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12:00 AM
Congrats, Tm! (I think)
They have an office there or going to be working from home?
cya Een
They have a huge ass office. I will have so many colleagues, I am thrilled
I'm heading out too
@TimCastelijns both? :D
Cya bestie
can you work at the office even if you don't have a huge ass?
12:01 AM
See ya, Tim
haha, Carl and Dave!
later Tim, Carl
I'm leaving, not Tim
I'm not going, I was just calling Carl my bestie
but not before I get some jabs in :D
12:03 AM
was confused and was just going to say "Cya!" to stay broad :D
Oh, I see. I was confused
me too
Show of hands who's leaving. I have to find a new BFF
I am not your bff anymore?
I see what's happening. You're upset because I have a bestie on the side
No, you just gave that role to Carl. It's ok, I'll get over the pain...eventually
Yes, exactly
12:05 AM
BFF is barely facebook friends right?
Much like the Highlander, than can be only one
if that's the case I see 4 right here
I'm honored to be your barely facebook friend
It's a rare honor
Yes, pretty rare, the same kind of honor shared among all your 2k fb friends
12:44 AM
How's college treating you, Tristan?
Pretty good!
How's life treating you?
Good to hear!
Up and down but I'm still alive so that's a win
I've been in my new house for just over 3 months and finally got my computer set up last night. lol
Everything has pretty much been a cluster fuck (at least for me) since our acquisition so that kind of sucks
1:10 AM
Damn :(
Yep. Always given a project then we decide it's not going to happen then we decide it is going to happen. It's a fucking marry-go-round. And we just bought another company in our industry so it's going to get even more convoluted :/
1:31 AM
But yeah, that sounds exhausting.
good catch
Yes, it is
Have a cat
If this were facebook, I would have responded with, "Literally me every evening after work"
1:48 AM
@codeMagic that sounds too familiar
Ah, so you know how awful it is then :/
You would think being bought by a publicly traded company would be great. Not necessarily so
yeah it's been chaos since we started buying up companies
If I had a specified role, it wouldn't be quite so bad. But I'm still going from project manager to Android developer, to full stack developer. It's actually always full stack with those other things thrown in on and off
But we've got 4 different websites I work on plus Android dev then sometimes working on iOS or whatever they decide we're going to do that day. And add in different frameworks we want to go with. It's really stupid
Oh, don't forget random, custom sql reports that need to be run often
Ok, glad to get that rant out :P
Oh forgot helping 2 younger developers because they don't feel like they can get help from their boss. Ok now </rant>
2:19 AM
lol that's nuts
I'm glad someone agrees and it's not just me bitching :D
I could give you more but I think that's enough to explain. haha
I have a hellish day tomorrow
> Waking up at 6:30 so I can register for classes
Recitation at 10-12
Meeting with a professor at 1
Class at 2-3:30
Interview practice with @Ahmad at 4
2:40 AM
@TristanWiley make sure to prep one or two questions
and I'll do the same
2 hours later…
4:21 AM
Three people log into room 15
Two people sign their apks
And Adam's here too!
4:39 AM
What's up Adam and raghav?
4:55 AM
@AdamMc331 btw Adam how did you lose your keystore?
They keystore went to buy cigarettes
He'll be back any day now
Disk failure?
5:17 AM
I factory reset my computer and thought I backed up everything in source control/google drive and missed one.
News Flash: Adam viciously murders keystore and entire family of data on harddrive, claims innocence
2 hours later…
7:33 AM
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!! :D
Good morning!
8:12 AM
It would take four loops to merge AppliedFilters into Filters, right? hastebin.com/zelohajira.lua
wait what?
why would you use loops for that?
I should use HashMap?
Can you suggest something, I can't use my head I think.
are the filters rock solid or they come from an API?
i understand that "filters" refers to both some arrays somewhere and checkboxes in the UI
From API, could be any number of them.
have arrays generate teh checkboxes but apply the results directly to a AppliedFilters array, don't go through your filters again
via hashmap
so if category "devices" doesn't exist add it, then set nokia to true"
if nokia is unselected, remove nokia
8:23 AM
I want to show preselected checkboxes.
API gives me list of all of them filters. AppliedFilters is local.
So, you are saying I should use HashMap.contains(key). right?
that's what i'd do
i'd have to dig deeper
but looks quite less complicated
than multiloops
But wouldn't that be HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> for all selected filters.
I am trying, thanks
9:07 AM
Hiya Rupin, Eric!!!! :D
9:22 AM
Okay, call me crazy but
is there any way i could, ehm, get a element by element obserbable?
given general Rx knowldege
in my case RxJs
"play case": i have a gazillion data elements
it takes a lot to query them, adn it takes a lot to display them on a map
"a lot" : 1 - 4s
i would like to "lazy-load" the process by displaying them in batches of 50, or 100, depends on speed
9:38 AM
you can manually create an observable and emit a set of items evert 50th iteration of a loop
Hiya Tim!!!!:D
Hiya Netpork, Jordy!!!! :D
9:54 AM
I had like 10 new things/features/functionalities to put in the client app for a new update. Asked them which they wanted me to put in the update. They didn't know/care, so they made me choose. Now there is trouble because they wanted some feature, that I didn't put in the update
18 hours ago, by Mark O'Sullivan
user image
@TimCastelijns i got no idea
i expected TakeWhile to take While
it didn't.
that's your fault for expecting logic in js
poor js :(
10:07 AM
Hiya Mark!!!! :D
RxJS's flatMap does what i want
noice :D
it turns a bloated array response into multiple single item responses
even better than chunked
is that the one that transforms list into singles?
10:12 AM
i'm new to RxShit
this is probably the furthest i've gone
after the simple .map()
10:49 AM
just had an open end phone interview
no coding
just asking coding questions
but it went good I think! :D
omg I'm so excited
Awesome! :D
Good luck Ahmad
Hiya Ahmad, Mehdi!!!! :D
Good luck Ahmad!!!!!! \o/
Hello Womper! :D
10:54 AM
@TimCastelijns Why do I get 'Realm access from incorrect thread. Realm objects can only be accessed on the thread they were created' while I created a new instance on the 2nd thread?
cause you made a mistake
In doInBackground I open Realm: Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
Close it the end of the doInBackground (yes before I return)
onPostExecute I re-open it, here it gives me the error.
show bro
10:56 AM
Will do, just a sec
Sounds like you're returning a RealmObject in another thread and then using this RealmObject in another thread
Don't mind my spaghetticode in the method, rewriting it right now
What line is the error?
It dies at: RealmResults<Coordinate> coordinates = realm.where(Coordinate.class).equalTo("map_id", map.id).findAll();
11:02 AM
I've had a bit of success fighting that thread issue whenever I use realm.copyFromRealm() when returning a RealmObject
Yeah you're trying to get the map id when it was created from another thread
try using copyFromRealm
Aaah nice, will try :) thx
That'll create an unmanaged copy of the object which will allow you to access it from another thread
in your case, doInBackground is one thread and onPostExecute another
Alternatively, you could just return another Map RealmObject using Realm in the onPostExecute method if you'd rather do that. I think that should also work.
Nice, will try both. Will probably fix it couple of minutes, noobie interns asking a lot of questions right now.
copyFromRealm is not a nice solution
it basically says "fuck realm, just give me the plain object"
you cannot save it back to realm after
You can't?
11:39 AM
I'll test it out after lunch, had to explain data types.
Yeah really, had to explain what data types are for.
Intern decided it would be a great practice to string replace the 0's with nothing on a integer.
Guess what happened, plussing the integer didn't work the way it should (ohrly)
Was it released to the public?
11:41 AM
Not yet
no issue then, intern made a mistake, not a surprise really
they'll learn from it
i hope
this intern will probably do the same 1 hour lafter
he's from Poland and he listens to tripaloski entire day at the office :d
I guess that makes me feel like a slightly better intern
you're a fake intern ahmad
you have like 10 years experience
11:51 AM
i'm not fake bruh
you're fake news
you're something undocumented yet, you know how to invert a binary tree but you have 10 years of experience :D
I don't even know what a binary tree is m8
a tree built from 0's and 1's
11:55 AM
fantastic binary tree 10/10
it's a data-structure like this
2 is there twice wtf
and 5
still don't know what it is lol
Sorry, the previous one one wasn't a good example (not balanced)
the idea is that a node has 1 or 2 children, the one on the left is smaller than the parent and the one on the right bigger
11:59 AM
When would that be useful?
Hello, my name is David. I would fail to write bubble sort on a whiteboard. I look code up on the internet all the time. I don't do riddles.
remember these posts? it was somehow developers protesting against these interview questions
I hate those interview questions. My memory is shit
Q: What are the applications of binary trees?

JichaoI am wondering what the particular applications of binary trees are. Could you give some real examples?

I don't see how those are useful questions in an interview anyway
"how would you invert a binary tree?"
ummm find the library with the most stars that does it?
imo, it's to get fresh grads, since they're the ones remembering how to do these stuff
12:07 PM
@MehdiB. I like this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/11677558/2411667
I have no idea how i'd invert a binary tree
I'd probably just smile, nod and then say "yes"
I'd ask for a glass of water then
2 hours ago, by Tim Castelijns
18 hours ago, by Mark O'Sullivan
user image
seriously though, if you're interested, check the book "Cracking the code interview"
I wouldn't want to work at a company that asks such questions in an interview
it's not of this day and age anymore
I've heard of that book
I think I'll read some of before my next interview
think I got a pdf of it stored on dropbox
If you're stuck, there are a lot of solutions on github
Tim - seems to me it's a bit trending... google, amazon, remote jobs etc... 1h to do X
12:28 PM
"you have one hour to do x" - OK
"you have one hour to invert this concrete theoric element that has no real life application on it's "pure form" or go away. " -> not ok
"you have one hour to do x" - Panics
^ That's me :D
that too
12:53 PM
i have that book cracking the coding interview.
these days companies ask you do assignments. The task in subset of what you have done already in your apps that are on playstore or samples on github. I wonder whether they actually look at it
So the company/interviewer has looked into those but ask you to implement a recyclerview with images captured from camera. That's the assignment wow!
Lunch time!!! :D
"you have one hour to do x"
1:09 PM
Assignment to test my material design skills
1:22 PM
Sounds like an app in itself
that's not much of an assignment
you lost me at fragments
who was talking about wanting a OP5T? The reveal is today
yup not much of a assignment
@TimCastelijns I was considering it
1:35 PM
@MarkO'Sullivan It's just 5/7
1:47 PM
5 or 7 isn't binary though
Sup guys?
sup guy
hi guy
@Jordy I am in communist ruled state now wow this state is in ruin
2:00 PM
Hiya CF!!!! :D
Sup womp?
Anyone had problems importing svg's which have text / numbers in them to vector drawables for Android?
Nope mark never tried
Dammit I am missing out on crypto fun :(
One day more
AS does not support all SVG standards
it tells you when you are importing
but SVG doesn't really consist of text or other
it's just a collection of drawing instructions
if the SVG is correct, it's just vectorial points that happen to form shapes and letters
2:17 PM
designer sorted it
that's so british :D
what is the english term for the period between your resignation and the actual date you stop working at a company
if you give your 2 week's notice, what is the 2 weeks called? Notice period?
notice period / holiday / fuckaboutery period
I think our notice period is 4 weeks here
2:32 PM
company i suppose
we have 2 weeks, but the normal is 1 month atleast
1/6th year for me
i don't know what that means
it's about the same ratio as 1/how many thousand feet go in a nautical mile
what is a nautical mile?
2:43 PM
About 1.85 km
Also, 1 minute of latitude
a nautical mile is about the same as the ratio between 1 and 6 multiplied by the ratio between 1 and 1000 feet
Notice period
@CptEric yep our company
Yes notice period tim
@TimCastelijns yours is 2 months?
2:50 PM
Wtf Freedom units
@TimCastelijns You usually just say "I put in my notice"/"Serving my notice period"/"Lol I resigned and they insisted I serve the notice period on an unrelated note production deleted itself"
@TimCastelijns so you can't leave or what?
tbh here leave notices are just formal
but as this is not USA, you can't get fired for wanting to leave
ex "i'm looking for a job, but i hope i can keep working here until i do". "take your stuff out today when leaving".
illegal in spain for now --- ^
Most places I've come across will just give you a paid vacation for your notice period and terminate access to prod
Unless you're leaving on very good terms
No one wants to risk a rogue with prod access
here it's reverse. stay here until leave time +0.001ms
your soul is bound to me until 1ms after 17:00
2:56 PM
@ColdFire Enjoy the commies :D
commies are fine in moderation
just like liberals
or chocolate
commies just like liberals, wait what
too much of any of those and you'll die. be it of starvation, starvation or diabetes.
someone missed the antifa's
@Jordy well the state is lost
2:57 PM
real liberals jordy
Unless bjp win
those that want poor people to die away from their sight lol
The left should lose every election for India to progress
I love how the French president went from left to right in 5 months :d
At the elections he was a lefty, now hes liberal
2:58 PM
he was right from minute 0 lol
@CptEric they are cancer
Nobody wants communist
Feminism/communism is worse than cancer
as i said, moderation.
some high class commies in a parliament make sure the extreme right doesn't suck up the worker's soul
Why do all $ expenses come at once?
2:59 PM
some liberals make sure the generic left or commies don't spend shitton of cash in useless stuff
@Jordy lol
There are no moderate communist
excess of austerity or public expense = starvation
maybe not in your country lol
I would leave today if I could, but I have to stay 2 more months

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