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@rlemon something like .whileLoad() jaja
@acasanovas then put your script at the end of the body. If you don't call it "onload", it will be executed while the resources are loaded.
Have I to put the script out of the head? just below the body really?
Inside the body. But maybe you don't need to do that. What's your real goal ?
@dystroy uh!?
@dystroy To take over the world!
@dystroy I just want to set a value on a input, the date.
Perhaps can I set it as a hint... i dunno
@acasanovas Then you don't need to load it before the page is loaded, not only you don't need that, it won't work even if it would be possible.
then you may put this in the body, at the end : <script>document.getElementById('inputid').value="the date";</script>
@OctavianDamiean He clarified it was the resources
You have to make sure the element you want to modify is there in the DOM tree otherwise, well, otherwise you can't modify it.
Humm I see
Put your code in your body after all of the content.
Does anybody has idea how to bust the iframe buster
Done and done.
@dystroy and a change event should detect if I set a value from JS?
An event doesn't detect anything.
hey guys
any css pro here?
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev Just ask your question ...
What is the best moment for programming? XD
@toonhao Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev define "pro"
!!tell capone google ballmer peak
:10389093 Learn how to use jsfiddle.net and setup an example.
@Caponera The moment you write a program which works the first time you run it
I'm using promise for ajax call
Feels like you got a hole in one
I want to keep loader screen till the response not comes done
Is there any way for that?
eeehehe thx for suggest...
@Dhaval Jesus ... so you want to show some sort of progress indicator until you get a successful response.
@Dhaval paint the loader screen when you send the request, clear it when you receive the response
A year or 2 ago I saw a talk a typechecker to give javascript dependent types, Has anyone seen/heard of it at all? I'd love to check it out again.
@Octavian Yes I want to keep loader screen untill I get the into done
@jozefg dependent types?
@JanDvorak didn't get you
@Dhaval Do what Jan said.
@Dhaval what's the issue with what you've tried?
I don't know the event
I want to make webpage so that, when you resize width, appears scrollbar. No elements moves from it's place. I set min-width:100% !important; to body. is that wrong?
@OctavianDamiean Specifically subset types, like x has the types {x : int | x < 100}
Actually I'm changing the label value when ajax call is done
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev you should avoid !important. Just fix your specificity
The type expresses a "subset" of all ints and that's what's allowed in the var
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev !important is almost certainly wrong.
but ajax call is taking time to response so till than I want to show loader screen
@jozefg So basically strong typing?
@JanDvorak w or w/o important doesnt work
@TuralTeyyubogluAliyev fix your specificity.
@JanDvorak what do you mean?
Only in math problems can you buy 60 cantaloupes and nobody asks what the hell is wrong with you.
Determine which rule is overriding which
This is painful :
Q: Could i redirect users with not html5 supported browsers?

user2550698I have made a new site, but it only supports HTML 5... It is possible to redirect browsers that no html 5 supports, With Javascript or somthing?

@Gacnt What the hell is wrong with you? ;D
@OctavianDamiean No.. Strong typing usually means "No implicit coercions" Like '1' + 1 is an error. Dependent typing is a featue of a type system, like subtyping.
Is there anyway to do that?
@Gacnt No, I'm pretty much nobody would give a fuck if you went and bought 60 cantaloupes today.
@Dhaval look at the element in the dev console
@Zirak I personally would be confused, I don't know about you.
Specially if I was the cashier, boop cantaloupe boop cantaloupe boop cantaloupe boop cantaloupe boop cantaloupe boop cantaloupe boop
@jozefg Well, since strong typing is not really defined, what you say is right and I was right as well. ;)
Basically I meant type checking.
it'll show me the time
@Gacnt Think about all the times you went through the cashier line and thought "God, I wonder what the cashier thinks about me buying pads and condoms..."
@OctavianDamiean Yes, if I remember correctly you decorated functions with a specification in the comments it would do some static analysis. I just thought it was a cool piece of software but I suspect it was one of those "Thesis complete ==> project dies"
If that's happened to you at least once a month, think about how often cashiers see things like that if they deal with 30 customers a day...
@Neil I've been on both sides of the situation, so I know what they're both feeling :P
@jozefg Could be, however, I wouldn't like type-checking in JavaScript.
I love its weakly typed nature.
@OctavianDamiean It's not weak typing, it's turkey typing.
@OctavianDamiean Do you mean weak as in '1' + 1 ==> '11' or dynamic typing
!!> 1+ '1'
@Incognito "11"
!!> +'1'+1
@Incognito 2
@jozefg Well, it's an umbrella term for more things, one of them is what you're asking me, but I'm not referring to implicit type coercion, no.
!!> 1+ +'1'
@Incognito 2
I'm referring to the lack of type safety.
Jesus, I just realized how painful it is to have a conversation on that topic because none of the terms are officially defined.
@OctavianDamiean That's funny, I usually hear people say the opposite :P Do you work in any static languages?
Yeah haha
!!> 0.2+ 0.1 - 0.3 //Types aren't safe.
@Incognito -2.79
@Incognito 5.551115123125783e-17
@jozefg I was a professional Android developer for quite some time, so yea, I had to deal with Java.
Therrrrre we go.
@OctavianDamiean Ah you poor soul
Type inference makes static types infinitely less painful haha
Yea, I don't have to deal with that mess any more.
So what do you do for a job then?
java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
!!karma java--
@cx That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
meh, honestly I don't mind static types
I'm a front-end engineer.
even in JS I use static types, even if I don't declare them
I think it would be interesting academically at least to try to add some form of invariant checking to javascript, maybe types, maybe some system of statically checked asserts..
You purposefully maintain a variable as one type, or are you doing something special @FlorianMargaine ?
@FlorianMargaine Most of us do on a regular basis, but it's one thing to be able to chose if you do so or to be forced to do so.
@Incognito I mean that I don't do intvar + strvar
@OctavianDamiean switching to Go was painless.
@FlorianMargaine Oh you hack go to :D
@FlorianMargaine is Go really a nice language?
yes and yes
I'll ask the generic "What's the best part?" question.
posted on July 04, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} 72 hours left! Thanks for all your support everyone.

@FlorianMargaine what did you switch to Go? everything?
Sorry CSP
ah ok
and I'd redo the project in another way if it were today.
@Incognito Go is really a nice language
@FlorianMargaine Did'nt you try a parser in Lisp?
I wrote a GC in it for my ml language
Not only for what it has but also for what it hasn't (like verbosity, heritage, exceptions)
or it's another one
@cx markdown parser, and it's much much harder than a css parser
I kinda like Erlang, I should do more Erlang.
@FlorianMargaine ah right,;)
@OctavianDamiean Check out elixir, Erlang with less stupidity
@OctavianDamiean ++
Stupidity being crufty syntax and junk
use cowboy as web server, the guy doing it great, a French
Is anyone using "chosen", if so, if you remove an option each time it's selected, how can you tell when theres no options left to select?
@OctavianDamiean erlang makes me think of prolog
they're in the "esoteric" languages for me tbh
@jozefg huh, that looks interesting.
@FlorianMargaine Both share similar syntax too
@FlorianMargaine Looks like a cool project. I might futz around with Go and do some of the Project Euler challenges with it.
@OctavianDamiean Yeah it's like ruby smashed into erlang at high speeds
@jozefg yup, I know
@FlorianMargaine Well, to be honest, I wouldn't have gotten into it without CouchDB. It's pretty much the only reason I checked it out and I kinda liked it.
The syntax looks like python with braces.
For? @Incognito
Go lang.
for writing a parser I'd use haskell, if I had time
@Incognito I think the project euler challenges are the most useless programs you can ever write
I never found myself having fun with haskell when I took that up.
Haskell sucks
too much purity
it's highly mathematical yes :)
I write pretty much everything in Haskell nowadays
@RenzoCortez Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
like Coq
I'm too scared to checkout Haskell.
@FlorianMargaine I agree! But what other trivial programs would let me learn a language without yet another 'hello world' ?
@FlorianMargaine nah..
@Incognito there's some stuff on... I don't remember. But choose some small project you've already done, and redo it in this language
@cx I'm actually using that writing coq right now
@Incognito Write a PNG optimizer.
@Incognito fizzbuzz
@rlemon tbh, rust looks like the new C++. Go is the new C. I like C better than C++.
@jozefg he interesting, never done Coq so far though
I'm not a huge fan of c++ either
RUST looks different enough that I might just like it
@cx It's very good at what it's good at. Plus dependent types are cool
another thing not related I should do is R (because working in finance)
R looks like fun
I'm always jealous of my friends that know R, their graphs look so much prettier than mine D:
@jozefg d3.js has some great examples you can just copy.
I'm a huge fan of D3.js
Oh that is nice..
We've been using it in production already.
This uses Rapheal and jQuery but I want to will write it in d3.js clients.driven-by-data.net/okfn/bubbletree/demos/random/#/~/…
@rlemon damn! That's pretty cool.
What's the easiest way to shuffle a bunch of p tags?
If anyone says jQuery plugin I'll kill you
@rlemon that's awesome
I mean the effect and navigation is pretty cool, the actual data he's representing there doesn't make much sense to be represented like that but meh.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm sure there's a Zepto.js plugin for that.
Hey, I didn't say jQuery! :D
!!/mute EVERYONE
@BenjaminGruenbaum Please give mute duration, see /help mute
NodeList.prototype.shuffle = Array.prototype.shuffle;
@FlorianMargaine yep. Because who uses IE8?
@FlorianMargaine array has shuffle?
@JanDvorak yep. Because Array.prototype.shuffle doesn't exist.
Damn, you made me test [1,2,3].shuffle()
@BenjaminGruenbaum implement the fisher-yates algorithm
I think something like:
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var counter = this.length, temp, index;
    while (counter > 0) {
        index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter);
        temp = this[counter];
        this[counter] = this[index];
        this[index] = temp;
return {p:p,val:Math.random()}
}).sort(function(x,y){ return x.val-y.val});
padolsey isn't a bad reference.
@BenjaminGruenbaum You could just steal their implementation if it doesn't suck (I haven't checked). underscorejs.org/#shuffle
var shuffledPs = [].slice.call(pNodeList,0).shuffle();
@rlemon haha, yeah, no
1 min ago, by rlemon
Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    var counter = this.length, temp, index;
    while (counter > 0) {
        index = Math.floor(Math.random() * counter);
        temp = this[counter];
        this[counter] = this[index];
        this[index] = temp;
Thanks babe
var shuffled = map.call(ps,function(p){
	return {p:p,val:Math.random()}
	return x.val-y.val;

shuffling the page?
too many function there
Zirak concluded that Math.random() vs fisher yates for random sorting, fisher yates is more random
@Zirak got that page still?
for(var i=ps.length; i--;) pparent.appendChild(ps[Math.random(i)|0])
@rlemon Esailija did iirc
Zirak had graphs
Q: How to prevent clicking the background?

MarcoI'm a beginner trying to develop a mobile phone game with with Kinetic Js and "phonegap build". I am experiencing a problem which I don't know how to address. I made this test: I just pasted this code here into my index.html and sent the code to the phonegap build which created the apk file from ...

if there are graphs then...
@rlemon The chi-square tests?
@Zirak show me?
I can only find the RNG comparisons codepen.io/anon/pen/gtulF
ahh, there we go ^^
Top is the Math.random, bottom is FY
It's for a test prep on markdown output.. it's not 'business critical' :P
brilliant, don't need R now :)
I started making a plotting thing like that, but then got really bored (because it's all graphical and shit)
There are some good stuff on stats though, should expand that.

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