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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@trevor-e How so?
smart analytics*
that has actual logic involved
well, it worked
now I have 250 strings to translate :(
actually, gonna do that tomorrow
good night
Not sure what "smart analytics" means...
well, I'm debating whether or not to release an update to my app. I've fixed two things, but there's another bug that I'm working on. Just not sure how long it will be before I have a fix ready for release.
I'm only supposed to log stuff when the user leaves the screen and if they changed something
checking if they changed something is super tedious
and now I need to handle saving instance state
sounds fun
I am thinking about adding more logic to my own analytics. Just haven't gotten around to it yet.
@nsij22 Welcome. Please read the room rules room-15.github.io
@saveman71 same ^
I have read and understood the rules
Hello! Quick question, is it a known issue that startActivityForResult works on Marshmallow when called from a BroadcastReceiver like this, but fails on Jellybean until I manually get back to the Activity having the receiver ?
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