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In my next maintenance phase, im ditching navigation
@Zoe Wah. I'll guess from your current. Send a link to the real one
Coldplay hype?
any coordinatorlayout nerds here
@TimCastelijns nice
what you need timmy?
not an expert but have used it
I have a fullscreen dialogfragment with CoordL as root and it has like 64dp margin bottom for some reason, but only when I define a layout with a bottomsheet behavior
its <CL fullscreen><LL fullscreen /> <LL 200dp high /> </CL
@TimCastelijns peek height?
maybe default padding?
peek heigth is 0
the margin is transparent
do you have fitsystemswindow flag in the layout?
do you have a screenshot?
wait, rules: Remember that this is a chat room, not a helpdesk. :D
ohh shit sorry :)
I didn't expect that
that's very generalizing and offensive grrig
thanks for taking a stance Tim
flagged as offensive
@TimCastelijns I was just calling nerds to help you :(
ah ok in that case thank you
summoning the nerds -> wild ivan appears
you're welcome :)
tims you have a gist?
btw is grrigore your real name?
@IvanMilisavljevic shadow clone jutsu?
Grigore, without double r
oh then put the fit flag in layout tim
that should solve the issue
all my modal views draw background behind the navigation bar, this modal as well, only the layout seems to be somewhat short
oh i see
I had a similar issue
it does nothing even true and false
with that bottom bar
hmm strange
@grrigore Which R in your name identify as silent? The first one or the second one?
The second one of course
i was thinking if only you had a n in your name it "grr ignore"
I don't use fitsSystemWindows anywhere, it's the dumbest api I have ever seen. I do all window fitting manually
I'm not that cool man..
Maybe you have a N that identify as invisible grigore
strange i have not seen this issue tim
Tim do you think it could be the theme?
@MehdiB. never saw that :P
Hi everyone what are we talking about 'ere
hmmm if I comment out bottom window inset padding it works
why did you add it?
because you need it when drawing under system bars
lol what exception is this insurgent?
i dont remember needing it
yes I do
i mean which language exception you are?
It's made up xD
"Insurgent" means rebel
so you are a rebelexception xD
also interesting K3
i dont think thats the issue tim
is that a dialog or a view?
A rebel pointer exception
thats the background dim
it is a dialogfragment styled as a fullscreen dialog, ivan
well if it works then coool
Why don't you use an activity?
i dont remember using that attribute
project lead decided we use single activity, no exceptions
use activity for dialog what?
Aw, cool
@TimCastelijns oof
no not cool :D it sucks
Yes, design it with transparent background and stuff
finally tim doing single activity and all fragments lmao
it's ass
do you like the music btw? It's belgian
what does java throw if we tried to throw a rebel exception?
Any pieces of adivces for a public presentation?
@TimCastelijns rando answer from SO
if (getDialog() != null && getDialog().getWindow() != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {
Window window = getDialog().getWindow();
// dark navigation bar icons
View decorView = window.getDecorView();
decorView.setSystemUiVisibility(decorView.getSystemUiVisibility() | View.SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LIGHT_NAVIGATION_BAR);
I'm going to present my final thesis in 2 days
What's the reason of the choice Tim?
@TimCastelijns haha never heard of it but sounds gud
maybe you can set the style attribute to force white navigation
@grrigore good luck! What's the theme?
Wait what is this navigation thingy
Thank you
a new google shit, rebel
I have the dialog stuff all set up ivan, it works nicely everywhere, only not when I make coordinatorlayout the root layout
A system for the blood donation centers, a software one, web app for the staff, mobile app for the donors and a small server
@MehdiB. "google says" sigh
oook then @ColdFire
ah, coordinator layout is special
it works strangely imo
Can't you avoid it, Tim? use anything else?
its totally retarded
@TimCastelijns Ah :D thought I'd finally get an answer to why is Google pushing for it as well :D
Ik I thought I saw everyone say they were confused earlier
@grrigore I would wish you good luck, but I know you already have tons of skill and don't need luck
So, good skill to you
@MehdiB. maybe going the ios way?
@ballBreaker aww that nice, but I'm not very good at public speaking :(
@IvanMilisavljevic i agree xD
I guess there is something funky with that bottomInset
@MehdiB. Ian lake did a presentation on it last year. Their reasoning is that activity was designed to be an entry point to the app, not an arbitrary screen container
Just imagine everyone in the room as clothed and you are fully naked
or was it imagine everyone else naked
I can't remember
@TimCastelijns Yet that took them almost 10 years to make a compatible lib for that?
@IvanMilisavljevic I copied the code from chris banes :) but yeah maybe
@ballBreaker Will figure this out
@ColdFire i woundt say compatible
yeah well replace it with a better word
working lib?
@TimCastelijns and this is a lie :D it wasnt designed for anything
insurgent lib
like incompatible library
he means the lib is rebelling against the status quo
well he had to say something, he could not say "yeah ok guys and look on your left you will see the Activity component. This is a god class and we use it for literally everything. You can use 100 of them but you should have only 1, maybe"
@ColdFire this guy got it
@TimCastelijns makes sense, but then why would navigation be natively bound to activities instead of fragments?
i hope they fix the god object problem
@grrigore :D
@TimCastelijns this reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=Zgk8UdV7GQ0
@MehdiB. it's not :)
I'm off guys, see you, have a good night
Cya grrigore o/
Also with that logic, why would we have an Application class if the single point of entry is the Activity
i guess its handled by a navhost right?
App class have no UI activity is entry point for Ui i guess
@TimCastelijns startActivity (intent)
hmm seems much like fragment being managed by fragment controller currently
oh I thought you meant the AAC navigation
No no just the classic one with intents
Ok I need to be off bye all
does navhost adds something that currently we dont have without the lib?
cya dude
i mean you could go single activity without that lib anyway
cya rebel
yes you could and it would be easier to manage even
i figured so
livestream of the total solar eclipse happening in Chile right now
about 60 seconds away from totality
clicked away for 5 seconds, missed it
I looked directly at my screen and now I'm blind
nooo fuck I'm retarded
omg I know how adam has felt all those times
you did a stupid mistake?
get absolutely rekt @adam
@AdamMc331 you got a follower
you could say that
well nice you solved it
I set a background on the original layout, then nested that in the new coordinatorlayout. Forgot to put the background on the coordinatorlayout
adam level indeed
congrats you get a place on the hall of fame
nice what do I get?
where is adam anyway?
@TimCastelijns Self pity loathing
a keystore
I'm such a wallower
How do I say those songs probably suck without offending you
you could say "they suck"
you can say his taste in music is extreeemely arbitrary
you dont like one republic?
Yeah neither of these songs are the nitecore you usually listen to
lol what
well it's too late to apologize now
honestly I'd probably rather listen to nitecore or whatever it is
i think you are referring to zoe
Yeah you must be right
I thought you liked it too though
i do but i listen to a variety of songs
and that includes nightcore
its not the only
nightwish too?
Oh okay
@TimCastelijns bye bye beautiful!
well I would rather listen to nightcore than one republic, so whatever that tells you about this
music taste is very subjective anyway
@TimCastelijns not heard whatever it is
Yeah, I mean music is very opinionated for sure
I used to be a fan of nightwish :D
@MehdiB. I recently learned of ghost love score. It's pretty cool. Also did you see my 👌 norsemen reference just now? 😂
But that being said, everyone's opinion but mine is just wrong
if you gonna watch, the video is about 50% of the experience
This is pretty cool
Theatrical metal
@TimCastelijns I saw it, and it made me sad that no one noticed it, as if we're the only ones to having watched it :D
always interesting to listen to
nice, this performance is the pinnacle of the genre
its that good?
yeah well at least that makes 2 of us contributing to the cultural stronghold right
Does anyone here use mailgun? Do you like it?
yeah yeah tim i saw that reference
do you want a star?
@TimCastelijns the peak of mount good music?
@JBis kinda like ses more
it's an expression "the best of"
but due do other aws integrations
and it was a nm reference when he found Clark and his friends having a "night gathering" :D
@TimCastelijns if you like live performance, you should check out rammstein
you guys finished watching chernobyl?
ah I see du hast mir gefragt to check out rammstein
@IvanMilisavljevic Do you get any free with that?
yeah man it's only 5 episodes
> After a long and strenuous journey, you have just reached the peak of Mount Hurtfulness. You have climbed to the pinnacle of the Hurt Tree. You've shattered the hurt ceiling
with the speed you were watching i thought it would take a year
@MehdiB. x.x I will leave the nm club if you wish
wow shots fired
62,000?! Nice!
@TimCastelijns no no that's not what I meant, I think I heard someone say: 1, 2, 3 you shall stay
oh wait, theres a catch
> Sending email from an application hosted in Amazon EC2
shit good animes are all ending
need some good series or animes
@JBis There is always a catch
why don't you ask the court's show suggester to give you something to watch?
I recently recommended the handmaid's tale to mehdi
there is new archer season
will check it out i guess
oh CF, I went with Eric on a carnival, and the india group played tunak tunak, it was fun :D
ah a classic
probably the only group that was followed by hundreds all around the place, they knew how to make people want to dance :D
@IvanMilisavljevic nice! I thought it ended years ago
It might as well have ended
each season after ISIS has been pretty meh
yeah true, couple of last seasons are meh
its always sunny?\
Amazing show
fully recommend to anyone with a slightly dark sense of humour
season 14 coming out around September i think
there might be some crossover with Office (us version)
its always sunny is on my must watch list :D
Really? That would be weird.. hasn't the office not been running for years now?
I always love september for TV.... South Park should probably return around the same time as IASIP
yeah office ended years ago
but sunny crew is teasing something
yeah shit i forgot about SP
Nice that'd be pretty cool!
I'm heading out for the night though, take care gents!
sup Trangle man
@MehdiB. you met eric?
1 hour later…
@RaymondArteaga What's up :3
Temperature is definitely not going up

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