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@LorenzoDematté pretty amazing article there bud -> dematte.org about lambda, really like how you wrote it!
:) thanks!
actually I see you are good with this, can you maybe help me with a problem I am facing?
I mean if you have any ideas
I have a second article on closures, to go with that one... I have to just sit down and polish (and publish) it...
I have a lot of combos and elements in a form and for each there is a separate call to the backend to retrieve the lists with information. I have created a Load Manager which basically has the sole purpose to follow the requests and know when everything has been loaded to fire an event. Currently when I start each request I call LoadManager.addTask() which increases a counter and on the callback of the ajax request i say LoadManager.removeTask() which decreases the counter.
What I really hate is the fact that I have to go and add this addTask before each call for each element and in the callback of the request
Do you there is a smart way to make it like an interface and add all the elements somehow to that load manager so it automatically increase the counters and decreases them on the callback instead of me writing like an idiot tons of code
Ok... first of all: are we talking about JavaScript? Or about Android (and therefore Java?)
As a client, I mean
it doesn't matter
I do it with javascript
but I would have to do it in Java later anyways
would it be a good idea to create a settings page via SharedPreferences?
@RED_ why not?
nevermind the docs say you should be using it, jumping ahead
yeah, i asked before reading, my bad
Well... it does, in a way... they are two different languages that give you different tools... and I think this time JS wins
ok tell me for JS please
cause it is more important for me
I write predominantly in JS
I can add the active requests in a collection
First thing that I can think of.. very basic
I suppose you have something like ajax.get(blah).onsuccess(function).onerror(function)
onCallback which is always when it returns failure or success
that's what I use to not interfere with the success and the failure
and that in onCallback you do your removeTask?
but the problem is
I can attach it on all of the elements
on the callback
but then if someone overwrites the callback function
cause the LoadManager does it behind the scenes, he has to call the parent callback always
is there a way to avoid this
I don't really understand your last message.. sorry. Do you have a pastebin, fiddler, whatever with some example code?
just a sec
have you ever worked with ExtJS?
No.. only Angular and jQuery, but it should be OK...
it's easy
ok that's what I do currently
so currently the loadManager doesn't know what are the participating requests
so maybe it would be a good idea if I do keep them
in a list
hm when I talk about it with you I get really good ideas
I do not see your problem.. why do you think that someone could overwrite the callback function?
let me show you
give me a sec
(I understand the code duplication issue, but... not this one)
I can avoid the code duplication
by adding default request configuration objects (the one passed to the Ext.Ajax.request) for each of the combos in the load manager and those default objects can have this default callback configuration that removes a task
(I have to go to a meeting, sorry... I will be back in a couple of hours, I will check if you left any message!)
ok 10x
@LorenzoDematté http://pastebin.com/yD8nKCpi
take a look I have explanation there
zigi, can you write "Thanks" instead of "10x"?
10x means for me "10 times" and I refuse to let internet slang take ground here....
or we will end up with kthxbye
I will, and excuse me for saying the following thing but you are a bit biased cause you want things that are convenient for you but maybe not for everyone. Example: people use o/ and \o but when I say 10x you feel uncomfortable, although it's a famous internet phrase from the 80's
I googled and I can't find any explanation how someone who wants to say "Thanks/Thank you" might end up with "10x"
\o is an emoticon
I am going to lunch, see you later. I won't use it if you feel uncomfortable
I am just saying. You are the boss you make the rules...
> <1337k1d> 10x m8 gg
<Anonymous> die please
> Rule 2: Use English and try to write well. This means no chat-speak (e.g., “u r vry gud i m new dev lol”).
Who pinned this?
10 hours ago, by Emmanuel
10x falls in that category
I am with warren on this one
tbh I was really confused when you used 10x the first time
abbreviations are valid as they are officially a part of the language but 10x...
I didn't care at first but when it gets regular and starts to annoy me (because I didn't understand.... still don't), I googled it
Looks good to me, and it is more or less what I was going to propose...
1) build and array of elements that you need to get from the server, with their rest calls etc.
2) in your "load" function, add all the elements the manager, then start getting them
3) make the element "remove themselves" through the manager
did someone other than emmanuel try activating the demon in gradle?
I will have to give that a try
I have that as a default
plus ondemand and parallel
> org.gradle.daemon=true
And does it make the build really that fast?
"that fast" is wrong but faster
huh, never heard of any of these configs
Why using them ?
If I barely change something, I have build times of less than 5 seconds
Better than what the 15 secs I'm currently getting
I don't have to rebuild libraries anymore with "configureondemand"
well if I have a clean on my latest project, I have 2 minutes
That really sounds handy
Me too when i build my project I need to wait fo > 2 minutes !
Good one :) i will use them !
just one advice: if you change library versions, you might be in some trouble with this settings
I often have issues that they are still building old versions
Btw thanks for linking to the MVC article @zigi, will look into it!
@zigi pastebin.com/GQFYX2bq (sligthly corrected version)
I see !
so whenever I change versions in gradle, I do a gradle --stop to kill the demon
Ah, good to know
Warren (y)
Just an idea... don't know if it really is what you are looking for.
Have to go.. talk to you later!
later lorenzo
When we have a Women Boss .. Dammit !!
She told me that yesterday and this day you are 30 minutes of delay ! but i recovered them yesterday and i will do this day !
what does this have to do with her being a woman?
well, two things to consider: start earlier and that has nothing to do with a female boss
my last boss was "we have to start at 9am! not 30 minutes later like you are used to..." and then he complained that people left office at 6pm on the clock and not later as they were used to...
tell you what, I'm always getting up 10 minutes before i have to go to work
can't wake up in time to have breakfast
10 minutes? Wow you must be a smelly guy :)
I'm not used to showering in the morning, I only shower before going to sleep, so I get up this late as well
usually 20-30 mins. before I have to leave
I need a 10 minute shower in the morning to get awake
because when she said me that yesterday you are 30 minutes delay yesterday through secretary i told to the secretary to told hem that i had recovered my 30 of delay yesterday So why she told me that yesterday i had 30 min of delay !!
I always need a cup of tee.
just be there in time and you will not have this trouble
Btw, Women dislike to replay !
"replay him"?
him? I thought it's a she?
yeah i shower the night before, never can in the morning
so lazy
Sorry !
@Ahmad is it possible that that's something German people use to say 10x Better like 10 times better?
no, never heard of that
if I do a shopping list I do that: 2x eggs or similar
@LorenzoDematté thank you, I was thinking something in the same lines, quite useful, in the other hand it's hard to implement that in Java
Btw, I returned late because the bus came late !
@Ahmad No probs, I am glad I can help :)
And i have send an FB message to the Minister of Transportation !
can't rely on the bus, gotta leave early
i can never rely on the bus to get me to the station either
let alone train delays
@Ahmad I shower in the evening and in the morning and in the gym so like 3 times a day
but I really like water
@Abdellah Use a bicycle
I took the bus because I was visiting my family, normally i take only streetcar
are there sidewalk cars?
between to city :p
ah, yes
well you have sand I guess :D
so this is not good for the buss
that's why it breaks
yeah !
A really old joke I just recalled
I do not understand , what the priest said ?
1 message moved to Trash can
NSFW Zigi.
Plus it got flagged 6 times
those basterds :D
where can I check who flagged it?
Ahmad, I want to see how it looks when you notified if any post flagged ^_^
his entire sreen vibrates and he gets dizzy
i just know it
ok true
I have to be more professional
I just really liked the joke
Only 10k+ users can see flags
wow you people have no sense of humor....
ahmad, do you sell your xp for money or bitcoin?
yeah SO points
have to run, later
see ya
Buddies, How many hours you working on the day ?
Later @Ahmad :)
And thanks for showing that :)
@Abdellah I work from 8-9 to 16
So between 7 & 8 hours
Me 9 hours !!
9 - 6pm
whatever that is, but i tend to leave around 5.30 so yeah
I work from 9AM to 9PM or later
at home or a job?
I am hardcore
at job
well I stay here
and work on my own projects
ah right
Nice !
Good Salary ?
haha I likethe Bulgarian version the most
not really good but ok
I have a lot of freedom
That we can see ;)
I get 2.2K euro net
Me too i have a lot of freedom but salary still not good !
thrift ?
I pay 340 euro rent for the house I live
and I eat at work
so I make only dinners
at home
you thrift over 1,5 k O o
haha more or less yes
but I use it when I go on vacation
how much for the bills?
no bills
340 inclusive
and internet even
wow, which town?
The Hague
and I am junior dev
how many technologies worked on ?
those are normal renting prices there or you just went lucky?
Web development and mobile phone development
I just found it
but it goes around that
it's not that expensive
but it's small
don't get me wrong
like 15 m^2 + 7^2 terrace
and additionally shared kitchen and bathroom and toilet
with two more people
ok, i wondered because above you said "a house"
yeah it's a house
but I don't get the whole house
@Jefffrey welcome. Read the room rules.
Hi. I'm just here to try to understand the flagged joke.
The 4 testicles one.
haha :D
So, I'm going to go ahead and assume that is not forbidden by the room rules. :D
yeah the joke is that the guy thought he had a problem but apparently other people have more stuff so the fact that the priest is so casual about it should be funny
Thanks for the explanation, but, IMHO, that is a terrible joke. :/
hahaha why?
Not from the "moral-or-whatever-led-people-to-flag-it" point of view; just from the funny point of view.
well the thing is different nations laugh at different things
so I guess it is funny for me but not for many of the Germans
Good one 17 second to build the project .. instead of 2 minutes !
At first I thought there was a kid involved. Because iunno, pedophilia and priests go well together apparently.
@lucasdc rejected. 3 chat messages and all of them are "help me"... by the way: SO is not a "forum". There is a difference between an Q&A site and a forum!
@zigi I'm italian btw.
Anyway. Thanks for explaining it to me. :D
haha :D
@Jefffrey how did you find the joke?
@zigi I have 28k reputation.
ah, I see, but it's interesting that no one gets it
I dropped on the ground when I heard it
and btw I don't see how I have offended anyone with it, but anyway
@TheLittleNaruto ?
I guess some IT people lack sense of humor
Do you look same as in your profile pic ? , Warren
yeah that profile pic is actually a picture of me... I guess from 2008/2009
You looked cool then :)
Martin, do you dislike me btw? I have that feeling
We have our differences, but "dislike" is the wrong word for that
also I smiled over the joke but I would never "dropped on the ground" for that one
too "flat" as we say in German
ok, I usally try to be polite and nice with people and when I talk with different people I adjust to what they like, but in a group talk like here it's hard to match everybody's preferences
haha yeah it's a bit flat
I mean I am sure you are a really nice polite guy, I think you would find me nice if we meet in person, it's just that sometimes I like talking stupid things, only because I think it would make people laugh, not that I want to prove myself or anything.
well we basically have our room rules only to keep help vampires out and to keep a slightly higher level while chatting
I really hate it when I have to concentrate to understand someone. Thats why we try to focus on good writing here
sure, I find those rules quite good and try to adhere to them but sometimes in the heat of the moment I forget some of them, so excuse me
na, "heat of the moment" is always fine. The regular stuff is the one that starts to annoy people (which is for stuff I do the same as for your stuff)
I see what material does now...
Make a web+mobile standard so when web users switch to their iphone it feels janky
yes, thank you for telling me because I cannot always see myself from a different perspective, especially for things like the "thanks" abbreviation
@eski good point
they are rivals after all
Hallo everyone
iOS is behind in UI once again, except for the fact that tons of android users are still on gingerbread
I think they might be trying to change that eski
@HimanshuAgarwal sorry, rejected. Main reason: You creep me out! Why the hell did you just circle me on G+?
You can't really change it... no manufacturer is going to spend money on updating those 3/4 year old phones
On a side note: I really like eating gingerbread
eventually they will kick the bucket though
Some of this is really cool, seen it in libraries in the past: polymer-project.org/components/paper-elements/demo.html
I think using different apks for different API levels will become more standard
@WarrenFaith, I have circled you as an acquaintance
smaller updates helped JB become dominant
i thought they were gonig to carry this on
I hope you have nothing against it
plus making updates a play store thing on each app
rather than one big system update
Yea ^
Slowly making its way
circling me when being here is ok
but I find it creepy that I have never talked to someone and he circles me
I am not an prominent dev/celebrity that "has to deal with it"
totally agree
the same reasons why I would get creeped out if someone on the streets says "Hello Martin"
same here. although I am a bit of a celebrity in my home town :D
yeah, you respect your privacy and that's good
if someone stops me on the street and tells me, hey ivo/zigi
I would ask him where he knows me from
i went to university with a bulgarian named ivo...
his dad was a famous footballer i think
haha and
how did you find him
ivo is the 8 most famous name in Bulgaria
he was cool
it is mostly common in bulgaria and the netherlands
really funny
@zigi in Java is not much harder... only different. You can achieve it with an asynctask (on Android)
You put your (control, restParams) pairs in a list (or better a set). You iterate on the set, creating a task for each control. You call the rest api in doInBackground, then you remove them from onPostExecute (passing the control around, it will be an AsynchTask<YourControlObject>
You have to be more careful with synchronization though, and I don't really like the idea of creating so many tasks.. I do not know enough of Android to know if each of them will spawn a new thread
Or if they are threadpooled.. anyway, you got the idea :)
ok cool thank you
yeah we Germans now how Engineering works even without a diploma :)
haha :D
it's in yourblood
@NaseerKhan rejected. Your latest question in chat is so broad that even the famous "yo mamma" can cover herself twice....
I see you have another stalker, Warren. Nice
I had someone add me the other day and still have no idea who it is
it might be me
Maybe but I don't think so. The name was John or something like that
ah it's not me
can we just agree to tie in today's game?
let the german team know Warren
I'm down with a tie as long as there is no biting
or headbutting people in the face
I am sorry, but we will bash the USA into the ground
Mainly because NSA!
It is time for a complete revolution in Germany. The news from the last 2 days alone are the best prove that our political system is stupid as shit...
We have send raw data from the biggest european internet knot to the NSA for 3 years
and our Government has Verizon as a provider....
how fucked up stupid can the "ruling party of the nation" be?!
The only party who has not participated in government in the last decade: Left party and Pirates. All other "big" parties was at least once involved....
time to write a letter to them! warren
hey petey
Yeah warren, that's so fu*ked up
they are all on the take.
@Ahmad come live in the netherlands
here you can download torrents for personal use
the same way you can buy light drugs for personal use legaly
O o !
nice zigi, sounds good to me lol
I don't use them but knowing that I can without repercussions is really liberating
just the thought
What is covered under "light drugs"?
you know the small stuff, crack, cocaine
lol :P
Ok, so no hard stuff like mariguana
haha no
light drugs is what cM said
Some employees with me when the boss isn't there they don't work .. -> taken coffee & smoking ! THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY .. But i can't do that !
MJ, Salvia, Mushrooms
hehe, I figured was just joking :P
someone I know from college went to netherlands and was telling me about it
I know :D
Never heard of salvia
you have never heard of yogurt with egg in a soup so I am not suprised anymore

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