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But I feel like spinner_item is not being bound at all
No matter what text I put in there, it's not picking it up
and i am asking you to return int?
where did you ask that?
oh man
it is bound otherwise you wouldn't see anything
but it's bound to the ComponentCat instance
Apr 24 '18 at 20:36, by Cold Fire
just put a Int there
@RaghavSood right, I'm sorry I changed my location often today with lack of internet sometimes
another whoosh
@TimCastelijns yes, but the spinner_item as you see has a android:text that should represent the value of the getter
@TimCastelijns not enough coffee today, a lot of woosh I don't care
@RaghavSood lmao that is a year old
ok but is it s ObservableField<String> or an ObservableField<ComponentCatName> ?
@RaghavSood crypto has gone mad again
There's always money to be made for those who look for it
@TimCastelijns the first
Source: Am poor
put a breakpoint on line 50 and see if it is called, and what it returns
being poor is not about the amount of money one has, but what one does with it
@TimCastelijns good one
@MwBakker Nah, up to a certain point, the amount is definitely a primary factor
@TimCastelijns if it was a string instance i dont see how he had this issue in the first place
@TimCastelijns the getter is not being called on
Another company using Flutter
We just released the @tonal companion app on Android and iOS! Fun fact, it was written 100% in Flutter! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tonal.companion https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tonal/id1437460744
So I assume it just takes my XML file, bind the hash value to the textfield, but ignores the String binding I want it to perform
I know Gabriel used to work at Airbnb and was part of team which was using RN there I think
so I guess I am bound to use a custom adapter as it seems
there is one other option
death isn't always the solution, Tim
not yet
i think he means not using databinding
oh ok then there are 2
I think the opening quote of lotr was inspired by databinding
what was it?
use it and you shall suffer for eternity?
this bit
> One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
it represents the evil nature of databinding
One lib to fuck it all up, One lib to disregard SoC,
One lib to to tightly couple UI and logic, and in the darkness bind them
that was the original
am I lucky I have never seen lotr
never really go to it
same here
only saw the last part i think
also did not watch star wars
that's fine star wars is shit
or the marvel universe
that's also understandable
@MuratKaragöz same
@MuratKaragöz also
Also no one here is hailing the king in the north
I am disappointed
no one dares to mention GoT
btw lotr is like got but 5000x better
I have never seen got either
am curious now, what have you seen?
Dragon ball z, avatar, last man on earth, Top gear
those have been the only shows I have followed, ofc next to south park and such
could you leave this room now
I can bench press though, please make me stay
Yes, but only nerds allowed here
you can redeem yourself with a detailed review on lotr by tomorrow morning
if you start watching now you have time for a couple of bathroom breaks and like 4h sleep
aw damn
Anyway else to redeem myself?
didn't the drama count? didn't it count at all?
yes there is another way, but you won't opt for it
there is one mean temperature in berlin, 24 feels like 35 in morocco
wait for 40
you will die
@TimCastelijns I am bound to my standards
are you prepared to go down with your ship
just came back to the office after 2h out, mostly spent walking, I was on the verge of melting
just in time for an emergency meeting to discuss a ban for Mw
looks like I'm late to the party, already 5 votes in favour of banning him :O
@MuratKaragöz XD
Aha, I have got all three of my monitors working again
Soon, I shall have a stiff neck again
@MehdiB. wh.. ??
it's a cruel world :/
@Code-Apprentice I didn't think I was stirring anything up!
lol did I get flagged?
We're aiming for flogged here
for burrito supreme?
Some tastes can just not be forgiven
I haven't had taco bell in forever, but their taco/burrito supremes are pretty awesome
regret it later, but awesome in the moment
@MehdiB. Surprised Warren lets you out that much
Blink twice if you need help
no, for the mom goat joke
More understandable, but I was just following suit of someone else :\
@RaymondArteaga I'm sure your mother is a sweetheart, sorry if you took offence frog from another mother
@RaghavSood that's gonna be Eric in 2 weeks :D
Ah, interesting
You still haven't met the full chain of command then
All roads lead to Warren
It is known
Does this mean that Warren == Death
@TimCastelijns I've been really holding jokes back since your warning, sorry about the flag<_<
trying to be good
Did I miss drama
yeah last night everyone was cussing in spanish
la hora loca
@TimCastelijns lol i think i used the gif first here
Every time I am not here things go out of control - 🤔 coincidence?
there was drama?!
spanish drama
to be precise
Pleaaaaase everyone no excel powerpoint jokes 🙏
o/ Graeme
sup PolarBear
Hiya Graeme!!!!! :D
Heyah mama di heyo
.... heya mama? K3?
Their videoclip is shot in different countries
But the song is not internationally known
Yeah not sure of the song
plz link!
They're kids entertainers but in order to make daddy watch with his kids they used some hot chicks
hahahah that's hilarious
I require sustenance
I shall have ice cream
This reminds me of either Aqua or the Vengaboys
Vengaboys are partly Dutch too
Or entirely I dk
I'm really not surprised hahaha
So much techno from that era came from NL
catchy tune
@ballBreaker lol, it does sound offensive here, but I really didn't care about the offensiveness, I was just trying to cause some drama and get someone muted for an hour... I was about to unflag it, but it's apparently not possible, sorry if I hurted your feelings, I'll try to be a better person from now on...
Please, consider that my apology letter
What did you do
I flagged someone for the first time :)
It felt nice
weird, but ok
Anyone tried putting a radius 1 on a ripple ? Turns it into space invaders.
Aqua and Vengaboys? <3?
switches playlist from Korn to Vengaboys
@Graeme <3
Also <3 Korn
Sorry but we, Cubans, tend to be malditos :P, it's just our nature, I only tried to annoy someone and at the time defending the mothers, mothers are considered sacred here :)
@RaymondArteaga I didn't take it personally, I just thought I offended you and I didn't wanna hurt your feelings
I get flagged once a week
No way!
I was expecting you to be muted for a half hour, so I can laugh on your on a revengeful basis, but it couldn't be...
When I went to spain the "your mom is a goat" was one of the top insults while I was there and it's one of the only spanish sentences I remember hahahaha
any recommendations for a nice song to focus?
Damn, when I write it, it sounds mean
I guess I should see a shrink or something
@MehdiB. I'll give you a whole album
Samurai Champloo OST (disk 1)
First song is the only one with lyrics so you can skip that if you want
It's the intro
to the anime
@RaymondArteaga the funny thing is that I was leaving for the day anyways, so even if I was muted I wouldn't have known :'D
Thanks! I skipped to min 3:50, and it's chill :D
It's the best soundtrack of all time IMO
@ballBreaker I know, you said it before leaving
> they used hot chicks
But anyway it was a mean trolling act, I regret
@MehdiB. This one is chill youtube.com/…
From now on you'll be greeted like this: Hi Mr. BB, SFFY in memory of TDRFB, read that as: Hi Mr. Ballbreaker, Sorry For Flagging You, in memory of The Day Raymond Flagged Ballbreaker
Or you could not and in general post less flaggable stuff
flaggable stuff is subjective
I try my best
@TimCastelijns that made me leugh, thanks
Yeah, but this ain't Discord. The rules are a lot stricter
I've been flagged for saying jesus before
@MuratKaragöz the song and the singer are nice :D
That is all.
@MwBakker already told you that your musical tastes make you look like a fun person to hang out with XD
haha thanks
Yeah I dig this song
But also, My Culture is not your prom dress Bakky
@MuratKaragöz (Thumbnail half NSFW) is this the original youtube.com/watch?v=-x5LnDSctk0?
yes and pretty shitty imo
@ballBreaker ??
@MwBakker Oh you don't know that reference?
yeah I hear some autotune and I dislike that
it's a great song, but yeah the autotune ruins it
Some chick wore a chinese dress to her prom in the US and some girl responded "My Culture is not your damn prom dress"
and it started some drama, and became a meme
hahah nice
The funny part about the whole ordeal is that she was crying cultural appropriation
but then the girl who wore the dress got 99% support from people living in China
That's why it became a meme, then everyone just started making fun of the girl who was being a baby in the first place
@MuratKaragöz what did that translate to?
it's also funny how people who criticise someone for making some unjustified noise make 10 times more noise :D
@MehdiB. yeah haha welcome to the interwebz
who ever can scream the loudest wins!
@ballBreaker haha it was just crying for attention. It happens a lot
Yeah, twitter is cancer
instagram can be too
Twitter still beats FB
twitter is amazing
At least Twitter's content reporting system doesn't consist of a bot that waits a random amount of time before sending a stock "declined" reply...
twitter is the best social media website there is hands down
I think I've met like 20+ people from twitter irl
I haven't even met anybody from this room :(
I've met quite a few
@ballBreaker no idea, but the police siren is funny
carl, mehdi, murat, warren, raghav, tristan, adam, anoobian, redwarp
and I'm probably missing a bunch
@Ahmad I've met like 100 people from tinder does that count
In Dutch it would make no sense, but in English I would call them my Tinderella as soon as I meet them
I would prob get rejected more often, so it's better that I'm Dutch
@Ahmad didn't you meet Eric in UPC (Barcelona)???
there is no replaceAll function in javascript? wtf man
@Ahmad you keep avoiding me :(
@MwBakker hahahah that's kind of endearing and weird at the same time
mahsa requested access. Rep: 56 - Questions: 0 - Answers: 2 (ratio 4:Infinity)
@mahsa you currently do not meet the requirements to chat here. You can find our requirements in the rules.
@mahsa you're almost there, try to answer a few questions to reach a reputation of 80, and request again 👍
The new guy is too helpful, I propose impeachment
yeah wtf mehdi
We all know that Tim promoted because of Mehdi's shared love for Norsemen and not for qualifications
I smell collusion
"Nothing on BB's investigation report, waste of room resources, completely exonerated!"
Can anyone spoil endgame for me?
It was the Russians!
@TaseerAhmad How do I delete someone else's message
I can spoil it
I don`t know, maybe beg the person?
@TaseerAhmad my endgame is to leave children on this world
That's just plain mean, Mw
Look around you
Is this the world you would wish upon someone?
Not his problem, Rag
@RaghavSood my offspring increases the problem
Both Tim and Mehdi are RO because I said so
I mean, depends how you define what the problem is I guess
"and decrease the problem" oh no he didn't hahah
I meant that more in like an overpopulation sense, not an anti semitic way
you already showed your /pol/ powers bb
lmao lets just remove that
So we have any fans of eugenics in here?
lol jk
@ballBreaker mother nature is :(
I noticed when my ex left me for her violent ex
Is there a way to store primitive data without creating an object?
why would you want that
I guess you could send strings and int's directly per raw query to sql
@TaseerAhmad store how?
Like store their 'current' instance so that I can use that data to compare with the newer data? I don`t know something like that. I already have many objects initialiazed in my activity.
Just use an int?
Not on SQLite or shared preferences.
cache it maybe? How you ask? Idk
Not really sure what you're trying to do
Send the data to me, and I'll personally hold on to it and then give it back later
2 weeks later, the EU sues @ballBreaker for GDPR violations.
Me with Taseer's data:
Sorry I am confused too. I think I am too much about 'performance'.
@ballBreaker Rude 0.-
eh, you could just create a StaticDataStore and throw whatever you're storing in there
primitive types are not objects
and why do you even concern yourself with that
I just got rid of a singleton class. Ok, is there any alternate way 'delete' allocated object like in C++ in Kotlin?
You don't
C++ is for mega nerds
Java nerds don't care about stuff like that
however you can assign null to it to be eligible for garbage collection
@MuratKaragöz I have an object that contains primitive data types(10 variables). I was concerned with looking for an efficient way to store these variables without creating the object that`s residing it.
@ballBreaker i know this one lol
That is micro optimization, don't bother with it
Because the data from these objects is coming from views that can be changed any time which is why I wanted to store their previous instance and compare with the newer.
Oh okay.
he won't be satisfied until he would have created his own performant language
Compare and then do what?
Compare with the current data, if changed, store in Room DB.
why not just use some persistence architecture
It's generally fast
Although I keep talking about things java related not fully aware if it translates to android so ignore me potentially
@TaseerAhmad dude that is micro optimization , totally unnecessary
@ballBreaker I saw 5 flags at one point
Hello CA
@Code-Apprentice on that same message?
I wonder if I was muted then but not aware
@MuratKaragöz C++ > Java
did you get muted?
I have no idea I left
oh lol
Roger that, no more micro-optimization.
frog mission failed
Zoe, you are so right! Right in being wrong. Clearly Kotlin > C++ > Java.
Apr 16 at 17:24, by Carl Anderson
they made a Javascript version of Java and called it Kotlin
said the guy who has tons of experience in the 3 languages? :D
Does anyone know how to access the SO database querier
@TaseerAhmad No
I wanna see if I can look myself up in there and see how many times I've been flagged in my career
C++ > Kotlin Native >>>>>> Kotlin >> Java
Even if it is the 'javascript' version of Java, is it any less than it? No. Is it better? Yes.
@ColdFire hi cf
@ballBreaker ask the mods? probably?
@ballBreaker yah, the one where you called my mother a goat
Hey now
I called everyone's mother a goat
I don't know if you were muted. I think that only happens if enough people approve the flag.
It was in spanish
that makes it like 90% less bad
because that makes it better?
@Code-Apprentice 7 users IIRC (20k vs 10k may make a difference, I'm not sure), or a mod. A mod can also single-handedly rule for or against a flag regardless of feedback from other users
damn a whole conversation in spanish and nobody flagged
that was awesome , considering how trigger happy people here
I got flagged 5 times
I vaguely remember it's score-based, but I'll need to find something to back that up
because of the content and not the language used
What useful plugin are you using for AS?
I mean
dave said everyone's mother has giant eggs
arguably worse
throws dave under the bus
The colors are inverted xd
I like the lime green one ^^
It's the only plugin with decent light themes
And some of them are pink or purple, which is a plus
@Zoe so "one mod" qualifies as "enough people" ;-)
I am using Material color plugin.
Basically :D
I need to befriend more mods
@TaseerAhmad The one I linked is a fork off plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/8006-material-theme-ui
I purposely kept my description vague because I don't know the details
@ballBreaker well i dont know spanish , so /shrug i had no idea what anyone said
@ColdFire google translate
@TaseerAhmad there is a material color plugin, i like it
I should go hang out in silly hats and shmooze the mods in there so they decline all my flags
you still there in silly hats?
I am looking for a plugin that changes brackets color so I can easily identify which bracket belongs to which scope.
@TaseerAhmad yup same this one
@TaseerAhmad why not just line them up
@TaseerAhmad If your cursor is after a close bracket, it will highlight the matching opening one (assuming well-formed code)
@ballBreaker They look cluttered then :/
Oh I like the fact that it colours the parenthesis tho
@Zoe Yes!
@TaseerAhmad they line up differently in formatting so should be understandable?
How else do you format your braces?
Indented brackets gets you half the way
the rainbow brackets plugin adds a more visual effect for callbacks, but beyond that, formatting is key
Just use python
The way BB formatted those braces. I know they take less space but they look cluttered.
exactly! Raghav knows what he's talking about

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