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GOOGLE IS GIVING 2 FREE GB ON DRIVE Just update your security info today.
You're late Mauker
I already shared that
> Reverse lottery: everyone gets paid a free 20 bucks upfront, but then one pathetic loser has to pay out $1 million if he's picked
@trevor-e Aw. :( That's okay, we'll make our own search engine.
Just kidding I'm not taking on Google lol
with blackjack and hookers?
Does knowing both iOS and Android really make you that much more valuable?
I'll shut up now
@DaveS Do you think it's better to know both? You do both, IIRC.
Knowing both makes you flexible as a mobile developer and a valuable peice for bridging both works as well as being able to design a consistent UX on both platforms.
I think just about anyone hiring a mobile developer would mark it as a plus that you have experience on both platforms.
Is knowing just Android sufficient enough?
Should he learn backend or iOS first?
I know some backend stuff
Sure but knowing iOS isn't a tough skill to learn and makes you more valuable.
I recommend porting at least one Android app to iOS to get over over the learning curve.
@Franck This room requires a higher answer/question ratio. Give some more answers before requesting access again. room-15.github.io
yeah. I've been wanting to with CC.
Nice try.
If you have been through the 2 month or so introductory learning curve for iOS and have extensive Android experience its fairly easy to jump into iOS development
Because, who needs programming
I bought a udemy course that teaches a ton of great iOS but I haven't really dived in too far yet.
Castle is on in ten minutes. I'll be back in like an hour. o/
Get used to the storyboard, get used to segues, get used to objective C and generally useful hacks.
And UI manipulation.
So if I'm starting from scratch it's still important to understand obj-c? Swift alone isn't enough yet?
Having a project as a code base you can pull from is useful. Objective-C will be closer to Java but swift works too.
I don't know swift myself actually
Hmm. In my limited knowledge I feel like swift is much closer to Java lol
Objective C is C++ with extras
Swift seems more like Python
Swift is similar to Kotlin (I know, I know, Kotlin was here first. I don't want Ahmad to get mad at me) but I think having worked with Kotlin a lot lately going back into swift should be great for me.
Anyways gotta go make my popcorn before my show I'll be back o/
I should learn swift but I don't have the free time
I won't recommend not learning it but objective-C might still be able to do things swift can't. Anyway I'm out
Dave I want to meet you
this guy man
been watching his channel for 2 hours now
best channel ever
Ahmad you've seen Don't Go To School?
Er, Don't Stay in School
It was viral a while back, really amazing
Meh. Good message, wrong title.
He actually explains the title in another video, he didn't mean to drop out. It's a genuine message and title
Yeah but Americans take article and video titles at face value without watching them sometimes.
I'd suggest watching the other video
Tristan, and anyone else in this room for that matter, is welcome to meet me. Just gotta come to AZ =p
> Why are mountains so funny?
> Because they are hill areas.
@Ahmad awesome video!! I need that kind of perspective installed in my brain pls.
Yo o/
Every time I see some code samples coming from an experienced Java developer, they would constantly write this kind of code when making a dynamic array: List<E> then morphing it lately into an ArrayList<E>. I know that we can take an advantage of "making instanced variables polymorphic" but they always initialized them internally, and not by a constructor's parameter(I forgot the term for that one).
So what's the benefit? It would just make your code more cluttered as you have to import more than one Class although this is just a nitpicking...
o/ TLN
how's life? long time no chat :D
:D Still trying to figure out how can I shut my laptop down.
Life is good.
oh maan. that's been a year already!
The thing is I am afraid of formatting my laptop.
It has got many things installed.
has it any purchased software installed?
mmmm... No
A: Why do we assign a parent reference to the child object in Java?

anioIt allows you to access all subclasses through a common parent interface. This is beneficial for running common operations available on all subclasses. A better example is needed: public class Shape { private int x, y; public void draw(); } public class Rectangle extends Shape { public v...

so why are you hesitating then? you could just reinstall them
Because I'll have to waste my time to install each and everything once again.
and to setup.
common man. I believe you wouldn't need half of those software!
@TheLittleNaruto I have seen that already :)
I hope you liked it.
Yes that's awesome :)
sometimes emails are a plain bad idea...
we have a setup at work where each commit creates a mail with the diff and sends it to all developers... now I just got an email where a jar lib was deleted and I really get the binary diff inside the mail... AWESOME!
German is a great language!
Now I understood why Germans keep using acronyms a lot in English.
god morning
been trying 45 minutes to make an online tramit through my national goverment social security website
gave up and asked for an appointment
all their webswites are half broken and none has a valid certificate
so different browsers break at different parts
Guys, I have a small question.
I am using AlarmManager to show a notification at 11:30 am everyday. It's working fine, but whenever I launch my application, it generates notification
even if it's not 11:30 AM.
What type did you set on the AlarmManager#setRepeating?
AlarmManager alarmManager = (AlarmManager) getSystemService(ALARM_SERVICE);
if(sharedPreferences.getBoolean(Constants.SHPR_SHOW_NOTIFICATION, false)){
Calendar mCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
mCalendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 11);
mCalendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
mCalendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);

if(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19)
alarmManager.setExact(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, mCalendar.getTimeInMillis(),
@AdeelShahzad would you mind reading the rule #3 of the room? Please.
@AdeelShahzad You mean, triggered for every time you launch the app?
I am sorry, @Blackbelt. I'll be careful next time
Yes, @mr5
Hmm, can you show the code for SettingsActivity.createPendingIntent(this));? Just the minimum
It creates an Intent to NotificationService.class and returns the following
return PendingIntent.getService(mContxt, Constants.PENDINGINTENT_CODE, iAlarmManager, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
hmpf... I have tested all 3 switch cases and yet my code coverage shows me the switch case to be yellow (means something is missing there) instead of green
@AdeelShahzad I'm not really sure about this but you could try to change the 4th parameter to PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT
No luck, @mr5. Changed it but still generating notification whenever I launch app
Is it only triggered for the initial launch or for every launch?
Sorry I didn't understand that. Can you come again?
Does the alarm always triggered for every time you launch the app?
Or for the very first time only? @AdeelShahzad
Every time I launch the app
@AdeelShahzad Sorry, my knowledge for alarm manager is very limited. I haven't really had enough time to read through the docs so I could only help you through random guesses =P so for the last resord, try to change the first parameter of setRepeating/setExact to one of these values ELAPSED_REALTIME, ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, RTC, RTC_WAKEUP
No problem, @mr5. Thanks for the help. Really appreciate your efforts to help me :)
But I guess I found the solution
@AdeelShahzad =P glad you found it yourself. So, what is it?
I created another instance of calendar called 'currentCalendar' and checked the difference in millis with the time I want the notification to generate.

If the 'currentCaledar.getTimeInMillis()' is greater than the mCalendar.getTimeInMillis, I added a day in mCalendar.
So far, I have launched the application 5-6 times, and no notification was generated.
Q: Jacoco coverage for switch statement

WarrenFaithI am working to get 100% code coverage for a library I am working on and I seem to have some issues with a switch statement and the coverage which I simply don't understand. I test a simple switch statement: public enum Type { NONE, LEGACY, AKS } private static Class<?> getCipherClass(Type...

if someone has an idea
wow you are pushing a lot with jacoco
yeah, I am introducing testing in the new company, so I have to push for it :)
i have perfectionated my AppCode color scheme
i'm curious if i can export it to AS
The software development process i can’t fix this *crisis of confidence* *questions career* *questions life* oh it was a typo, cool
new icon netpork
Any clue how I can pass a null value into the invoke() method? Every way I tried I get an InvokationException. Obviously it does not understand that the null I pass is of the enum type, which kind of makes sense. — WarrenFaith 38 secs ago
65 warnings in swift and growing. damn code nazis.
anyone an idea for my reflection issue? (see comment above)
switch may only like constant types?
it does, but I fail to get the method invoked, so the switch is not the problem
I don't understand the question
getMethod(Enum enum) <- this is what I want to invoke by reflection
normally I could make getMethod(null), but not with reflection
the method is identified by name and parameter, so "null" fails to be seen as the enum parameter and the invoke call fails
even (Enum) null cast fails
Get all methods and cut it down?
if you see my question, I manage to call the method with all variants of enum except null
your saying `getMethod("methodName", Enum.class); isn't working?
see the code in my question
getCipherMethod.invoke(instance, CipherWrapper.Type.NONE) works
with every Type variant it works
but now I need to call getCipherMethod.invoke(instance, null) somehow
and in that situation it tells me that getCipherMethod can't be called with that parameter
without reflection it works, but I would prefer to keep the method private and therefore have to use reflection
SO your problem is you can't invoke the method with null? because it expects Enum type?
kind of, yes
but: I can create a enum variable and assign it to be null, so I could pass null easily in real code
Right - but your doing this for code coverage?
and you want to keep the method private so as not to damage the implementation?
create a method in the class called private void testGetCypherClassWithNull() {getCypherMethod(null);}
I find test methods in production code pretty bad practice
but your solution would work
I could work with @NonNull annotation so at least we would get a warning when we try to pass null but it would still miss the coverage point as this does not say that I can skip the null test
But if the invoke method won't let you pass in a "null" Enum, then what choice do you have?
Will it let you pass in a variable ? rather than an anonymous variable?
I mean, I don't know why it would, but reflection is weird.
wait, that is an idea
(btw, if this works, your honour bound to help me with my issue ;))
CipherWrapper.Type nullType = null;
getCipherMethod.invoke(instance, nullType);
that works like charm...
I'm a genius!
while getCipherMethod.invoke(instance, (CipherWrapper.Type) null); does not
please answer my question, you earned the reputation!
(I answered a question on SO that wasn't one of my own. I'm like some sort of altruistic hero!)
Is CalendarView broken does anyone know? I'm managing to get it fighting with it's container for some reason...
Graeme, you are a genius but still wrong and I was wronger and stupid
Harsh :(
invoke() creates an InvokationException if internally (in my case expected) another exception is thrown. I just need to see the "caused by" throwable and see that actually the null is passed even with an anonymous object
I was just too stupid to realize that
Hah, awesome :D
anyway without your help I would still be blind. Thanks!
Hey Warren, BTW, you should check if the invocation exception is just wrapping an exception caused by invoking the method.
updated answer
I gave up on my issue btw :P CalendarView sucks :P
I only used DatePicker dialogs so far
Grrrr!!! DATE PICKER SUCKS TOO Graeme smash
There are no good ways of entering day and year on Android without using spinners :P
sorry :D
How to stop the UI thread in my app until other thread completes printing <3
It's sweet really
Bad news about that train crash Warren, did they figure out how it happened yet?
not yet
Do you ever have one of those days, where you start on a 5 minute issue, and it just goes on and on and on and on and it just doesn't get fixed
of course
I've never been a fan of date formatting. But my goodness. Date formatting from one format to another, using DatePickers and Calenders.. All I want is for the user to click a button and select a date!
are there any opensource libraries that could ease your pain?
I don't use libraries where possible
maintenance nightmare in the making I've found.
@Graeme Doesn't it has callbacks already to get the selected date ?
Yeah, but, I get the date from the server in yy-MM-dd, i display it in dd MMMM yyyy, I then want them to pick the date from a nice looking dialog (which needs to be wrapped in a fragment dialog so it doesn't crap out on orientation change), but you can't easily change the year in any component but a spinner. You need to set it with Day, Month and Year as int's and you get the time as Day, Month, Year which I need to give to the server in it's format and display in mine.
Taken me all morning :P
(To be fair, it works now :))
> "For each change (user story, bug fix, etc) developer must make a separate brunch."
nice typo
that is not healthy
depends on the customer :D
I was looking through my Dropbox files and found this... I don't know why this ever existed. But it does. dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1783432/warrenExting.png
Oct 22 '12 at 15:17, by WarrenFaith
what the heck is going on? 5 of the starred messages are mine...
Wow over 3 years ago LMAO
this and the following messages
We old schooool
We are
You know what else it means? Your DP is out of date!
DP? (something) profile?
My image is round about 7 years old
Display Picture
I updated it... lets see when it is published
ok, I see the updated version already :D
jeeesh, that new avatar reminds of Linus Torvalds, dunno why.
deal with it :D
@Eenvincible damn I nearly missed that message! Congrats!
btw, I really respect Linus Torvalds. He made linux, he made Git.
whats up guys?
nothing, just got a new 5X as a replacement for my broken 5X
Just noticed you changed your avatar. Through me for a minute
Nice extreme close up :)
Oh, and I just read the above messages. Carry on...
I don't have the updated avatar yet :/
Anyone here use Gradle 2.0.0-Apha6?
I am using alpha9
What is it?
There is an Alpha 9?
Alpha 6 keeps scrambling all my String resources
Just in case if you don't know 2.11 wrapper is available already. :P
Scrambling as in ?
bintray.com/android/android-tools/… <- Oooh, beta2 is available.
@Ahmad Is he aware Obama is still the president?
As in, I have menu's labeled "Red" that ask me to click "You have %1$2 apples" or "Sub-heading" :)
"The Obama administration has been remarkably scandal-free."...uhh...suuure
What scandals have their been?
@Graeme I forgot to tell from now on with any update of Studio you'll have to update the latest gradle build version too, if you want that your studio does behave well.
@WarrenFaith hows that phone? planning to buy it
0.2" too big for my taste but I am quite impressed by the speed so far
though I haven't used in on a daily basis
I have a sense that Warren is looking at me
I need to make such an image myself :D
what about the battery warren?
I told this lady to give me the mac addresses of equipment in a certain format and told her she was coding. Hey, whatever makes her happy and gets me the info I need :)
it lasts 6 days unused in airplane mode. Beside that I can't say anything. As I said: No experience for daily usage
haha okay
where are you from warren?
damn warren
i didn't notice it was you
nice new image.
you used my technique of "take the photo as near as possible so the glasses reflect light and you look prettier, because shiny = pretty, according to designers"
i've been 4 hours in different government offices
just to request a digital signing certificate
I do look pretty, don't I, tell me I look pretty! PLEASE! TELL ME THAT I AM FUCKING PRETTY! NOW! please... please tell me... sob
prepares a very large net with which to catch Warren
you can't stop me!
hammer time
anyone here using travisci (for android)?
warren, what's up in germany? heard some sad news about a big train collision.
but there's been a fire on barcelona's underground so the news are full of it
Well, we had some carnival cancellations because of storm warning
and some racist comments where some new nazi shithead answered "yes" to the question if she would let the police shoot at female refugees and their kids when they try to cross the German border... and she tried later to say that she "accidentally" clicked on the mouse button and did not intend to write the "yes" answer at all
There is even video coverage of her accident:
Pikantes Beweisvideo: So ist Beatrix von #Storch mit der #Maus ausgerutscht #AfD #schießbefehl #petry #Mausrutscher https://vine.co/v/i1HEYUKpuFL
i saw a documentory on History TV claiming that Hitler never did suicide
Yeah, and there are nazi zombies on the dark side of the moon...
So sad.. My friend was in Germany for few days.. He said that people never talk about Hitler and don't even call his name.. is that true?
depends on the topic. Talking about him and saying his name is no taboo in Germany
we have a news channel which is known to talk about hitler on a daily basis
@MangeshGhotage he waited to act in Inglorious Basterds
Why is my 15GB download taking so longggg
slow internet
It's only taking like 2 hours lol
You need Google Fiber dude
I want Fiber
But alas, I cannot
me too
Only verizon and comcast to choose from here. And I wish them both an eternity in the 9th layer of hell.
Those choices suck
So, never. EVER. Buy anything from HP. Just a PSA
haahha Eski
They suck
I have a HP printer :P
HP is my new sworn enemy
good night folks! :)
> However, this restriction will not apply in the event of the occurrence (certified by the United States Centers for Disease Control or successor body) of a widespread viral infection transmitted via bites or contact with bodily fluids that causes human corpses to reanimate and seek to consume living human flesh, blood, brain or nerve tissue and is likely to result in the fall of organized civilization.
no, why you did change your picture
That too
Glitch made me do it!
and Amazons plays the humor card in their ToS for their AWS service
Warren can I make you a circle?
no, I am square
Join. Us
3 hours ago, by WarrenFaith
deal with it :D
"Join. Us" sounds like the zombiecalypse is already here
I prefer the death then
I was mainstream before hipster made it cool
Never forget the OG Circle
Hey Ahmad!
\o ahmad
ahmad, been meaning to ask - you know any good libraries for sticky section headers in android? or even a better design pattern... doesn't seem android-y, only apps i can really find using it are contacts, and facebook messenger
Q: Resources becoming mixed in Android Studio 1.5.1 using Gradle2.0.0-BETA2

GraemeWeird problem that happens only occasionally (couple of times a day), and is fixed by cleaning the project and rebuilding: As you can see, in some builds text resources are scrambled and worse, res ID's and image ids can also be every so slightly wrong causing weird app wide problems during te...

In case people want a giggle at my misfortune
01:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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