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Little known fact: Standups got their name because Ahmad kept standing up meetings, so they just started assuming he wouldn't show
sits on his hands waiting for 179gb of log files to finish getting dumped into an sqlite DB
Don't even know if I have enough disk available for this..
Reminds me of Dave who sit on his hands waiting for Ahmad to show up
Still waiting
@Ahmad where are you working now?
@TristanWiley yelp dot com
no its called yelp
Ahmad have you listened to the whole album yet?
There Will Come A Time is pretty intense.
is it on spotify?
it is
9/10 setup (not 10 because of the chair)
the chair is actually dope
Oh look it's a picture of Ahmad
notice how he's not there
I'm working on a billboard
@Ahmad referral plz
it will read
I am tired of your shit, dave
Also how long have you been with them now?
I'll use my san francisco money to put it up in phx
@TristanWiley I'm interning
started 4 weeks ago
here until dec
send me your resume :)
Ah nice :)
Will do shortly, remaking it :P
doesn't have to be perfect, you'll most likely get an interview if I refer you
ooh yay
Actually, mind looking over my resume?
yeah sure!
send me over messenger
will do <3
Poor Tristan, Ahmad's gonna break your heart
I won't
Better than crushing my dreams or telling me they're tired of my shit
*cough* @DaveS and @CarlAnderson
theres a financial incentive for me not to
I get paid 1k if he gets the internship
Sweet, take me out to dinner if I get an internship there
$500 kobe beef steak💰
Sent on Messenger, gonna go to a meeting now, then class, then Canada
Hell yeah :D
will look over it after work - that good?
Sure thing :)
what's new in Android today?
never told you I was tired of your shit, Tristan
Sep 11 '17 at 17:20, by Dave S
@TristanWiley Featuring Dave from Tired of your Shit
@TristanWiley What's in Canada other than free health care and legal weed?
Alright Dave don't look at the context of that and pretend it's you telling me you're tired of my shit
@Code-Apprentice Trudeau
already looked at the context
I wouldn't mind Canada
Come thru Dave
tired of conservatives who don't fund schools
@MehdiB. But it doesn't have a skull
Also, sqlite DB currently at 132gb. Still going.
@MehdiB. 1/10 curtains not the right size for the window
way to shatter the illusion Tim
can't unsee the oversized curtain
@Ahmad I guess you are kind of a competitor now
time to die
@trevor how do yelp and kayak compete
opentable is part of kayak now
since when?
Maybe if you were around more, you'd be more up to date
they've been part of booking holdings for a few years (formerly priceline group), but recently we restructured the group so they are under us now
still separate companies but their CEO/CTO reports to ours now AFAIK
that's very interesting
is kayak branching out to offer more local services?
if you want more in-depth
nah I don't think we ever will
Momondo is operated by kayak???
so you guys are going to block each other on the chat? (to avoid communicating things with the competitor)
yea m8
we bought them too haha
get with the times
that's awesome actually
ahmad won't have any issues blocking friends from contacting him
Momondo was literally the only other website I use besides kayak
yea they have some amazing designers/UX people
what did tim just say? I have him muted
yeah I love their UI
momondo/cheapflights/swoodoo/checkfelix/mundi are all kayak whitelabels
literally dominating the game
that's how they are implemented
same with some RxJava stuff iirc
yes, it is a common pattern
called ClassN pattern or something
so just cross your fingers you don't need 23 :P
interesting, I had no idea
they could have at least gone up to Tuple42 and implemented the null Tuple, Tuple0
Ahmad never ignores me... right... right, Ahmad? begins crying
Ain't gonna ever retweet that jerk again
so how can I prevent these guys from accessing my app rather than have to review thousands of legal papers to comply?
"Are you from the EU" "Yes? close app" "No? Good, EU citizens are NOT allowed"
Yeah. Easiest way is to just not let people in the EU use your app.
This is, believe it or not, actually a thing you can do.
Let me rephrase: how do I -automatically- prevent them from using the app?
IF you're distributing through the app store, only check the regions you want
like USA/Canada
oh, I can do that? :D
what about my WebApp, though? :/
You need to post a disclaimer
Or just hope the EU doesn't spend thousands of dollars to bully a student in Canada
> This recital therefore provides a safe harbor to firms that do not market goods or services to the EU, by calling out that they do not need to undertake potentially expensive processes to block EU IP addresses from accessing their websites or reject emails sent by EU mail servers.
I think you're fine dude
you only work with canadian stuff right?
Quebec stuff, pretty much exclusively
some times there are alerts in the vicinity, like NE USA or Ontario
then the EU doesn't consider you within the scope of the GDPR and doesn't care
but published by Quebec Government instances and what not
because you're not targeting EU users, even if someone from the EU signs up
I don't even know if we are using Cookies :/
lol relax
Since your "service" uses a common language, English, and is targeted towards north amercians, mainly canadians, and doesn't advertise itself to the EU, they don't care
they don't consider you as someone who is responsible for complying with the GDPR
It uses French, btw :p
well its a common language not a EU specific language
the website you linked mentions English and Spanish for the exclusion
I'm sure French is one of those languages
only 1.12% of the world speaks French
classifiying at the #18
it's commonly used in Africa and Canada
so it's commonly used outside the EU
why are people so afraid of how their data is used :(
you're more afraid than they are
free the data!
I'm running for President.
Hello, guys!
the EU has better things to do than bully you over the GDPR
@DaveS it only takes one crazy whacko american freedom-activist to ruin my life
no, you have rights too
It's an email address
everyone collects email addresses
your generic privacy policy generated for free is plenty, it really is
I am working on an Android app and I'm using Firebase. I read on the internet and found out that I have to implement an interface for all the Firebase utilities but I didn't found an example on the internet. Can you recommend me something? A guide on how to write interfaces? Or something similar?
@grrigore which service (Authentication, Crashlytics, Cloud Messaging, etc.) are you using?
Firebase Database & Storage
+ Authentification
I don't think they're talking about an Interface in the Java sense
is your app linked on the Firebase Console?
Sorry, I mean the way I "design" my code
an interface is just a simple class that declares methods signatures without their body (their implementations), classes that implement an interface means a class that respects the contract specified by the interface ==> if that class is not abstract, it will have to implement all the methods declared on that interface
The structure of my code
(as of Java8 - interfaces can have default methods)
@payne because Big Brother
@grrigore I'm really uncertain as of what you're looking for
you should read about OOP principles in Java, should give you a better idea with examples to understand interfaces
I have Authentication and Cloud Storage integrated in my app and I didn't have to set up any Interface
@payne you misunderstood my question (I formulated it wrong). I developed the app, but I want to improve my code quality.
@grrigore where did you read that you have ti implement an interface?
@grrigore I remember trying to Refactor my Firebase Authentication code and abandoning
They suggested using "updateUI" which made me design everything within the same Activity and using "HIDE/SHOW Button" and what not everywhere, which ended up being a hell.
Then, I realized that my idea to use a certain Programming Template Pattern couldn't be done because there is no way for you to know if a LogIn through the Google Sign In resulted in a new subscribtion on your database, and what not
Interface segregation is an excellent practice in general. It's not firebase related
Two reasons why I just didn't try to improve the quality of my "AuthUI" Activity's code
Yes, as I said.. Sorry for formulating the question the wrong way.. I want to refactor my code. I want to get all the methods related to Firebase Database in one place
As an example
in the same class/interface/abstract class and implement or use only the methods I need in a specific activity
it's easier at first to pick best practices from existing design patterns
makes it easy for you to pick some concepts and helps you criticize or improve them in your projects
Ok, guys. So, I'll have a look at the main design patterns and try to follow them
I'm not very good at exposing what I have in my mind.. :(
the design patterns are purely technical very related to your code (methods, classes etc...) like Singleton - Factory method etc..
then you have architecture patterns that help you organize your project and features as a whole (like MVC - MVP etc..)
Thank you, guys :)
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(not making any guarantees but they seem genuine)

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