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3:07 PM
What's MVI?
@ColdFire sadly, that is so true. I'm less than optimistic that the Democrats can find a viable candidate that has a chance of winning in 2020.
They gotta keep hillary out of it
I don't think she can run after MeToo
also they abusing people who voted for trump isnt really going to win election
they might wanna rethink that
or calling trump supporter racist bla bla bla etc
that's been their strategy though, trying to shame people from voting for him
3:14 PM
well that will backfire
it already did lol
and will again in future i mean
some problem with our left
I think the people in charge of that are in their own bubble and can't realize it
altho in kerala the same problem is with our right and that is why they arent winning in that state
yeah bubble
also the "us vs them" the democrat party propagate i hate the most
> I registered as Democract 40 + years ago then moved to Michigan 20+ years ago…I mention this because party affiliation is less formalized for the voter here.

If you vote for a Democrat candidate in the primary then the system identfies you as a Democract…if you vote for a Republican then the system says your a Republican.

Anyway as a formerly known as Democract I supported, worked and voted for Donald Trump in Michigan.

Mainly because I'm tired of the promise you everything…do nothing Swamp dwelling power brokering creatures of the Dems & Repubs.
@Code-Apprentice I am just reading the basics of it. It seems to revolve around passing around state models instead of individual strings of data
3:27 PM
did you like it so far?
holy shit this quora answer perfectly summed up what we were discussing eski just few minutes back : qr.ae/TUIF2E
damn googlebot
the question itself is telling
the asker already sees themselves as above every person that supports trump
Yeah it seems nice. I will finish the read and maybe use it in chat app
^^ the high holy mighty
3:33 PM
the question is ignorant to the idea that having a conversation might require...*listening*
from what i have seen of the indian left they are intolerant of the highest order and they preach tolerance to others
maybe practice what you preach sometimes at least
it's very true here as well :(
3:36 PM
would be cool if google recommender systems understood that if someone googled some day about the use of a logging tool they'll probably never need to read additional articles the next day
i was mostly apolitical pre 2014 or uninterested in politics and only voted for modi since it was a modi wave (left wing rule was deep in corruption shit and policy paralysis weakening economy , currency fall) but then when i saw what i saw of left i become a anti left clearly they dont practice what they preach
a interesting blog i read called them the regressive left , perfect word for our left :D
I've always been pro-left, then I stopped caring about the political scene, still with an adherence to the principles of the left
hmm i wouldn't call myself pro right since i dont agree with quite a few of right policy but anti left would be a perfect word for me :D
a like few of the left policies tho
I'm gonna start learning deep learning today
thanks for the motivation
learn it deeply
I'm definitely feeling this Monday. I came in and I had like two hours of great productivity and now I'm exhausted
Indian left hasn't even wondered why they don't win in urban areas which are supposed to be stronghold of left
xD eski
> Good article on India's net neutrality provisions. India is among the largest economies to have a net neutrality protection -- allowing all content to reach their users at the same speeds.
net neutrality ftw
@AdamMc331 reboots adam into safe mode
anyway what new things are you learning adam?
4:11 PM
Nothing crazy at the moment.
I pitched adding app shortcuts to the app but I think we're going to save that as a project for our junior dev when she's back from vacation.
I thought you were the junior dev
4:27 PM
har har
tim dont be so harsh on adam , he is a good dev
Tim's mad at me
because I've been putting off reviewing his Kotlin for like two weeks
oh i see
4:50 PM
*checks putlocker in india*
net neutrality my ass
what is putlocker?
its opening here
yeah it varies by internet operator that makes it worse
the operators have power
and they are controlled by corps
well i was referring to all sites getting same speed rather than censorship
net neutrality doesnt mean you get to open pirated sites
@Reno corps which are usually pro-right, CF is ok with censorship :D
i am not ok with censorship
4:54 PM
then how do you make sure there is no opposition in your domains? :D
why would i need to make sure that?
btw reno did you get a dialogue saying "its been blocked due to government direction something like that"?
i sometimes get that dialogue when opening torrent sites
yes i get that too
blocked by DoT
5:03 PM
hmm you are right about operators tho it varies across operators
i have seen some people able to open sites i cant and vice versa
just a case of operators not compiling with DoT i guess
@MehdiB. mostly both major parties are pro corporate now in india
it's good to be pro-corps, but the left is supposed to be lighter in this (protecting employees against costs cutting etc...)
hmm our left well has turned to be crony capitalism tho , employee protection is already hurting us and there are demands to scrap that
as we already have a employee protection act
lol that's so weird
yeah :D
5:13 PM
they're like pets that you occasionally eat
mealworms wtf
i don't consider insects pets, I consider them unwanted visitors
me either, but if I'm raising them on my desk..
except insects < 5mm, I find them repugnant
"I was really pleased by the crispy texture" XD
5:18 PM
people are eating bugs..another sign that an economic crash is coming
Are you telling china economy is crashing soon?
are they eating more bugs than they used to, or the same amount?
the bug eating derivative is the indicator
they are eating more bugs now
- Reported by the CF Times
5:27 PM
sup tristan
user image
damn i could start a print media named CF Times
name sounds awesome :)
5:30 PM
@eski you should consider dropping some wisdom into theonion :D
Hows it going CF?
good what about you?
6:02 PM
mehdi do you have recommendations for a local database? :D trying to avoid the sqhell
realm-java is not for plain java :(
yeah..it's dumb
use ObjectBox instead
it is for a server project, not mobile
I think it was designed for both
6:09 PM
yeah I see now. I'll give it a try
@R15-Zucc shoo
@TimCastelijns you can use mongodb or orientdb (document based schema AKA json)
They're pretty straightforward
I will need some relationalism
I'm not really db savvy
They support relations and joints
And could even be consumed as RESTful APIs
6:21 PM
what about object box?
I just need 2 tables for now, 1 with 10 rows and 1 with 50k rows
Never used it
mongo seems like overkill for it
easy to set up is the most important criteria for me at this point
6:31 PM
You could start with Amazon RDS
It's free iirc
It's not free :/
Is anything?
6:35 PM
user image
7:12 PM
7:31 PM
what did you choose tim?
nothing yet
are your only criterions: ease of setup + straightforward API?
I guess
kotlin wrapper would be nice
I probably have a bunch more criteria that I don't know of yet xD
7:46 PM
@TimCastelijns do not use mongodb
Whatever you do, run from mongodb
bro he has 176k rep just do as he says
@AdamMc331 Oh now I remember why I'm mad at you
7:48 PM
I haven't had issues with Mongo
MongoDB is built for scale and for when your data can't be on a single machine, it is built from the ground up to be eventually consistent and not consistent and it's not an ACID database. It is one of the least simple databases I know of that is designed to solve a pretty complex problem you likely don't have.
but what issues could one face when running it on a single machine?
It's also the one most developers are the most likely to get incorrect reads and inconsistent data on. They added transactions which is a great first step - but denormalization isn't a good thing - it's something you do because you have to.
MongoDB has ACID support as of 4.0 and with a paid hosting solution it's pretty straight forward. If you're going to host yourself I wouldn't do MongoDB
@MehdiB. well, for starters a lot of the performance (it's still slower than PostgreSQL for instance, even for only JSON) writes are acknowledged and not committed by default
7:49 PM
I hate eventual consistency
What are the advantages then?
@DaveS MongoDB has transactions, I wouldn't say it's really ACID.
There is a mongo fork that actually does acid, forgot the name.
understood, I didn't know that
we use OrientDB on prod, it's ACID
Oh god, I'm not trying to shame you or say your choices aren't valid I'm sorry if it came off like that :D I'm just sharing pain from experience using MongoDB
flag him mehdi!
7:51 PM
I was geniunly asking XD
As an underlying database for a parse server, I've found MongoDB to work great in the use case a single user managing their own data and not really sharing it
@Mauker of Mongo? If you need distributed storage with reasonable power it's decent, it's much more advanced than most distributed databases for a lot of workloads and it's free unlike some alternatives (like raven)
I can't really speak outside of that
I see, thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum what do you suggest for a Json based db?
7:52 PM
@DaveS I believe that Parse is (was?) pretty great because of ease of access and usage over anything else
basically yes
@MehdiB. picking a database is a really big call - what are you going to store there?
for a personal project or small development team its a good choice
I'm not really sure what you mean by JSON based DB - do you just mean a database you can store JSON in?
It's open source so still possible to set up and use
7:53 PM
a NoSQL document based DB
DynamoDB works well if you don't mind being coupled to AWS
I personally like PostgreSQL which does JSON (faster than mongo) and has great control. I personally tend to start with SQLite but we work with different stacks so it doesn't really make sense since drivers make a world of difference.
My server side (excluding the http server our sdk runs) isn't written in Java and even when it was Java it was with Hibernate. I would definitely trust the word of someone using the same backend as you first.
For example in C# writing with SQL databases is easy because the language lets you run stream operations on the database directly by breaking it into a syntax tree and rebuilding it as database actions (LINQ to SQL and later entity framework etc).
In Node.js, people like Mongo because it's the easiest to set up.
^ good points
I strongly recommend using something that does ACID and sticking with the safest settings for your data as possible as long as you can afford it - but I am one person and it's just my opinion.
we're looking to ditch OrientDB 2.x, the team is worried about its future given their 2 consecutive acquisitions + an issue I've been facing a lot that forced me to hack stuff github.com/orientechnologies/orientdb/issues/1312
7:56 PM
I don't want to be that dude who comes in and tells you your stack is bad, that dude sucks and I am a firm believer in "do what ever works for you" and "make a better choice". I feel like I'm kind of being that dude though.
9 mins ago, by Tim Castelijns
bro he has 176k rep just do as he says
Jk, jk
But you made some good points
no worries, as long as you're not suggesting PHP, Benjamin :D
It really has everything to do with the application use case, language choice for backend, development resources and financial resources
are you implying you'd consider PHP for a small app?
7:58 PM
Only if that small app is a wordpress plugin
I personally would not use PHP for anything personal today but I am sure there are competent developers who do.
That said, I think there should be a rule that someone can't voice an opinion about a language they haven't used "in suffering" (that is, in production) for a month in the past 12 months.
Unfortunately for me, I used MongoDB today :D
My biggest fear with any SQL based DB is scalability. I really don't have the development resources on hand to play system admin, so need a set and forget autoscaling solution
so we almost always use a document DB from a cloud provider
I've been through an interesting interview process today and the last week
- HR: OK
- Algorithmic challenge: OK
- Spark ML Challenge: OK
- Manager Interview: KO, because of no Hadoop experience (which isn't in my CV at all) + you have no experience in solving Spark prod issues
it's because you only have 263 rep on SO mehdi
8:04 PM
alright mehdi ready to do the db layer
what did you choose?
8:08 PM
what upset me is, I don't lie on my CV, nor in interviews about what I know, so why did you make me do 2 challenges + 2 interviews if I wasn't a good fit XD
@MehdiB. lol
yeah mehdi it happens
they think developer are just beggars looking for job
actually I don't care, just don't like having my time wasted because of an erroneous job description or a disconnect in communication between hr and the team
Tim - you sure know how to build suspense XD
am trying exposed
8:23 PM
@ColdFire What does Adam have to do with anything?
because he is ok
looks like exposed is an ORM no?
I guess
but I'm about to ditch it
no instructions on how to start with an empty db
"connect like this" yeah bro, connect to what
yeah, they showed their supported DBs :D
you'll have to setup it separately
8:27 PM
googled for 10 mins, not up and running yet
You should encode all your data in connect 4 games, use machine learning to read the data and robots to write it
Are you trying to enslave Raghav, Dave?
and deploy the whole thing in a blockchain
I don't want to deal with all this shit, just want to store some data
think of how efficiently you can store qbits in a connect 4 game
maybe try firebase
8:30 PM
just want it local only
you can start with a relational one (sql based :D)
I wouldnt use document for a local only db
you can setup mysql or mariadb in 2min
i'd use SQLite with a ORM or something
brew install mariadb
and you have it
8:33 PM
sudo rm -rf Realm
> It is just a quick jump-start into using MariaDB.
Logging into MariaDB
Log into your MariaDB server from the command-line like so:
log in to your non existent server db
install MySQLWorkbench
so you don't have to deal with that, everything is visual
I don't mind command line
I mind skipping the step where you create the thing you log in to
When you install MariaDB, you log in, then create the database
8:39 PM
	USE timHQ;
lol ahmad
8:42 PM
@ColdFire yeah reaganomics really fucked up the us tho
I was surprised seeing blue states actually won by republicans
That was the start of the end
i thought they were never won by repubs
like cali for instance
california has enough republicans
in rural areas
8:45 PM
can't log in to the test db xD I must be some kind of retard
@Ahmad actually no idea about that
tim xD
from what i know rural areas are repubs areas and urban are democrats?
mostly yes
in related news
I got my US visa approved
today actually
wow nice
> When prompted to enter your password, enter it.
well what is the fucking password
flew from berlin to frankfurt, went to the embassy for 2h, and then continued to brussels
what a day
@TimCastelijns admin/password
8:47 PM
well show the world's best passport and get your visa :D
welcome @payne! please read the room rules
@TimCastelijns You create it when you install the DBMS
Now we need a max in here
So I can call them Max Payne
someone give tips on how I can motivate myself
I have no motivation
for anything
I hate everything rn
You're a flying hobo, you live to fly
We peasants can only watch your glory
8:50 PM
just purchase a small plane and fly it over germany
o/ felix long time no see
you should see my boarding pass wallet
8:50 PM
from just the past 3 weeks
Indeed, long time CF :)
@TimCastelijns mysql -uroot then use this command stackoverflow.com/a/26233939/9997227
@Mauker no you log into mariadb first and then create the db
I meant when you install mariadb
you create a "super user"
that you'll use to login
8:51 PM
it's literally all I do anymore
How do you fly so much?
selling drugs, probably
I'm the meme man
I deliver memes
You stole my memes?
8:52 PM
thanks mauker, turns out I was indeed being a retard. Missed the installation output that says to start the service xD
You're welcome bro
I steal your memes
and resell them
@FélixGagnon-Grenier hahahaha
hey Mehdi!
8:53 PM
I'm a meme whole saler
Hey Félix ! How have you been?
You're not my hero anymore </3
somewhat quite busy!
sorry bro
it's business as usual
Because of work or music?
8:54 PM
flights before bros
an original mauker meme goes for a lot of money
Both, actually. I had like 5 concert in a month along with working full time. took a few weeks of vacation after that, and now I'm back and kickin'
I'm what they call a content curator, not a content creator
And you Mehdi, I see you've lacked luck in an interview?
Nice !! 5 concerts, that's a lot and awesome :D
Yeah it's no big deal, i forgot how it sucked to be the one looking for a job and not the other way around XD
8:58 PM
@Ahmad srsly tho, why so many?
@Mauker I'm a travelling consultant hobo
I'm interning at one of the big consulting companies
which means, I'm essentially commuting to work
by plane
9:16 PM
Tim any Luck?
db is up and populated. Thanks for helping guys, sorry I was crying like a little bitch
xD np
cool new feature coming tomorrow
you went from sqlite to mariadb?
If I place a RV inside a nested scroll view, will the recycling part work?
9:17 PM
I went from not realm to nothing to mariadb
@TimCastelijns anytime
do people even postgres on android?
don't think so
Well, turns out they do.
@Mauker nope
9:24 PM
Oh well
Forgot to reboot zucc. Back to the stone age guys
You forgot to add bread
enjoy the lightly dressed humans
Maybe the humans should put their clothes back on
... hmmm. something strange happened. I "recommend deletion" on an answer in lqp review, and it seems it was the fourth review, which deleted the annswer automatically. I thought delv was 10k+
anyway, getting way too past 5 for me to be at work, laters!
9:33 PM
It is if you vote on it manually. Queues have different rules I guess

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