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Time to go
Cya later people!!!! :D
@ColdFire So I have to make a book so good that people will prefer that over blog posts. :D
cya womp
yeah sure let me know if you need any help
might be a kotlin learning opportunity for me
The proposal itself is gonna take me forever to write and that might be enough to convince me otherwise but we'll see lol
i mostly do stuff that gets money
because unless you have money everything is doomed
i see adam
Well I have a job, this is something I would pick up on the side and throw away my nights and weekends for so any money it gets me is great, but that's not what I'm in it for.
yeah i know was just telling
Thanks. :)
HELP I put another 1k into NEO
rich $$$$
I'd be investing in Ripple right now
ripple is already all time high
Lol wat
No it isn't
I sold all my ripple yesterday
we already had 1600 in the office wallet
anyway, AMEX is a popular credit card company in the US and they just backed Ripple with a pretty significant service
I would expect the value to climb for quite some time as news spreads
It spiked briefly, then fell
As is tradition
The news already spread to those who do the buying
Crypto is all buy the rumours, sell the news :P
the overall trend is up after the initial spike
Sure, and I'll eventually buy back in
But my money has better returns elsewhere for the moment
k, just saying today is the 1st business day really since the news
dave i think i should buy some ripple
wouldn't hurt to speculate while it's fairly cheap
The only issue with ripple is its massive supply
It's very hard to get something like that to truly go up
But as far as crypto goes, it's probably one of the safe bets
I still don't understand crypto.
wouldn't surprise me if you got 100% return if you bought now
Don't worry, neither do I
We're all just winging it
in the next month or so
And making money while we can
Once regulations set in it's game over
So cash in while you can
i will buy some ripple
did I ever tell you guys about my friends crypto startup?
they are trading on crypto markets right now as Sia coin
Nice! Didn't know they were your friends
I mass dumped Siacoin a while back :P
A couple of guys I know dumped close to 1M of it
oh wow
yup one of the founders went to highschool the next town over
and they work in Cambridge near me
Speaking of coins, @MarkO'Sullivan I'm going to Telegram you
Google office coming to downtown Detroit - http://www.wxyz.com/news/google-signs-lease-for-new-detroit-location-next-to-little-caesars-arena

Don't think they'll be doing any engineering there, but still neat.
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wow lmfao
btw on that note did england really gave calculus?
Newton was English wasn't he?
Newton's credited with calculus AFAIK but I could be wrong.
yeah buts its debated who really invented calculus
> The calculus controversy (often referred to with the German term Prioritätsstreit, meaning "priority dispute") was an argument between 17th-century mathematicians Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz (begun or fomented in part by their disciples and associates) over who had first invented the mathematical study of change, calculus.
@DaveS you buying ripple?
Newton was credited for physics and calculus which are practically the same so I think the guy was just selfish.
Back~~~ :3
lol could be
wb womp
dammit what coin should i buy
I really don't want to be at work today lol
wow presscoin to counter fake news
now that is news
as if news are reliable at all
lol how did you do that
just replace extension with .gif
"Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer." - Felipe Fortes
Power is out at my office
So my boss gave me a laptop and told me to go use the Wi-Fi at Barnes & Noble
Probably won't get much work done.
Need to go get lunch before going to an onsite with a customer
Bitcoin just passed 8k
Hiya Graeme!!!!! :D
1 BTC > 8k USD?
8.8 if you're in brazil
@ColdFire I would if I was investing in Crypto, With my recent house purchase, child on the way etc, I don't have and disposable income left to speculate on crypto with.
@W0MP3R and @TimCastelijns got your request accepted it
seems you both are offline i guess?
dave bought some ripple
Got some as well
and ripple started falling
rip my luck lol
rip-ple your luck
don't worry. That happens
Annd, it's not really falling on bit trex
It's one of those currencies where you can leave like $100 in it on the off chance that it really blows up
because it's so cheap
that happened with LTC
just wish I had bought more 3 years ago
@TimCastelijns i got 2 armour not sure the use
Everything except heroes is cosmetic
i got a hero too
my hero suck not sure why
no idea how to make it powerful
You level in games. Every game you start at lv 1 and you end usually around 20
what game?
does it involve larvae?
i don't find you :(
Heroes of the storm, Dave
Indirectly, the queen of blades and her brood mother are both in the game
Aiur#2522 w0mp
maybe i put the wrong number...
sent :O
Sleep time~~
Cya tomorrow people!!! :D
the fuck
people are using some crazy powers
who are you playing
every hero can do their own thing
there are like 75 heroes
i see you are online
they will take time to understand all
can be play together or is there some level shit thing?
Yes but not in draft mode
@DaveS well ripple is doing good thanks
no idea what is draft mode
In quick match you just pick a hero and go, in draft mode you go to lobby first where teams ban and pick heroes in turns
i see
@DaveS early congrats for the child!
Just go easy. It takes a long time to learn everything
user image
thanks Mehdi
^ That was the funniest shit I've ever read. Ever.
Bro what about that raghav Pic earlier
That was not as funny.
That reddit joke was legendary. I was half way through and so engrossed I forgot it was /r/jokes
o// (one arm to tap each head)
lmao Mauker wat
That came out wrong
That's what she said.
Has anyone found a way to load pdf in android ui?
Within the app;
There are some libs I believe?
I think it might have a native solution as well
The last hack used Google Docs; which is not even something to rely on for the long run
posted on November 20, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Neto Marin, Developer Advocate Understanding how people find your app and what they do once they've installed it is crucial to helping you make the right product and marketing decisions. This is especially important when you're deciding your advertising strategy and budget. Today many app measurement companies and ad networks offer ad attribution solutions based on referral data. As

@Mauker This is great; now am thinking of how to point it to an endpoint/server; and then render
That's a good question.
Yeah the Pdf is online; so maybe download it, store it in disk, then render it using this Renderer
That's one way of doing it
you could also zip it server side if it's too big
You have any other ideas?
unzip it on the device
Interesting approach
I only had to deal with PDFs like... 3~4 years ago. I used a lib for it. But basically, I downloaded it before I displayed it
And kept N files as a cache
Mehdi you're amazing
Mauker - XD
Oh this guy is so f**ked
Let me try it out
_Android SDK 26
Android Build Tools v26.0.1
Android Support Repository_
Yeah, it was added on L
want to support pre-L?
so devices before that
Hm. You'll have to use a lib then
if you find any good modern libs, please do not hesitate to share; I will truly appreciate it
man you the best
even supports network
There's this one too
and this one github.com/barteksc/AndroidPdfViewer has 2k stars, so it must be good XD
No support for download ^
let me check out
This seems latest;
I am going to try now
@MehdiB. Seems amazing. Got a new star
@MehdiB. But it support streams, so you can integrate it with OkHttp, right?
can't find the comic someone posted, about developers confessions, that say we choose a lib based on its stars :D
Mauker - yes, seems like it, but you'll have to download the whole file then pass it to this lib
I don't think so
OkHttp support stream downloads
If he has access to the API, he could do some pagination on the PDF, and send the pages too
so you could read the stream based on the page alone
can't wait to go to prod
my head is going to explode
I think that would be one of the most lightweight solutions
so is mine
and Netflix is tempting me with the punisher's release XD
same here, but also... Stranger Things 2
haven't watched the 1 yet, is it any good?
A lot
I stalled a lot to start watching it
And well
Watched S1 on a marathon
nice! one more reason to go to prod asap..
And I'm not watching it rn just cause I'm working lol
wtf AS
> Cannot resolve symbol ?attr/actionBarSize
I just wish I had a faster computer to work on rn
I wish I had an army of fast developers to work with me rn :D
AS complains a lot about attrs. But you can compile anyway
Leaving now
see ya guys

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