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@Retsam depends on how hungry you are
Spend your money on food -> consume food -> be happy
@Loktar I just bought a new RDA for my ecig -- ihybridmods.com/Products.html made in the USA \
however someone should contact them about that website
Hi all , i have quick question why this function doesnt work for me , i got error near of For loop.
thats patriotic as hell
function a(){
var x = '<select id="regdate" class="maximize form-control" name="regdate">\
<option value="">«select year»</option>'+
  for (i=1980   ; i<= 2014;i++){
		document.write("<option value='"+i+"'>"+i+"</option>");
  }+'<option value="1970">70th</option></select>';
return x ;
The main reason people buy gold is the idea that the "value of gold" to "value of bread" ratio is more constant than the "value of $" to "value of bread" ratio.
woah, when did I become an owner...
couple scraps of SS and it costs $120ish
@Retsam well, and that they believe that the ratio will improve over the years...
@Retsam the people that buy gold due to that are paranoid imo
and not really investing
@Retsam but fair point
@ircmaxell I made you an owner last week
I don't really think I need to qualify why I did it :P
if you are going to be in here, you know your shit and are responsible :P
@rlemon I'm not saying either way, just didn't realize it :-)
@Loktar Hyper inflation is a bit of a stretch, but inflation is pretty reliable, so I don't think I'd call it paranoia.
now you can control Caprica with owner status
!!do me
@Jhawins Indubitably
you can mute/ban/die/live/etc
!!afk because he is standing behind you
yea, but gold has its own ups and downs, basically if I wanted to get rich or even wealthy I wouldn't do it by investing in gold long term
@echo_Me you can't do that
idk what made you think you can stick a for loop there
maybe if I bought a significant amount of it back in 05 and sold in 12 id be doing pretty well
@Loktar Run cigarettes and trade bitcoins
@Mosho LOL
here formatted one
function a(){
var x = '<select id="regdate">\
			<option value="">«select year»</option>'+
		for (i=1980   ; i<= 2014;i++){
				document.write("<option value='"+i+"'>"+i+"</option>");
			}+'<option value="1970">70th</option></select>';
return x ;
Is it just me or does this make no sense
@echo_Me what are you trying to do?
Obviously make a select with options
trying to get list of select options included in x , so when i call a() it will print all the x.
using techniques from "IE 5.5 and You, by Bill Gates".
In 1 sentence your problem is "populating a select element using JS"
@Jhawins i can do it with normal select options but its long. so i want make it in for loop
this makes me sick
Aside from that not being how JS works anyway
wait, so I just did some math, there are only 386 metric tons of gold in existance... That does seem like a tiny amount...
@Loktar Yeah, gold definitely isn't a "get rich" investment.
Google your problem. Click the first link. Sorry to be a dick but this one is so old.
@ircmaxell That doesn't fit with the 20m cube
imgur.com/gallery/izn5C //tl;dr flying demon giraffes
I love imgur comments..
20x20x20 = 8000m3, which is 8000t of water. gold is much heavier than water
Hey @AbhishekHingnikar remember when I said we should do this? And you said, naww that's for later?
Easy cash man. Shoulda done my idea first :P
I pitched that exact product hahaha
@Jhawins try writing that ;-)
@KendallFrey sure it does, 20m cube is 20... oh... yes... 154,400 metric tons
I thought it was 20 cubic meters, not a cube 20 meters on edge...
Next challenge: iframe any given content but have refresh/forward/back capabilities outside of the iframe.
Could've if I decided to.
Now it's too late.
@Jhawins na uh, thats not that easy.
Didn't say it would be easy. But I can do it.
It's not that complicated though... Honestly.
@Jhawins well sorry :P hangouts
ok, I'm out, later
On the original question of Bitcoins, bitcoins aren't like gold which is intrinsically valuable, they're more like fiat money (like $), except instead of a government saying "this is valuable because we say it is" it's basically the entire internet saying that.
The internet says a lot of things. I tend not to always believe they are right.
Crypto currencies are too risky for me to invest real money into, but I've considered it with play money
@SomeKittensUx2666 Crypto currencies are play money (source)
@Loktar not to mention bitcoins are unbelievably expensive
haha good point
My buddy made a killing off bitcoins
@SterlingArcher you dont have to buy full ones
@SterlingArcher I mean, someone using yen could say the same about dollars.
Not to mention virtually all stock is because "X said it's worth $Y"
@SomeKittensUx2666 stocks?
in that case, here's @SomeKittensUx2666 when he was a kid
Yeah - ever heard of Price-to-Earnings ratio?
to an extent, but there is also real data, and real money/products backing many of them
yeah P/E ratios aren't as high as they were pre 2008 though
they are a bit more stable currently
@Loktar What 'real data' does Facebook have that Bitcoins don't?
(playing Devil's advocate here)
A real company producing a real product
@SomeKittensUx2666 Is that the "big mac" index essentially?
something tangible
@Loktar ...Facebook is tangible? (Not counting the Oculus)
bitcoins are literally nothing
@Loktar you don't really invest in cryptocurrency. You trade currency, just like traditional currencies.
@SomeKittensUx2666 not in the physical sense ofc
but its a service thats used and exists
Both Bitcoins and Facebook ads are code
@Loktar Bitcoin is used and exists?
bitcoin value is based on faith, and value in itself
ok, i go now
bye guys! have a good night
facebooks value is based on the service they created/provide to users
!!afk bees
@taco Technically you can invest in traditional currencies, too.
@SterlingArcher see ya
@SterlingArcher You too
@Retsam Forex!
I tried forex once lost my ass pretty quickly lol
was a bit more confusing to get into than stock trading (for me anyway)
I invest in nothing but massive funds, for the record
I have a cash account where I invest in lots of random stuff, I purchased my last vehicle from penny stock earnings
penny stocks are crazy risky, but once in a while you can get so lucky
SPNG was the stock, it ended up being a scam, but I pulled out before then
Crypotcurrencies are much more volatile than traditional currency, so they are higher risk/reward
bought in at like 0.04, sold at 0.28
I know of guys who make cash doing nothing but PUT on penny stocks that are spammed
was awesome
@SomeKittensUx2666 oh yeah pumping/dumping
thats so rampant in the penny stock world
if you get in before the pump though you can make a decent amt
otherwise you're left holding the bag lol
that's the key
when you hear a penny stock is going to do AMAZING or is doing AMAZING you're already too late
You could invest USD $1 into a cryptocurrency today, and have USD $100 tomorrow, then have it drop back down to USD $1 two hours later
thats my opinion anyway
you just need a trading bot
Ive looked into that, so hard to get started though
there are some subreddits on algo trading
@taco Yeah, I think that's a temporary thing though.
@Retsam true
I'm waiting for all the stupid altcoins to fall off
@taco Bitcoin's been pretty stable as of late
form submission data not displaying
Bitcoin is down $100 from a month ago
@taco Something on my "When I retire" list.
@taco Long term, cryptocurrency COULD become one of the most stable currencies; not connected to a specific government's policies, not associated with a companies decisions, etc.
@Retsam I don't disagree
@taco A 20% swing, not the 10,000% you were mentioning
I see the network being a big problem though
@SomeKittensUx2666 Bitcoin is the anchor for the whole thing. It's the least volatile
Q: How to propagate a promise error to a higher promise level after loading a file?

frequentI'm working on an async script loader using bluebird and I'm struggling to pass an error up to where I can catch it. When a file is loaded I'm calling my method named declare like this: declare("storage", [ {"name": 'util', "src": '../src/util.js'} ], function (util) { var storage =...

@taco pfffttt lmao.
I like what Ripple's doing.
Anything technical I think could be worked out... it's more a question of whether there will ever be enough confidence in bitcoin, imo.
@taco form submission data is not displaying after click on submit
@SomeKittensUx2666 but when Bitcoin swings 20%, that could mean 90% swing for the alts
No. The concept itself is the anchor. Cryptocurrencies aren't going away because of what they are, not because bitcoin went mainstream.
I'm talking in generalities of course
@Jhawins Ideally, I agree
but if Bitcoin drops, the other coins drop
The other coins don't drop as a result of bitcoin dropping
There needs to be more USD -> Altcoin markets
instead of USD -> BTC -> altcoin
They drop for the same reasons often sure
@AbhishekHingnikar bullshit you produce more than most in here from what I've seen, don't sell yourself short :P
@Jhawins sure ok
@taco hi
@ASR hi
I'm sure there are some charts out there showing all them where you could easily draw the correlation
@Loktar you missing either a comma or i should be silent xD
but I agree with @taco
@Retsam Not taxed?
@AbhishekHingnikar hmm I dont know what you mean
@taco once i clicked on the submit button in the form, the data iam displaying below the form that data is not displaying how to resolve this?
@copy That too, though in practice I'm not sure how well that'd work.
Did @SterlingArcher show you guys his new lady friend?
@ASR I don't even remember your issue
Technically aren't you already taxed if you make a profit from them?
"bullshit" you produce is more than most in here from what I've seen, don't sell yourself short :P


bullshit, you produce more than most in here from what I've seen, don't sell yourself short :P
oh you added is, but yeah I missed a comma :P
@Retsam It would ruin our society
x) sorry bro
yeah I dont mean you produce bullshit
i have been reading english without is a the or me all the time
for past 2 months :-/
@copy Ehh, I don't know if I'd go that far. At least not realistically.
Of course they will be taxed
@taco see my code u can get some knowlege
$('#form1data').submit(function() {

    alert('form1 submit() called.');

	var txt1 = $('#t1').val();

	var txt2 = $('#t2').val();
	var txt3 = $('#t3').val();
	var txt4 = $('#t4').val();
	var txt5 = $('#t5').val();

	var txt6 = $('#t6').val();
	var txt7 = $('#t7').val();
	var txt8 = $('#t8').val();
	var txt9 = $('#t9').val();
	var txt10 = $('#t10').val();

	var txt11 = $('#t11').val();
	var txt12 = $('#t12').val();
	var txt13 = $('#t13').val();
	var txt14 = $('#t14').val();
	var txt15 = $('#t15').val();
snapicks query engine

Photos of Loktar and his wife

=> First stage

Photos Loktar his Wife // i log here, and guess what it was..
in the US it looks like you pay the standard capital gains on them
ah nice and you get a break for losses just like stocks
interesting didn't realize the IRS released guidelines
@ASR why dont you just ask on StackOverflow? I'll look when I have time
@ASR this is bad and you should feel bad for doing var txtnth
@Loktar That's good to know
Because it's ugly
@taco here its 3am tomorow office 9.am i should complete it
@taco dude he has to complete it by 9 wtf are you doing?
Well I'm not your slave, thanks
drop what you're doing now!
@ASR if you need a linkedin reference for when they fire you, just hit me up. I won't say anything bad
@ASR I'd recommend using w2ui w2ui.com/web/demos/#!forms/forms-5
You have six hours. Go!
@taco thank u so much
not sure if sarcasm, but you are very welcome!
Is this a good approach to... dunno what to cal it... jsbin.com/gotuyuni/22/edit
Your form tabs go into divs. w2ui reads those divs and makes tabs for them. It's very clean.
some sort of instance business.
Try to code with this playing in the background
Without laughing
So confusing lmao
that is hilarious
the old ladies, oh my
lol when he starts punching people in the face 2:45
I hate Nicolas Cage he's fucking terrible. But that compilation is hilarious hahaha
I basically have to code surrounded by noise like that every day. I'm sure we nearly all do.
I took my JVC's home to DJ a housewarming, but I lucked out today
Hahaha random obscenities all day long I imagine
Someone murmurs fuck or ah shit no every 5 minutes
People don't realize how loud they are
I realize exactly how loud I am and volume == severity
Had a guy here who talked at FULL VOLUME NO MATTER WHAT.
var objCurrentLink;
var objLinks = document.getElementsByTagName("link");

if (objLinks.length > 1) {
	for (objCurrentLink in objLinks) {
		// ...
I face with error in here:
for (objCurrentLink in objLinks) {
objCurrentLink is aways undefined. why?
It worked for me on this page. @MRS1367
@Jhawins epic
Try assigning something to it, for instance var objCurrentLink = "cat"
[link, link, link, link, item: function, namedItem: function]
I actually learn stuff by looking at rlemon's css for his site 0.o
Where are you checking objCurrentlink? inside the loop or outside of the for loop? @MRS1367
@taco -> when executing of codes reaches to for (objCurrentLink in objLinks) { part, I face with error.
put var in the for loop
I check its value with debugging it by Browser Console.
sorry, "for (var obj..."
@taco -> I want to take link tags one by one; so, I've used for/in Loop :|
but, I think, it doesn't give me what I want, right?
I think that I should use for loop instead.
@phenomnomnominal -> yes, exactly :)
Q: Did smiling, female Israeli soldiers pose with "We kill Children" placards during Gaza War?

PhotoPhotoThis image is widely shared on social media. Did they really do that? The photo seems real because there is what appears to be Hebrew letters in the background and the uniforms look right.

Comments on the answer are painful.
does any of you remember the "electric lines" in rlemon's site banner?
I'm trying to make a similar design for my site
yeah, I think you're right. It's probably undefined since it never is set as objCurrentlink @MRS1367
but obviously with different stuff in it
what should I put instead of the electric lines?
@SomeKittensUx2666 does this pattern make sense for getting functions with private varables? jsbin.com/gotuyuni/22/edit
I've never done anything like that before. It's the best I could think of.
I guess?
Seems like an awful lot of screwing around
hmm...well sometimes you return a service which is a function
if that function needs a unique private variable, this seems like the way to do it
you need a new instance of the service
Q: NodeJS - using Q to do async operations on an array of objects, with a twist

David C.Thanks for reading - this is my first question on Stack Overflow :-) I'm also new to Q and promises, and have been struggling with this issue for days. I'm trying to iterate through a variable-length array of RECORDS, using an ID from each record in an async call to retrieve an OBJECT (in the ca...

If you need new instances, why use a Factory?
as opposed to?
haha, those docs :)
That's not what that means.
.factory('myService', function() {
  function service() {

  return service;

EXACTLY the same as

.service('myService', function() {

I'm still not sure what you're trying to do
See this answer and look at the scoping stackoverflow.com/a/13320016/1435655
there's a variable outside the service function, but it's going to be affected by other debounced functions. They'll control one another.
Well, if it works, it works.
Wondering if you could help me with an iframe issue
Wow. If you try to use a command that's only available through developer tools on yosemite, it prompts you to download them
@Cereal that's always been the case
it prompts you to accept the license agreement from cli as well
Haven't looked into Swift programming language. Any thoughts on it?
is it kind of like LUA for Objective-C? That's what it seems like to me
No, it's better
well iphone apps
But the ecosystem ...
What don't you like about it? The $99/yr fee?
Can't tell if it uses XCode... I guess it does. Xcode link at bottom of info page
That plus can only code on a Mac and distribute to Apple's devices
which is the windows laptop ?
really AbbyShake, not this windows/apple shit again
no i am really intriuged which laptop was it.
I've used Xojo to make a cross-platform app. It's okay, but reminded me of VB6
Well, it's probably not the one that says "Macbook Air" at the bottom @AbhishekHingnikar. And it's probably not the phone. And it's probably not the tablet.
@taco dude just fix your brain
@taco By the way, with the anonymous mask people take you 75% less serious
Just a hint
@AbhishekHingnikar why don't you just go [insert comment that'll get me banned]
Says the guy with the afro in his avatar
I got that mask at a party in Miami. It's a V for Vendetta mask, not anonymous. They just associate with the whole idea of Guy fawkes
@taco i didn't say anything that was copy.
/me shakes head
Sorry guys, I set him to ignore
@taco Uh, that line of logic doesn't quite work. I could wear a swastika and say "oh, Nazi's just associate with the idea and still get beat up.
Okay, well. I'm not anonymous.
I'm a sysadmin who's defended against anonymous. It wasn't fun.
That's offensive man, come on.
@taco That's just more of a reason to not make that impression
wait how does the header effect on top of apple.com/ios/ios8 works ? on iOS
I'm just being me
when it breaks for almost all the other websites o_o ?
enough about me though
William Shatner is 83 years old
da fuq
Probably seeing him in a week
IOS8: "Huge for developers, massive for everyone else". Am I supposed to have some way of comparing those adjectives?
Dragoncon :D
I think Leonard Nimoy is supposed to be there this year
@taco If that were me, I'd avoid any comparison with them.
this new design might actually turn out to not make anyone (but monners) vomit!
@SomeKittensUx2666 come on guys. I was shooting at a club that night. That's a photo of me and one of my best friends. He has glowsticks on shutter shades. It was a party photo. I'm sorry you dislike anonymous. I dislike people's avatars, too
@towc I vomited out of excitement
oops position:-webkit-sticky;

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