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7:05 PM
Tis a bird.
Does anyone here know how to get the raw value from a light sensor and not the lux value?
Tis not a bird.
@OctavianDamiean Do you have any idea about the sensor?
A wild guess. It is a light sensitive resistor that is used to determine the environmental light intensity.
Come on, you know that's worth an A+!
7:19 PM
If you retrieve the values from the sensor it gives you the lux value, however in logcat its also logging a raw value and i want to know how to retrieve it
And well done :P
hi @OctavianDamiean
and merlin
Graeme needs to stop getting mad at me just for giving people a chance to not suck.
Any ideas?
7:23 PM
According to the API reference on SensorEvents the light sensor returns SI lux units.
For everything else there is this awesome site called Stack Overflow.
But logcat is definatly logging a raw value
SO its outputting it somewhere
Here's what you do: use the lux value, stop trying to get a raw value that's useless between devices.
I'm not sure what logcat does, maybe he's just drunk.
I've read through the docs but cant find anything
But the lux value seems to be fixed at 100 or 10
is pissed because he has to wait for his bike until Thursday
7:25 PM
Then you're probably doing something wrong on your own.
But why would the raw be reponding correctly?
@OctavianDamiean repairs or upgrades?
is pissed because he has to wait for his MBP 'til Monday and has been waiting for 3 weeks
retina @nil ?
@owengerig I've powder coated the frame and now it is being build up again.
7:26 PM
nice both of u
Also need a new bike, but my crappy ol' Trek should hold out for at least a year
Assuming I don't crash it again.
i hate how no retina on mba
but i dont have 2g anyways
so maybe its for the best
@CarbonAssassin Download the Android source code and check what is being logged
7:28 PM
Give it a year or two, provided GPU vendors aren't sitting on their arses, and you'll probably see a MBA with an HDPI display.
ya i have 2011 mba and that sucker gets pretty hot with video processing. the built in intel gpu sucks
Intel's improved a lot, but they're still not really there
eh who really is?
That said, I have a late 2008 MBP, so I need a new computer at this point
I don't really have to upgrade it anymore. It was the bike of a former pro-driver and he's upgraded it enough for downhill biking.
7:30 PM
My MBP trackpad's currently dead. Well, a strip in the middle really. The top and bottom parts work fine.
ya i have no complaints this mba is the best computer i have ever had
The 5400rpm disk is just absurdly slow
All I need is to finally get it back so I can go for a ride on a mountain nearby.
@nil yes, nothing beats a ssd
Guys I really really really need your help
7:31 PM
@OctavianDamiean i have never been able to ride a mountain, but i will some day. hopefully next season
I really need to eat lunch and drink a ton of water now
'Cause I'm heading out to donate blood later and I'd rather not faint. Again.
@owengerig I plan to go for competitions soon.
why in the name of God does the text get cut off on my button ? I've made a 9.patch file
@nil tell them your blood type is nill, the power of programming courses through ur veins
7:33 PM
@Alin Maybe an incorrect setting of the content area on the 9.png?
try making it the background instead of the source @Alin
@owengerig ?
I am trying for several hours to play with that shitty 9 patch
same result
(lol had to look at room title, forgot if this was ios or android) well its an imagebutton i take it? @Alin
fml ... nothing interesting on television. Gotta grab my Star Wars DVDs.
@owengerig yes
7:35 PM
and is your image set as the source or the background in the xml?
Does everyone use Eclipse Classic 4.2 Juno?
Unfortunately they already know my blood type is AB+, which means it's mostly useless
i guess it really shouldnt matter. also what is the resolution (YxY) on the image?
@Kurty I don't use Eclipse at all.
I've never used Eclipse for Android dev.
7:36 PM
Because it's a gigantic bloated piece of suck.
@owengerig that's the image
Because it sucks big time.
high-fives Octavian
7:37 PM
Then why would android/Google recommend using it.. and what do you guys use?
I was about to say! :D
what ide do you guys use?
I use a text editor and a shell.
Well, not sure what Google does, I don't even really care what Google does to be honest. I use Sublime Text 2 plus a shell.
So, back when I still did Android stuff, TextMate, then Vim, and if I did it now I'd use Sublime
7:38 PM
So basically the SDK/AVD and something like Sublime
I see..
@Alin that makes no sense, y is your image red, wordless and portrait yet greenish with words in the button screen shot
No AVD either.
I'm developing on my Nexus S if anything.
@owengerig I've got more than one button, same thing happens for this button
I wish I had a Nexus S... Or even a Nexus One to play around with
do a pastbin of your xml file @Alin
7:40 PM
I seriously have to get rid of my HTC Desire HD ... I hate that device already ...
At first I just disliked it but now I hate it.
@owengerig the button is in a LinearLayout
i see so thats text on a custom button which is just coloring
you know it would be alot easier imo to create that button with the text in a image editor
like gimp or somthing
and its a custom button, not an imagebutton
@owengerig I can't hardcode it as it changes on language
In Sublime, does it give you hints or like, a list of what you can do? For example, if I type System.out. would it give me the list like println, print, ect...
curiously on my Nexus it looks fine, on smaller devices is bad
7:43 PM
So you basically have to know exactly what you are doing.
@Kurty There are ways to do that if you create your own list but in general no.
We depend on an actual knowledge of the API to do stuff.
@nil to me thats a big feature. appearently not for you. but regardless why do you consider it better
And if not, we use documentation.
7:44 PM
I don't really consider it better, I just don't need it.
i see
I personally place a great deal of value on knowing the API I'm working with and autocomplete stuff tends to prevent that by encouraging you to just type stuff in and see what sticks
I see... Then I have lots to learn.
7:45 PM
Developing in Java without such a auto-completion and auto imports feature shows you how ugly Java really is.
Could be worse. You could be using VB.
@nil i get that, and can agree. but there are other reason to do it. less typing and you are reading the documentation with the hint popup
I don't know, it is utter shit, even PHP would be better for that matter.
@owengerig I'm not disagreeing, I just personally don't need it is all.
7:46 PM
I have a tool for documentation open at all times in the background with docsets for every language I use loaded, so I'm pretty much set.
Dash to be specific.
that i think is my only argument. knowing api's are great but most programmers would know multiple languages, and knowing all those api intimately seems like a waste of time. Whats the quote from einstein. dont memorize anything you can read in a book or something
How should I go about learning it?
Why do you hate it o.O
ya i remember a while back you guys where talking about dash. and they talk about it at my cocoaheadz meeting as well
7:47 PM
I have the privilege to chose my language. The decision to drop Java was really easy for me. :)
I've been tempted to see if Scala is usable on Android
Clojure certainly isn't due to its enormous bloody runtime
i would like to learn c# everyone says its an amazing language, but my side project atm is php+html so no time. work is mostly ios and a little android
I "learned" C# ages ago, I have mostly the same complaints about it as I do about Java
@Alin were did u go
7:48 PM
My Java for Android boils down to implementing a WebView and initializing a Couchbase instance. :D
Yeah, I don't like Eclipse either, but the autocomplete features do save a lot of typing. Found a neat tip I never knew about while watching an I/O talk (want to insert OnEventChangedListener? Just type OECL and press Ctrl+Space)
i like eclipse. maybe bloated but alot of the major ides seem to be
works for just about anything. There's something to be said about just writing in a notepad, though.
shit, xcode takes up alot of space on my computer
Visual Studio is pretty fantastic, in my opinion.
I miss it. :'(
7:49 PM
@owengerig I think i figured it out... basically I've got resources for ldip, mdip and hdip... and just for xhdip I need 9Patch... so basically I will use it just for that
lol no alternatives for that one though
I need pure speed over helpful IDE stuff.
XCode is plain shit too.
you guys are like rock stars "those ide's are to commercial man"
@Alin What? @.@ you should use 9patches for any density...
7:50 PM
I'm more like a hippy who says do what you want
except that one time we argued when i suggested using the emulator, lol
You should never use the emulator.
Unless it's for testing screen sizes.
anyways, type and hit enter to fast
@kcoppock but what if the image I have has a height bigger than what I should use in mdip and works fine on hdip ?
7:51 PM
It's acceptable if you just want to see how your layout will render. You certainly can't judge performance.
didnt really mean to bring up the past
I just like clean, simple and fast solutions. Eclipse is none of that.
guys, how about IntelliJ IDEA ?
Then what would you use besides the emulator?
@Alin make it smaller?
7:52 PM
I just like writing plugins for my editors. Doing that for Eclipse kind of sucks.
@Kurty Your device.
@kcoppock I can't because of the gradient... and corners size...
But for a user starting to learn eclipse is really good
Always test on the device. Always.
7:52 PM
Make the corners smaller... If it's not going to fit, and you're going to stretch it anyway, what's the difference?
i dont see why you say that
but im nor do i want to argue with you on that point
i bare no fallacies of knowing more about android then you
I agree with nil, you should ALWAYS test on hardware if at all possible.
thats almost impossible for android though
nods to always testing on hardware
so many different api versions
7:53 PM
@Kurty The device is the real world thing, the emulator is a stripped down approximation of a device that Google considers ideal. Real-world devices aren't ideal, they run carrier and OEM changes, they're what your users have, therefore you test on the device.
I have strong opinions on this just because I've let it bite me in the ass.
guys, how about IntelliJ IDEA instead of Eclipse ?
No opinion on it.
@Alin It is shit.
7:55 PM
@OctavianDamiean lol
I have 4 Gigs of RAM and when running emulator and eclipse I get low memory message
Because you use Windows 7, isn't it?
@Alin i have the same specs and have no problems
thats windows
The ics emulator owns my computer xD
yes... win 7
Well, there's your memory hog.
7:57 PM
I have the same specs and Win7 and have never had an out of memory error
I can run 2 emulators, firefox and eclipse without any problems on 4 GB of RAM (MBP)
Eclipse is a memory hog, but usually no more than 4-600 MB
I have disabled swap... maybe that;s the cause ?
My new MBP has 16gb of RAM. I am so set on emulating all the things.
Why would you do that?
7:57 PM
WTF that thing must have been close to 4grand
16 gigs!
Meh, mine has only 8 gig. :(
16 giggity giggity gigs?
Would be better if I could have 32gb, but the upper limit is 16, so I'll take what I can get.
2Gb, Woo! :P
7:59 PM
javaw.exe is using almost 500 MB
Holy crap, someone from the past O_O
@Alin Java uses a minimum of 500mb on most systems.
Or was that the maximum? I think my minimum was 512.
I probably got tired of the random Java bits I use slowing down, so most likely increased its minimum memory usage
8:01 PM
i get to distracted by chat, i got to close the windows. Bye! have a good weekend all
I made this. So proud.
Awesome! I have no idea what it is supposed to be but it looks great. :D
You guys really hate on Java lol
I like it
Nobody likes Java.
Actually, the lack of unicorns is annoying me a bit.
8:04 PM
I don't mind how its verboseness, helps keep everything really organized
don't mind its verboseness*
Well, no.
I dislike its everything-in-a-class mentality. It's fundamentally broken.
Also the painful verbosity is a royal pain.
I made a nice sarnie and now I can't finish it.
I find that cryptic names like strcpy() are much harder to remember, might as well just write stringcopy()
and your IDE will usually have good auto-complete
8:07 PM
That's pretty easy to remember.
str is a well-known abbreviation for "string" and cpy is a well-known abbreviation for cpy
not when there are a hundred of these functions
strcpy alone might be easy to remember
How would you use the code written in Sublime text and get it to run as an android application on your phone?
strcat is like saying string cat which, if you know your Unix, you'll know what cat is for.
@Kurty By compiling it the same as anyone else.
8:08 PM
strcmp is pretty obvious too, so I doubt I need to tell you what cmp is.
Then you have strn[...] functions which take a size and function the same as the others. So, those are also easy to remember.
I'm going to quiz you :PO
How? Also, how would I be able to edit the manifest and xml files and stuff..?
@Kurty The same way you edit source: open it in your editor.
8:10 PM
XML and manifest files are still text.
@nil mbtowc()
but it won't create it for you?
Well, let's see, 'mb' is multibyte
So, probably multibyte to wide char.
you are 1/1
8:12 PM
Man page just confirmed I am correct.
I won't waste your time with the standard libraries :P
Apparently also has an _l version for locales on OS X. Not sure if that's actually standard or not off the top of my head. Seems more like a BSD-ism.
but I know that I've started working on existing projects in C before and it takes forever to learn the function names that are there
compared to Java
for me at least
I work primarily in C, so frankly I have the advantage here anyway.
ah, cheater lol
8:14 PM
Python and JavaScript, period.
I also wrote my own manpage-searching plugin for Sublime Text 2, so I have very quick access to docs if I need 'em
javascript is too hipster
The plugin started off as a dick joke too. I'm proud of it.
I'm a bit of a hipster, nothing wrong with that.
C is rapidly turning into a hipster language now if Hacker News is anything to go by
8:15 PM
Everyone's going "C is amazing" all of sudden and I'm just going "you're all fucking insane."
I was about to say.
I mean sure, C has its place and is the only real choice for when you need performance but I wouldn't use it if I can use Python or JavaScript achieve my goal.
I use C because it's what I know and I like it, I do not use it because it's the best language. It's not. If you're going to start coding, you should probably just use C++.
It's far safer, the STL makes your life way better, and you've got more options for doing what you want.
now that I know how to avoid the obvious errors I'm starting to like C++
And if I could use Javascript for stuff, I would, but it's a no-go for the kind of things I do.
8:19 PM
Well, I'm not going anywhere near C or C++ anyway.
learning it on the fly right now but am going to buy a book for it soon
I still only use Python for Sublime plugins.
So.... in the end... any real alternative to eclipse ?
Any text editor you like.
What don't you like about Eclipse? For Java it is good.
8:21 PM
I feel it a bit bloated and slow
It's slow.
I'd like a lite alternative but keep autocomplete, formatting and stuff
I see, I only code on my desktop with an i5 so it doesn't affect me much
but yea the download size is ~100MB o_O
It's not about the size but the fundamental design. I mean it can't be good as it builds on top of Java ... a bad sign.
If the only thing slowing you down is your editor, thou must kill thine editor.
8:25 PM
I really hope my MBP arrives this Monday 'cause running Valgrind on a laptop with a dual core CPU and 4gb of RAM is just not working for me.
what is MBP?
Member of British Parliment
ah of course
Failed to allocate memory: 8

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
I so hate eclipse and android and everything
bloody thing
won't start the emulator
with 2 GB of free ram
8:43 PM
So can someone explain to me or teach me how to create Java and Android applications using Sublime and the Command Prompt (or whatever other options there are). For Android I know I need to use my phone but when I use Eclipse and the SDK, it automatically creates everything I need but how would I do it with a simple text editor?
Have you read the adb commands in the documents?
I don't even know what that is...
Yeah I don't really know a whole lot about computer programming or Java yet...
should read up on that a bit
to get a better idea
oh that... it's like a terminal or command line for Android right?
well it's just an executable that you call from the command line
8:47 PM
A: What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in?

jcollumOf the existing IDEs, Ted Neward ranks them this way: Best: IntelliJ IDEA Second: Netbeans Third: Eclipse He seems to think that Eclipse throws up a lot of "friction"; hard to say what that means.

I have lots to learn
pretty much everything under that workflow tab in the developers page will be helpful
I think my biggest annoyance with Eclipse is that if you hit Ctrl+F11 to run you program while you're editing one of your XML docs, it tries to do an XSLT transformation on it instead and creates a .out.xml document which corrupts your project, requiring you to delete that file (sometimes requiring an Eclipse restart) and then clean your project. It's frustrating as hell and I've tried every workaround I've been able to find to just disable it without luck.
@Atlos Alright, thanks for the advice.
9:22 PM
I would be really thankful if you could help me with this code,
Q: App Crashes-No Return From Webservice

Tanzeel AhmedSo i have developed this app that accesses the google maps on the device. after that it reads the corner cordinates (top left and bottom right) of the screen visible on the device and stores the values in variables xmin xmax ymin and ymax. now these values are passed to the web service, http://...

Bah humbug, blood donation rejected. Heart rate was too high.
9:41 PM
I'm unusually disappointed that I lost a chance to have my blood drained.
@TanzeelAhmed Just check if the arraylist is null beforehand
you are trying to access blah.get(0) when the size is 0
so it throws an indexoutofbounds exception

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