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...Just not for the same queue.
The goal here is to reward specific achievements that set you apart from other reviewers. Someone with 1 review badge has reached a milestone in handling one specific type of task; someone with 6 review badg...
I'm doing if(myObj != null) but I'm getting a 'variable might not have been initialized' error. Like, I know it might not have been initialized that's why I'm checking
Huh well I can just put myObj = null; at the start and the error went away.
Is there any obvious reason why manually fetching a Facebook URL (via https) from an Android app may cause Trust anchor for certification path not found, given that Facebook SDK does work without problems?
I thought, HttpsUrlConnection should handle common root CAs automatically, right?
app's been tested on iphone 5, 5s, 6, ipad 2, ipad retina.. yet "Please note that we've tested your app on multiple iPhones and iPads and your app crashed". and they provide no logcat or stack trace or whatever.
i mean, the iphone / ipad gamma of products is not that extense
it's not like they made their hardware on the same shitty factories that samsung and so the results may vary from one device pruduction line to another
But that depends if you're changing your app version
I would suggest, when you get a token for a user then store in server side and do not change it until unless app version doesn't get upgraded and keep using the same token.
What you can do is just create one class which extends your abstract class and in that class you can instantiate your inner class like following:
public class TestProgram extends Program
public static void main(String[] args)
Program program = new TestProgram();
Window window...
because inner class uses a lot of non-static variables and methods from outer class. making it static forces us to make required variables in outer class static too.
Cpt, I would store it anyway. In that way you don't have to receive a new token again. You can directly check with an web services api if it has got changed.
Inner class should be used within the class which wraps it. Better use interfaces if you have something to do like that i.e. "outerClassObject. new InnerClass()".
@maveň in catz worldz we are using the <strong>hollywood principle</strong>, do not call us we call you. stop pinging unless you have some interesting food.
I have full update SDK. Although there is no new update available but i have error in R. i changed the compile SDK version in project structure. then it shows error in
Error:Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.B...
Went L8 by march 2013 or so, almost never played again. Last time I tried, rules were completely different and L16 (?) was the max level. I was absolutely lost...
I'm getting this right now from Travis-Ci:- java.lang.RuntimeException: org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: Process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/bin/java