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@saveman71 no idea
and I'm heading out for the day
you may want to try using the context passed in onReceive instead of using getApplicationContext()
a big thumbs up to whoever can figure out how to get a view reference to the overflow icon on the toolbar
view, not drawable
@DaveS Thanks for the answers, but I figured out you're not supposed to do work that takes more than 5 seconds in a onReceive, so if I call startActivityForResult inside it it may take more than 5 seconds for the user to complete the process
ah ok
well getting application context may be expensive
So I may have found an other way: I'll start my MainActivity (where the receiver was) with a boolean in the Intent, and check it and call startActivityForResult if it's true. This seems kind of bulky, do you have any opinion ?
And I tried the other ways for getting the context, didn't help much either
onReceive is meant to be able to start the activity. I'd look at why a few lines of code may take more than 5 seconds
well isn't startActivityForResult (as opposed to startActivity) supposed to be blocking in some way? Maybe I'm mistaken, because I only deduced that because after 5 seconds or so my broadcast was sent (and the startActivityForResult didn't work), the application and the logcat went crazy and it restarted itself (without crash)
so I'm only speculating on this
the timeout is 10 seconds
I would define your package name as a constant
the whole action actually
if (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_CONSTANT))
Intent i = new Intent(context, PinActivity.class);
context.startActivityForResult(i, 2);
startActivityForResult does is let you get the code in onActivityResult in your activity, shouldn't block afaik
I'm sorry but I'm still a beginner, what is ACTION_CONSTANT?
A google search is not helping
public static final String "packageName.START_PIN_ACTIVITY";
Oh yeah right sorry
thought it was some magic thing
Okay, so this was totally unrelated, I was adding Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to my Intent, so obsviously my MainActivity was terminating, causing all of the junk in the logcat. my bad
So now back to square one yay
Hey guys!
What's up
Working through a few chapters of this text book that I am teaching out of next week
Ooh nice
Fun fun
I'm really cranky for some reason lol
@user3072210 write access here requires a min 100 rep among other things listed in our room rules room-15.github.io
The FBI Seige is happening live.
Seige of wat!"?
ahh dammnn
reasonable demands
demand** camera of exit
It's just annoying, these people. Ugh
it's gone to far
anywho, what d o you guys like to use to create app icons :P
also how hard would it be to fake that streaming and storm the place.............
posted on February 11, 2016 by Tor Norbye

We've just pushed Android Studio 2.0 Beta 3 to the canary channel. We've also released 2.0.0-beta3 of the Android Gradle plugin (it's not available on jcenter yet, but it's bundled with the IDE and is used from in-IDE builds.) This build fixes a number of issues in beta 2. If all goes according to plan, we hope to roll this out to the beta channel in a few days. Thanks for testing our previ

1 hour later…
I'm alive. I know I haven't been here in a couple days haha.
1 hour later…
Anyone gonna be at Treehacks?
Nope. :(
Raghav will you be at Bitcamp?
Should I be at Bitcamp?
I don't know, I've heard about it but I don't know if it's any good or not. I'm hoping I'll get a chance to go as namecheap ambassador
Anyone here using OkHttp?
Does Callback#onResponse runs on main thread?
I don't think so
I used it once, I think it runs a new thread.
Oh is that so...
Hey mc
I'm now using AS even though it hogs up all my RAM
and I just discovered that it's much more convenient to work here
It's very nice
including a library is just a one liner
yeah! haha
I'm working with EmberJS right now
never heard of that. Is that a framework? like NodeJS?
good morning
@WarrenFaith i need a android flavours tutorial
yeah it's a framework for single page applications
Single page apps seems cool. All HTTP-related stuffs are asynchronous
Ideally, EmberJS seems a good combination for Ionic apps and similar frameworks
i like ionic
runs fast on nexuses
My god some days I feel bad that our room is so strict but other days I look at other rooms that don't have entry requirements and holy crap do we avoid the help vampires lol
what's up in freedomland?
Idk it's 2:30 AM here so most people are asleep
I'm learning emberjs. Good times. Except it's not working and I don't feel like formulating an SO question right now so I think I'll just go to bed.
@McAdam331 Which room did you give your valuable visit anyway ? :)


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
go to sleep :P
love gun starts playing on the spotify...
Love gun, by kiss?
I saw them live once
it was great
i've seen only amon amarth
only = "Big, international groups".
oh nice
welp 3 am is a good time to go to bed I have class in seven hours
Is it possible in Java to pass type to a generic container from a function parameter such that:
function(type) { return Container<type>(); }
@CptEric Sir, yes, sir
any special topics to cover?
i managed to inject a custom app name for two flavors
i have three or 4 questions
1) is there a limit on nº flavours?
2) how can now i "inject" a custom icon for each app through the flavor system?
nothing follows...
3) in code, can i just if(BUildconfig.flavour == "potato") ?
what is that flavors you're talking about?
is it from Android?
gradle thingie
Sorry, I'm an outdated guy =(
I have found the answer from my question above :)
Q: How to have Java method return generic list of any type?

user1768830I would like to write a method that would return a java.util.List of any type without the need to typecast anything: List<User> users = magicalListGetter(User.class); List<Vehicle> vehicles = magicalListGetter(Vehicle.class); List<String> strings = magicalListGetter(String.class); What would...

@CptEric the easiest way: create a folder at the level of the "main" folder with the name of the flavor. Add a res folder, make drawable folders and put the icon in there. Done
Hi, i am writing an app which involved backup agent from Android
it is returning the following log - "02-11 13:58:23.043 W 5478 GmsBackupTransport Not ready for backup request right now: [OperationScheduler: enabledState=false lastSuccess=2016-02-11/12:31:33 moratoriumSet=2016-02-11/10:51:35 moratorium=1970-01-01/05:30:00 trigger=1970-01-01/05:30:00]
Do i have to add anything to the gradle to make it find the res directory?
what does, enabledState=false, signified?
Or he'll do the job nicely?
Btw i just used git-blame-someone-else
Works fine.
It works out of the box
you can also replace java files this way
or strings, or layouts
the only convention you have is to keep the directory name identical to the flavor
And, any limit?
not that I know of
Client has like half a thousand almost identically coded apps
Wants to merge them into a single project
some restrictions though: flavor names "test" and "androidTest" are keywords reserved for testing
Well, sounds like some hard work but it should be possible
thanks to gradle you can build all flavors as a release at once...
Hmm that sounds cool.
so releasing a new version should be easy.... uploading to playstore is the hard part :D
I found how to run them single-handley using build variants
It's their job ;p
using the "packageRelease" gradle task should create a "app-release-unsigned.apk" for all flavors iirc
Nice warren
Thsnk you alot
@CptEric Perfectly translated, indeed ;o
What's up BB?
nothing really, what about you?
Going mad
about what
Fragments re add themselves to an Activity
I know they do.
it looks like the RecyclerView wrap_content issue has been fixed and it is gonna be released with the next support library
What issue is that?
Should have been built into LinearLayoutManager from the start really
just released a new build of the app, now have nothing to do
quite like timed publishing on the play store
Anyone know if there is a plugin to generate a parcelable implementation in Android Studio?
There is one by "CodeTools" but wary of plugins
yes, I'm using it a lot, Graeme
afaik that is the plugin to go
timed as in, you can submit to the play store, then let it process, and you then go back and press a go live button
then your update goes live within minutes
better control rather than it being random
How do you do that, RED_
I mean I haven't seen a go live button
when you add the apk
there's a checkbox
also in top right of the page
where it says "standard publishing"
the only annoying thing is you can't turn it on by default, you have to change after every release
ah ok, thanks
have missed that obviously :D
Thanks Veaceslav and Warren
Red - Do you get an email when it's finished processing?
i'm sitting here refreshing the play store...
another bad thing I guess
sweet the go live button just activated for my release, seems like it takes around 30-40 minutes
@Blackbelt You've cursed me. I never found this problem until you pointed out to me and suddenly one of my dialogs have broken :P
which problem ?
The wrapping of RecyclerView
I see
well, the fix it is going to be released soon
Releasing next week, can't wait till soon :/
you can use fixed height/width
arggh app still hasn't gone live and i have to catch a flight
i hate google play
1 hour later…
learning kotlin now
confusing and amazing
Questions like this one should be flagged to be moved to other SE sites?
Q: Can't install gitlab (in centos 6)

Jongbum LeeI try install gitlab-ce on CentOS 6.7(Final). but, failed. My Environment use proxy (set proxy in /etc/yum.conf) my gitlab_gitlab-ce.repo file (https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce/install manual configuration) [gitlab_gitlab-ce] name=gitlab_gitlab-ce baseurl=https://packages.gitlab....

@cygery yeah haha I felt the same way
@Mauker Might be better for another site but not off-topic here. So, no, probably not
Okay, thanks cM
fair and square triangle
So, I found the line of code that's causing my issue and commenting it out fixes the current issue. But I can't for the life of me figure out why it's happening
adulting is hard
You just described programming life.
$900 1 bedroom apartment or $550 studio apartment in NY?
either way sounds very cheap considering it's new york
I guess on the normal market you won't find a studio under 1.5k
That sounds really cheap for NY, Ahmad
How'd you pull that off? Is it going through MS or something?
You could come to IN and rent a house for about that :P
And, obviously, IN is way more exciting
yeah corporate housing
a whole house?
how big?
For $550, 800-900sq ft
wow nice
square meters man
get your master race units right
:( factmag.com/2016/02/11/soundcloud-financial-report-44m-losses not exactly what berlin's startup scene needs
That's probably a little high actually but close
Fuck ;_;
"master race units" haha
> the average wage per employee for that year totalled €79,980
er wat
how is that even possible in berlin
especially at a company struggling to make ends meet
80k euro is pretty insanely high for germany, isn't it?
80k is considered high, not insanely but high... it is kind of insane as an average wage...
as an average wage it's damn high
"insane" is pretty good to describe that :D
lol yah
that's $130k cad, if you compare apples to apples in terms of cost of living, even in toronto that's an incredible average wage ha
but I guess they have to pay that
they have a lot of talented people
damn jlin
and toronto is pretty expensive
a friend of mine pays US$1k for a shared flat in toronto
toronto is expensive if you're buying a house, renting is pretty cheap
well, I pay 930€ for 72m²...
you cray warren
yeah that's pretty normal, even in saskatoon a 2 bedroom will probably go for 1500-1600 in a nice condo building for around 900 sqft / 83 sqm
but that's Potsdam isn't it?
it is
colleague here pays 1,1k€ for 76m² in Berlin
all kneel before my 305€ studio in kreuzberg
you can get cheap places, you can get expensive places
is kreuzberg hipster now, or do you need a kevlar vest?
I have like 5 drug deals 24/7 right in front of my house door
It is, if you consider that most landlords want you to earn 3 times the rent to consider you "stable"
yee I made the cut
young money
lol warren, didn't recognize you
@jlindenbaum but the amount of food: Top
we already decided that we want to move latest when our second child is born and then directly from the 3 room flat to a 5 room flat... but at most with 1k€.. so we probably need to move a bit outside of Potsdam
5 room? :0
yeah Mauker, I am undercover :D
well, 2 adults, a dog and 3 planned children... you do the counting :D
last I checked it was only 1!
it still is
you're ambitious
... for now.
He's got a burndown chart for his kids hanging in his living room
yelling about velocities
that could be me
I am breeding my own developer team :D
get them young, outsource your job to your children
ssshhh don't tell anyone!
like that guy that got caught at IBM last year, he outsourced his IBM job two guys in india, and was doing full-time consulting work. He was earning two wages - IBM only found out because IT finally got suspicious of his account being used for VPN connections from India all the time
nevermind, i fucked up every detail of that story - but the core of it is true haha... theregister.co.uk/2013/01/16/developer_oursources_job_china
I also liked the story about the guy who automated his tasks... like reverting database backup, hacking the coffee machine and mailing his boss/wife if some events happened
ha, that's incredible - i should automate my job
I just want to work :(
never thought I'd say thia
uni is just stress
uni is awesome imo
uni sucks. 2:1. Uni sux wins
warren got me
anyone here works with ionic?
I've tried very basic stuff with cordova
ionic is quite similar
how do you build a library with a dependency so that it doesn't get built into the jar/aar, but will get picked up automatically by someone using the library?
icons on toolbar should be 24dp or 36dp?
24 looks tiny imho
but I've seen in design guidelines that "24dp is standard size for system icons"
I'm having some trouble with FileManager there.
Luke, I have 24dp as well
could be that just three lines make it appear smaller than it really is :p
Yeah, I would add more lines and circles
it is smaller compared to the overflow icons, you should enable layout borders to see if the actual itemviews are identically in dimensions
yup, dimensions are the same, it just looks as if the icon has larger padding
not sure why, it's taken from Google's icon pack (which I downloaded some time ago, but nothing seemed to have changed in the past several months?)
repost! :D
aww...did someone else already post that?
yeah, me :) I quoted the original ToS and not a post about it :)
user image
Yah...I was too lazy to find the actual TOS
Guys, I'm hungry
Wow, what a day today: They announced that LIGO was able to measure gravitational waves... predicted by Einstein but no one was able to measure them, until today
I saw that!!
In physics, gravitational waves are ripples in the curvature of spacetime which propagate as waves, travelling outward from the source. Predicted in 1916 by Albert Einstein on the basis of his theory of general relativity, gravitational waves transport energy as gravitational radiation. The existence of gravitational waves is a possible consequence of the Lorentz invariance of general relativity since it brings the concept of a limiting speed of propagation of the physical interactions with it. By contrast, gravitational waves cannot exist in the Newtonian theory of gravitation, which postulates...
this guy is just awesome.
Great, I was given a german api to look over. This is going to be like China team, isn't it
cM's german team is the new China team
So guys, since apparently (according to Carl) nobody cares about me downloading Room 15. I'm going to put it into a CSV with information then do some data analytics on it and post my results in pretty graphs.
Any suggestions?
You could outsource your job to room 15 cM, there's lots of germans in here
Also people with too much time on their hands
I could. The only problem is that it would probably get me fired
Wait, you might be onto something there...
and one of us hired ;)
I'd rather have you not download everything. There's a reason why chat.stakoverflow.com limits requests and the chat subdomain is supposed to be non-crawlable according to the robots.txt
I'm waiting for the news headline, "Man in Indiana outsourced his own job to high school student in New York"
Oh, okey. Sowwy Ahmad
You should call it a "backup" instead
Yeah, it's a backup. gulp
@codeMagic At least Germans make stuff that works, whens the last time you heard of a Chinese product known for its reliability?
I know. It shouldn't be too bad and I'm just reviewing to see if there's changes I think we need to work for us
There are just way too many Germans in here not to make that joke
How the fuck does calling one method result in another one getting called?
this is one of the bigger WTFs recently
the method you called calls another method?
threading maybe?
nope, all methods in default handler merely display error dialogs
anyway, restarting the app appeared to have fixed the issue
Instant run is broken

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