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You're rather quiet for someone with a maxed volume avatar.
2 hours later…
good morning people
GM guys
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
Can someone help me with my modem/router? I reset it and forgot gateway settings. Can I retrieve them somehow?
They are listed on the router admin panel
I have access to webpage. But, they are default ones.
Is there some way to find correct ISP settings?
Call isp and ask them to fix it
They can do it remotely probably
Why is the rallying cry of yolo developers "move fast and break things" instead of just "Deeeeeeeeploy Jenkins!"
@Graeme how did you go about getting a visa to go and work in Canada? Did you have to get a job offer first?
lol that's clever adam
Was it an Express Entry visa? Trying to figure out how I would go about getting a visa and want to be prepared cause both me and my gf are seriously considering going once she graduates
these guys in my voice class really sang without you from spongebob as a performance grade https://t.co/CSz5xHfBGv
Gif too heavy to be played here ^
1 hour later…
Mark: nope, i went under a skilled worker visa
And when that took too long, I brute forced it and got a student visa for my hubby.
@Reno thanks!
My turn - I'm building a little react web app. What tech do you suggest for JSON rest webservice which is just a wrapper around a database?
Thinking NoSQL of some sort?
If you need visa help let me know. Once you've done it isn't easy
Yeah I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of different visas available tried to do some research myself but thought you'd know more about the process
The express entry visa I would qualify for if I saved up and did their english exam I think
What's the requirements for skilled worker visa @Graeme?
It's points based
There is a calculator at CIC.gov.ca
If you have a BSc, professional experience for a few years, no criminal record, can speak native English and you're not too old you're find
My experience was only skilled worker or student visa are ones you'll need to look into
And you need a pot of money for student visa
Like, £30/40k
@Graeme holy fuck
I guess any UK national will have to apply for visas to work in EU countries post Brexit
a lot of offices are already moving from UK
I dont think UK will be able to handle a Brexit
@Graeme would firms offer a job offer before we start of the visa application process? Just not wanting to waste money, applying for a visa and getting no job offers and then the visa expiring
@TimCastelijns @CptEric got a demo project showing multi level backlink queries on Realm, will publish it to GitHub after I've sent you both a draft of my blog post
441 is more than enough
No, you can't be offered a job without a visa
Getting a "job offer" (which is impossible) gives you lots of points
But you already have enough points
What do you reckon would be the minimum? My gf would be a fresh graduate when we're planning to go (next summer)
@Graeme check "document databases", Like mongodb / orientdb / couchbase etc...
If you're not married then you would each do it septate
You can check the point cut off they just announced
Last draw was everyone with points above 446
Get married and your points will add to each other, so you'll get like 50 from her
(your overall score is like, your score plus 20-50 from your partner depending on their independent score)
So yeah, you can come whenever. Takes a long time to get all your proofs and tests and everything done. So if you want to go in a year, start now.
Thanks Mehdi. Looks like you can create a node.Js app that will do database through SQL.
Yeah, you can. NoSql Document databases are just if you wanna have schemaless tables, (a record is a json doc) and they then give you a way (usually close to SQL to query your json records)
3 hours later…
The internet was a mistake
MongoDB was a mistake
Aerospike was a mistake
People are bad at databases and they are also mistakes
@Graeme flip sounds like a good benefit to getting married
Reminds me I should go do my taxes
After I listen to this cockatiel..
ウザインコ https://t.co/WCEu45FxTv

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