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guys halp
how can I interact with the views in a fragment when I've added that fragment using FragmentManager.beginTransation().add().commit()?
In all these years, I've never found a scenario where I absolutely need to use fragments
Then again, ever since Fragments have been a thing, I haven't done too much Android work
What I'm trying to say is that I can, in this instance, get away with saying "I don't know enough about fragments to help you" instead of "lol I won't"
The only 3 justifiable uses of fragments imo are :
ViewPagers - MapFragments - NavigationDrawers
override onViewCreated of the fragment
and access these views with rootView.findViewById (....)
rootView being the view of your fragment you returned on "OnCreateView"
that's all there is to know :)
(not "justifiable", but where they made it so hard not to use fragments, that you end up using them)
Good night
@TheWanderer also, there are literally thousands of online resources on how to use fragments and their lifecycle :P
yeah I've been searching
finally found setArguments
@RaghavSood What you are saying is that "Fragments aren't necessary and are more of a pain than they are a help" you're welcome
praise fragments I agree
Okay, hear me out
I'm gonna build an app
Restaurants sign up and list their menu items
And specify what allergens/intolerant ingredients each item has
And people can search to avoid stuff in nearby restaurants
So if I'm allergic to egg (which I am), I can search and say "Places that'll serve eggless food 5km around me"
Instead of visiting random ones until I get food
I think that sounds like an eggcelent idea.
Where in PA are you, The Rather-Statically-Located-For-A-Wanderer?
can we ban through election?
also that ^
making progress
Ban whom?
You mean, whom'st'd've should be banned?
1 hour later…
@McAdam331 is that even proper English?
No not even close
it's a meme lmao
3 hours later…
@McAdam331 yaay
Goooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!
Good morning
How's everyone today?!
fine. Weathers also good here
How about you?
i jsut hit a tree branch with my eye
Right now fine. Later i will melt and become a puddle
And stress myself with work
yeah same
work stress?
is there any place where i can throw in an api
and it generates me some quick placeholder docs?
hell sorry, don't know
sons of a...
well 149€ down the sink
The electricity bill for plugging me to the network
98€ + 21% tax
21% tax is too much
what a pile of b***!!
well the 21% thing is thanks to having a ultra conservative government. previously it was at 16-18%, and back to pre crysis times, it was at 14%
we are moving to GST good and services tax facebook.com/NaMoFansKarunadu/videos/1469667286422899
here all luxury items are getting costlier while essential items are getting cheaper.
we had that too
previously, when the socialist party ruled ( 2004-2008 ) taxes were : essential goods 2% (milk, wheat, grains, rice and fresh derivates), 4% basic goods ( manufactured food, meat, fish, etc..) , costly goods 10% (sodas, wine, electronic stuff, etc..), luxury goods 14% ( anything else)
do you have state taxes as well?
by 2011 they all were up a 4%, and then the PP won and upped them an extra 4% and removed the middle types, leaving ony 8%, 12% and 21%.
products are only taxable by the VAT, and price must be shown with taxes applied
* with the exception of sanitary taxes
example: sugary sodas, alcohol and tobacco can have regional or local taxes, when the health stats show they are a danger to their citiziens
here state taxes differ. Like in some states alcohol is cheaper and in some states it is costlier. Same with petrol.
here just on some concrete products
21% will be a bargain once I'm done with Europe
Already closed
nvm too slow
they could have alteast answered
Hilarious. (@ToddDracula for CAFE) https://t.co/RJPeaaiXQr
@user7345006 You need a a:q ratio of 3:4, and a non-default username to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
raghav, where is are bot?
!/tell Tim echo Hello, Timothy
@Tim Hello, Timothy
@RaghavSood this message is missing a link
That is true
@TimCastelijns i have a problem
i want to query asyncronously a list of realm stuff
but the findAllAsync().addOnChangeListener is also being trigerred by realm writes happening in another part of the code
so there's a big almost never ending loop of queries
check if changeset == null
if (changeSet == null) {
// The first time async returns with an null changeSet.
} else {
// Called on every update.
so i only want to have it do stuff the first time
sounds like it
this doesn't happen on realm ios
it's very bad behaviour to tube both query results and change events on the same thing
I have never used async queries
why tho
how do you fill an adapter then
that would block the ui thread then
if there's a hell ton of stuff
my use cases, I load 5 or maybe 10 items
i'm loading 468
468 in 1 shot?
it's fast. asynchronously takes just 0.98s
both load and render on list & map
but i don't want to block the UI at any rate
what we do on the app we're working on is to load 30 by 30
and as you drag the map you download more
to avoid using too much memory
(and it's simply impossible to download all points)
@CptEric how do you test the speed?
0.01 mississippi, 0.02 mississippi
i Log the system time between operations
Do you reckon that'd be the most accurate way? I'm asking because I've wanted to track the spend of stuff before and wasn't sure how to go about benchmarking speeds in Android
@TheWanderer do you even sleep bruh?
@MarkO'Sullivan if i take a milliseccond value right before executing a transaction, and another value right when it finishes loading the UI elements of the adapter ( when the Viewholder position is the last), it's pretty accurate
not 99%, maybe not even 88%
but enough accurate
^ that
@MehdiB. wat
you're on almost 24/7
are you sure you're not one of @RaghavSood 's bots?
I haven't been online
you wake up at 5am?
nice, and when do you sleep?
Cool, sleeping at 10 is healthy and you get 7:30h of sleep, you're probably less tired than the rest of us :D
Entrepreneurs that delude themselves to be athletes, confusing matters of the mind with matters of muscles 🙄 https://twitter.com/msuster/status/869414653083795456
I like this guy, he's like the realist close to pessimist silicon valley entrepreneur
he's the developer of RoR btw
I love Jian Yang from Silicon Valley
I am a good friend, I will not tell your girlfriend what you just said
Sorry, pretty certain that's not it :D
@TimCastelijns thank you good friend
@MehdiB. that's my screenshot
mehdi, have you read his "rails is omakase" post?
it is really good so that people made a dramatic reading of it.
Nice! I haven't read it :D
@TheWanderer yes, the content is not correct though "I will stand up = sawfa akif" XD
@CptEric welcome to 1984
i'm glad i don't need to fill that stuff if i have to travel to USA
@MehdiB. fe'fe is supposedly "he stands"
Is that true?
no :D
someone must have faked it then lol
Ain't hard
@RaghavSood well I don't think I used developer console on my phone in the Translate app
You never know what script kiddies are up to these days
Naw :3
I honestly didn't see it coming :D
whoa JSoup is amazing
lol Mehdi
Enjoy Paella
@TheWanderer saufa fakaf
that's what the arabic says
not the same
silent chat today
stratolauncher was launched
I'm sleepy
I want to burn something
A: Did a building supervisor in Spain get fined for not showing up to work for six years, unnoticed?

CptEricNot only YES, but Super Yes The public worker, named Joaquín García, has "not been working" for 14 years for the public administration in Cadiz. His job was a quiet one, as his department ( public infraestructure and services) is an overexpanded one with too many engineering supervisors to notic...

please support my quest for upvotes
Can't do
Not enough points
I'm sleepy as well...
Super yes - the new, better, yes.
in my defense i found out that he was not showing up for 6 years, but rather 14.
that's super yes material
so he can cash for 14 years and his only punishment is 30k fine
@kirti You need at least 80 rep, and a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
cash 41K for 14 years + pluses
@TimCastelijns so he can "healthily and effortlessly" cash for 14 years :D
they only found out he wasn't going to work after the building he worked at got mowed down to build a new one and they wanted to thank him for 20 years of service
but then again
this our our president
I remember reading a few while back, that his wife had no idea about that
Neither did his 2nd or 3rd wife I bet
yeah he showed every morning to check in and every afternoon to check out
except when he went to "work trips"
there was an extensive news coverage two days ago
he even attended company breakfasts
that guy's a pro :D
baaaack to work
That's what you want us to think W0mp3r...
i really want to hurt something/someone
points to Eric - He said it!
check, PPAP, should calm you down
points to graeme hit the canadian! he'll be sorry in no time!
what is ppap?
"Is this report finished?" I would know if my database wasn't half empty
i have to say that the worker had an excuse 10 years ago tho
> Given that, every morning since his prior boss started a mobbing strategy on him, he came in, checked with the checking machine, went home, came back to breakfast with the coworkers, and then checked out at exit time.
the prior boss started a mobbing strategy because you can't fire public officials just because you want to
so either they commit a big atrocity at work, like stappling their boss's head, or they resign.
chat became live after my statement :/
Just looked up the word, so his boss isn't even ashamed of bullying it
It's alive!!!
yay \o/
Covfefe got more press than a Delaware-sized iceberg breaking off Antarctica, symbolizing a climate crisis that threatens all life on Earth.
@Graeme bullying at coworkers
Human race is doomed. Better to make peace with it now. We don't deserve to persist as we are now.
Eric - Case and point
@PankajTalaviya Welcome! Please read, confirm reading, and follow the room rules before you do anything else: room-15.github.io
> Case and point
You don't know the term Case and point?
i don't know many terms
i still don't get it
how is it pronounced?
does it sound frenchie?
is like
still thinking
what makes it look... "non english"?
Nope, sounds English. I didn't even know it was "In point" rather than "And point"
I always assumed from it's use that you're saying you've just observed something that proved what you were just descriving
from what i read, it's like " case closed " " period " " and that's it"
More like, "You've made my case with that point"
@gates You need a a:q ratio of 3:4 to talk here. Please see this link for more details.
app from ericland
How many apps do you have? :o
now with 98% less bugs
Eric, the actual meaning is hidden in that blog post but it did have a pretty good description, I think "meaning an example that illustrates the point."
lol lies
i plan to do as many apps as open data services my city offers
and how many is that?
with the same structure, about a dozen
with a different idea in mind
it all depends on how much help i am about to get from @W0MP3R
@CptEric How come you don't have an English translation on your store!
the market for english people wanting to find pharmacies in lleida is small
English Expats rely on stuff like that to get around over there since they're too old to learn a new language :)
because he didnt wrote it in english?
> Pharmacies Lleida FarmaLleida allows you to find the nearest pharmacy.
Just noticed someone put [covfefe] in the room info :(
soon covfefe will become the most searched term on google
tbh both apps are just there to test capacity of kotlin
and public apis
@CptEric help for what?
make a gazillion apps about weird stuff for the sake of making them
to learn kotlin
why you need to upload to playstore tho?
because i can
my most personal downloaded app is this one
you make a photo on a samsung S4, and it shows sideways
that's it.
it tells me the description isn't english
im so confused
it's in english, then there's a translate button, never seen that before
I had to take down my only personal app :(
Granted, it's because I totally ripped off intellectual property.
my take at private maps apis
never again
eric, nice comment you got "Wtf it is What it is"
i stopped working on it
Who is CptRyan?
where did you see that?
yeah all my popular apps have been hit my copyright claims
l33t ski11z
why can't copyrighters just be cool man
@Graeme lol
red what kind of apps did you develop?
it's my gaming nick
my most popular was a breaking bad quiz
RED - Nah, mine totally ripped off stuff from their franchise. I took it down before I got a copyright claim as they were just about to release their own app
i don't think they even had a problem with it, but google wont let me update it anymore
now tell me lol
Eric - it's your package name, check the url bar
Isn't that the first thing the rest of you check out when looking at an Android app?
i don't look at apps XD
just mine
yeah package name first
anyone know how to get 'init()' to recall on a custom view?
call init()
I initialise some values and then call a setter on my custom view
so I want it to recreate the layout by calling init again
as then it will initialise in a new 'state'.
just call oncreate again
ed - invalidate()
means in the next draw phase your view will redraw based off it's new state
You're welcome. Give me rep.
I use invalidate
but it doesn't recall init()
which is what I needed.
init isn't a View lifecycle method

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