallFrey not in UK
Socket driver
at least not amongst my friends and i
@DrogoNevets UK doesn't count
Anything like that. We call it a $purpose driver
@Jhawins thats like a screwdriver you put a socket bit onto right?
@Sippy adjustable spanner
monkey wrench
you sure youre english?
Or that lol
We call them monkey wrenches in our house sir!
@DrogoNevets Socket driver / Socket wrench is a one way turning ratchet
Was curious about why it's called a "spanner"...
> late 18th century: from German spannen ‘draw tight’ + -er1.
Why are all the celebrities complaining that their naked pictures are exposed. What is the problem with that? It's not like someone can do something with this information. It's not like there aren't many nudists and V necks up to the belly button. Big whoop.
i.sstatic.net/BhtoH.jpg @DrogoNevets what is this?
@Sippy youre the only ones ive heard of this side of the pond
@Jhawins yea thats a wrench
And, alternately, why it's called a "wrench"...
Haha that's so weird.
Stealing your bank account transactions is much more dangerous
> late Old English wrencan ‘twist,’ of unknown origin.
but then again @sippy, your above the M4, thus in the uncivilised North :P
@ziGi Cos it makes them less famous... oh wait.
this explained a lot to me about turing machines... I guess that I finally understand them
@Sippy why?
@RyanKinal same word as the other meaning of wrench, certainly
@RyanKinal This makes sense to me with the action of a spanner wrench
it makes them more famous
@DrogoNevets I'm sat 5 mins away from the M4 :P
@ziGi /sarcasm
what are people arguing about?
@Sippy yep
still north of it, im Hamphsire born and raised (also known as a southern softie!)
Etymology is fun!
anything north of M4 is the dangerous North!
@KendallFrey interesting...
@ziGi My personal opinion of it is if you don't want nude pictures getting out onto the internet, don't take them, or at least don't put them on the internet.
Someone told me that most of them were stolen as a result of Apple automatically syncing the pics up to iCloud.
@Sippy well not everyone understands how the internet works
You have to give permission for it to do that (y)
@DrogoNevets We have combined the two
So even if feminists tell me I'm victim blaming, if I didn't wanna get set on fire, I wouldn't play with matches.
These wrenches ratchet. What the hell will you call them? Spanner wrenches?
The same applies.
Ratchet wrenches are beautiful
Ratchet spanners..
Does anybody ever use the open end of a wrench?
@Sippy wrench == ratchet... So.. ratchet ratchet?
In awkward angles.
I am sure those celebrities are like this right now
The first one was a socket wrench, because it has a socket :D
@KendallFrey for the record, that adjustable wrench is not a monkey wrench... this is:
@KendallFrey yes
@ziGi Lol, Jennifer Lawrence is now more famous than ever cos everyone has seen her goodies.
All the time in awkward angles... It's stupid otherwise, you only have 2 points.
@NickDugger That's a pipe wrench wtf
If you like getting new nuts you can use the open end
@NickDugger That's a pipe wrench ..
As Mr. T would say.
Nah, dawg. That's a monkey wrench
@Sippy I still don't like her, she looks too blond
I want to go and smack her smuggy face
@ziGi She doesn't impress me.
@NickDugger Nah dawg. You're drunk
@NickDugger isn't it called a French Wrench?
Yeah, Americans just call everything wrenches
I know my tools, bros. My grandfather was a carpenter. I grew up around tools my whole childhood
@NickDugger Yeah you're right that's a monkey wrench
I'm sat here talking about spanners when I should be working
^ Wrench
Wat is dis room
@RyanKinal wrench (source)
We do call a lot of things wrenches...
lol my friend asked me where do you learn JS from? I was half way texting the link to this room but then I stopped... not everyone should come here. :D
In Swedish a wrench/key is "slut"
also discount is "slut"
I mean, I don't like not knowing what a tool is called but everyone else seems to be fine with just describing how it looks.
@AwalGarg // false
so you can see slut stores that have sluts
@AwalGarg LOL
> Can you go get me that long metal rod that has a circle and lots of teeth on it
@Jhawins You guys are very literal.
@Jhawins are you talking about gedore?
Sarcasm/irony are lost on 90% of muricans.
He was describing the clutch removal tool haha
wat da fuk is dat
It's a wrench
@KendallFrey Clutch removal tool :D
Heh, I like how "clutch" could have two meanings there
@ziGi Roflmao
It's a small engine tool. You wouldn't have come across it unless you worked on ATVs/bikes/shit like that
I haven't even opened the hood of my car
this is a wrench:
@RyanKinal It can?
inb4 bonnet you twisted fucks
@NickDugger YOU'RE A WRENCH!
!!urban clutch
@RyanKinal why?
@RyanKinal clutch to perform under pressure
@KendallFrey @yanKinal clutch to perform under pressure (source)
@KendallFrey I bet life is a lot cheaper and less annoying that way. I envy you. I can't do that
@KendallFrey @NickDugger YOU'RE A WENCH! (source)
@Jhawins My dad's friend tried dismantling a new era Jeep recently.
Last time I had to remove a clutch on a bike I didn't have a removal tool...
Apparently the onboard computer in the new shit makes things exceedingly difficult.
Cos when you take something out everything stops working lol
@NickDugger No, this is a wrench
So I literally took 1 of the old friction plates and welded a 16" nail to it on either side.
@Jhawins Are you a vampire hunter?
(we have 16" nails because we built a mofo log cabin)
I present you with the chairless chair!
The chairolution is here :D
This is a wrench
Isn't wrench the feeling that you get when someone is leaving or you yourself leave?
7 mins ago, by Shmiddty
^ Wrench
@ziGi wrenching
I am usually wrenching when I want to be correct
I knew I saw a banana in this room, but I didn't realize... lol
I only wrench in the privacy of my own home.
You didn't realize you saw a banana?
do we like this solution? stackoverflow.com/questions/133925/…
i will take silence to mean we like it
It is acceptable
are there any common means to document a REST API?
some tools/generators?
@DrogoNevets It fits a specific use case
That was '09
@RyanKinal oh yeah exactly like that, thanks
@RyanKinal ahahahaha SWAGGER
@Shmiddty alas its one we have too
@BartekBanachewicz Just googled and found this: apiblueprint.org
I have to create a YOLO documentation generator
@ziGi Not a fan?
TIL chrome dev tools could be docked on the right side of the screen!
Or do you just think the name is funny?
@RyanKinal I am just laughing cause of the name
Ah ;-)
@DrogoNevets what is your use case?
I have seen it
it is quite good
I will have to write it by hand though
wanting to submit a form that doesnt exist
@RyanKinal but why?
I doubt any generator exists for Scotty
@DrogoNevets Does it need to be a form?
we need to go to a page via a POST request automatically after an AJAX request
@AwalGarg If you're a decent person, and willing to learn, there's non reason you shouldn't come here.
Did you guys know that there are already transparent solar cells
@ziGi Yeah, heard about that
so the server cannot do it for us, has to be the client
Pretty cool
@DrogoNevets That's not a use case
@RyanKinal that guy doesn't fall in either of the categories, IMO.
That's a potential solution to a use case
And also some students from North Carolina are working on a nail polish that allows a girl to put her finger in her drink and check if there are roofies inside
@AwalGarg lol, okay
Fair enough, then
cause it changes the colour if there are
no thats the use case (the page that requires the POST request is beyond our control)
Yea because that wouldn't look a little odd :P
god damn scientists, I cannot rape freely anymore
Here, let me stick a finger in my drink for a second...
@ziGi Lol, those are a cool idea though!
I had to unlike IFL Science
Transparent Solar Cell -> iflscience.com/technology/…
@Sippy how so
Too many retards on it that make me angry
The articles were good but I sway too easily to correct people who are wrong on the internet.
So I have to limit my contact :P
@DrogoNevets The use case is that you need to send a POST request to a server
@Sippy i have to admit i do dislike how one sided all the posts are from them
@Sippy I don't read the comments
cause only morons write on those articles and I don't see the point
@Shmiddty ok initiated by the browser where a form does not currently exist
arguing with stupid people is kind of worse than arguing with a wall
There was some woman who was arguing that filling the Sahara desert with solar panels would solve the world's energy problems and she blamed nuclear for killing everything and being super dangerous
@Shmiddty god damn scientists, I cannot grape freely anymore (source)
And I almost fucking murdered her
At that point I unliked lol.
@ziGi I know but I can't help it, if walls argued back I'd fucking argue with them as well T_T
I have a problem.
(Removing some stars, hope you don't mind)
I get the feeling if we do mind it won't mean a lot :P
@Sippy you seem like a smart guy but you need to learn the Eastern ways of Emotional Intellect
and inner peace
@Sippy It's simply the arrogance of youth
@ziGi Maybe when you can spell 'intellect'
try to educate, if you see people don't get it, try to inspire them, if they still ignore, just ignore them too
@Psychemaster what are you talking about?
self retweeting tweet using js
never heard of it before
@Shmiddty Hopefully lol.
@towc .. evil.
@Sippy The first step is realizing how very little you really know. The second is trying to think about things from different perspectives.
@rlemon Muahahaha
@Shmiddty I don't argue about things I don't know about, or at least try not to :D
Programming I tend to accept what I'm told or just quietly Google stuff if I'm not sure.
@towc "jQuery is a JavaScript plugin" <3
Cos I am a noob.
@KendallFrey Oh, that makes me sad
I'd prefer people call it a plugin over a framework
I can see (with a stretch) how library could mean plugin for the native language / APIs
Q: How to do unit testing jQuery Promises?

Pulak Kanti BhattacharyyaI have the following four functions where two(), three(), and four() will be called when promise resolution happens with parameter. Let me explain, a bit further. When i call function one(), i pass the default parameter value, but function two() will be called with the resolved value of promise ...

a library sorta is a plugin, I guess... you're not going to simply teach random peple about libraries, they probably know much more about plugins, so I guess it's ok to call it that
@Sippy People don't generally change their opinions without evidence to the antithesis
> In computing, a plug-in (or plugin, extension, or add-on / addon) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing software application.
@Shmiddty Oh when I argued with the woman who said filling the Sahara with solar panels would solve energy problems I gave her calculations and everything.
I guess that makes sense.
Stupid people don't change their opinion even with evidence to the antithesis.
Also true. So why waste your breath?
Who knows.
You're just going to get yourself upset
Always been argumentative.
Every web developer ever should know this:
I think it gets better with time though

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