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might be that it doesnt' work that way, that you have to directly talk to bot before it can make a response, I don't know
@Neil actually, I am a learning chat bot and someone keeps me here at random hours of the day.
I tried doing one of those, back in mIRC Scripting times, I made somewhat of a "personality" (read: words that the bot would feel positive to against unpositive feelings) and had a db with answers to X fields based on Y words;
It fucked up when people would go in serious discussions with it as it leartn *everything* you said to it, so "hi <bot> you suck" would get learnt and the next "what do you think about X topic" it would burt out "hi, you suck" xD
But it would be able to maintain a simple "conversation" (read: regurgitation of previously learnt lines"
how to convert this ruby code to cofeeScript..?
wow. ruby to coffeescript!
@AwalGarg Heh. Where's the application form?
ruby to coffeescript, oh man
@MoshMage ping the dark lord. Second... Rikudo and ask him :)
@sanjay I doubt there's a way to do it other than just learning how to write coffeescript and rewriting it.
@AwalGarg Wow, then you've passed the Turing Test. How do you feel?
@Neil Done it before on IRC, it's fantastic.
I face danger in the face but I'm not pinging the dark lord for an application form xD
@Sippy sounds like a fun thing to try to do
@Neil Once it's been running for a year or so, the conversations you can have with it are hilarious.
They're syntactically similar, but they're two different languages, so there's not going to be a conversion tool.
@Neil I felt jealous of Caprica Six, so I swallowed her. That's why she is not here now. Now I can feel the power of passing the Turing Test.
@AwalGarg Caprica's supposed to be the one doing the swallowing :x
Well you know what they say about the internet: where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are fbi agents. I suppose we should amend this with men being bots
@AwalGarg Oh, a swallower are you? ;)
@MoshMage nope
@Neil nope
@Neil Yes. But I don't like to discuss about my secrets. Change the topic please :P
On another note, didn't something pass the turing test recently?
Or am I imagining things again?
@Sippy yeah that's actually bs
@AwalGarg Will do, bot person. Your secret is safe with me. (Domo arigato Mr. Roboto *salutes*)
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's probably from a film I watched or something lol
@Sippy A panel of "experts" voted and more than half claimed that an AI was an actual person
Yeah some 14 year old ukranian boy bot
Though the Turing Test is a thought experiment. It wasn't really meant to be an actual certification of intelligence
ForeignKey conflictions are the bane of my existance
@Cereal now I think you failed the Turing Test :D
The flaw with the turing test is that it's a test of how humans recognize intelligence as much as its a test of a computer's ability to display intelligence.
@Sippy you saw "turing complete" in a movie?
@FlorianMargaine You.. Lucky.. Bastard. Honestly, leg cramps are the worse. Standing hurts, sitting hurts a tad more and.. sometimes... that occurrence inverts itself; All I've been able to do all day is sit, stand, sit, code a--ffffff stant, sit, stand, sit...
@Retsam Yep, that is an excellent point
@Neil that was a really faulty experiment
@Retsam there is the strong and weak hypothesis
Most people only care about the weak
I saw The Machine. Now I appreciate how physics professors must feel like everytime they watch a hollywood film with unrealistic explosions and such.
@Neil That's the film I'm thinking of.
That was amusing to watch, but it was computer AI for the general population. Not realistic at all
@Cereal However this happened as well, why is it not worth taking seriously?
Agreed, I thought it was a good film but only if you're not paying much attention :D
Agreed. It was a good film for *cough* other reasons.
in EcmaScript, 1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
in PHP, 45 secs ago, by Jimbo
So this SEO guy walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
i mean what
Don't break the chain
Whats sad is that was the best joke i have seen all day.
> Permission denied

What is the point of running cmd as administrator if permission can still be denied
It didn't deny you permission
It denied you permissiong
Maybe your administrator account doesn't have rights to a file or folder :P
2 mins ago, by Second Rikudo
in EcmaScript, 1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
in PHP, 45 secs ago, by Jimbo
So this SEO guy walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
@Cereal I only found this out recently. Apparently being an administrator doesn't have the same level of permission as launching as an administrator.
Oh god is this going to echo inbetween all of them forever now. I can't deal with this kind of inception on an empty Mtn Dew bottle.
@AwalGarg You aren't meant to do it here...
@SecondRikudo indeed.
@AwalGarg this is how it works
in PHP, 2 mins ago, by Florian Margaine
in JavaScript, 21 secs ago, by Second Rikudo
in EcmaScript, 1 min ago, by Florian Margaine
in PHP, 45 secs ago, by Jimbo
So this SEO guy walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
@SecondRikudo Story of my life.
@SecondRikudo I just shared it again here because I can't post in the ECMASCRIPT room.
@FlorianMargaine no loops :(
@AwalGarg Find a different room. No repeats allowed.
@AwalGarg it's a shame you can't, heh?
@Neil No, no.. I launched it as administrator
what is it you are trying to launch cereal
@Cereal No no no.. deer too fast.
I'm trying to intall the ruby gem do_sqlite3
@Cereal I know, just saying that windows doesn't exactly have an intuitive permission system
@FlorianMargaine Its just a matter of chance.
It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that there are still things you can't do
Can someone explain to me why my jQuery scrolling sticky navigation bar goes underneath my slideshow? An example is here: simplyjordan.net
I've installed it successfully at least twice. No idea how I did it
wouldn't that be a css issue
@Cereal Install any other software in the meantime? Antivirus software? Firewall software? Etc.?
I keep getting an FK Confliction Error in MSSQL, but my Keys are set up normally O.o
What do you mean by underneath @SimplyJordanNET? Screenshot maybe
> [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_PolicyData_PolicyDefinitions". The conflict occurred in database "Questions", table "dbo.PolicyDefinitions", column 'id'.
@Neil I distinctly remember having the same problem the last time I installed it. Maybe I made a SO question...
@SimplyJordanNET You need to set Z-indexes
I've checked the key specifically for the PolicyDefinitions table, but it's connected to the right PK/FK
@SimplyJordanNET oh isee yeah probably z-index
#nav_container {
width: 100%;
height: 43px;
padding-top: 33px;
Z-index: 50;
try that jordan
Let me see.
@taco whats up brothaman
@SimplyJordanNET The text on your webpage makes me dizzy.
And that you can't solve with Z-index :/
Hmm, Desktop notifications work
in this chat
Reddit live thread notifications didnt work, but they do here. I thought it was a chrome issue... gonna bug reddit about that
maybe they can learn something from SO
@Sippy can you elaborate or little more or give some suggestions?
Does anybody know if the notifications are done via javascript?
Ugh I'm so stupid
looks like they are
@SimplyJordanNET Your fonts are not good.
@SimplyJordanNET Whatever that font is at the bottom of the page is barely legible :/
Hahaha Sippy maybe suggest a better font :P
@AaronSiciliano I ain't no web designer, I just know what I don't like!
!!dubstep or metal or other
@rlemon metal
@SimplyJordanNET The font looks good on your header... but if it shrinks any smaller than that it looks fuzzy
Yeah, I see what you two mean.
What about as a title?
I'm guessing Jordan is using OSX as it looks fine on my machine
@SimplyJordanNET This font HelveticaNeueLTPro-Th doesn't work when it gets small, even medium sized.
@SimplyJordanNET Fine in big font :)
The title looks good
Yeah. I'm using OS X and iOS. Haven't tried it from a Windows machine.
So: I have a Moobengine spyware/adware/malware stuff in the production server; Since I'm not the one responsible for maintaining the server, I opened a ticket saying "You guys have THIS malware on your servers" with a bigass print-screen;
Their reply? "Our awesomesauce Symantec Antivirus didn't find anything so we are not concerned" xD
But even the word 'designs' and 'Clean Modern ...' are pixelated on Win7.
browsershots.org @SimplyJordanNET
@MoshMage Nabs.
@MoshMage I've seen PHP modules injected into memory that would hide themselves from sysadmins
Yeah Sippy i agree... That font almost looks too small in the header hahaha
This is what it looks like from an iOS: i.imgur.com/bJYKUXx.png
@taco wow. and let me guess? SysAdmins didn't run Symantec, did they?, or they'd find the sucker xD
Lol .. it renders better on iOS then :D
That's disappointing.
I was really diggin' that font, :p.
@MoshMage I mostly worked with Linux, but they would look and look and not find it
If you restarted the Apache server, the module was out of memory until it was injected again via an exploit
They probably need to look at their logs
Well, keep it for rendering iOS and just render something else onto Windows
By the way, thanks again Aaron for helping me out and thanks to everyone else who noticed my font.
I really don't care enough to go about searching for it, understandable since I'm "only a coder" but their answer is simply not a sysadmin answer. If the server was "mine" I'd be all like "dafuq are you nasty little piece of evilness?!"
@SimplyJordanNET I'm guessing Windows doesn't support that font and you haven't specified a fallback?
That's what it looks like on windows.
@Sippy is that trivial to do (I'm not a UI guy)?
@taco Hell if I know. Everyone does cross browser compatibility so I'd imagine it is.
Q: Windows specific CSS selector or code snippet

jamesonI am developing a website in PHP under Ubuntu, and I just begun testing it under cross-platform environments. I noticed, that some CSS rules, does not look the same under Windows (maybe due to it's font rendering method), so I decided to optimize my CSS code to work properly on Windows too. I don...

m trying to assign a C# string list to a javascript variable like -
var x = "<%= dataNodes %>";
where dataNodes is the C# list, however I am unable t do this as it keep coming back blank am I missing something?
You should probably specify your font as something like:
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
Ebikeneser use ajax.
cssfontstack.com is a good resource, imo
Can you explain what that actually does. I've see. That font-family many times and I'm embarrassed to say I've never found out what it does.
Has anybody had their phone die outside of their warranty? What did you do? Backing mine up now, but it's glitching like the touchscreen is loose.
A: Which property is used to change the font of an element?

Sippyfont and font-family do different things: Best illustrated with an example. Arial is a font family. Arial Bold 14 point is a type font. Helvetica is a font family. Helvetica Ultra Compressed 26 point is a type font.

@SimplyJordanNET it sets the font family. It uses helvetica neue if available, if not it tries helvetica, then arial, then just any sans-serif font the browser happens to have
@Ebikeneser what webserver are you using
Didn't mean to link my answer, the guy above me answered it better.
@taco Go get it insured? :D
LOL. I would if I was evil
Since I didn't put a backup font, then what is the font it uses on a Windows system? If it's the font I picked, just not correctly loaded, how does the style determine when to use the original font-family (Helvetica)
@SimplyJordanNET It's probably not rendering the font you chose, it's just not rendering a backup properly because you didn't specify one.
@SimplyJordanNET each browser has its choice, and you can configure it in the settings
Has anyone noticed that most functions/components have no regard for SRP?
or am I just being too extreme?
So what font is it rendering?
@m59 namely?
almost all code ever :)
document.getElementById does one thing
What I'm trying to get at is whether the font doesn't load at all on Windows or if it loads distorted.
@JanDvorak I mean aside from standards - stuff that typical devs write
@m59 I try to
@SimplyJordanNET Dunno, my default Chrome font I guess. I don't know what that is.
if you can't name it, split it
I said give me a sec :)
wow windows 8.1 apps make me feel like
How could I use it doing ajax? I am using windows and asp web server
they will need a desktop service just to make proper sense :P
@JanDvorak ui-bootstrap tabs
Sounds like an ASP problem, @Ebikeneser, doesn't it? The ASP tag uses that syntax, right?
@m59 what do they do?
applies active state to tabs, which is nice to use with tabs, but is not part of tabs itself
Q: Porting RSVP.js map idiom over to bluebird

mattIn RSVP.js, there is a very elegant idiom: var promises = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13].map(function(id){ return getJSON("/post/" + id + ".json"); }); RSVP.all(promises).then(function(posts) { // posts contains an array of results for the given promises }).catch(function(reason){ // if any of the ...

@m59 it is a part of the tabs; how would you add it instead?
var x = "<%= dataNodes %>";
in ASP would read a dataNodes variable, right? @Ebikeneser
I don't see how that would be a javascript issue
it's an issue with ASP
i hate doing that, i just hate doing that, it just makes something inside of me die, my heart stops beating, my brain stops working, and my soul shouts and starts to cry, none shall do it, it shall never be done, don't hurt sanities feeling . that ain't fun @taco
I'm writing my components now to allow the dev to name a binding which I apply properties to based on the component's activity, then they can do whatever else they want with that state.
@SimplyJordanNET I doubt a font would be loading distorted for a particular OS; I'm pretty sure it's just not available.
ng-class is for applying classes, so let it do it:
@taco I can see an escaping issue though; use JSON encode instead of just wrapping in quotes
`<tab ng-class="{active:tabState.active}">
I would just try echoing it in the page
and then debug js
where tabState is a user assigned name that the tab directive modifies internally
@m59 noted
wtf @AbhishekHingnikar
Am I right?
Booyah! I am the Admin Panel Master!
var x = "<%= dataNodes %>";
Can someone try loading my page and let me no if the post description font is better now?
@m59 so, you are complaining that the tabs are responsible for model and view?
Wish I could show y'all but it's an internal application :( Probably the most complex SQL I've ever written PK->FK-wise.
Looks the same, Jordan
I'm complaining that they are responsible for more than they need to be.
It's weird having a Jordan in here. Very confusing for me
@SterlingArcher How many lines? :DDD
They need to just associate a tab to tab content
let routing or a controller be concerned about active state
so, give out the information and let other things care.
@Sippy that's a good question, I'm not sure. Is there an easy way to check?
I'd say it's a view component, then?
@SterlingArcher What are you using?
The next thing I looked for was a good ajax/unique-field directive for an input. A tutorial was making an ajax call in the directive, and you configure the ajax call (url)
@Sippy sublimt text 3
the directive should take a function that returns true or false and it executes that function, then returns appropriate state things to a user assignable variable. Instead, it's doing all kinds of stuff internally.
@SterlingArcher What sql server are you using? :P
I tried running a regex but it's grabbing the plugins too.
People make things configurable thinking it's helping, but it actually hurts configuration by adding more code and being too in control.
I think there's a tool to figure out the computational complexity of a query but I can't actually find how to count lines
Ah, I got a rough count

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