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Anyone here have experience with this concept? github.com/android10/Android-CleanArchitecture/blob/master/…
it goes beyond MVP to having different layers
yah clean architecture
it's from Fernando, the dude from soundcloud
you can check out his example project github.com/android10/Android-CleanArchitecture
it goes over the concept pretty well
have you used it?
MVP all the things
o/ carl
it's the hot shit rn
with MVP do you put business logic in the Presenter or the Model?
adam: you can use mvp without layering your app like this, does make it easier tho
with clean architecture, like his you put the biz logic in the domain layer
inside "use cases"
@AdamMc331 1 giant method ftw
Jun 2 at 20:06, by Dave S
Sorry I'm not helpful Graeme, I develop all of my apps in one giant method so I never hit the Dex limit
or interactors as some call tem
@MehdiB. that's tweet-worthy
The example I learned from used interactors. I'll have to look at this more closer and see how this differs from the MVP I've learned about.
I have a tweet about MVP hold on
Model View Presenter? More like "Most Verbose Pattern" amirite
amirite :D
Patterns are useful until they aren't
@carl i have an example that uses that pattern
it's at github.com/<myname>/bitcoin or github.com/<myname>/shopify
just small demo projects
hey guys, how do you create a directory for tests in AS
docs say "Within the appropriate module folder, right-click the src folder and click New > Directory."
but nowhere does it list Directory as an option
Hmm when you create a new project in AS it should create two test directories for you
One for unit tests and one for connected tests
ya, now i wanna expan by creating a mockTest
for my repository pattern
exactly like here
The most effective test is production, you get 100% real data that way
Huh weird I've never seen it like that. I would have just put it in the unit test directory.
I can't fire up AS right now but I'll take a peak around google too.
Nope I just found the new directory one too.
Adult comic
i don t think the docs are explaining it properly, and on top i might be missing a proper gradle configuration
I think the docs are wrong here because I don't have this opportunity either.
closest i can get is by going to new > folders > java folder
oh Marcin
At the top left of AS, where it shows that tab, do you have the "Android" option set for the hierarchy so it shows you files in an Android specific way? Change it to "Project" so you see the real folder structure, then right click on "src" and you have a "New -> Directory" option.
haha in the doc it does say "In the Project window on the left, click the drop-down menu and select the Project view."
RTFM, Marcin.
i thoguht it just meant to select project
from the side tab
in case u re in structure or something else
I ran into another problem today
I was testing orientation changes in my app. And I've noticed the app will crash in a for each loop because the object becomes null during execution
a null check prevents, but checking every variable whether it s null before using it seems cumbersome
Yeah. Where is this operation happening? How is it not killed with the activity?
I heard Kotlin prevents NPEs from happening :D
^ True story as well
it s in onCreate
can happen in onResume too
im populating a listview from a database
when i start the app, there s a white screen for 3 seconds
then i flip my phone at the right moment as it s about to display the activity
and the element in a for each loop becomes null
What's the for loop doing?
it looks like
for (myObject object : collectionForList)
@Code-Apprentice SQ went up
as simple as taht
the do something is actually just a g etter
but it doesnt matter cuz object becomes null
Hmm. Wonder if it's an operation that can be moved to the background thread or if it even is a necessary operation. Idk I agree your fix seems cumbersome but I don't know enough context to provide a better one unfortunately.
you think it s a threading issue?
tbh im working with BLE and the scanning doesn't behave well unless on a main thread
It's not in an async task or anything now? Trying to google this because idk why an orientation change would kill your reference but not kill the process that's running
posted on November 17, 2017 by Android Developers

Posted by Dave Smith, Developer Advocate for IoT Back in September, we worked with Hackster.io to encourage the developer community to build smart connected devices using Android Things and post their projects to the Developer Challenge for Android Things. The goal was to showcase the combination of turnkey hardware and a powerful SDK for building and maintaining devices at scale. Th

okay consider a scenario
I wanna do stuff with Android things.
I wonder if I can use it to power a smart mirror oooo
I don't think that's the purpose tho
okay considering
u have a for each loop and its about to do an action on the object
but the object gets removed by another process from that collection
does the object still exist within the for loop context
or do u get an exception
I'm not certain. However, without knowing the full context, I would ask why one process is allowed to remove the object while another one is iterating.
And if there's any way you could work around that.
ya that d be my answer
I shouldn't be in that position in the first place
now the null check to me sounds like hiding something that s broken
Oh I just saw this from a few days ago I forgot
SQL query completion for Room is available in #AndroidStudio 3.1 Canary 3. #AndroidDev https://t.co/RCOnga6PrU
posted on November 17, 2017 by Adarsh Fernando

Android Studio 3.1 Canary 4 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels, and includes general bug fixes. If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download here.

@AdamMc331 that looks very nice
I need to find some time to play with Arch Components.
Yeah I'm looking forward to trying it. Maybe some day I'll make time for side projects again soon.
Room is great! It's the only one I've spent a lot of time with though. Haven't dealt with LiveData a lot.
My goal is to finish this REST API and host it so that I can then get back to some Android and consume the API in my app.
I've been so burnt out this week on the tedium of figuring out a hosting solution
@MarcinDeszczynski Can you create a minimal, complete example to illustrate?
@RaghavSood yah, I noticed. It was up like 6% the last I checked earlier today. I've made over $250 today on it.
So I was supposed to go on prod in 2 weeks. And a "friend" of mine unrelated to the project talked to the business folks and told them, you guys should go to prod next week. Now I have 5 days to finish everything.... fml
Guess you have 1 less friend now
that's right
he didn't even tell me, and I was giving him my nights since 2 weeks ago to help him on a project
what a little bitch
does he have an SO account?
I'd kick him in the nuts
Also I'd tell the business folks, "I don't give a shit what assface said, it still is gonna take 2 weeks"
Unfortunately, he doesn't have an account, and he's not anywhere near where I live...
Lucky him.
Is he anywhere near one of us? We can help.
Do you want me to build a GUI interface in visual basic and trace his IP address?
told them, X is saying a lot of things, but I still need 2 weeks. they said the deadline has been communicated to the upper management and we'll test on prod WTF
Tell them they can get fucked
Personally I'd quit if someone just arbitrarily decided to move the deadline up a week with that short notice and wanted me to work overtime to hit it
Good luck launching now assface
but it's super weird how they were able to decide this without me... and all the third party email communications that I've been pushing to unblock situations when no one gave a shit, surprisingly everybody wants to be involved to "help unblock and meet the deadline" XD
hahaha Thanks!
I'm already on notice period, but that was a parallel thing :D
Adam the Enforcer
Room 15 Mafia
"Listen up and listen up good, if youz don't follow the rules you'll be sleeping with my keystore tonight"
I haven't watched this yet, but a buddy was telling me about this Seif Project. Sounds very interesting. Also very idealized, not sure if it is very practical to replace the entire Internet, though.
LMFAO dave
o/ back
o/ caretaker of keystore
you would trust him with your keystore
sure. Someone who has lost a keystore will be far more cautious than someone who has not
Lol tim true
Een I would not
Tim's not wrong. I haven't lost a keystore since the first one.
Yup nice adam
Yeah but every other person I know has never lost a keystore
Except the first time I went to sign an app at HelloWorld I didn't realize they never handed me the keystores so I got the "keystore not found" error and I had Vietnam style flashbacks.
Re living the keystore lost moment
Got my dark GitHub theme with a dark Android theme for Firefox. Love it.
Yay nice adam
I use the default theme tho
That's the GH dark. if you want the FF theme I can look it up.
Kadamized theme
make a Java Applet one to be hardcore
this one always cracks me up XD
poor jorge
the most annoying part about iOS UI development is that there's no easy way to hide a damn view
which seems like such a common use case, wtf
though iOS was more mature than Android on UI stuff
Don't views just have an isHidden property similar to Android's visibility one?
it doesn't work the same way
it's only VISIBLE/HIDDEN, there isn't a GONE equivalent
they kind of fixed it with UIStackView, but the regular constraint way is a PITA
iOS layout constraints are the chromosomally deficient step children of Android
@trevor-e setting the width or height constraint to 0 kind of works like View.GONE
yea that's what I had to do, but my layout was sizing itself intrinsically off of its child views so I had to add that constraint myself
and then mess with the top constraint priority
sounds like a pain in the ass
but at least I can create a view without a Context so I guess it evens out lol
context doesn't bother me that much
I love context
not me, allow me to drop that here whitepowermilk.com/pages/process
what in the world is going on here
something is going on here
@FélixGagnon-Grenier is this real? :O
I sincerely hope it is a prank Mehdi
I think it is XD
> By popular demand, you can now purchase a milk gargling video
Man I don't really wanna move out in Michigan but I got bored and started looking at apartments near my work and man some of these are really nice.
you live with the parents now?
all the houses in Boston suck or cost a fortune
you work in Detroit right?
to both
I almost moved out back in February, but then I started interviewing out of state so I nixed that but I never got any of those out of state jobs so now I'm considering it again.
how long is your commute currently?
stay with them
save money
^ if the commute is bearable
It's a 40 minute drive. It's awful, but it is bearable.
I am not moving out soon. I do need to save some money. Did a little more traveling than I should have this fall and racked up a larger than I want to admit credit card bill so I gotta pay that off before I do anything drastic lmao.
is that with a lot of traffic?
Yeah it's closer to 30 minutes if there's no traffic at all. It can take me almost an entire hour to get home during real rush hour.
it's not so bad imo
in that case ask yourself what is worse: daily commute depression, or owning a house and being broke 24/7 never can buy anything depression
my work has flexible hours so I come in late to avoid the traffic
Well you see Tim
Yeah I'm moderately flexible too.
which means I get lazy and sleep in
so I'm trying to change my schedule to go to the gym in the morning
and then by the time I'm out of the gym the traffic will be gone
Smart decision
work is 10min walking from my apartment, and the gym is 30min working :D
On the one hand, I have a shitty commute and can save some money. At the cost of having two dogs that bark all the time and not being able to escape when my sister brings her three kids over who are at the stage where they leave a trainwreck behind them (I love them though).

On the other, I could be broke but have my own place, with silence, and everything run how I want to, I can come and go as I please and bring people as I please (not that anyone's going on dates with me lololol) all while being closer to work. Is it worth being broke? idk
TBH though I'm expecting a raise in February and I think I'll base my decision around that, and also job prospects around that time.
switching jobs is the easiest way to get a raise, so definitely interview either way
if you need to be productive at home, maybe. but tell yourself that other stuff will eventually get in the way such as having to do literally everything by yourself, so you may miss the comfort you have now
Yeah I'll continue to keep interviewing. Right now I'm out of vacation days for the year, so I won't be able to until January anyways.
yeah housekeeping requires a lot of time and effort
buy a small apartment, so you won't have to clean 600 rooms
Oh yeah I'd buy a one bedroom. I don't really plan on moving out with anyone even though I know that's the more financial responsible way to go.
you mean a roommate? Or a relationshipmate
So that rules out Tristan then
Yes it does lol
Also Tristan doesn't pick up his shit at hackathons I can't imagine what living with him would be like. Although I did stay at his house for a weekend once.
I wish there was a way to interview without burning vacation days
He also pushed me into a lake that weekend, so yeah definitely never living with him.
lmao right Carl?
I guess if you had a job that offered unlimited vacation...
you should find yourself a (wo)man adam, you're too old for a roommate
it's called coming down with a cold ;)
cough cough
Or just have a "doctors appointment" and offer to stay late to make it up
Idk I don't mind dating but my commitment isn't really something I need in my life right now. Maybe soon I'll meet a girl to change that but I'm not getting my hopes up currently haha.
@DaveS This is what I do for every single phone screen. "Sorry, I'm working from home tomorrow because I have a doctor's appointment at this time."
Doesn't work so well when you're going on site and out of state. "Sorry, I'm coming down with a cold tomorrow and btw I have to leave work early today to catch an unrelated plane flight."
out of state yeaah
but for hour long phone screens I just WFH. Or if they're west coast I schedule them in the evening east cost time. Win win.
what is a phone screen, other than a phone's screen
it's an interview over the phone, instead of in-person
I would hate that
probably wouldn't even accept it
perhaps it makes more sense in the US
considering the size of the country, and NL
We do them all the time here. They're pretty standard. Especially for the large tech companies.
some phone screens do pair programming over the web
Most of the one's I've done are like that. Using coderpad or another shared service.
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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