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10:00 AM
Im pretty sure that the creator of the TI Compact were IOS Develpopers.
so, meeting
so cute!!
> shouts of "no passaran" as the spanish police finds a hundred thousand people blocking their way to their cars.
im pretty sure tim would purchase a Turkish Anatolian shepherd dog with the reason "Why not?" :)
10:03 AM
pic please
car and dog.
I have the same dog as warren, just a different color
lol what a happy face
so cute!!
pretty lazy dog
10:05 AM
@EmanuelSeibold Nice horse.
They are forbidden in germany
awesome dogs
now i need to cuddle/squish something
10:06 AM
no, sorry, have to work, hahaha
lol w0mper
do you know what is the hashtag to ask for a generalStrike?
#dijouspaella general
RxKotlins subscribeBy is the most stupid thing ever seen.
tomorrow we'll have paella.
my head is pounding
Winner winner - chicken kfc dinner
10:11 AM
Winner winner - Leberkäs' Semmel Dinner with Senf sounds better
@EmanuelSeibold googling
wunner wunner - chicken doner
/me escorts Tim to the nearest exit.
> .subscribeBy( // named arguments for lambda Subscribers
onNext = { println(it) },
onError = { it.printStackTrace() },
onComplete = { println("Done!") }
makes sense
CptEric, does it? No.
.subscribe ( { println(it) }, { it.printStackTrace() }, { println("done") }) is easier, isnt it? :)
10:14 AM
difference is naming right?
it's more verbose, but that's it
Boilerplate. And of course.. why would you create an extension which has more code for no reason?
github.com/ReactiveX/RxKotlin/blob/2.x/src/main/kotlin/io/… -> Im not sure about that but doesnt it mean that its just extending that you can use named parameters? That is against lambda rules :[
<T : Any> means that T can be anything?
Yes. Generics.
Ignore above. It's used as parameter for the publisher which can be anything to emit.
10:20 AM
I don't see any "class" declaration, no need to specify that the current is a class on Kotlin?
Kotlin also have "Nothing"
It's an extension. That means it extend a Class by anything.
inline fun <reified T: Any> Gson.fromJson(json: String): T = this.fromJson(json, T::class.java) -> This is an extension for Gson for example. Menas that ANYTHING can be convereted back to a model from JSON using fromJson
I see, that's interesting!
I find it hard to read
Why? Inline means only generate the stub when you need it. reified T any means it get casts to T as return value. Gson.fromJson means that it extend Gson Class with the method fromJson. It accepts one string and return itself.fromJson(withyourString, returnClass)
Its really helpfull to have extensions like that, but it sucks to have extensions which arent needed like RxKotlins SubscribeBy. If you have many of them and have code completion you get many results which can be used (which confuses)
BBC live coverage right now
10:26 AM
but then if it can be linked to anything, I'd assume it won't make sense to be extensions of a class that doesn't have anything to do with these methods, no?
Yes, thats true. But usually you define which class/methods can have those extensions
fun Single<List<Response>>.validateResponses(): Single<List<SuccessResponse>> = this.map { } means only extend an Object which is a Single<List<Response>> and if this is true provide the method validateResponses()
I got an invite. Whoever it was, I'm here. What's up?
Must be W0mp3r, he's looking for someone to hug
oh okay! Thanks for the details!
10:29 AM
don't answer any other question I might ask about Kotlin, I'm currently giving Python all the room in my brain :D
Mehdi, as you can see its really usefull. And there's no need to worry aslong as you use it careful. For example: If you want to make sure that you dont generate much boiler plate (during runtime) you can use inline which ONLY generates code if its requested
follow the zen, mehdi
Python :-/. God bless you.
I'm working on a Sudoku solver agent XD
have you seen the zen mehdi?
10:30 AM
Before learning Python i would marry mrs. Assembler.
no, what's that? :D
go to a python terminal and type import this
Python. First you must say if Python 2 or 3 since the one doesnt work with the other, isnt it? :D
so much chat in half an hour
^ just wait untill lunch
10:31 AM
@EmanuelSeibold Python is useful for neural nets though
It's like "You must use Python to run this program". Installing latest Python. Starting something.py -> Sorry, you must run Python 2.
haha! I've started with Python 3.6
Yes, same as Ruby LunarWatcher, isnt it?
Dont worry Mehdi. Im pretty sure if you'r done learning Python 3.6 you can learn a new language called Python 2. :D
the police tried to overrun the demonstrators, the regional police stopped both sides from collinding
10:33 AM
@TimCastelijns wow! XD
> There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
@EmanuelSeibold hahaha! that is line I won't allow myself to cross XD
And after a few years learning python be happy if you start learning a language which worth learning :P
I'd probably do: Python -> Scala -> something new :D
python sigh
Python Yay!
Scala? There's no reason to learn Scala since Kotlin
10:36 AM
on an interest scale of 0 to 10, I'd say Kotlin is probably rated -8 :D
wait Lunar here?
funny you should say that python is not worth learning, considering python is the fastest growing language of all
in terms of popularity
Tim, maybe. PHP was the fastest growing language years ago. Does it worth learning it?
And Mehdi. Yes. I know. It sounds worthless to learn a language over Java which runs on the JVM. But why do you want to learn Scala then?
@EmanuelSeibold it was back then
I'm interested though in the various interesting patterns you described, could be implemented somewhere else and be very neat and useful
10:38 AM
Tim, Pascal was very famous years ago also. Same as VB. Doesnt mean it will be in a few years
by that logic you should learn nothing at all
Mehdi. Kotlin can do everything what Scala is able to. Just better. Ok, most of them. agilewombat.com/2016/02/01/scala-vs-kotlin
Because Scala is growing fast on the enterprise Data related fields (Spark etc..)
wait what languages are we fighting for?
Scala :P
10:39 AM
But Honestly, Will you be brave enough to code your backend in Kotlin?
Mehdi, yes.
I like Scala never got the time to look into it tho
Kotlin > Scala
is Kotlin functional?
Kotlin can much more then you would ever expect
10:41 AM
hmmm, it seems it is
Google for Kotlin DSL
Beside of that. Google has a fucking hot developer-girl which is used for many presentations in 2017 :P florina muntenescu
I know Kotlin. Don't use it
It's a mess of characters everywhere, it looks less like a programming language and more like json
10:44 AM
Its like watching a presentation and Upvote it but didnt understand just a single word.
"mess of characters". Explain
.? !!?
I like java better :)
old but gold
Serious question, why would someone build or worse advocate to build an html on a Kotlin class?
Java is old. Kotlin is new. Its like combining other languages and keeping/following the Java "guidelines".
people have started advocating separation of concerns since ages
Mehdi, why should someone use Xamarin to build either IOS and Android-Apps? :)
10:45 AM
to save time and run everywhere with the same code base :D
Why should someuse use a client-based js template engine like (URGH!) angularjs?
wow html in kotlin tf is that
now, what would you do when you want to edit a simple templated HTML file
edit your Kotlin class, rebuild, retest, redeploy etc...
all for a single html page?
Why should you want to use Java (Servlets/ JSP) for creating Webpages?
Why Kotlin is a mess? Instead of writing extends SomeClass you write : SomeClass. Instead of declaring a method with return type RandomClass, you have to write fun someMethod() : RandomClass (vs RandomClass someMethod())
Kotlin doens't have the questionmark operator (condition ? ifTrue : ifFalse)
10:47 AM
LunarWatcher. Do you code other languages then Java (like C#?)
no sane person, uses JSP anymore :D
The ternary operator exists in Kotlin aswell.
JSP is done and dusted isn't it?
Yes, existing only on legacy systems
I know Java, Kotlin (that's why I can hate it xD), PHP, some JS, Batch and Python
10:49 AM
JavaFX is done and dusted aswell. I still use it
PHP ewwwwwwww
JavaFX2 is not though :D
LunarWatcher. I hated Kotlin 4 weeks ago, trust me. I was the biggest hater alive.
There's a german wisdom called. "Was ein Bauer nicht kennst, frisst er nicht". Translated to: what the farmer does not know he does not eat. Give Kotlin a chance, you won't regret it
I tried giving it a chance
Your sample: extends SomeClass you write : SomeClass. Whats wrong with that? Its easier to write class Class1 : Class2, Class3, Class4 compared to class SomeClass extends AnotherClass implements AnotherAnotherClass, AnotherAnotherAnotherClass, isnt it?
10:53 AM
I kept using it for a week before I ended up stopping. The null-safety is useful (the only reason why I actually have some classes in kotlin) but everything else just looks like a mess of characters everywhere. And writing : before the extensions and implementations makes it hard seeing what is what.
@EmanuelSeibold it's easier to write but harder to read
Its easier to write fun bla(intBla : Int) = require(intBla >= 0) { "Count must be non-negative, was $intbla" } then .. oh, its too many to write in java, cant do that :)
Does Java have something like lazyloading by default?
It's the same with Java 8 functional syntax. Short but hard as shit to read
how do you define lazy loading?
Yeah, you don't have to initialize the instances until you need them. Though Java isn't null safe so it is possible to not initialize it
10:55 AM
@TimCastelijns You're right. I know it's not how it's supposed to be, but I actually decided to avoid complex one-liners in Python for the readability, it's fun to write them, but harder to read them after 2 days
public String bla; public void doSomething() { if (bla == null) { bla = ... } return bla; }
@MehdiB. they are very good if they are short, but longer one liners are better to split up
Compared to var bla by lazy { whatShouldBlaBeIfRequestedFirstTime }
Tim - yes, I only use them when they do 1 or 2 things max
10:56 AM
well job
the rest, plain java verbosity, but still shorter than Java XD
How about a 100-line switch with switch(bla) { case "..": .. break; case "..": break; } compared to when(bla) { 1 -> ...., 2 -> .... , 3..10 -> .... }?
And yes. Extensions may be confusing since you can't really figure out where they are, what they do, whatever. But how about Annotation processors? You put an annotation somewhere and during runtime it's generated. Just there. Same shit.
can you do 2 & 5 -> .., 3 ->, 4 ->, 6 -> ?
10:58 AM
oh we're on the news.
🔴 La premsa internacional molt pendent de la situació que s'està produint a Catalunya. https://t.co/1wsvaCtNXk
when (thatCoolStuff) { 2,5 -> ..., 3 -> ..., 5 -> ..., 10 -> ... }
you'll still break lines though, so not "so" short
Oh, and how often did you write for (int i = 0; i <= ...; i++) { ...} just to loop through having an index? :)

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