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as for the "help" part...
!!tell newbie jquery replace
@JanDvorak @Zirak killed her.
@SecondRikudo whyyyy?
He hosted her and committed suicide.
OK, I'll do it manually...
var my = parent.ajax = parent.ajax || {};
Why twice?
Full code is
var UTIL = (function (parent, $) {
	var my = parent.ajax = parent.ajax || {};

	my.get = function (url, params, callback) {
		// ok, so I'm cheating a bit :)
		return $.getJSON(url, params, callback);

	// etc...

	return parent;
}(UTIL || {}, jQuery));
@SecondRikudo you want to init parent.ajax and store it in a local variable
@JanDvorak Yeah, what's wrong with var my = parent.ajax || {}
weird question ahead: I need to know which function is running after I press some element (there's unwanted functionality and I wasn't the one coding that part of the website) is there any way of knowing this?
@SecondRikudo parent.ajax stays undefined
@MoshMage Chrome dev tools can do DOM event breakpoints
@JanDvorak Aha, I see.
JavaScript is cool in that it allows these clever one-line solutions to these problems
But sometimes it's not that obvious :P
@JanDvorak Sounds like what I'm looking for, keyboard gods praise thee :)
@MoshMage You could try look at the event listeners bound to the element? : i.imgur.com/rCpINHj.png
@mikedidthis so, jQuery is listening to click events. Now what?
Did the bot die?
Q: how to properly get image path from google api auth2.0 playground

Sagar PanchalI'm using Google Playground for accessing Google+ APIs. When I try to call the API its giving image path as shown below [ { "rel": "http://schemas.google.com/contacts/2008/rel#edit-photo", "type": "image/*", "href": "https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/photos/media/hite...

Pro tip: try to avoid being hungover on a Monday if you know you're going to be working on IE8 bugs. It's a recipe for a shitty day.
@mikedidthis Neat! (Just now I got how little of that tool I have explored)
@monners Hahaha
@monners This sounds like advice I could use.
@JanDvorak cry. Sorry you are right, its useless in this context.
@MoshMage sadly in your context its not much help. What @JanDvorak suggested would be the solution.
@mikedidthis +1 for cry.
Yay. Legacy ASP.NET applications.
I miss MVC.
@monners protip: try to avoid working on IE8. It's a recipe for a shitty day.
@JanDvorak fixed.
s/ on[^.]*//
lazy ass.
Am I the only one facing the problem with LinkedIn? Its not showing the updates.
you're probably the only one using linkedin here
Cerbrus that question is just going to get ridiculed. Explain what you've tried, what research you've done, give your current attempt at coding the functionality you want and explain it better. That's a 'do it for me' question.
Look at the tag
Ah shit
It's monday, forgive me.
Tsss, you bad, bad boy/girl :P
I'd downvote if I could
Actually what am I on about I can downvote
Can you also closevote?
Not used to all these privs! I don't know, can I?
Do you see a "close" link below the question's tags?
Oh flag it
Yea done
No, flagged as broad though
I'm still new here
Ehm, did you click "flag"?
or "close"
There is no close for me,
cv is 2k rep min iirc
Sippy has 158 rep.
My poor rep count. :(
or maybe it's 1k min? don't remember
I'm only 21 as well so it's gonna be a few years before I am a useful member of SO enough to get good rep ;D
Okay, @Sippy: flagging isn't quite the right action, since it's not something that requires moderator intervention
But thanks for the cooperation :)
@Cerbrus it is
it's not flagging for moderator attention, it'll just go to the review queue
@Sippy you know, some moderators are 15 or so
Ah, that's good to know :-)
@FlorianMargaine From what I've learned on the internet that's a universally bad idea.
There are exceptions
I only started coding at uni when I was 18 though so I know I'm a newb :)
But most 15-year-olds aren't fit for such responsibilities, no. The ones on SO's team are, though.
Fair enough, can't imagine SO would allow them on if not.
I think that's a handful if not less
Exactly, @Sippy
I've always found with younger coders they tend to have a bit of a nerd complex.
Especially on the internet.
Moderators aren't necessarily great coders
Just the guys with the most time on their hands :P
Nor required to be
... Wow. That question I just linked: OP has posted 32 questions, and less than 50 rep.
hey guys....can anyone help me understanding how to proceed after i present a form with a username and password?...i´m showing this with jquery...after this i understand i have to post the username and password to a php file which will verify...but how does this communication between file is done?
To be fair at least they're doing something productive.
When I was 15 all I did was jerk off and play video games.
Much shame.
@Cerbrus ...
How do you even ..
@Japa Do you have a question up on SO somewhere?
no sippy i don´t...i´m very stuck...and i don´t know what to do.
Okay well the functionality you're looking for is called AJAX
So do a little research on that on Google and SO first and get your head around it
As far as I know there's two or three ways you can do it, but AJAX is probably the best way to go about it.
i´ve been searching a lot...i read somewhere that you make a ajax call which has a url parameter which will be tha php file that makes the verification...is this correct?
You will also need your form data.
If you enclose your login form in form tags, you can serialize the form and send that as your data.
This is beyond me, '#tab-salesdashboard ul li' this selector is triggering a click on a <option> how mad is that? :D [and no, <option> is not inside a list]
data: $('form').serialize() //as long as you have one form on the page, no more.
Actually saying that if you did have more than one it'd just serialize them all and only use the vars you need I think.
But don't quote me on that :)
Still not good practice.
You could also just give your form an ID or class and select it like that.
Which would be easier.
Hi gys, i need some help.
I'm trying to make my image display like this:
If I click anywhere on the screen, it closes if it is open
@Sippy how about this: <form action="test.php" method="post"> some input with names and submit button</form> and in test.php write <?php print_r($_POST);
@Sippy sorry! not what i wanted to show...
But, I tried this code:
	$('html, body').click( function() {
But when I do,
Add this code,
Then the image doesnt show up
Any help guys?
@Japa I've never done that, but it looks right? Might have to make a question on SO asking which of the two methods is preferable :)
Someone, help me please?
@Japa Are you using Dialogs for your login form?
Sippy mind helping me?
@HassanAlthaf What are you trying to do?
My problem is this:
@Sippy dialogs?!...no...and actually iºm not using a form...i just have a pop up that appears with 2 inputs...one is username and the other is password...
I want the image display to close down if I click anywhere on the screen
It's basically a class
Here's the HTML:
Well, its generated with jQuery
	$('.portfolio_work ul li').click( function() {
		var docHeight = $(document).height();
		var img = "<div class='image_display'><img src='" + $(this).attr('data-bigurl') + "' alt='Portfolio' /></div>";
		$('.image_display_container').css('height', docHeight);

		var content = "<div class='image_display_container'>" + img + "</div>";
		$('html, body').prepend(content);
It opens fine.
But, when I add this code:
	$(document).click( function() {
It doesnt open.
Any way to fix the problem?
@Japa JQueryUI dialogs, when you said popup I automatically assumed you meant you were using that, sorry. If you're using a popup you'll want to enclose your username and password fields in a form, and have an input submit tag inside the form as well. Then your form tag you posted here before should work.
so...what are you saying?
i should do what?
@HassanAlthaf Is there an error in the dev console?
How do I check that Sippy?
@Japa It's up to you what you use :)
@HassanAlthaf What browser is it?
I'm pretty sure there are no errors
Google Chroem
@HassanAlthaf F12 and click Console then reload the page.
Those function buttons dont work
In my laptop
@Sippy could you please be more specific and tell me what is my next step?
I use an HP pavillion
@HassanAlthaf CTRL+SHIFT+I
Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type application/x-font-ttf: "http://localhost/Projects/HassanTech/_resources/_fonts/LaoUI.ttf". localhost/:6
Resource interpreted as Font but transferred with MIME type application/x-font-otf: "http://localhost/Projects/HassanTech/_resources/_fonts/Archive.otf". localhost/:11
What I get.
It's CSS stuff
@Japa You mean with authenticating?
@HassanAlthaf Google 'Resource interpreted as Stylesheet but transferred with MIME type'
No, I'm sure thats not the cause for JS to not work
It's something semantic then. Can you make a fiddle?
Ok, sure.
Make a working one, then we'll go from there.
When it is on list
it means its closed
when you click it, it will spread over the page
Oh okay, and you want it to close when you click it
Or anywhere
@Sippy yes authenticating
It's actually in a div frame
In my screen
@Japa Well using the method you proposed, can you send the details to the PHP file?/
do you know a good tutorial where this ajax method is well explained?
A preview is uploading
Japa, what do you want, $.POST ajax method?
This is how it looks, after clicking on the image
@HassanAlthaf yes a post ajax method...i need to grab my username input and password input data and send it to the php file which will authenticate this info...
Are you using OOP or Procedural code?
this process is what i´m aiming to understand better...
i´m aiming for oop
OOP, I don't think this would work properly with OP.
i´m reading the link you gave me...thanks a lot man!.
Just debugging your script, Hassan, there's something wrong with it.
@HassanAlthaf ?
Do you know how to use Chrome debugger?
Yea, F12 and reload site
and in the console
u get errors
But using breakpoints and watch expressions?
That'd be worth learning, especially for Javascript and Jquery quirks.
Yeah, I'll be reading it soon
I'm currently working on my portfolio
I don't even use JavaScript for my commercial work, I'm mainly a PHP guy
Okay so
This is the weirdest shit ever.
If you step by step it through the debugger
It renders it
most weirdest shit
Then removes it
do you think it is the css?
I have nooo idea.
what code do you use
to remove it?
What you should do is post a question and ask why the script renders the image_layout_container div, then removes it again instantly.
did you notice it was doing that?
Might be doing that to force a document reflow
syntax error!!
You seen this before, @monners?
Yep, hell I've even done it
Lol, well the fiddle is here
If you would be so kind :)
I can't figure it out
$('.image_display_container').ready(function() {
    $(document).click(function() {
On the last line
The debugger says
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token }
Missing );
oh yh
it dont open
It does
It just closes it again instantly.
can we do a delay?
I think monners may know the answer :)
Wait, what do you mean opens and closes instantly? The modal is opening for me
I am blocked from asking questions in stackoverflow
monners if you add a method that allows the modal to close when you click the document
It opens
But when you add code to close it
When the document loads and you try to open the image, the image will open but will close without a click event
it doesnt open at all
My suspicion is that the click event is being fired twice?
Sorry, when you try to open the modal, the modal opens with the image if you track it through the debugger, but the method terminates by closing the modal.
Which make-a no sense.
I tried adding a <a href="#" class="close">Click me</a>
But it don't work..
@HassanAlthaf You're firing both. One to trigger the opening and then another on the document (when the modal's ready) to close it
Thought so
How do you get around firing the second one?
This dont work either
But, when I remove the code which looks for the click event to close it,
The div doesnt show up.
guys, any recommended alternative ways to close the div?
Thanks alot mooners
@monners nicely done :)
No worries. Feel free to upvote one of my answers on SO
yh sure
2 upvotes for ya
And 2 upvotes for sippy as well
Oo thanks.
I have one more problem
@AbhishekHingnikar Oh god...
How to code a
Muscle pain remover in JavaScript
@monners hahaha the dracula one is priceless
I am having a bad muscle pain near the abs area
var m = new Muscle('abs');
Nice one, Cerbrus
@AbhishekHingnikar lol. seaweed
> your mama so ugly she turned medusa to stone xD
> Yo Mama so stupid she thought fruit punch was a gay boxer
> yo mama so ugly the hello kitty said goodbye xD
Yo mama so clever she coded a plugin to hide yo mama jokes in JS chat -.-
[hint]yo mama so ugly the hello kitty said goodbye xD[/hint]
Ok ok, that's enough. Lets not say anything we can't take back
5 messages moved to Sandbox
@HassanAlthaf Do that in the Sandbox
That's what it's there for
Some Guy
How to quote
> Text
* Thanks
Dude, no.
@AbhishekHingnikar This is probably one of the silliest videos I've ever watched, and yet I can't stop!
@monners lol, made an iPad by sitting on iPod
It's the stuff between the jokes that'd funny
Son: I got a new iPod!
Daughter: I got a new iPad!
Dad: iPaid
Time to have a bath now. See ya guys.
@SomeGuy Is js13kgames yours?
@monners ... the best one is "yo mama so ugly when she played mortal kombat, scorpion said STAY OVER THERE"
@AbhishekHingnikar Hahahaha
@AbhishekHingnikar Awesome :D
When it comes to colourblindness, is it simply that the person sees a specific colour as black, or is it that the person cannot see anything in the given colour?
Are you actually serious?
> "How are you? Oh that's good, because I'm a potato!"
@Cerbrus I've never even met a colourblind person so yes.
!!google how do colourblind people see colours?
She's dead, I'll go do that.
Ugh, I don't know that bot well enough
@AbhishekHingnikar I read that in Scorpion's voice
Most colorblind people have their color perception skewed
@Sippy There are different kinds of colour blindness. The most common type is an inability to distinguise between two or more colours
So green and orange might look the same to them
@BenjaminGruenbaum xD
Right, one of the new specs on this legacy app
black and white colorblindness is exceedinly rare, I think
Is to remove colour coding of tasks
Because colourblind people can't distinguish
@Sippy Most colourblind people see red and green as yellow
So fair enough, they want text, I'm thinking why not colour the text instead? Then they can still read it.
But normal sighted people can still use colour to organise
@Sippy, think of it this way: "the person cannot see anything in the given colour?" How could that possibly work?
If your brain doesn't render green light then you can't see green colour
That's how that works in my head.
Then what would you see instead?
Hence blindness.
The shape's still there
No it isn't
@Sippy Or you could just read about it in wikipedia
Okay, imagine this
I'm holding a small red ball in my hand
I can see what you're saying, there would be a shadow there instead.
You're colourblind for red
What would you see? My hand?
I smell a troll
I'm not trolling, I'm curious...
He denies he's trolling. He must be a troll.
So if I phrase this as a question
If I were to put the text instead of the colour indicators, but still colour the text, is that bad?
Or is that useful?
I take the scorpion back.
@Sippy just avoid green and red colors
"yo momma so ugly, slender men runs from her ....... <in a very silent voice> shes also the reason he has no eyes" lmfao this video
@Cereal Okay cheers
Also, this might be of use, @Sippy: rigdenage.co.uk/safecolours/index.html
@Cerbrus Ahh, that's brilliant, thanks very much
@Cerbrus == will remove false and null as well, you have to use ===frieder 20 mins ago
Apparently, (false == 0) === true
@Sippy The competition? No, no, That's end3r's (@end3r on Twitter)
@AbhishekHingnikar link?
@SomeGuy Ah, right :)
Hassan Althaf
11:55 AM
said: hai <3

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