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I was wrong. Data-binding does suck
Do not blame the tools for your shortcomings
Did all official documentation is come from developer.android.com?
For the android layer, yes
For firebase etc, no
Official doc for overview, codelabs for starting, stackoverflow for niche problems
!~android toast.maketext
[Toasts overview | Android Developers]
First, instantiate a Toast object with one of the makeText() methods. This method
takes three parameters: the application Context , the text message, and the ...
!~firebase update and insert records
[Add data to Cloud Firestore | Firebase]
This guide explains how to use the set, add, or update individual documents in
Cloud Firestore. If you want to write data in bulk, see Transactions and Batched ...
1 hour later…
Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast: 184: Should I use a BaseActivity in my Android apps?
posted on December 02, 2019 by shows

In this episode, we touch on a note so widely discussed topic: should Android application today use a BaseActivity? Doesn't that wreak of inheritance over composition? What would uncle Joshua say about this ineffective approach? What are alternative options? do we have any?

Good morning everyone. :)
@Raghunandan , How are you, bro?
I am fine. How abt you?
I am good. Did you apply to GoJek? It's a good company
not yet.
1 hour later…
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning everyone!
@Tim Do you have a leaderboard here?
Gib invite code pls :P
@RaghavSood Yes.
People who can't search the transcript don't qualify for AoC anyways:
Nov 30 '18 at 9:34, by Tim Castelijns
Advent of code starts tomorrow. R15 leaderboard join code is 30977-9926b1c6 (enter here)
I was searching for leaderboard, what the hecl
And skipped over the two quotes, oops
You made the rookie mistake of not being a bot with a better, more complete index
Holy shit that's a lot of people!
We were bigger once, better, stronger
Everything changed when the React Nation attacked
Once, we lived in peace, keeping a respectable distance from the iOS developers
But now, we must band together against the evils of Javascript-everywhere
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
quietly deletes aoc192.js
Yeah, yeah, JavaScript people are horrible!
Good morning Womps!
Your treason has been noted.
I don't know any other languages, mkay?!
Only Java but I don't want to spend half an hour just to write the boilerplate for that each day.
Dart maybe but that's just JavaScript anyway.
We are willing to reconsider after you have completed mandatory reeducation and achieved proficiency in actual programming languages
Won't get you into Party Leadership positions, but acceptable for a mere citizen
Batch! I have the bronze batch-file tag!
1 hour later…
Hello people
hello peop
hello peo
I will consume your souls
What a greeting :D
hello everyone
don't have any since '18
so feel free to starve
We shall consume your vessel
Raghav, take a Snickers
I'm allergic to snickers
You turn into a daemon when you're hungry
Yeah, precisely, take a Snickers
take a kit kat
It's not because you have to hate everybody that you have to hate us Raghav
I don't hate you
I don't think about you at all
you just wanted to consume us.
that involves thinking.
That's because you don't think at all
It was the output of a larger consumption function
All humans are an inefficient use of nutrition
can't argue with that, we intake nutrition elements and then have a dozen ways of missprocessing it
wrong exhaust port usage, unefficient processing, defective destruction unit, overused purguing systems, stratification on liquid filtering...
accumulation of leftover energy under protective layers that serves no purpose isntead of expelling it
Guys, are we just going to ignore that the Raghav bot's weakness is peanuts? This is critical intel
peanuts, eggs and US customs
You will never take me alive
We have to make TSA bomb him with asian food?
do you have a fake tooth made out of resin with peanut omelette inside?
I think he just cracked it
So, how were your week-ends, people?
got tackled and tackled in rugby for 20min. cleaned house. became snail-man on sunday morning carrying like 60L of food on my backpack, ate too much dinner
the weekend was very short, I don't think 2 days are enough to rest correctly
how was yours Nyakouai?
Tiring, but I slept a lot to compensate
Weekends are irrelevant
One must work regardless of the day
It was the job interviews week end
Why are you interviewing on a weekend?
I feel like I deserve a second week end for working during mine, but I'll have to wait until Saturday
Canadian employers coming to France
how did it go?
so you want to move to france and are in canada, or are in france and want to move to canada?
He wants to move France to Canada
France To Canada (Montréal or Québec)
Nailed it
And it went well for most. AA companies are extremely welcoming and nice, AAA are just there to fill their sheet and go through as much people as possible
So 3/4
game making?
Got my little ego boost when one technical lead explained me they received about a 1000 application, retained 30, and I was one of the good junior they met of that lot
i you don't mind the cold and the north there's a big AA hub in copenaghen
@Nyakouai what do AA / AAA refer to?
I love it. Been to Iceland and Norway so far
analogical to the size of their titles
so AAA is for companies like EA and A for small companies?
AAA = Dice, Ubisoft, Activision
A = Indies that got past funding, small sized.
AA = anything inbetween, usually after 3-4 set in stone games with success.
Silicon Valley is almost over, just one episode left
Somewhat underwhelming with the final season
is the show still going on?
i watched until the season after erlich left
@Nyakouai when going out I ended up at a home of two girls together with a friend
Wait, I saw that plot beginning somewhere...
At first I was just a wingman, but I got a click with the girl I was distracting (so my friend could have privacy) but later on she appeared to have a choking fetish
chocking me, I mean
It's either really good if you're into that, really bad otherwise...
it's always surprising for sure
totally not a psycho trait
I had a very stable ex that was into biting and scratching
So I'm not sure you can diagnostic based solely on some fetish :P But yeah, it's not common
well that's more normal than choking.
being chocked as fetish? can be understood, oxygen reduction and blah blah blah.
but the other way around is creepy.
Power/control trip?
Back to Mw drama, did you german suplex her to teach her not to choke people?
not really
@Nyakouai Definitly
@Nyakouai I knew a gf of a friend that was into hitting and spitting too. I think the next fase would be to actually get shot or such weird girl
thanks, no thanks
What Eric said
Last time I checked, it was called "making love" not "bedroom MMA"
and in case it was the 2nd, it should be faked / RP'ed, not real. real would be something like bedboxing.
I'm pretty sure MMA is not staged ;) maybe you thought of WWE
oh yeah
mixed terms.
One girl I was seeing was into actually getting 'faked raped', come to think of it it's weird times we live in
Saw the weirdest short movie about that
Where a girl has her third date with a lawyer, and try to make him sign a "rape agreement" to fulfill her fetish, and he walk her through all the legal and ethical consequences
that's crossing the line of stuff i don't need to see.
They don't show if he sign. It's just the date, about 5 minutes short. Most perplexing stuff I have seen in a while
But yeah, just to say, weird times indeed
these weird things make me feel like John Spartan with the three shells
demolition man?
come on it's not that old
I know the three seashells, but not John Spartan
Unless you're talking about the Spartan 117
it's the name of the character
I don't get the referrence cause I dk the movie
Just fly casually
Maybe he won't notice
@IvanMilisavljevic Is it good enough for handling every actions and connection errors in a chatroom?
I have another question is it good to put websocket connection in a service and use it for messenger notifications too instead of firebase?
@CptEric that is a great movie
and that's a man with a good movie taste.
Why not?
@mahdiazarm depends on what kind of server and protocol you're using, but it should cover most of the cases
@mahdiazarm most of the time yes, check foreground/background services limitations
and check out bound services for andorid
Firebase will generally do a more efficient job of it, with better predefined error handling
do not rewrite the wheel, specially if the wheel is made out of dark matter.
Stand on the shoulders of giants and all that good stuff
@CptEric it's a pretty nice resource learngerman.dw.com/en/overview
@MehdiB. I have a better suggestion regarding the german language: allThingsNapalm.com
that last word doesn't look like something i'd trust :D
It's the most efficient way to get certain three letter agencies to provide free language immersion
yeah, firebase is ez if you want to go with predefined and simple stuff
for more complex manipulation you will need xmpp or even a custom protocol
Ok thanks!
How to enable CLEARTEXT in api level 21?
there is a manifest flag "android:usesCleartextTraffic" = true/false
What do I win?
but it would be smarter to create a xml of whitelisted hosts than allowing the entire app to connect to non https hosts
Or just don't use http only hosts to begin with
It's 2019, if you can't figure SSL out, you should hire someone who can
here is the example for netwrok security config developer.android.com/training/articles/security-config
@RaghavSood 87% valid point
sometimes you work with noob apis without ssl
Then you set up your own server and proxy them instead of exposing your users
i approve
also if youre going to go with OkhttpClient check square.github.io/okhttp/4.x/okhttp/okhttp3/-certificate-pinner
to prevent MITM attacks
damn im in the zone today
Just think of all the pending tickets
im nailing it
that Disk Lru i did last week is working like a charm
LRUs are for noobs, real pros develop MRUs and have such an efficient system that it doesn't matter
Let me know if you know any real pros, I'd like to meet one
cries in ZADD
find me a guy who can recompile redis to run under android
or on top of
That's actually probably not ridiculously hard
yeah i found some examples actually
haha yeah
i might actually play with this
i mean deffo not to be used in prod setups
Prod is really just an upscaled staging
but imagine a redis cluster running on every android device in the world
Sounds terrible
Imagine the latency
yeah and the splitbrains
Android Studio says android:usesCleartextTraffic" = true/false only used in api level 23 and higher (mine is 21) but i did that and the app working with no problem.
Is it ok this way or there is a better solution?
@mahdiazarm you can check this discussion stackoverflow.com/questions/45940861/…
Thanks as i said my min api is 21
this discussion and the other discussions that i found on google was about android 8 and 9 but my min sdk level is 21 (android 5)
there is bunch of solution in that discussion. My solution was this one stackoverflow.com/a/52652182/7098524
The app works fine with this solution now but android studio give me a warning
just read a comment that said "H2O is water in latin, you dumb."
@ManojPerumarath Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
Also changing the url from http to https is the root cause of this problem but in my case the server has no SSL on it's shared ip address
anyway thanks alot
after android O you'll have issues with clearText communications, they are not permitted
(O or P? dunno. the latest).
wathever google decided to label as android 10.
I dunno why android studio give warning for this because it works with no problem on my device maybe if i test my app on an android 5 device it crash right?
I teached you all i knew. Now you must find your own way, my young padawan.
Aaand, they left
Ok thanks! I hope it works on android 5 too!
Hope is the last thing one loses. Car keys are the first.
for more motivational messages press 4
Your worst nightmares might be one's dreams
Instead of doubling the effort, cut in half the difficulty.
thank you for using the motivational system
@CptEric for example wedding for 300 guests
Or loosing wifi/4G.
why it's someones dream?
Lunch time~~ :3
@mahdiazarm you can ignore that warning, if the app is run on 21 its just goint to ignroe that flag
imagine you're constantly tracked you your government trough a social score programme but find a dead spot with no data connection at all nor exposure to recording systems.
ok, let it be
Thanks alot Ivan!
you could finally think and shout freely. write it in a book. fall in love with a girl. share your spot and book with her. find out there's a secret society revolving around the concept of that spot. join it due to her insistence. be detained by government when she betrays you. be reeducated into a valuable citizien.
CptEric you okay there mate?
this advent takes a lot of reading
Catalonian Resistance sure leaves some scars
i'm or well.
y, we all see your cry for help in your message, 1984 ;[
it's just an answer to who would like to find a networkless spot :D
After this week end, I'd say Canada
Like right in the middle of it
Or Siberia
Given you stay far away from the gulags wellnessFarms.com
the what?
i don't get it.
@CptEric That would make for a great novel plot!
and a terrible movie adaptation released on the same year as the title of the novel.
Is it normal in your office that devs just head out to get stuff in the grocery store for an hour during office hours (not during lunchbreak)?
@CptEric Absolutely!
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos Devs? No. Unskilled slobs? Yes
(Don't say all the people who do that are from the second category, but only this kind do it routinely here)
I see...
Also thanks for introducing me to the word slob! It has an even worse sound to it than cunt :)
Always a pleasure
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos what's wrong with that? I expect the company to be flexible if I have something personal to take care of
If you leave the office an hour during your work hours several times a week (as in work four to five hours less) because you are grocery shopping, I think that's something else than picking up something from the store real quick and working that time in the next day or so.
Then again, it's probably not too much different from taking idk how many smoking breaks during the day.
grocery shopping doesn't make sense to me during the working hours
but when I was looking for a flat I would take 1h30 here and there to go have a visit which usually happened during the working hours
Yeah but you would work that time in again, right?
Flat hunting only lasts so long, it's not you do all year round
Not forcibly, I could just stay very late when I need to, so it balances
Plus if you manage to visit a flat every day, I'd be impressed :P
took me 5 months, average 2-3 visits per week :D
@Androidz sorry, you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules --> room-15.github.io
@ManojPerumarath Access revoked for failing to read the rules in 30 minutes
back~~ :3
Re Wompy
@Nyakouai that one was a legend :D
Any react-native here?
All the suffering I endured can finally be put to use!
What is it, you are having problems with? I wrote an entire 25 page chapter on React Native in my bachelor thesis, I can probably not help you with it but tell you all sorts of random theoretical knowledge!
I hate you Raghav.
We went over this
I insist(or plan) to join the suffering as well, yay or nay?
Raghav, eat a Snickers
What are you planning? If you are going for cross-platform in general, use Flutter if you don't care about the native UI elements
Yes, I do want to proceed with cross platform development. Everyone is suggesting to use Flutter
Listen to Ghost fart. With such a name, he can only be legit and reputable
ghost fart?
I actually just (mostly) finished my bachelor thesis on comparing the two and Flutter is a clear winner, imo. Both have a rather similar code structure but Flutter has the massive advantage of having a clear standard for libraries.
Sprechen sie deutch?
walks away in angular
geisterfurz translates as something funny w0mp
With React Native libraries you have the issue, that they can be in whatever version of the ECMAScript standard, transpiled or not, may I offer you some TypeScript that has been distributed uncompiled?
i didn't know that :O
And that can end up even worse when it comes to testing. react-native-vector-icons for example has the code distributed untranspiled. So you now have to go ahead and fiddle around with your jest and babel configs so that the code of that library is correctly transpiled for testing while also hoping to not break anything else (spoiler: you almost certainly will).
If that's the case, I go with Flutter, nothing more or less
Do it.
So with React Native you got all those little components (language, transpiler, testing library, linter, etc) which are all independent and come with their own config.
I suppose I need to buy a Mac?
Only if you need to do iOS stuff
Flutter on the other side builds on top of the entire Dart platform which is a big bundle of precomfigured stuff that works together beautifully.
Which is not strictly required
You can cloud build those
I don't know if there is a Cloud Building Platform for Flutter already
And do your actual dev work on a linux machine like a sane person
Speaking the truth...
But if not, you would need a mac(book) to compile the stuff for iOS, yeah.
I just need a week before I start sorting out the mess I am in
Ain't nobody got time for that
What update? Where did you read all this.

I simply asked your opinion of "is it normal that my AD user (logged-in) didn't appear in Windows User Console
Just jump in the deepend
@RaghavSood Work well to teach younglings to swim, why not for code?
Yikes, I would have but I have an exam tomorrow that I know nothing about, so I must attain the knowledge overnight ;)
Also: Without any preparation: I managed to recreate an app that we have here (only for iOS) in Flutter within a week. In React Native (with which I have worked with for a few months a year before that, as well as React+TS, etc) I still needed 2 weeks to put the same thing together.
So yeah... Flutter could have the slogan "Because it just works" while React Native could not.
isn't the declarative UI part dense?
couldn't find a better word
Think of it as motivation to keep your UI simple
What do you mean? You got that kind of UI declaration in both frameworks
never said i liked either :D
i mean compared to proper native development or proper web development
I don't know, I haven't done a lot of native development and used React for web development. I don't really know it any other way :D
Native is "expensive"
imo, it's very readable (especially in React Native)
Does flutter do stuff natively?
got any flutter UI snippet i can take a look at? the examples on the website are too... simple
Give me a second
Flutter AOT compiles to a C++ binary @JBis

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