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seriously i am concerned like if i use exoplayer in production, for business, can i simply use it and get away with it?
or jackson for example
read the license
google the licenses, there are tables that tell you what to use X or Y for..
we don't lawyer
@asim you can
the license is APACHE 2 iirc
@RaghavSood cool
@grrigore thanks, any license types i should avoid?
@asim its Apache 2 dont worry feel free to use it the way you want
apache 2, MID are the best of license for you
@asim "I'm scared of being sued but I'll just trust strangers on the internet"... :D
ColdFire ain't no stranger
i trust in devs brotherhood xD
that's what he/she/they said to the jury
before getting hit by a modest and symbolic fine of 5M$
doctor extracts kidney
chaos everywhere
SO could be renamed chaos overflow with the recent mess
@grrigore If you can find a buyer for a kidney at 5M$, I have a spare one I'd be interested to bargain for
Not sharing while I still have two of them
You have a spare one? you extracted one already from someone xD
@Nyakouai "If you have legal problems I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems and my kidney is gone"
With 5M$, I can totally buy a replacement for the one I just sold
@ColdFire no, he needs one to keep functioning :D
Its just to keep functioning
@MehdiB. I think he thought I had 3, to have a "spare" one. But I'm totally willing to part with the redudant one
@Nyakouai cheap ones dont last that long
laughs in free public transplants
@ColdFire no big deal
@Nyakouai 😂😂😂
laughs in georedundant systems
shutdown's the power of raghav servers
I'm not entirely sure you can get a kidney if you willingly gave yours, Eric. Methinks you have to be medically endangered to ask for one, or you won't be a priority
Or sold, for that matter
@Nyakouai sigh not sure you will enjoy living with one
sigh joke ruined
It's not living if it's not with two
@ColdFire As I said, I can totally sell one for 50 time the black market rate and buy a brand new shiny one for the normal price.
Sounds like a good deal to me - body parts speculation
too much effort just be poor
@Nyakouai dealing in organs like they are car parts
"I'm a stripper"
you could make some money by selling one of your kidneys in the west, and then getting a cheap replacement in china. They are readily available there given that the government has a special farm for them
Always works on birthdays
doesn't matter got rich
but you don't need to give yours in first place
@Tim What is the name of that farm? :)
@Tim I would love to have a farm that grows weird stuff
@Nyakouai be efficient sell others
@CptEric You mean I could take yours and sell it? You're too kind :D
God I love this room
Nice! This way I didn't have to say it and risk getting flagged!
I actually realised it could be badly perceived
imagine not daring to speak about hong kong out of fear of getting flagged
Your weakness disgusts me, Mehdi :P
anybody knew what mehdi said
Yeah, he said Hong Kong
On a serious topic, they wiped the floor during the elections
@geisterfurz007Stopthischaos no, I'm not ashamed of saying that people are massacred in Hong Kong
I avoided people out of context thinking I was making a joke, when I wasn't
elections in china are symbolic
One of the few news those last days that got my morale up
Yeah, but any victory, even small, is still a victory
@Tim I am not used to having a room full of 10k+ people around to decline flags. I have no clue how many times I was suspended in Java because some dickhead flagged something harmless in context that could easily seen incorrectly without context.
(The other news being the protest at Google to make the company more ethical and transparent)
@Tim They have election?
we don't have many 10k people here actually. The point is not that your friends are around to invalidate the flag but that you should not let yourself be censored
does that make sense
it's a nice half a sentence
i think you mean you shouldn't?
It does not, really, no
But you're right, there aren't that many 10k here; I thought it was more.
it's around 9k
long time ago I stopped caring about flags. The chat flag system is so flawed is not even funny
vibe killer
I think I've never been flagged, not that I can know if it's the case with my rep :D
any one want to help me with my public json api for my chat app?
Let's flag Mehdi so he'd know
"With great power comes great fun"
wait what
yesterday, by Tim
@mehdi I don't think they need to read this message to realize that he is a special guy :)
@MwBakker please delete, pg 13
snu snu thrill
is the sims replacement.
@MehdiB. I can't, thought it would be ironic getting flagged on that message
well you can enjoy the irony now with a 30 min ban
I literally can't delete the message
it was over time
Trash can, the dark side of the room
look, ironic or not, we all agreed: no sexual or nsfw references for people who work and kids who could read this
There is a dark side of this room? What the fuck?
yeah we have dark shadows
mehdi just ban him for a week or so
don't be weak
make an example of him
for the trash is dark and full of errors.
@Tim :o harsh
tim XD
why not just go full blood angel on me, right?
what's a blood angel¿
me, an atheist
a viking punishment
don't ask
looks like tim is the one on the offensive to stab mwb now
it's red eagle???
tables have turned
means we can finally meet
both with helmet vest and knives?
is it the dismembering thing?
or the ribs thing?
too messy, deleting comments is ok
What? The rib thing is blood eagle, no?
Blood angel is a chapter of space marine in wh40k, isn't it?
angel or eagle?
You got things mixed up Mehdi :P
There is no angel in viking mythology, sooooo
for sure
@Nyakouai you mixed up his name nya xD
However, they're big on eagle
@ColdFire Muh fingers tired
Why on eagle?
ohhh viking mythology have to read it
Symbolic, mythology, etc
needssssssssss a series on it
I can give you a quick run down
just google the vikings part
been so long since i saw vikings
Someone got drunk or Loki got bored / shit happened / gods got angry / Loki got into trouble / Thor smashed the problem or Odhin polymorphed into some shit / Geant(s) died
back when it aired on TV and not in streaming platforms
@Nyakouai will probably be quite nsfw so better not :D
Half of the myths are hilarious
ok boomer xD
wait isnt that norse?
norse and vikings is the same?
@Nyakouai you're right :D
.... yeah?
I mean, there is a difference?
that scene on vikings made me take a break from the serie for a good 2 months
ah i thought it could be different
then i know
@ColdFire no
I mean the series are way different
no we are talking about mythology dude..
norse = the culture
And if that isn't evidence what else could be.
lol this is serious
vikings = the name they gave to their raiders, means something like "man who sacks bays"
@Nyakouai xD wait till you read the greek one :D
@ColdFire I started by the greek one - it was tame compared to the norse one
Zeus never farted into a giant to kill it, 'nuf said
And if you don't know this tale, I'm your guy!!
i have not read enough about norse one and i thought nothing could be more hilarious than greek one
what about the egyptian one nya?
Greek is about inter-species intercourse, Norse is about inter-species drunkness and war
So... Pick you poison
I'm not knowledgeable enough about egyptian
nooo, lets not get there
Horus christ, let's not start that topic again.
Let's talk about aliens instead
The one in the governement, or the teenage ones doing cropcircle in fields?
The area 51 ones
there's no aliens
there are aliens
Jedi hand wave
We are the aliens
just not like the ones in the movies
aliens are illusion and illusion are real
@Mauker wait till bots take over
rock falls from space and suddenly raptorworld becomes monkeyland. coincidence? i think not!
I had this foreign intern working with me once. Was hard bent on convincing everyone that humans were a genetic experimentations made by aliens by mixing monkeys, dolphins and pigs (cause they're super smart, duh), and that we only went back to about 2 000 years ago and all that was before was a fake past so that we won't go after our creators
There's so much evidence of aliens
@CptEric its like monkeys writing java code, a good troll but can never be true
(Precision, internship was taking place in a rather serious government research lab)
meanwhile on your government lab's warehouse:
It's not an alien, it's Dobby. You muggle
"We're out of LSD again, Bill!"
Ok, she just said it...
Not true
That's a fact
It's too calm
Do you know some good readings about Mixed Reality?
your payslip and the apple products catalog
I'd suggest black mirror, but that is no reading
have you just assumed my payslip?
I don't get a payslip :(
You're being paid XXX€ ! But the govt take 50% so you get 1.5X, rounded down, so X
@RaghavSood I slip into rock bottem frequently
cries in crypto
@grrigore not hard to guess :( we're just software engineers
@MehdiB. That's actually a pretty broad range :P
You can find devs from 4k a year to 4000k a year
I know, it was just me trying to say that the joke is on all of us, not just him :D
there he is
the man, the legend
yo I was here already
@grrigore xD
I know
@MwBakker lmao jfc
o/ ey everyone
Hiya bB!!!!!! :D
heya wompy ^^
I have such a nasty cold T_T
get some medicine
nooooo D:
get a blanket (?)
Hiya Mauker!!!!! :D
Jk I have no context
Excellent, W0MP3R, let the anti pharma flow through you
yeah im going to drug myself up big time
nothing cures a common cold like some heroin
@ballBreaker mfw we have to call BB "they" tomorrow
pluralize me baby
Hello blanketBearer
heya nya \o
@ballBreaker a great oneliner
That sounded overly sexualized
Is mixed reality the result of AR and VR?
No silly, that's VRAR
yes but no
sup maukerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
mixed reality to me = AR
it's AR but useful
@Mauker thanks daddy
I have only ever once created my own oneliner but it got me into trouble immediatly
Ar is just putting stuff over real stuff. MR is interacting with it and using it as input / tool
@MwBakker let's hear it
@CptEric interacting with the virtual stuff?
ahhhh okay
I think it will get me banned, eventhough it is not sexual at all
so like those microsoft glasses or whatever they are
drop 3d box, touch it, panel opens, color grade box.
There was a cool microsoft concept that they never developed
let me find it
@Mauker yes?
@ballBreaker A bug-free OS?
that's MR?
get burned bill gates
Nothing, just happy to see you
pardon me what is XP for you?
I blue screened my XP more than once
@ballBreaker I could tell you in a private room and you will understand why I am too weak to post it here
But tbh, me likey my Windows
that's not a bug, that's a feature ported from windows 98.
@MwBakker it's not private if I'm there
you ungrateful, they spent so much time making it happen when about to reach a checkpoint in a game.
@Nyakouai only once?
By a rule of the thumb, more than once is often more than only once Cf...
@grrigore heh
come on write it and delete it xD
If it's not sexual I can't get banned can I?
what are the types of MR? what does that mean?
you still can
I may have walked in at the wrong time...
welcome CM!!
I didn't read everything but, yes you can get banned for non-sexual stuff ;)
welcome magicman
Thank you, captain!
Happy birthday week!
that's going to look confusing
@codeMagic yeah... I'm not gonna tell the oneliner then
damn that's so confusing
a bit conf
But I like controversial stuff so you can tell me privately. Lol
tweet it then share link
Hiya cM!!!!! :D
Heya, Womps!

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