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I'm looking for a cool way to get only 2 first values of the following array format
sure coffeescript would do it smartly but
how do you want to get the values back?
in an array?
basically [ [A,B] | [A,B,C] <- Array ]
@mcmwhfy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!c> A,B for A,B,C in [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
@cx Could not process input. Error: unexpected , on line 8
@cx Could not process input. Error: unexpected , on line 8
ok let's do that for loop in js
arr = [];
arr2.forEach(function(e) {
!!> [1,2,3].slice(0,2)
@cx [1,2]
Q: Changing a "static" slider into a dynamic, easily changeable one

ShawnWhiteI'm currently having a "static" slider for a wordpress theme, which I want to change into a dynamic one. That means that I currently always have to work around in the code to add new slides, content and so on for the slider. But I want to change it, that I can easily change it in the wordpress da...

@FlorianMargaine ah forEach yep, (though not sure about IE9) thanks
IE9 supports forEach
arr = arr2.map(function(e) {
    return e[1];
cleaner maybe ^
arr = _.pluck(arr2, 1)
that's what pluck does? the name means nothing to me
It's shorter
yeah, but the pluck word doesn't mean anything to me
hi all
It's cutesy.
can anybody know datepicker validator using jquery
someone definitely could, but I don't
@SebastianBrand Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
omg a girl... iz scared
for jQuery UI plugins your best best is forum.jquery.com/using-jquery-ui or their IRC channel
#jquery on irc.freenode.net
Scared of what?
If somebody has Safari I would be grateful for a test of SpaceBullet as I was told it doesn't work on that browser
(could this be starred so that it's visible for a few hours ?)
@dystroy Yeah, it doesn't.
@BadgerGirl Thanks. Do you have some errors in the console ?
@rlemon I didn't know what that was until now. Interesting etymology. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cooties
@dystroy No :(
That's unfortunate.
Oh my word! See 'Other terms' in that article.
But the rocket and the thing with blue points don't show up.
Is SVG supported on Safari : edit, yes it should...
They just aren't drawn, because I can die.
I really should find a competent artist : the "blue points" were supposed to be windows :\
It's good enough, I always describe things weirdly :P
Any information on what might be the root cause of the bug would interest me. Right now it seems related to SVG as that two objects are SVG based.
yeah, the bullet is just not getting displayed
thanks for reminding me how much i hate this browser
thanks boys for the map pluck
like often it was a code smell
hows it going?
!!tell Connor echo 'good or bad?'
@cx Command 'good does not exist.
@Connor 'good or bad?'
I mean wanted to trigger: how would you do that?
!!good or bad?
@cx bad
!!tell cx help listen
@cx listen: Forwards the message to my ears (as if called without the /)
!!!tell cx listen good or bad
@Zirak Neither
i feel a noob question coming ...
huh, interesting
@AndrewCorkery Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak yes triggering a command for someone's else
but it already exist
That's what /tell does, and /listen was made so you can use /tell with listeners. What's interesting is that it doesn't work correctly
!!tell cx google '1+1'
!!tell cx listen good or bad
@cx bad
@cx true
!!tell cx listen 'good or bad?'
@cx 'good
@cx true
Try again
No wait, don't
@NagaJolokia you learn something new every day
!!google 1+1
@cx That didn't make much sense. Use the help command to learn more.
@FlorianMargaine 2
!!/convert 1 EUR USD
@cx Confuse converter with euros, receive error message
@cx Confuse converter with euro, receive error message
@cx 1.2996USD
!!/convert 1 USD EUR
@cx 1.2996USD
@cx 0.7694EUR
ok let's run a buy order :)
@dystroy SpaceBullet works fine for me on Safari for Windows.
@NagaJolokia Thanks for the information (that there is a Safari for windows, that makes clearer the past comment of Florian about wine...)
Are we aware that sbaaaaang is badbutbeton
If so why am I not aware till just now
Because you failed to read the whole transcript of the chat. That's bad.
is there a free service for international address forms?
like if I pass it Canada it will return the provinces, and the fact that we require a postal code - USA will return the states and Zip, Ireland will return territory? and nothing?
!!google free service for international address forms
do you really think I haven't done that '
We can never be to sure
in Unix and Linux on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Mar 28 at 21:41, by Gilles
<--- is confronted with bizarre problem
Finds 2-year old answer on SE that solves the problem. Gee, I didn't know that.
"You can't vote for your own post"
^ Human eye ball
@Nile This happened to me (not the "you can't vote" message because I saw that before clicking the arrow)...
That's a Burton forest with a fiery black moon descending to destroy it.
Anyone use maximizer crm?
1 message moved to Trash can
@dystroy haha
That's just...no
I literally just edited it to put // creepy as fuck
Thank you
when I hit enter I was pinged for trash
Thought I broke it
TIL Windows 95 was the second most installed piece of software on computers in 1995; videogame DOOM was first.
DOS ran doom
ah, I know nuttinnnggg
gotta say it with a chinese accent
You can also have someone install DOOM twice, to get the sequel.
My 486 did this thing when it started Doom by printing "."s to the screen
I would count the "."s prior to the game launching
@Loric- Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hexen came along afterwards and it had a lovely load screen which replaced "." with backbone vertibrae
It took a lot longer for my computer :P
Q: javascript's for-in loop doesn't suit unknown object like DOM object?

John.A.In javascript, the syntax "for (variable in object) {...}" is convenient, but I think you shouldn't use this syntax for an unknown object. I've programmed codes which access DOM, but DOM(or BOM) structure seems change frequently with the times, especially after the browser updates.So if I have a ...

@dystroy What's the new "not a real question"?
It should be off-topic, but all of those don't seem to fit
oh, he changed his question
@Zirak I'm not sure. I find it very hard to close questions now.
> don't try to do over complicate things with java, it will just get worse
!!youtube Black Sun Empire - Exraction
Now the off-topic reason seems to be just RTFM
@phenomnomnominal ^ Real music you knob goblin
Hey, could you please not flood so much with not programming related videos or pictures ?
@Zirak I think it's a neat little effect but I wouldn't use it for anything serious.
Personally I didn't like this effect. It looks like "I can do that, I'll put it in my pages", just like fancy fonts in MacWrite in 1984...
Well, yea it is just that, I mean it's his personal website and he used it on one page of that website. It's clearly just a skill show-off.
yes, of course, so it's not a real problem, but it doesn't make the page better
Well, no, I'm sure it wasn't intended to make anything better. :)
@acasanovas Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Maximizer CRM is so stupid
I will soon have extra peltier pads. anyone got any fun ideas what I should do with them?
anyone know how can I run a function on JS while the body was loading?
I just found out what the name "Damian" (which should have been the correct way to spell my name) means. It means to conquer.
I kinda like my name even more now.
@acasanovas Depends on what you mean by "while" and "body loading". You can execute a script before the body is read, or while the resources are loadred. what's your goal ?
I can tell you how to run one before the body is parsed ;) that is easy
@dystroy I mean while the resources are loaded
Someone ought to make a "Body movin'" parody from the beastie boys, replacing "Body movin'" with "Body loading"

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