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Look, I've used Plivo for 3-4 years
If someone asks a shitty formulated question about Plivo
with 10 innacurate line of thought/logic. I will probably still try to understand what he meant and provide an accurate and educated answer.
I won't spend time I don't have... but if I have time.
because you're a saint probably with lots of time
I was like that the first 500 times I answered shitty questions
@Tim I'm not saying it won't change
I can guarantee it will
@MehdiB. I don't understand what you try to say.
@Tim I also think.
guys this is far too deep into the methaphysical nature of software development.
@Tim Which is why you're not the only two people I asked when I asked.
for a monday afternoon.
@CptEric They started it.
You're drama-ing too fast for me to catch up between two glances of my manager over my shoulder
Where can I find a template 1000 row DB/table?
To test my ODBC thing?
was that ping necessary? ouch
my poor ears.
no clue, sorry. i usually write a small script for that.
btw that behavior has a name: help vampire
@OakDev I have an exhausting full time job ok? that requires me hours of focus and learning, ok? I'm happy to help someone in between when I'm having a 5min break, ok? normally, giving a hint or 2-3 lines of code is enough to point the person to the right direction, but people like you want me to give them 2h
@MehdiB. As I previously mentioned, I am aware of your point of view.
@Tim I can offer compensation for important / deadlined projects.
But if I'm just throwing a question out there, I mean, ... this is a Stack Chatroom
@OakDev google
@CptEric Holy moly those are some low scores mi amigo
@ballBreaker Edit and add "don't forget to breath"
Anything I can do? Want to come to Banff with me?
There is a default SQL database that has what you want
google AdventureWorks2012
and then stfu
DL the git's .bak and rename to ?
Also thx monica
ballBreaker, take a Snickers
Not because you're angry but because I have some
@ballBreaker Not you when hungary
I love snickers thanks
also true
Urgh, Snickers.
@Nyakouai Bro I have a 11k USD MSRP pallet of candies in my living room
It's like a lake
@ballBreaker @RaghavSood That's how you answer to someone who offers you a candy
@Graeme yes. it's not been a good week.
W0mp knows.
Oooof just saw the original message, sorry to hear that eric
I'd love to make a trip to canada but i'm tied to spend christmas with family.
If you're a star wars fan and haven't seen the Mandalorian yet, might help cheer you up. it definitely lifted my mood last week
i told you about it :D
I'm going to kidnap him on christmas
OH right
i almost post a super cute spoiler
is it baby yodes
Everybody knows baby Yoda is just too cute
mandalorian/food/friends chat/etc is keeping me "there" but i've been for a week and half on the red alert extra meds.
Yikes, poor guy
still i'm 250% better than last monday so
virtual hugs
that's a thing.
also virtual hugs
It's probably best anyway, I plan to be naked a lot on Vacation
queuing being Graeme and bb
When are you going back to the independent city state of Catelonia?
@Graeme When and where are you going?
Not because I'm going to time a vacation in the same place to see you naked, just curious
Here we go - I talk about being naked and all of a sudden BB want's to come too
I keep telling you - you're too young for me
And poor
This is what I get for taking interest in a gay man's life
How old is ye old Graem'pa?
3... something
I'm either turning 36 or 37 in a couple of days
Well, 3 isn't that old, young boy
Okay, too slow, snap
@Graeme depends on home office approvals either the 20th or the 24th.
o.o Home Office?
BB - If you were 20 years older... and 20k richer I'd probably throw you one.
Hooo, (sidenote sorry) I learned that if I were to go to the merry goopy wonderland of CANADA... well, it'll take at the very least 7 month of process... yaaaaaay
Just so you don't feel totally sad
Nya - Nah, bit quicker than that depending on the application type
rugby has teached many things, one of them is spontaneous nudity acceptance and participation.
4 months of application for a work permit, 3 months to leave my job here once I get the confirmation
@Graeme bahaha well good to know I guess?
I've actually started seeing this girl the past week and it's been going extremely well :D
The psycho one?
Wait, you're onto a new one?
mw had a story this morning :D
another one
No this is the gorgeous one
Another-nother? Damn son
Ah yeah, the gorgeous-insta-psycho one
yess yes
BB has all the venereal diseases :P
She's not as psycho as I thought
the linux one or the choking one?
Good news then
wait not that was mw
@Graeme hypersyphilaids
i'm surrounded by glitter due to christmas party card.
bahaha not sure about choking
Commonly known as "The ballBreaking disease"
@ballBreaker Again, read mw this morning for the choking part)
Ohh a Mw story, will do
Well not as psycho as you thought, but she still let you play Wow for 2 hours while petting the cat. She is clearly bonkers at some level (with all due respect)
@Graeme yeah i can work from home, and it's quite nice. good for when there's unexpected delivery delays or your whole stair is getting painted
hmm this is true
She also came and chilled for the last 2 hours of our Dungeons and Dragons session on Saturday
and ended up roleplaying as one of the bosses and almost killed us all
our DM was impressed
Wtf are you waiting for? Give her the ring, you fool
ooh nice. lucky boy.
Give her the ring so that she can roleplay as Sauron ?
hah actually that reminds me of this pic I saw on reddit last night
user image
@ballBreaker You must be hella handsome, since I guess you're not attracting girls with your sense of humor...
(Too far? Too far)
hahaha no no I was trying to think of a funny response
but my crappy sense of humour ..
Is more than good enough here
well if it's not my looks, not money.. and not my sense of humour
must be my massive veiny personality
It's always about the personality, deep down
On that high note, I'll go before my manager pins another bug on my back! See you all
How did the interviews go over the weekend?
Ah! Tell me tomorrow :)
Enjoy your evening
Nah, it's good, I can ninja a few more minutes
I had 2, with one AA company, and one AAA
Is the AAA ubisoft?
I seem to recall a Montreal office
AA was really nice, very agreable people, laughed, chat, exchanged. They kept 30 out of 1000 applications, and I was one of the good junior of the lot
BB isn't ugly either, as far as i can tell, so looks might play a part.
his ugliness is on the inside
starring because true
@Tim XD
Good morning terrestrial critters
@Nyakouai Damn sounds like you impressed them and the interview went well
AAA that I won't name ( :P ) was more about filling a sheet, then process me as fast as possible to make room for the candidates after me, cause there was a lot of interviews planned
Hmm.. guessing you got a better feeling from the AA than the AAA then.. not always the nicest to feel like a number
Also went to pay a visit to Eidos, dropped a CV, and to Gearbox (they have a new office and Quebec) and I basically admitted my obsessive love for their game
(And slipped a CV too, soooo)
Wargaming also had an office in qebec i think
Overall, nice week end if a bit tiring. I'm making preparations just in case I get to the technical test(s) phase
and there's also Bioware, but they might cease to exist soon.
I'm kinda lost... we now have AA, AAA and BB??
what are you all talking about?
Awesome man, that's really great! It sounds like you've taken some good steps forward
oh they killed it two years ago
i'm so out of touch
fucking EA
Looks like you're in a good position though @Nya !
Still a long way to go, but it's always nice ^^
And on that, I'll take my things and go! See you all, have a good day
hey carl o/
@Nyakouai cya man, have a good evening
cya man!
fresh picture, Carl :D
yeah! Carl 2.0
Ubisoft HQ's in MTL I think
yep, changed things up
@ballBreaker ^ 28$ to know the content of the deleted message
hahaha I saw it
Nice try though
Do we have an AoC group leaderboard yet?
not that I'm going to have much time for it this year...
back~~ :3
heya womp!
WOMPER!!!!! :D
@MehdiB. You owe me $28 now since I saw it
CARL!!!!!!! :D
nice move ball-b
bahahahah nice
the Uno equivalent of No u
nicely put XD
how against a || undelete command are you guys? James would respond with the content of the most recently deleted message
very against
that would defy the purpose of the message deletion feature
As much as I personally would like it from a gossipy drama point of view..
I agree. Just polling.
would be as Mehdi said
It would also require to keep a pretty long log in case there is nothing deleted for a while
I think, at least
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos well messaged can only be deleted for a certain time
It's okay we forgive you
we do?
It's okay, we I forgive you
You need to earn W0mps forgiveness though
@W0MP3R excuse me?
you are excused
@JBis Hi,
Nyconing bot is born from mother Zirak/SO-ChatBot
No any further information is collected from original Zirak bot is collected.
You can starts by recommended commands:
·google | Search Google. `/google query`
·wiki | Search Wikipedia. `/wiki term`
·eval / > | Runs C# codes.
·msdn | Fetches msdn page. `/msdn what`
... more commands see !~listcommands
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos help, afk, android, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, firebase, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, quote, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ah, botmadness, hw, meow, ughh
anyway, now you know there is a new bot here
I am sus of the eval but I don't know c# enough to test
@RaghavSood I just wanna let you know, two or three weeks ago I secretly setup a listener to respond "Yes." to your "No."'s 1/10th of the time randomly, however either you are really lucky or it didn't work. Either way that never happened. It has since been removed :(
It did trigger at least once
11 hours ago, by JamesBot
@RaghavSood Yes.
Oh it did work!
ok now i am happy :)
Are there any Android developer options that will keep local files around even after the app is uninstalled?
asshole ones, don't do it
I write a cache of settings to disk, and our QA is finding that the settings file is still there even after uninstalling and reinstalling the app
So the settings file is not on the internal storage since they can see it
The internal storage is on a per app basis and gets cleared after uninstalling the app
Unless something changed in the last 1.5y I didn't do Android
It's the new Backup feature
she had a backup of her files done helpfully by Google
i guess you already know this, you can define what to keep in the backups
or you can turn them off
I wasn't even aware of the feature until now
yeah you can even backup shared prefs
and keep the users signed in on restores
also keep in mind when working with temp files
there is deleteOnExit which should delete all temp files created when VM exits
but thats never going to happen on android
also carl we talked about serialization some time ago
check this out when you get some time gist.github.com/milis92/3b6ec681b398359696bda4bcad46dd9f
also @TaseerAhmad check the updated gist

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