Do you try to do it with a clean strike or do you actually fiddle around with the pins?
I watched lockpicking videos when I first got my set and most of them were "Put tension on it, pull the pick out and bang, open"
You are bullshitting me, right? I have an error bundling my react native app. Solution: require babel-preset-react-native 5.0.0 I get a new error and the solution to that is downgrade to 4.0.0
Seriously what is this rubbish? I want to program on my app not fix the thousands of issue that come up because of fixing a bundle error.
>FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. > Could not determine artifacts for com.facebook.fresco:imagepipeline-okhttp3:1.10.0: Skipped due to earlier error
Upgraded babel version, updated react native and now I only get a white screen instead of my app. Unless I get a syntax error because for some reason that shit tells me I would not be allowed to use the spread operator.
sometimes whenever I was building the RN project in my last company the messages wouldn't explain it well in AS and I'd have to delve into the log files
The main issue I think is still a RN one tho I think... "Unexpected token '...'. Expected a property name." Looks like the spread operator isn't properly transpiled?
I don't know if you already read it @MarkO'Sullivan but how does this sound: Android tooling has been updated to match newer configuration requirements (SDK 27, gradle 4.4, and support library 27)?
Just killed a java process that was eating a bunch of resources. Changed back to the desktop I had the app building on and found that I killed the gradle daemon. Oops.
Seriously tho... 80% CPU and 1GB RAM O-o I am not used to Jaba eating that much stuff unless I build a memory leak into one of my applications xD