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Good morning all
@nana if the oneplus two was easy to get hold of sure
i missed the one hour flash sale yesterday
@RED_ I am sorry.
Life's good nana, what about yours?
I got it last week and am quite happy with it.
I am not too bad either. I go to work everyday now, so that's a big change for me.
I am doing this thing which is likely stupid but I am still curious..
i heard the home button is faulty
can stop working
I have a RecycerView with Cards in it and each card has another RecyclerView
Isn't it too complex view ?
Might be
So the card view displays but the inside recycler seem to be zero height.
@VeaceslavGaidarji Can you link the online radio man? lost the link ;/
which one :)
I'm listening to 5+ radio stations
The trance one
With orange fonts on their site
So apparently the North Korean news site is geolocked
maybe check for a NK IP then :p
> sorry currently there are no working north-korea web proxies
nevermind xD
nana, you got oneplus two?
I'm just going to use a VPN when I get home.
I'm at school so I can't at the minute
Cubs won!
Anybody here with a JUnit 4 testsuite that runs instrumented tests on Android?
I have a suite and android keeps telling me that the suite is empty...
@AymericB access to this room requires a min 100 rep as stated in our rules --> room-15.github.io
@TristanWiley team?
hey there codeMagic
@jyoon for?
@TristanWiley PennApps
KC vs ChC 2015 World Series
I'll probably be on Adam's team if he gets in. If there's room then sure! Not sure if this friends are going.
I'll take that
right now I am just hoping that the residue left over from the soul crush yesterday is enough to carry us through game 5 tomorrow.
@netpork Yep
Someone I met at MHacks said he can get me into Pennapps
we gotta chat some more so that paper clip gets pushed off the screen
I can't stop staring at it
Lol! It took me awhile to take my eyes off of it too
i just noticed how bad the google authenticator app is on android compared to iOS
what are google playing at
I did notice that too
It's awful on Android.
just going to move to authy when I get my new phone
heard good things
authy is free?
is using 'integer' format the best solution when creating an attr for drawable resource in declare-stylable ?
I swer I'm gonna delete my angel.co profile if they keep sending me "growth hacker" ads
I even fucking set my profile to "not looking for a job"
never trust recruiters
i've had a job for months now and still get calls everyday
I hate it when something works and I don't understand why
it is my second least favorite thing, right next to when stuff doesn't work and I don't understand why
Yeah not always a good sign
@FoamyGuy even broken clock is right twice a day
Not the digital ones... :/
Unless the mechanical digital ones... :/
^ Once a day only.
sometimes machines can be wrong all the time
6 hour clock watch. gives the right time 4 times a day if broken...
what about decimal time?
When I walk in to see the Android chat talking about clocks.
@McAdam331 did you message me the other day?
Oh. Yeah, mind if I message you on hangouts?
Hey Adam
o/ Tristan
How's it going?
Nothing. Gotta go to class soon.
Fun stuff, I'm tired af lol
I was gonna leave like ten minutes ago and then I popped in here. I'll probably head out in a second.
Ah okay lol
Waitlisted for WildHacks :(
grr, for some reason hangouts isn't working inside gmail
Aww, lemme check mine
Ah nevermind
They didn't allow highschoolers
I had to send an invitation because we must not be in each other's circles. G+ is dumb lol
I got on their waitlist, it's in late november there's a chance I'll get in later.
I reaaaaaaly want to get into Pennapps
Relax they just opened registration lol
please correct that it pains me
Thanks bro
@codeMagic ChC all the way, right?
@Mauker This is mesmerizing
Tristan, two days until I find out about HackHarvard.
Lucky bastard
Hopefully I find out about HEDU this weekend too.
So much is falling into place this week.
Yeah, I need to check for a plane ticket. If it's cheap enough I go
If it's 300$ range I go probably, a trip to Cali for 200$ is good
Did they announce who got reimbursements?
new AS version?
68MB patch o_0
but no release notes
I think they're out of reimbursements, Tristan.
@McAdam331 I sure hope so! But, being a lifetime fan, I just don't see how it's possible
I'm not getting any from them, just waiting to see if I get it from school.
@codeMagic As a lifetime Detroit Lion's fan, I completely understand.
Ah, guess I'm not going then. I signed up for a ticket with the "want a reimbursement thing" but never heard anything
I'm still iffy. $200 to go to Cali for a hackathon seems kind of frivolous. But knowing that I'm getting the $300 help changes my mindset a bit ha
If they beat the Cards, though, I also don't see how anyone else can beat them. So, really, idfk what will happen. Lol
You could always go to HackUMass with me
But HackUMass costs about $200 lol
cM, I haven't looked at a bracket, who's after the Cards?
Or which potential teams, rather
Remember when I found you a ticket for 150$?
I round up
149$ I round down xD
See, I think I have a good chance at getting support from my university, but I have no idea how many people applied. I could be very wrong.
Yeah, I'm gonna be super jelly of you either way
good afternoon
time for the "afternoon snack"
see you in 30min.
yup, this was me.
The best time I've used that gif was:
Jul 15 at 22:41, by McAdam331
MRW I walk into room-15 when JMR is ranting:
Mets TRASHED them last night oh my gosh
Okay, I gotta leave and go to school. I'll see you guys this afternoon.
See ya
page not ofund
when is it better to programmatically add children to my custom view ?
Oh, probably need access to the edit review queue
My listener is being called twice and I don't know why. gah
some listeners are called even on initialization
Yeah, I had that problem awhile back but fixed that. It's something new I added and effed up somehow
Q: i want to use my mobile as powerpoint controller please any one give me whole source code or project..?its urgent

Shreyansh Shahi want to use my mobile as powerpoint controller please any one give me whole source code or project..?its urgent

i'm back
This is pretty urgent!
its urgent, please.
Hang on, I almost have it done for him
lolololol bb
I know you old sport
give me my codezzzz cM
Sure thing, Een, just let me finish up this powerpoint controller first.
that's nice
And the murderee.
MRW I walk into the outside world from my home webm.host/46c37
(it's not rickroll, by the way)
I'd upload it to imgur, but converting a video to gif seems wasteful
hmmm… I could make a time-offset link to YT
but preview is wrong
^ but this doesn't show a preview, too
I didn't know what problem we were solving :P
got it now
I wish webm support were more complete everywhere
I wish the customer would be fine with performing an action twice so I don't have to mess with this anymore
user image
Yeah. When a link points into unknown place, some people suspect it might be a rickroll and do not check it out ;D
That's true. Not me though, I'm too curious not to click them
Lol! Good hiding spot
btw, VP9 encoding is slow as hell
@McAdam331 Ikr!
that feel when you can type "pbkdf2" correctly without googling
@ParekhAbhishekN denied for low A:Q ratio and this room requires a min rep of 100 room-15.github.io
posted on October 13, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've just released 1.5 Preview 1 to the canary channel! The memory profiler has a new "analysis" feature where it can analyze a heap dump to look for known problems, such as leaked activities. To use this feature, open a heap dump and look for the Analyzer Tasks window on the right: In the analysis window you can press the Run button to perform and analysis, and then drill into the results;

AS = IDEA / 10
1 hour later…
holy shit guys why did you make it so hard to use cookies with wkhtmltopdf?
burned most the day so far jacking with that.
what the hell is that
program that converts html page to PDF
or as I like to call it: poor mans PDF maker.
makes it so I can make decent looking PDF reports without having to actually know anything about how to make a PDF
but one of the items I have to get in the report are images that are behind authentication
which it turns out is a bit tricky
so what's the WK for
although to it's credit wkhtmltopdf actually makes it pretty straight forward after beating my head against it all day I've come to realize that the real culprit is python-pdfkit the python module that provides an API to use the binary without having to call it directly
no idea
it was made by a dude named wayne kirby?
I'm not gonna bother fact checking that so I'm gonna assume you're right. Thanks!
and thus the legend of wayne kirby was born
aha I found the real answer:
> Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
that makes more sense then I guess
I don't get it * Adam explain the joke
^ You will never be Troy, McAdam
> The uploader has not made this video available in your country.
@MenelaosKotsollaris In the first two frames the bully is taking the kids lunch money, and the kid says it won't be like that when they grow up. Ironically, the bully is again taking the kids money, but this time because the bully is only working in fast food.
Ah but the person shouldn't cry, should he? In the second phase
No, probably not haha
Merpy merp merp
I suddenly got worried that the people I talked to at KHE won't reply to me about the internship.
Just send them a followup email if they don't
I'm gonna wait a few days haha
Or a week
Raghav you going to go to Pennapps?
I'd say 3 Business days, then send one
if I get in
For now, I'm going to YHack and WildHacks
I got into UMass but it's too expensive to go
Are any of you within $200 of Vegas flying?
Nice nice, wish YHack allowed under 18
North Carolina right?
There's a Vegas hackathon this month, they give up to $200
No application or anything
Link me
$10 to get a spot, but I can give you guys a code to waive that
Hmm, that'd be awesome. When is it?
24th, 25th
Same as UMass and HackingEdu
I went to vegas in January and in July iirc Jan the flight was less than $200 but July wasn't
Lemme see the flight price
I'd be willing to pay more for a trip
If you guys want to go, the code ILuvYaHH gives you $10 off of the $10 ticket
It works out too expensive for me :(
@TristanWiley Don't stress about it. It's still a good opportunity to go through these steps. While I hope for the best, few people are lucky to hit a match on their first try. I hunted for my internship for months with two/three failed interviews prior.
And I didn't start looking until 20. You're 16 lmfao
Wow he's like as young as I was when I got here
Well, almost
People keep telling me I'm ahead of my age... I don't believe them lol.
I think I was 14 or 15
You're on the right track :P
I'll go for the Vegas one if I can get a roundtrip for ~$300
Would you want to team up Raghav?
If I can make it, sure
You're ahead of your age. Sure, there are other people like you, but far less common.
You're ahead of some people my age! lol
Raghav do you have a link to the website? Not the eventbrite?
I probably wouldn't be able to get a travel reimbursement
I just rushed out an update for a potentially huge customer because communication channels hear suck. Let's see how fucked up it is...
Your communication channel can hear things?
well duh
how else would it communicate
Well shit...
I just hope this guy tests it and responds in about 20 minutes that everything works great so I can leave early. Don't want to miss too much of the game
Just leave, obviously if it compiled it works good enough
I feel like Trevor just sat there lurking waiting for that joke.
that's a very trevor-e thing to do (get it, sounds like trevory which is like an adjective instead of a noun)
My code is confusing and frusturating
Fuck you Bootstrap
Actually no, I love you Bootstrap
I hate myself xD
Damn my incapability to execute a simple Javascript function
I am just about to the fuck bootstrap camp
personally I prefer laces on my boots
There's a camp for fucking bootstraps?
@DaveS I got that. That was good.
it seemed super amazing when I first started using it. But has come cause many headaches
It's not even Bootstrap lol, I can't even make a stupid Javascript function function
I'm going back to the motherfuckingwebsite framework I think.
materializecss.com is really good
I used it for my resume site
As well as a project I'm working on
that mfing website is mobile friendly!
Does anyone know if you can download and install an apk file on a kindle fire.
I thought you couldn't or not easily
It's doable, but not as straightforward as sideloading iirc
I started with foundation on a personal fun project. That has worked out ok (as long as you don't change the window size)
@DaveS huehuehue
I'm making my workplace a new site, just because. And decided to use Bootstrap
that materializecss site is really bad
no offense
but they mess up a lot of little things
One of the owners asked about using that to distribute with our app
Site is terrible, framework is easy to use
what would you need a toilet paper icon for?
Raghav I might use materializecss for my personal site
like the ripple on the sections list has some arbitrary padding for some reason
@McAdam remind me when I get home to use it
even though the hover color goes all the way to the edge
//Waits for Adam's witty response
while(adam.hasResponded() == false){ sleep(100); }
I'm not giving you the satisfaction this time. ;P
aww man, you could've left him in an infinate loop.
while(tristan.isNaggy()) {}
there ya go
for(Joke aFunny : mcAdam) {aFunny.tell();} //Loop is never entered
Love you Adam <3
I've been impacted by $TWTR's layoffs. This is how I found out this morning. http://t.co/MbjFwYLcU2
well damn
I saw that, ridiculous :/
bit disrespectful to say the least
OK, salesman is happy so I'm leaving before he finds an issue. See you all later
they called him too
he clarified that with another tweet
honestly the way he posted it, it seems like he was trying specifically to incite peopl
way to be a team player!
Twitter lost $665M in 2013, $578M in 2014, and $299M in the first half of 2015. User growth gone. Yet valued at $20B http://www.vox.com/2015/6/11/8761731/twitter-trouble-facebook-twtr
... he said by posting on twitter
Has twitter made any money actually?
not enough to cover their costs
Lol adil
revenue of 1.4 billion in 2014... but still managed a net loss of 578 mil
even if they could magically cut costs to 0, and profit 100% of the revenue it would take ~14 years to reach $20 billion
what a world we live in
I would like to see what kind of chaos would come if they announced they were going to start charging 1 cent per tweet.
everyone would shut up and stop tweeting about useless crap
either that or the world would descend into chaos
leaving only a select few to live in apocalyptic concrete wasteland inhabited by semi sentient gorillas
on an unrelated note, has anyone built an app backend using graphql?
cm, you fixed that event listener?
for a price.
netpork, "fixed" is a generous word for what I did but it's working now :)
There's a way to tie this into the "hear" gaffe but I'm too lazy to do it
You must be rubbing off on me cM
ffs, he's not running for office. he can't commit a gaffe
and sure he can "an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder."
and even if he was, misusing a homonym isn't even gaffe worthy. Lets wait to bust out "Gaffe" when he gets caught with hookers and blow.
I used the rite words this time. What are you talking about
let's be honest, hookers and blow wouldn't embarrass cM
sorry, homophone. not homonym.
Foamy made a gaffe!
Can we stop with all this. homophones are words too
I'm not sure if that crosses the line. I hope Ahmad doesn't see
equality for homophones!
apparently delta committed a giraffe gaffe.
there goes 5 minutes while I google this
not as fun as I was hoping
*Get automatically sent email about an icon pack that I have nothing to do with*
*Guy suggests reducing stroke by 30%*
*Chime in that it would save lots of lives as stroke is the 5th largest cause of death in the US*
Twitter will continue laying off its staff until there are only 140 employees or less.
I'm not sure if I feel good about laughing at that
I will also give it a reluctant lol
see u guys tomorrow
later een

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