@Appu yes, i use this $serialliazedParams = addslashes(json_encode(array ($send_param))); to encode $arr_param[] = "<parameter name='$define_key'><![CDATA[$define_value]]></parameter>";
I have a file name add_course.jsp whose path is final/admin/course/add_course.jsp where final is the name of project..what will be the servlet path to access this file.
now i am using this but not working
if (servletPath.equals("/add_course.jsp")) { System.out.println("i am here"); return; }
basically i am using filters to ensure the security in my web application
hi all. I know that this question has been asked a million times before, but I think you are the best source for it. I'm trying to learn java by myself using The Java Tutorials on SUN's website. I'm sure it's a great place to start, but my problem with this site that it doesn't have much practice problems, which are crucial when studying something new. Can anybody recommend a good way of learning and exercising?
@JulienBreuil an NPE can e.g. come from any obvious null usage with a dot, any function call that throws an NPE or an unchecked unboxing to a primitive type
ok but if c isn't null, why the NPE is throw on the isselected call ? the only thing possible in this case is c ==null no? if the method was concerned, the stacktrace should mention it?
@JulienBreuil it should, indeed, assuming that it mentions the code block shown. so the third alternative would be to check whether c.isSelected returns boolean or Boolean
ok, hard to explain, it seems the stacktrace was one line missing and the NPE was depper btw now i have lot of problems that appears so Thank you guys, i have to work now :D